Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 186 Mechanical Master and Grand Master

Kanosha was unfamiliar with the people here, so she followed Ren silently, observing everything in the base.

When she saw the "strangely shaped" mechanical wreckage with her own eyes, she finally believed that the "Flying Mechanical City" that Renn said was almost a fantasy before really existed.

Now that she saw this huge monster, she immediately realized that if this "new city" was built, it might surprise everyone in the future.

The overall structure of the wreck in front of us is not particularly damaged, and it may be repaired.

At that time, a mechanical city flying in the sky will definitely shock everyone's jaws. Even the [City of Destruction], which is known as the top-level technological machinery city in Omar, can't compare to it!

But she didn't guess that Toust didn't intend to fix it at all, but had other plans!

Moreover, Kanosha once again refreshed her assessment of the strength of the "indirect ally" of the Kallmans.

In addition to the top powerhouse, the Great Witch Ji Mafa, there are now two "legendary level" elders. Adding Bazel, there are four "legendary" masters present.

This is a top-level combat power that no city can possess.

Moreover, not only high-end combat power, but also mid-to-high-end combat power should not be underestimated.

She also discovered that the more than seven thousand Coleman fighters in front of her were all in their prime of life, at the peak of their integrity. Equipped with their respective monster mounts, 7,000 people are worth tens of thousands of the most elite Royal Guards of the two empires. Fighting in the wild may be even worse!

Kanosha also thought that the combat power of the eldest princess Ymir would definitely not be bad. At least she had heard that Baron Askpa, the "betrayer" [Storm General] of the First Royal Mechanical Legion of Omar, came to Alcoron with nearly 10,000 elite mechanical knights and the best equipment Here in the mountains.

The combination of these two forces is enough to gain a foothold no matter where it is!

A group of people entered the mechanical city, and Ren immediately felt the problem.

Obviously, the construction of a territory is not simply a matter of bringing everyone together.

The difference between the two civilizations will cause people on both sides to have an instinctive reaction of "exclusivity" in a short period of time. It is not a contradiction, but an objective factor. But if it is not handled properly, it will gradually become a hidden danger in the future.

The Eldest Princess Ymir arrived a little later than the Colemans, but tens of thousands of people came here in a mighty manner, including craftsmen, mechanical legions, and many talents in various aspects of the construction of the territory.

This is the direct descendant she selected from the enfeoffment of Emperor Aoma before.

Now, a row of people representing the eldest princess occupies half of the mechanical city. The Colemans and their Warcraft mounts accounted for the other half.

The two sides are clearly separated and do not communicate with each other.

The most obvious difference is housing!

Because the Machinery City is still under construction, all the houses in the city are temporarily built.

On the other hand, Omar's side is more civilized, and has brought a lot of disassembled steel structure board houses, and it is easy to build rows of standardized and beautiful houses.

As for the Coleman tribe, they were used to living in the forest, and they were not used to being confined in a small steel city for a while. Their houses are very simple, still made of stone, mud, and thatch

There is a hardcover room on one side and a straw shed on the other. The difference seems huge.

This is the difference between the civilizations of the two eras.

The people who came to the imperial capital of Omar didn't know the Colemans. In their impression, the guys in animal skins were uncivilized "barbarians", and there was no room for communication.

And the Colemans didn't trust the guys in front of them who obviously had strange emotions towards them.

And because of the language barrier, the feeling of "exclusivity" is getting more and more.

If it weren't for the dangerous living environment, they had to unite and join the city defense together.

If it wasn't for what Rennes had explained before.

If it weren't for Ymir and the two elders to mediate

It is estimated that the two forces have already fought.

The Kallmans can trust Rennes, but they can't trust those in Ymir.

Similarly, Ymir trusted Ren, but he didn't know people like Coleman at all, and he didn't dare to be too careless.

The Omar people understand that it is absolutely impossible for them alone to gain a foothold in this high-level "earth dragon" basin; and the Coleman people also know that without the Mech City and those large-caliber artillery, their flesh and blood will definitely block it. Can't stop the Kuroshio and Warcraft siege.

Therefore, the two parties have gotten along with each other until now in a state of embarrassment and having to cooperate.

The elders are not suitable for negotiating with Ren in person.

In addition to seniority, but also because they don't know anything about territory construction, it is unnecessary to ask for advice. Even if they don't mind, Ren can't afford it.

Therefore, Udo, the personal secretary, has always been communicating with Ren.

While walking, Udo introduced everyone's recent situation.

"What the clansmen and the elders mean is that everyone can trust you, but they can't trust the princess of Omar. If she is the lord, we Coleman warriors will never let outsiders rule us...; but if it is Lei Doctor En, you are the lord, we think it’s okay. So, this is roughly the situation.”

Udo introduced the general situation, and Ren finally understood what the trouble Kanosha was talking about before.

Even though, they didn't intend to build a private domain originally.

But the problem of unity and integration will still exist for a long time.

Thinking about it, he asked Kanosha beside him: "Ma'am, is this the question you mentioned?"

Although Canossa couldn't understand Coleman, she guessed what happened, and said, "Yes, one of them. But if this problem is solved, many other problems will be solved."

Ren himself had a headache with this problem. He couldn't think of a good solution to make everyone get along well. He asked again: "Since you have foreseen this problem, madam, is there a good way to deal with this situation?"

Kanosha raised her eyebrows and said, "It's easy, that's when you become the city lord."

Without waiting for Ren to say anything.

She spoke surprisingly again, and said: "Then, if you marry that eldest princess again, all problems will be settled."

After a pause, she said again: "Oh! It's best to marry a girl from the Coleman tribe, so whether it's from the lineage of the eldest princess or the Coleman tribe, the relationship will quickly become harmonious."


Hearing this, Ren glanced at her, his forehead twitched suddenly, and then he showed a dumbfounding expression, "Madam, are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious."

Kanosha said seriously: "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes. Let me tell you. Since ancient times, marriage has been the best way to solve the contradictions of civilization integration, there is no one!"

Listening to this unrealistic proposal, Ren rubbed his brows and complained: "Then the covenant between me and your 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce' should be strengthened. Do you want to marry one too?"

Kanosha blinked, with a playful smile in her eyes, and asked: "The president of the 'Black Gold Chamber of Commerce' is an only daughter, do you really want to marry her?"


Ren didn't respond to her, and he might be teased again.

But at this time, the sarcasm on Kanosha's face disappeared, and a serious look emerged, saying: "Besides, our covenant is based on you being the lord. Therefore, I also think it is the best choice for you to be the lord."

There is no private lord in this city, as stated in the contract.

Ren felt a slight headache.

At this time, inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of a compromise, "Hey, I seem to have thought of a solution."

When the territory was first established, everything was difficult.

Obviously, in the current situation, Her Royal Highness the eldest princess is also very troubled.

Her philosophy is equality and tolerance. If she chooses to eliminate these factors because she can't live in harmony for the time being, this is definitely at odds with her philosophy.

Besides, she had to admit that the Colemans were born fighters. Without the desperate fighting of the warriors and the ability of the priests to communicate with nature, the new city could not have been established in the "Kalateva Basin".

Ymir also knows that the root of the current predicament lies in the bond of Ren.

It just so happens that she also wants to take the "Machine Master" Pierre Grandmaster she brought from the Imperial Capital of Omar to talk to Rennes about the design and planning of the Mechanic City.

Because it is written in the contract that the ownership of Machinery City is half of one side.

Therefore, the simple Colemans also helped Ryan "occupy" his half.

It is impossible to force the Colemans to give up half of the occupied mechanical city, and Ymir will not do things that affect unity;

But if it continues like this, it will definitely delay the construction progress of the Machinery City.

Moreover, even if she is the eldest princess, she has to take care of some of Grandmaster Pierre's feelings.

This is the top talent in the mechanical field, and he is treated like a high-ranking noble wherever he is.

He can risk his life without being rich and honor, and follow her to build a new territory in this poor place, which is already enough to be loyal to their Spgreen royal family.

Now Grandmaster Pierre heard that his "ally" came, and came to talk about this issue again. Ymir thought, and it just happened to be solved together.

The majestic eldest princess will naturally not condescend to greet anyone outside the city in person.

But as an ally, it is just right to "encounter" in the city.

No, the eldest princess Ymir was inspecting the construction of the Mechanic City with Grandmaster Pierre and a group of mechanics, and happened to “meet” Ren who came for the same purpose with Tust and his grandson.

Ren looked at the eldest princess who hadn't seen him for a long time, and said hello, "Long time no see, Your Highness the eldest princess."

Do as the Romans do when you enter the countryside, and give a hand-kissing ceremony.

Ymir stretched out his slender hand naturally, with a slight smile on his face: "Mr. Ren, long time no see."

In her own territory, she did not wear a mask.

Therefore, everyone on the side naturally saw a smile on Ymir's face that had been frozen for thousands of years, and they were a little surprised.

They have long heard that Her Royal Highness has a very special ally, and the person in charge of those Colemans seems to be a guy named "Ren Hermes".

They once guessed that it would be a calm middle-aged man, or an old man.

But they were also a little surprised to see the young man in front of them, who was somewhat beyond expectations, Ren.

What's more surprising is that the eldest princess' attitude towards him seems to be that the friendship between the two is not easy!

Ymir said again: "Mr. Ren, there has been such a commotion outside, and seeing you return safely is the best news I have heard recently."

Ren: "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. Thanks to Your Highness for the construction of the Mechanic City, otherwise [the Kuroshio] would come, and we wouldn't even have a place to stay, and everything would be in vain."

In front of everyone, the two of them did not reminisce about the old days, and exchanged a few words in a business-like manner.

And then, Renn was about to talk about the business, but Ymir apologized a little, and said first: "Although you should have a good rest after returning from a long journey, I happened to encounter some territory construction matters, and I want to discuss it with you."


When Ren heard it, he waited for the next sentence.

Ymir said: "Now the west of the Alcoron Mountains is affected by the [Black Current], and the living environment has become very harsh, but it is also an excellent opportunity for our territory."

Obviously, what Ren can think of, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess can also think of.

But if you want to develop, city construction is the first step.

At this time, she continued: "Recently, there have been large-scale hordes of corpses and monsters invading the base almost every day. Therefore, in order not to let our efforts fail, I would like to discuss with you about speeding up the construction plan of the mechanical city." , let it work as soon as possible. Only in this way will we have a certain degree of self-protection in the event of a major crisis in the future."

Hearing this, Ren suddenly realized that the two wanted to go together, and nodded: "Well, I thought so too."

As he spoke, he looked at the people following Ymir.

Omar's official mechanics like to bring some monocles, which are gentlemanly and practical. It will also be equipped with some auxiliary mechanical arms and wear a mechanic robe with many pockets.

Just like the white coat of the doctor profession, it is highly recognizable.

Obviously, the people in front of them are all mechanics.

Judging by that proud demeanor, the professional level is probably not low.

Ymir has already brought up the topic, so there is no need for her to say next, "I don't know much about the mechanical field, so let the professionals talk about it."

As she spoke, she solemnly introduced an old man with a goatee behind her, and said, "This is the honorary elder of the Mechanics Association, Mr. Pierre, the 'Master of Mechanics'."

Ren listened to the introduction and asked politely, "Master Pierre, hello."

The master nodded, without much contempt for Ryan because he was young, "Hello, Mr. Ryan."

After a pause, Pierre was not polite, and said directly: "I also understand the covenant between you and Her Royal Highness the Princess. But now there is another matter that urgently needs Mr. Ren to help us solve it."

Ren vaguely guessed something, "I would like to hear more about it."

Pierre also spoke very politely, "I have some experience with the design of the mechanical city. Therefore, I plan to repair the wreckage of this mechanical airship. Maybe it can fly again. However, this process requires you and those Colman cooperation. I need it."

He made it clear what he came for, and tactfully told the "laymen" not to join in blindly, and let the machine city come out.

Out of politeness and unity, Ren paid enough respect to the mechanical master and listened quietly.

"Thank you, Grandmaster Pierre. Without your hard work, this base would not have been built so quickly."

After a pause, Ren said: "That Grandmaster Pierre, I don't mean to offend. I actually made arrangements for this mechanical city."

He said, looked at the crowd, and gestured to Ymir,

Then he also solemnly introduced Mr. Tuster beside him, saying: "This is Mr. Tuster Fuentes. The Grand Master of Mechanics!"

For the first time, he pushed this top tycoon in the mechanical field who was hidden in the city to the world.

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