Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 184 The miraculous effect of blood nematodes (addition for 'leo627')

The three legends obviously understood something, and only Ren was confused.

He asked weakly: "What's the matter, is there something wrong with my meridians?"

Kanosha smiled and said, "It's not just a problem, your meridian toughness is now even below the upper limit of my detection."

Ren didn't understand, and didn't know what it meant, and said again: "Ah, is this good or bad?"

"Of course it's a good thing."

Kanosha glanced at Ren with a slightly complicated look, and explained with a smile: "Your current meridians are extremely strong, which means that your meridians can withstand several times of the same level of transcendence, or even more battle qi." quantity."

Ren was still confused, "Ah, is there any benefit to this?"

Bazel, who was on the side, saw his ignorance, and said angrily: "The advantage is that if you suppress your cultivation level every time you advance, until you can't stand it, then advance again. Then, in the end, when your realm is high-level and extraordinary After that, the amount of battle energy may be several times, dozens of times that of the same level!"

"The meridians are strong and there are benefits?!"

With this, Ren finally understood!

Generally speaking, when the Transcendent advances to a large level, the increase in fighting spirit is 3-5 times that of the previous level!

Assuming that the first-order [Awakened] battle qi unit limit is 100, it has reached the level of overflowing battle qi. Then advance to the second level, his vindictiveness limit may be in the range of 300-500.

Then advance to the third level, which is also an increase of 3-5 times.

And the first-order value of 100 is probably the limit that ordinary human meridians can bear. Even if the cultivation base is suppressed and the cultivation base is not advanced, the meridians can no longer absorb and bear more battle qi.

However, Ren's current meridian toughness can't even test the upper limit of a fifth-order powerhouse, which also means that he can accumulate more than 100 ordinary limits at the first order, and even reach 200, 300

If Renn has 200 vindictive energy, and then advances to the second level, then he will become a range of 600-1000, which will be twice that of the same level!

In the next three, four, and five steps.

This gap will increase geometrically, and theoretically it can reach several times, dozens of times that of the same level of transcendence.

However, the amount of battle qi is not only limited by the strength of the meridians, but also by other factors. Also because there is no reference case, the three legends dare not say what level Rennes will reach in the end.

But it must be many times thicker than the same level.

(Remarks: The comparison in this example is for the ideal conditions of the same potion, talent, and skill; there is no upper limit to the toughness of the meridian, and there are other factors that restrict the amount of battle energy, so it will not be infinite;)

"So, you guys should cultivate your battle qi now, and don't rush to advance. Until you feel that your body can't hold on, then advance to the third level [Demon Hunter]. Although this may affect a certain level of advancement speed, in the end you You will get a fighting spirit that is several times that of the extraordinary at the same level."

As Bazel spoke, he seemed to have taken a bite of a lemon, and bared his teeth: "Hey, I'm a little envious of you. If I hadn't advanced to the legendary level, I would be two hundred years younger, even at the risk of being sucked dry , I also plan to try your method.”

Kanosha said with a smile: "Even if there is a 'blood nematode', there will be no second 'Morasi King Flower' to absorb such a terrifying creature with huge vitality."

Mafa on the side was also full of relief, and rarely took the initiative to speak, "Little friend Ren, now that you have [Thunder Totem], your cultivation speed will not be slow. So, don't worry too much about the speed of superhuman advancement."

After a pause, a look of anticipation flashed in the eyes of the Great Witch Festival, and he said, "I'm really looking forward to how far you will grow in the future."

Speaking of this, Ren also roughly understood the benefits of strong meridians.

He also began to understand why those people in ancient times chose to use this method to introduce insects into their bodies.

Fighting energy is one of the most important factors that determine the strength of a transcendent. He can already foresee how much benefit his exaggerated fighting energy will bring him in the future.

Moreover, the more fighting spirit, the more prominent another advantage of Rennes.

That is the number of "gang lines"!

[Threading the needle] The amount of thread that can be condensed in the body is directly proportional to the amount of battle energy.

As far as the first-order [Awakened] is concerned, Ren's grudge is about the same as that of a superhuman who has advanced to ordinary gold potions. Probably the limit is to condense about ten Dou Qi Gang lines.

The second-level grudge is 3-5 times higher than the first-level, and the same is true for the number of gang lines.

But now, the amount of vindictiveness will be doubled, and the line will also rise.

He still remembered that it was stated in the ancient scroll of [Threading a Needle and Thread] that if one more line is divided in the sea of ​​qi, it can increase the recovery speed of vindictive energy by 1%, the speed of accumulation of genetic source power by 1%, and the amount of vindictive energy by an additional 1%;

Although he feels that the superposition of the two abnormal situations may lead to some inaccurate data. But the skyrocketing price will definitely skyrocket, and in the end it will be the difference of several times the increase!

Moreover, the more gang lines, the stronger the life-saving ability. Now coupled with the super physical toughness brought by this "devil self worm", it would be very difficult for him to die.

Moreover, from the current point of view, the mature body of this "devil worm" seems to have some undiscovered benefits.

The future seems bright.

Now that the topic of cultivating fighting spirit came up, Renn naturally thought of the [Totem of Thunder] on his body.

After all, the thing is the inheritance treasure of the Coleman clan. It is better to ask Mafa how to use this thing.

He was not polite, and asked: "Master Mafa, I have sacrificed [Thunder Totem] now, should there be any secret cultivation methods that need special attention?"

Mafa responded: "There is nothing to think about. This totem operates passively. As long as the person is alive, it will help you practice. However, with the totem, you can adapt to some more violent environments with thunder elements."

Ren heard that the totem seemed to enhance immunity to lightning.

Thinking of the environment of the thunder element, a rainy day with lightning and thunder immediately appeared in his mind.

He asked, "For example, can you induce lightning to practice?"

Hearing this statement, Mafa also laughed, and said: "Theoretically speaking, in a thunderstorm environment, the thunder element between heaven and earth is indeed the strongest, and the practice is also faster. But your current body can't bear the power of thunder and lightning at all. You If you want to try this dangerous method, at least wait until you are at the second level of [Hercules Demon God] and your physical body has become great."


Ren nodded.

Isn't the second stage of [Hercules Demon God] the "Shen Gang Realm"?

Thinking of this, he didn't know why, but suddenly he arrived at the agreement that a certain president had said about secret cultivation.

Huh. Not right.

In the temple before, she seemed to have said that she could ask her a question?

After the bonfire dinner, everyone should stand guard and sleep.

There were only four people in Rennes' campfire. Bazel went to sleep, and Mafa also went to pray with the tribal warriors in the distance.

Beside the fire, only Kanosha and Ren were left.

After escaping from the giant flower, there was no sense of crisis. As a professional businessman, Kanosha was naturally planning the construction of that new territory.

What Ren can think of, a professional businessman like Canossa can naturally think of.

Whether it's "magic crystals", relics, or frenzy of cultivation, she can foresee and even think of more.

It is also conceivable that the future "new city" will be a place full of wealth and miracles.

Therefore, she will look forward to it more and more.

And fighting side by side until now, Kanosha also has a deeper understanding of the Colemans. Before, she was worried that the Colemans would bring some instability to the business partnership, but now it seems that this assumption is not valid.

And she also understood that these Colemans planned to cooperate not because their "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" was strong, nor because the eldest princess was powerful, but because they trusted the little doctor Renn in front of them.

The two sat by the campfire and chatted without saying a word.

After she left Glory City, they talked about the big and small things that happened in the city, and they had a pleasant chat.

It was only then that Kanosha knew that the original connection between Ren and the Colemans was because they caught that barbarian chick on the mountain road when they went to Glory City.

"So. You actually learned Coleman after that time?"

"That's right. Didn't you say that you asked me to take care of her for ten days, and then if you didn't come back, you don't have to worry about it? It just so happens that I have a classic that needs to be translated in Monkel's ancient language, so I talked a little bit more."

"As a result, through this in-depth communication, you formed an extraordinary friendship with that High Priest Coleman named Udo?"


"Doctor Ren, do you really not plan to be the lord of the city? I think that if you don't become the lord of the city, I'm afraid your new territory will be in a lot of trouble."

"Where do you mean?"

Kanosha obviously foresaw something, but she didn't intend to say it, and smiled: "You will know when the time comes."

Ren raised his eyebrows, but didn't take it seriously.

Suddenly thought of something, and asked: "By the way, Mrs. Canossa, does what you said in the temple still count?"

"What words?"

Kanosha seemed to guess what Ren wanted to say, and the corners of her smiling brows were curved.

Ren said directly: "Help me satisfy that little regret?"

Canossa: "Oh, I remember."

Ren: "And then?"

Canossa: "I didn't say I would promise you."

Ryan: "."

Kanosha looked at Ren's faint expression, and said with a smile: "It's too sweet and you'll get tired of it. When your 'God-hard Realm' is complete, let's give the Secret Cultivator some freshness."

Because of the tide of corpses, they traveled for more than ten days instead of seven or eight days.

Finally, this day.

When Ren and his party arrived at the valley entrance outside the "Kalateva Basin", they saw a team of Coleman Warcraft knights who had been waiting for a long time.

After entering the basin, there were indeed many "earth dragons", alive, and skeletons crawling up from the soil. This gave Ryan a sense of déjà vu that he had broken into Jurassic Park.

There were many battles along the way, but fortunately the three legends were in the team, and there were no dangers along the way.

After walking for more than a day, they saw the wreckage of the mechanical city.

In fact, he had seen the description of Baron Morin before, and he roughly guessed that it was a mechanical wreck in the shape of an airship.

Looking at it now, it turned out to be more or less the same as he expected.

In a place in the basin near the foot of the "Alcoron Mountains", there are a pile of wreckage of steel buildings. The main body that was broken into two parts was about three kilometers long. It looks a bit like a huge, bloated submarine. But the shape is even more strange, not only the structure of the airbag + cabin, but also a lot of huge steam pipes and external structures that cannot be understood.

Perhaps it is more like a "steel giant whale", with many propellers and various jet devices outside the airbag, and the dark punk style is vivid

After thinking about it, Ren felt that it made sense. If he wanted such a huge steel monster to fly into the sky, it must not be just a simple power source for the airbags to float in the air. Those incomprehensible steam pipes are probably the real "core technology".

As a mechanical layman, he couldn't understand it, and he didn't read much.

To his surprise, this mechanical city built on the wreckage of the airship had already begun to take shape when they came.

And when he came here, Ren finally understood what Canossa said, if he didn't become the city lord, there might be some troubles, so where did he start.

Owe more X2! Let’s set up a monthly ticket plus change rule, this month’s 200 monthly pass plus one change, begging for a monthly pass like crazy!

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