Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 187 Speak with Strength

"Machine Master?"

Hearing what Ryan said, everyone had shocked expressions on their faces, but most of them thought it was absurd.

Especially those few mechanics, with ugly expressions of being humiliated.

I said it was a grand master, so why don't you come to a grand master?

Oh how is it possible!

There are a total of three mechanical masters in the current world, and they are all still in their Royal Academy of Omar. Now an old man who seems to be able to repair simple machines randomly appears in the countryside. Do you think he is a self-proclaimed master of machinery?

Ymir looked at Ren, with a slightly strange expression on his face.

She has been in the imperial capital all year round, so she naturally knows that there are three great mechanical masters in this world, but there is absolutely no such old man named "Tuster Fuentes" in front of her.

Moreover, mechanics is a field that pays great attention to system inheritance.

It can be said that apart from the "Omar Royal Academy of Sciences", it is impossible for any force to train high-level mechanical talents.

For a mechanical apprentice to become a mechanical master, he needs more than talent and money. It is also necessary to systematically learn the huge basic knowledge of machinery and the most advanced scientific research environment.

And all of these, looking at all the forces of the two empires, can only be provided by the Royal Academy of Sciences of Omar.

Therefore, apart from taking the path of the academy, it is impossible to train a top scientist like a "Master of Mechanics" by other means!

What's more, the Mechanics Association has not yet certified, so where does this great master come from?

But Ymir is well aware of Ren's character, and will never do anything reckless.

Since he would say that, he must have his reasons.

It was because of this that she was very confused and could only ask: "That Mr. Ren, do you want to invite this Mr. Tuster to participate in the design of the mechanical city?"

Ren nodded, looked at Ymir and said solemnly: "I can guarantee that Grandpa Toust's mechanical technology will never let anyone down."

He didn't talk too much, after all, they are all talents in the territory in the future, and he has to take care of the feelings of these mechanics in front of him.

To be more direct, Mr. Tuster is the most powerful mechanic in the world, bar none!

Renn introduced him as a "Machine Master", which is all modest.

Senior mechanics are proud.

Thirty years of physical and mental torture, and little communication with others, the old man's temper is naturally a little different from ordinary people.

Especially for a "mechanical legend" like Toust, who can disdain the entire mechanical field based on his ability, he feels very uncomfortable being stared up and down with that kind of questioning gaze.

At this time, without waiting for others to question him, he said directly: "Boy Ren, I know you said this to put money on my face. But don't introduce those false names, the old man hasn't fallen to the point where he needs a name." Time to prove yourself."

After a pause, he made no secret of his contempt for the enemy, and said: "What's more, a guy like Brendan has become a 'grand master', and the old man doesn't bother to be listed with him!"

When Ren heard it, he didn't feel anything.

That's okay, anyway, the name is all false.

Whether the mechanic is good or bad, he has to show his skills in the end.

But other people didn't know the old story of Mr. Toust. As soon as his "arrogant" words came out, the pot was immediately blown up.

Brendan de Molay, the president of the Royal Academy of Omar, one of the three great masters in the world, has peaches and plums all over the world.

Hearing this, Grandmaster Pierre's face became very ugly, no matter how well-mannered he was, he couldn't help it.

Although he is not from Brendan's line of inheritance, that person can be regarded as his elder teacher.

And the young mechanics behind him couldn't hold back, and shouted angrily: "You dare to insult Dean Morley!"

No matter who it is, listening to a stranger arrogantly insulting the head of the academy, the "lighthouse", "legend", and "idol" in the minds of their mechanics will definitely be furious.

This feeling is like a group of prestigious school students from an international metropolis going to a remote mountainous area to do research. Then a local old man who can repair bicycles came out and said that the dean of your college is trying to gain fame, and I am the "real technology".

Whoever it is, will definitely think that the old man must be crazy!

Each of the mechanics seemed to have been greatly humiliated, their faces were flushed, and they were not polite.

They risked their lives to come here to build the territory, all for the sake of the Aoma royal family and the eldest princess.

Otherwise, even if they are small nobles from poor families, with this ability, they can do well anywhere!

Now, not to mention that some barbarians who were still in the slash-and-burn period occupied the Machinery City, and another crazy old man who casually dismissed their dean came!

Those young mechanical apprentices couldn't bear it anymore.

A senior mechanic looked at Pierre and suggested angrily: "Teacher, I don't think there is any need to discuss it. They obviously want to humiliate us by saying this. Since they don't want us to design the mechanical city, let them Do it yourself! Hehe, I would like to see what kind of tricks the so-called master of mechanics can come up with!"

Another young mechanic also said: "Hmph! This kind of flying machine city is a mechanical technology that has never been seen in this world. Even the teacher, you said that many designs are beyond your understanding. If they want to make trouble, let them do it Right. It must be rotten in the hands in the end!"


Pierre also frowned and remained silent.

He is a master of machinery, so he doesn't understand, if this machinery city is split in half, many designs will be even more inexplicable.

But he has been in the circle of the imperial capital all year round, and he is used to all kinds of intrigues in the officialdom, and intrigues for profit.

Now it seems that the eldest princess' ally is planning to "struggle for power".

Ymir didn't expect things to come to this point.

Originally, she thought, this shouldn't be a problem at all.

In the field of mechanics, those who are good at it come first, and whoever is good will win

Almost all the mechanics in the camp were students of Grandmaster Pierre, who could be more qualified than him?

But now, Renn has found an old man. It seems that he also wants to earn the right to design this mechanical city.

Allies on one side and subordinates on the other.

This is very embarrassing.

Ren saw that everyone must have misunderstood something, so he wanted to unravel this, and explained: "Your Highness Ymir, Grandpa Toust's words do not mean any offense. He is somewhat different from Dean Morley of the Royal Academy." Personal grievances, so."

Whether it is from the perspective of the elders or the relationship between camp allies, Ren feels that it is his duty to clear up the grievances of Mr. Toust.

When Ymir heard this, the old man in front of him actually knew Dean Morai, but he felt incredible: "Huh?"

Toust originally thought that he would go into the coffin with the hatred of being ruined and ruined. Now that his body has recovered, the resentment will naturally become stronger and stronger.

He didn't want Ren to speak for him.

What's more, when he saw these young mechanics defending the enemy, he became angry, and said directly: "Thirty years ago, the 'plagiarism scandal' that was raging at the Royal Academy of Sciences in Orma, I don't know if anyone has heard of it. ?”

After a pause, the old man said again: "A young teaching assistant of the college reported that Brendan de Molay, who was then the dean of the branch, copied hundreds of patented technologies from him. In the end, the teaching assistant was treated as a false accusation, and his family was ruined."

When the incident happened, Ymir was not yet born, so she had no impression of this "scandal" at all.

But when he heard it, he also vaguely guessed that there must be something hidden in the matter.

Naturally, those young mechanics had never heard of the "scandal" of thirty years ago.

But now, everyone can tell that the old man in front of him is probably the "teaching assistant" in the story.

But if there is another hidden story, doesn't it mean that the sacred Dean Morley in their hearts is a person who relied on plagiarism and insidious means to suppress his peers? !

This is simply impossible!

The bright and stalwart Dean Morley will not be that kind of despicable person!

Hearing this, those young mechanics were completely enraged.

It's fine for you, an old man, to be arrogant and conceited, but now you still insult our dean?

They all blushed, and in order to protect the reputation of the dean, they exploded in an instant!

"Impossible! You have to insult Dean Morley's innocence!"

"Hmph! Don't tell me where you heard the story. A small teaching assistant is qualified to let Dean Morley steal his technology? Isn't it ridiculous!"

"A story full of loopholes, really shameless!"


Indeed, the story sounds absurd.

It is unreasonable to steal hundreds of technologies and apply for patents.

Because a very important link is missing, that is, the woman Toust loved.

On the other hand, that Grandmaster Pierre remembered something, looked at Toust, a little uncertain, and thought to himself: "I remember, there was indeed such an incident at that time. I was still studying in the lower class of the academy at that time."

But the official made a judgment on the matter, how could it sound like there is another version?

He was not in a hurry to express his opinion. After all, one side was the ally of the eldest princess, and the other side was Dean Morai.

Speaking of this, the tempers of those young mechanics were also ignited, no matter how rude they were.

"Hehe, you also said that you are a mechanic, and that Dean Morley stole your technology. Do you understand this kind of high-end mechanical city?"

"Teacher, we don't need to talk nonsense with this kind of person!"

"If he's really a mechanic, we'd be ashamed to be with him!"


Ren heard that he wanted to explain a few words for the old man, but he thought that this matter could not be explained clearly by words.

Toust on the side was expressionless, as if he had expected it.

Back then, under the guidance of those people, he couldn't argue with a hundred words.

He is an unknown person, facing the son of a high-ranking dean, no one will believe any of his words.

Just like these young people in front of him, those people in the past also regarded him as a clown who wanted to step on the fame of the world-renowned Dean Morley and grandstanding.

At this time, a mechanical apprentice was not polite, and said: "Huh, I watched him secretly dismantle some 'steam balls' on the mechanical city before. Your Royal Highness, we can temporarily stop working on the half of the mechanical city." , but that thing is the key to the operation of the mechanical city, if it is damaged, the mechanical city may be scrapped."

"Yeah, that's the super-order core component that the teacher said that I can't understand for the time being."


At this statement, all the mechanics were filled with righteous indignation.

After insulting the dean first, and now desecrating steam technology, a group of young mechanics suddenly felt that the old man who called himself a "grand master" looked disgusting.

Even Ren, they felt that he was not worthy to be an ally of His Royal Highness the Princess!

"Everyone stop talking."

But at this time, that Grandmaster Pierre stood up and stopped the discussion of the disciples.

Although he felt that the matter was a bit absurd, he was more concerned about the technology and spoke more politely: "This old gentleman, if you are a mechanic, you must know that the 'steam ball' is an important power component of this mechanical airship. I think When you unmount it, you must want to study its function. But I also implore you not to dismantle it at will and destroy its original mechanism. After all, it is a super-level technology that cannot be restored by the current level of machinery.”

Private affairs are private affairs, and public affairs are public affairs, which cannot be confused.

What's more, for mechanics, nothing is more important than protection technology.

After a pause, Pierre persuaded again: "Everyone wants to build the territory well."

In his view, although the construction of the other half of the mechanical city may be stagnant for the time being, in the end, the heavy responsibility will still fall on them. It is more important than anything else that the equipment on the mechanical city can be well preserved.


Toust listened, kept silent and said nothing, sighed and shook his head slightly. He also understands that any words that come out of his mouth at this moment will become pale and weak.

And just at this time, the man hadn't finished speaking when suddenly the siren sounded throughout the base.

"B-level corpse tide, combatants fight on the city wall!"

"B-level corpse tide, there are high-level living corpses, artillery is ready!"

"Not good! There is a giant earth dragon living corpse, and the high-level extraordinary is about to go out of the city and behead it. Don't let it get close to destroying the city wall!"

"A-level corpse tide! It's A-level! Everyone is ready to fight!"


Everyone's expressions changed when they heard the broadcast, but they got used to it in an instant.

Recently, monsters attacked the city almost every night, either earth dragons or corpse waves.

However, the "level A corpse wave" is a serious event that may endanger the destruction of the territory.

Ymir frowned when he heard that, he didn't dare to delay, and motioned to everyone: "Let's talk about this tomorrow."

After a pause, she said to Ren again: "I'll go to the city wall to check the situation first."

Ren nodded, "Yeah."

After finishing speaking, Ymir did not leave the water at all, turned and left, and quickly walked up the wall.

And the group of mechanics behind him, although they were full of anger, heard what the eldest princess said, but turned around and left without saying anything.

After the people left, Toust laughed at himself.

After finally convincing myself to stand up, I didn't want this skill to be buried in the coffin, but I didn't want to.

"Hehehe sure enough, no matter what I say, no one will believe it."

The old man looked sad, muttering something to himself. The "false accusation" scene 30 years ago is vivid in my mind, and the grievances of the past are all stuck in my chest.


Ren wanted to say a few words of relief, but was stopped by the old man shaking his head.

Thirty years of grievances have made his temper very withdrawn and weird.

At this time, Toust's turbid eyes suddenly shot out a stern light, almost ferocious, "Steam ball? Do these guys understand how it works!"

In the next moment, a mechanical armor with six-armed antlers crashed to the ground.

"Tear!" There was a sound of the brocade robe being split.

The eight-armed mechanical arm shining with cold light behind Master Toust tore the wide mechanic robe, revealing its hideous eight-clawed shape.

The old man's 30-year resentment turned into anger, and he erupted in an instant: "In that case, let me see, what is worse than Brendan de Molay, a bad old man like me!"

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