Extraordinary Mechanical City

188 Chapter 188 One man guards the gate

"What it is!"

The battle armor fell to the ground, and there was a lot of movement.

The mechanics who hadn't gone far before turned around when they heard the noise.

The more professional you look at this six-armed mecha, the more you will understand the level of technical content in it.

When they saw the flexible octopus mechanical arm on the back of Mr. Toust, they had already guessed that the level of this unattractive old man was probably far beyond their imagination.

Where did Grandmaster Pierre's eyes freeze, as if seeing a ghost in daylight, he murmured: "Eight-cylinder miniature steam boiler? How is this possible?"

The most advanced individual mechanical boiler in the Omar Empire military is only four cylinders. The six cylinders are still only in existence and in the laboratory stage. The armor in front of me is actually an eight cylinder?

Professionals don't have to doubt the number of exhaust pipes they see, because unless the armor is paper, otherwise, it is impossible to drive such a huge monster, even the six-cylinder boiler in the laboratory of the Royal Academy of Sciences!

All the mechanics, apart from being shocked, didn't have any other expressions.

The golden antler helmet was slowly opened, Mr. Toust looked at Ren, and sighed: "Boy Ren, this is causing you trouble."

He said, apologizing slightly: "At first I thought that after thirty years, everything should be let go. But watching those guys defend Brendan, I still couldn't hold back my temper."

Apart from wanting to see this "mechanical airship", the most important reason for agreeing to come this time is to help Ren.

Thirty years of torture, I have tasted all the cold and warm things in the world, and I didn't want to prove anything in front of others. So the old man was belittled before, and he didn't intend to argue with others. But when he talked about the enemy who ruined his family, he touched the devil in his heart, and the resentment finally burst out.

But he also felt that doing so might affect the friendship between Ren and the eldest princess, which made the old man feel guilty.

Ren shook his head and said, "No, Grandpa Toust, you just let it go. No matter what happens, I will support you."


Hearing this, Toust laughed, and he naturally knew that Ren could understand him.

But it always causes trouble to people, and the old man feels sorry for not doing his best.

During this period of time, although he was not allowed to participate in the manufacturing of the Machinery City, he was not idle.

As for the "secretly dismantling the steam ball" that was said just now? Nature is for research.

"Just right, the old man also wants to show you how amazing this treasure you found is."

When Toust mentioned the machine, his eyes instantly became bright, and he said a little excitedly: "In order to understand the function of those 'steam balls', I just tried this armor. I found that this steam ball , the pressure it can withstand is roughly similar to the active power boiler of the 'ghoul-level' mechanical city, tsk tsk, only with such super power can it be possible to push the mechanical city to the sky!"

When Ren heard it, he instinctively exclaimed: "So powerful?"

He looked at the black iron lump about half a meter in diameter, and he couldn't believe it.

It's just such an iron ball, but the power provided can be compared to a "ghoul-level steam boiler" with a volume of hundreds of cubic meters? !

"Yes! Don't look at the ugly appearance of the iron ball. The super-level technology contained in it is simply not comparable to our current pressure-bearing devices."

Mr. Toust didn’t explain much, the eight robotic arms quickly climbed up the operating cabin, and then snapped into the operating slot with a crisp sound, and said: “I’ll show you, and you’ll understand what it is. How amazing!"

The six-armed mecha boiler started, and then made a squatting movement to accumulate power.

Suddenly, there was a pressure burst of "bang".

Then, a shocking scene appeared!

Ren only felt a strong wind in front of his eyes, and a gust of super-pressure true energy piercing his bones made him unstable.

In the blink of an eye, the six-armed battle armor in front of him was gone!


"in the sky!"

Ren looked at the depression blown out on the ground, his pupils shrank suddenly, and then he looked up, and he saw that the six-armed armor really jumped up, jumped over the city wall tens of meters high, and flew out!

"Fuck, how awesome is that?!"

Ren couldn't help but swear in his heart.

He is one of the few people in the world who has seen this "Big Muscle Deer God Battle Armor". He still remembers the scene of the old man manipulating this battle armor in the "Plague Base" to kill all directions in the beast tide.

But... the battle armor back then was not so powerful.

Even if the old man's mech had the eight-cylinder miniature boiler before, it was enough for this heavy armor to dodge flexibly, and even running seemed a bit clumsy.

But now, what do you see?

Leap a thousand meters and fly tens of meters into the air!

How much power is needed to push such a big iron lump?

"The steam ball is really so strong?"

Ren was so shocked that he couldn't speak. Without any delay, he jumped onto the city wall directly, wanting to see how powerful the old man's improved armor is!

At night, both monsters and corpses are the most active.

At this moment, another group of living corpses came from outside the city.

This "Kalateva Basin" is originally a paradise for all kinds of sub-dragons and large monsters, and this tidal wave of "living corpse dragons" makes people feel like they have entered a museum of dinosaur skeletons.

Ankylosaurus, Bagadasaurus, Stegosaurus, Allosaurus Triceratops, Aeolian Pterosaur, Erdmonton, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Apatosaurus, Poseidon, Argentinosaurus.

Ren can almost name all skeleton dragons. Although they are bigger, their appearance is roughly the same as in memory.

Among the legions of dinosaur corpses that are generally several meters to tens of meters high, several carrion dragons with a height of hundreds of meters can be seen impressively.

This kind of huge monster can easily step into the city wall of the mechanical city, and if they are not sniped outside the city, they will cause large-scale damage to the buildings in the city.

In addition to judging by rank, the combat effectiveness of general Warcraft is judged by body size!

The bigger the body, the stronger the absolute strength, the thicker the blood and the higher the defense, the stronger the combat power.

This is also the reason why Ren was worried that establishing a territory in this basin would lead to catastrophe. Dinosaurs are generally much larger than monsters of the same level!

For the general mechanical city walls, this is a huge trouble.

"Level 1 ultra-long-range artillery! Salvo!"

"Secondary Artillery, ready to fire"


There are hundreds of cannons of various calibers on the city wall, and the artillerymen listened to the order and started firing salvos one after another.

Recently, everyone has become accustomed to monsters coming to attack the city at night. Each of them performed their duties, and the cooperation became more and more tacit.

The gunners on the city wall are almost all the elite royal mechanics brought by [Storm General] Baron, and they are well-trained.

It has to be said that artillery is the best weapon to fight against the tide of corpses. One round of artillery will result in large pieces of broken bones.

However, the power of a cannon is inversely proportional to the firing frequency. The more destructive a cannon, the longer the firing interval. For high-level zombies, small-caliber artillery has limited damage.

Even if they fired alternately in groups, a small number of monsters rushed past the coverage of the shells and rushed towards the city wall.

However, everyone has responded as usual.

"'Beheading Squad' and 'Harvesting Squad' are ready to leave the city!"

Seeing this scene, no one said much, the high-ranking Chaofan under the eldest princess had already put on the armor and was ready to go.

Although there was not much communication, Coleman's fighters not far away also rode the beast mounts.

As soon as the city gate is opened, they will rush out of the city and stop those who escaped the coverage of the artillery.

And just after this round of artillery, everyone suddenly heard a burst of "chichi" steam gushing in their ears.

Those high-level transcendents were even more keenly aware of something, and when they looked up, they immediately froze.

In the dumbfounded eyes of everyone, a black figure crossed over the top of the head, and landed steadily outside the city gate with a bang.

At this moment, the mechanic army brought by Ymir on the city wall was stunned.

"what is that?!"

"It seems to be a mechanical armor."

"Ah? When did we have this kind of armor?"

"not ours"

"It seemed to fly over our heads just now?"

"Although I don't think it's possible, my eyes tell me that it did fly over."


The Royal Mechanics is the most elite mechanical cavalry regiment in Omar, and the equipment they use is the most advanced existence in the military!

The mechanical city equipment is also the strength they are most proud of.

But at this moment, everyone found out in embarrassment that the six-armed mecha did not belong to their side. Moreover, it looks like it has a higher level of technology than the set of luxurious mechanical equipment on them!

At this moment, Ymir looked at Ren who jumped onto the city wall and stood beside him, and obviously understood something.

She suddenly realized that the previous conversation was probably true.

Mechanical master?

It's incredible.

Ymir showed a slight strangeness on his face, and asked, "Doctor Ren, what is this?"

Ren's eyes were shining brightly, and he introduced: "This is Grandpa Toust's personal battle armor 'Big Muscle Balu God'."

After all, mechanics still have to use technology to speak.

Before he could explain further, at this moment, the first wave of rotting corpses had rushed not far from the city gate.

The six-armed mecha controlled by Mr. Toust holds a giant shield in one hand and a giant double-edged sword in the other.

However, before he could make a move, the two sixteen-round alchemy muskets on his shoulders shot out long arcs of light, like a whip, and ruthlessly lashed towards the surging tide of corpses.

Then, there is no more.

The light whip swept across the tide of corpses directly, and wherever it passed, bone dust and flesh and blood splashed all over the sky. Not just penetrating injuries, but range explosion injuries. Just beat those "unbeatable" living corpses to pieces

Seeing this scene, the eyes of everyone on the city wall were fixed there.

As if time freezes.

Everyone could clearly hear the sound of "Gulu" and "Gulu" swallowing their saliva.

The power of this thing is still in the category of muskets?

Although the ballistic link became a "light whip", the rattling sound of the bullets still did not escape everyone's ears.

Then, they watched the wave of corpses in front of them be wiped out after the shuttle bullets.

Although this was not the first time he had seen the old man's Vulcan cannon, Renn also felt extremely shocked.

At this time, he also became a qualified commentator, and re-introduced what Carl gave him to popularize science at the beginning: "That is [Sixteen-round Vulcan Cannon], and the bullet is also the unique alchemy bullet of Grandpa Tuster [ Phosphorus-enriched element bullet].”

The people on the city wall were silent after hearing this, and they showed no expression other than shock.

Da, da, da, da, da!

At this time, the bullets in the ammunition boxes were emptied, and the gunfire stopped abruptly.

At this time, a nimble "little raccoon mecha" ran over and helped the six-armed giant replace the ammunition box.

Ren introduced again: "The one who helped load the ammunition is Mr. Toust's grandson, Carl. He is also a very powerful mechanic. The mecha on his body is called 'Little Raccoon'."

At this time, the gate of the city was already opened, and behind the six-armed mecha, thousands of Coleman Warcraft Knights and Royal Mechanical Knights rushed out and stood there in a daze.

It was this steel monster that stood in front of them and "robbed" their jobs.

How can these "city people" from the imperial capital of Oma fail to understand?

Not to mention the six-armed antler mecha, which looks like the Iron God of War, even the little raccoon mecha in front of them looks much more advanced than the most advanced mecha on them.

After all, the Omar Empire is at the forefront of steam technology. Didn't any weird technology on the market come from there?

But now, they themselves feel like a "frog at the bottom of a well".

Civilian equipment is actually more high-end than their military equipment?

How can it be?

The tide of corpses in the distance continued to rush towards the city.

After a few rounds of artillery, the only ones that could rush out of the city gate were those giants whose bodies could resist the artillery.

At this time, the six-armed antler mech also put away its musket, and the four free mechanical arms slowly drew out the four black long knives on the back.

Then, another gust of white steam spewed from its back, and the tall steel body rushed forward!

PS. Don't worry about why Toust didn't show up in front of others before, so he deliberately waited for the protagonist to forcefully pretend to be B? I have repeatedly emphasized that the family is destroyed! withdrawn! I don't want to talk to others, I only want to help Ren! It’s not bad if you change someone else without retaliating against the society. Don’t substitute normal people’s thinking, okay? What kind of suffering has never experienced this kind of experience, and someone will be slapped in the face immediately because of a few words from someone BB? This outbreak is also because of talking about enemies. He also said that the eldest princess should know all the information. How many people survived the plague base who have seen mechs? Where does the information come from? Even if the living know it, who has been incognito for thirty years, who knows who is behind the mecha?

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