Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 189 Above the clouds

Those five-tier behemoths that are nearly 100 meters high are the real siege weapons.

A single bone is as thick as a water tank, not to mention whether it can be broken by beating or not, even if it is broken, they will not die. They are not afraid of pain, not afraid of life and death, and they will not die endlessly. This is the most troublesome thing.

Moreover, these high-level living corpses, like high-level extraordinary people, are covered with a thick layer of magic armor.

Dealing with living corpses is even more difficult than dealing with them alive.

They have no vitality and blood, and they can only be considered completely dead if they smash the hardest skulls and take out the "magic crystal".

Before this, it would be possible to kill such a tricky existence with at least seven or eight fourth- and fifth-level high-level extraordinary cooperation, and the risk of casualties for one's own side was not small.

Because the attacks of these high-level "earth dragon living corpses" are also extremely deadly to high-level supernatural beings.

Not just bite and bump.

Those earth dragons were originally monsters before they were alive, and they could also breathe spells such as flames, frost, and wind blades. Although they can't spray elemental spells after they die, they can still spray some strong corrosive black flames like concentrated acid

Burns and corrodes double spell damage.

Often, one bite is like taking a bath in magma, and the low-level transcendent will be burned to ashes in an instant. Even if it is a high level, the fighting spirit armor will be rapidly corroded and burnt through, which poses a great threat.

But now, the six-armed steel giant rushed straight into the tide of corpses without hesitation, like a sharp knife, piercing in neatly.

"What a speed!"

Ren looked at the speed of the six-armed battle armor's advance, and was amazed again and again.

He knew very well that when he was at the plague base, the Deer God Armor was definitely not so fast. Obviously, this is the "steam ball" that Toust tested on the armor, which provided extraordinary power for the mechanical armor.

Not only is the speed fast, but the strength has also been greatly improved.

Although the ten-meter-high six-armed antler battle armor is tall, it can barely reach the knees in front of the nearly 100-meter-high "Earthquake Dragon".

Generally speaking, this kind of tonnage gap means an absolute power gap, and that huge inertia is enough to destroy mountains and crack rocks.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the six-armed giant rushed towards the tide of corpses, and without dodging or avoiding, it directly broke the leg bone of the earthquake dragon, and its huge body crashed to the ground.

Then, before the shock in everyone's eyes had fully unfolded, they saw that the six-armed battle armor had jumped over and held down the earth dragon skull as big as it with a shield, making it move no.

The four black knives on the arms showed the astonishing scene of poking into the skin of the "Golden Bull".

Originally, the white bone dragon head was wrapped with a thick layer of magic armor, which is a super protection that even the fifth-order powerhouse is difficult to break.

But now, the four black knives that trembled and gave out phantoms, although the piercing speed was not fast, they were easily submerged.

Then, I watched the black energy on this huge earthquake dragon body dissipate in an instant, and it didn't move at all.

Just a face-to-face meeting, the six-armed mecha killed a giant artillery that couldn't do anything to the fifth-order earth dragon corpse.

This, even if the "Ten Legends" are here, they can't do it!

"How can it be!"

Seeing this scene, all the high-level transcendents on the city wall were shocked.

Even Ymir had an unbelievable look on his pretty face.

As we all know, although mechanical armor is strong, it also has fatal shortcomings.

That's because steel machines don't have fighting spirit at all. With brute force alone, I'm afraid a thousand punches can't break the elemental armor.

But this encounter with the six-armed battle armor caused the black knife to poke in, but the fact was in front of his eyes.

Ren, who had met him once, was equally shocked, let alone the others?

"cough cough cough"

He cleared his throat and explained: "The battle armor has a special ancient magic enchantment, so spells below the fifth ring have little effect on the battle armor. Although the black flames spewed by the living corpses of earth dragons are very powerful, they are not harmful to the armor. The Deer God Battle Armor doesn't have much influence."

After a pause, he continued: "As for the four black knives, they are arc-shock alloy sabers. They can indeed penetrate magic armor, which is a very complicated theory."

Ren himself couldn't remember the clumsy theory that Karl gave him, but the brain solved the problem.

What high temperature, what enchanted free particles, what "variable frequency vibration cutting device".

He just explained in technical terms, and directly shocked the group of Omar city people around him into speechless.

Ren didn't understand how mysterious the theory was, but those mechanics understood it!

As early as when the old man's mecha flew out of the city just now, Grandmaster Pierre and his group of disciples had already arrived at the city wall and stood beside Ymir.

At this time, after listening to Ren's explanation, one of the young mechanics asked with a puzzled look: "The law of string vibration? Why is there no record of this theory in the textbooks compiled by the Machinists Federation? Or is it because It involves too high-end fields, I haven't seen it?"

At this time, Grandmaster Pierre said with a complicated expression: "It's not that you haven't read it. It's that the theory has not been recorded at all."

The young mechanic was surprised again: "Ah? Is it just a hypothetical theory that has not been proven?"

"No, not only is it not a hypothesis, but the 'string vibration phenomenon' has actually been happening around us all the time. But our observation and research on it are still at a very superficial level."

Pierre shook his head and said: "In fact, as early as a few years ago, a certain master of the Royal Academy proposed a similar theory that 'elemental armor will be unstable at certain frequencies'. But to really summarize the principle of this phenomenon It’s the first time I’ve heard it so clearly and accurately today. This statement even made me feel enlightened.”

Those disciples frowned and thought deeply, obviously comprehended

They were shocked to hear the "new mechanical theory" that was not recorded by the Machinists' Union outside the Royal Academy of Sciences in Omar?

Although there seemed to be a little conflict before, the master Pierre did not hide his humility in front of knowledge, and his respect spontaneously arose: "Just summing up this 'string vibration theory' is enough to make any mechanic Inscribed in the annals of history, famous all over the world. That Mr. Toust, I am far behind."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the six-armed mecha, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Not only on the theoretical level, but the old Mr. Toust has also created a real "string vibrating black knife".

But in this regard, the depth of his research has surpassed that of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Omar for decades.

Something that I was proud of in my heart suddenly paled in front of this mech.

Even, Pierre dared to assert that any mechanic of the Royal Academy of Sciences, even the three great masters, would be overwhelmed in front of this six-armed mecha.

Ymir on the side listened solemnly.

Although she doesn't understand mechanical theory very well, she understands that Mr. Toust is a very powerful mechanical master.

And just then,

There was another exclamation from Pierre's disciples.

"Hey, look, the black sphere behind the six-armed mecha is the 'steam ball' removed from the wreckage of the airship?"

"It looks like it looks like it."

"It shouldn't be possible, right? Didn't the teacher say that the mechanical technology contained in the steam ball is far beyond the current era, how can he control such a huge steam pressure?"

"Which technology do you think the armor should have in this era? Artillery? Eight-cylinder power boiler? Arc-shock black knife?"


Everyone was silent.

This group of young mechanics who came from the imperial capital of Omar, whose vision stands at the pinnacle of today's mechanical field, felt a deep sense of frustration.

The knowledge of the Royal Academy of Sciences is like a mountain, and they have to spend their whole lives to climb it.

But when he walked to the mountainside, he could already look up at the top of the mountain, only to find that there was still a "floating" Toust whose feet couldn't touch the ground above the clouds on the top of the mountain!

Yes, it is the feeling of being raised up abruptly, looking up at the clouds.

The six-armed mecha in front of him was not at the level of their Royal Academy of Sciences. No, it shouldn't even be a product of this era!

"Could it be that the mecha is actually something in this wreck?"

This idea is on everyone's mind.

I also think that only this conjecture is the most reasonable, otherwise. Their pride, how could they admit that there is a mechanic who came from a wild way, standing on top of their heads that the Royal Academy of Sciences of Omar needs to look up to?

Pierre shook his head, and said, "No, that six-armed mecha was made by that Mr. Toust. He is indeed an amazing master of mechanics."

When he saw the eight-armed mechanical arm transplanted on the body before, he had already realized it, but he didn't want to admit it. But the reality in front of him told him that only the eight-armed mechanical arm could operate the mecha driven by pure physics.

Obviously, this is an exclusive mecha.

At this moment, Pierre finally understood why Rennes and Toust had come to compete for the right to design the Mechanical City.

It turned out that it was not for "struggling for power", but the idea of ​​not wanting the orb to be dusted, which can only be understood by a mechanic.

Yes, only a mechanic of this level can restore the wreckage of the airship to the greatest extent and add the strongest design to this new city

I'm not as good as that.

In the field of machinists, those who have achieved first have always been the first.

Hearing that his teacher had admitted that the strange old man was amazing, the apprentices' anger suddenly disappeared, and they felt ashamed of their actions instead.

It turns out that we misunderstood such an amazing top mechanic before?

Those young mechanics didn't have so many scruples when they spoke, and they immediately said what they thought of.

"Could it be true what Mr. Toust said? Thirty years ago, Dean Morley was true."

The conversation came to an abrupt end here, and the mechanic realized something.

The words of plagiarism were not spoken.

After all, this involves the reputation of a leading figure in the field of mechanics today, that is Brendan de Molay, the president of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Orma!

But for this kind of thing, there are only two options: "right" and "wrong".

If one is right, the other is wrong!

In the profession of a mechanic, who is right is not judged by words, but by technology.

Thirty years ago, two young talented mechanics were evenly matched, and it was difficult for anyone to judge who plagiarized whom.

After all, to that extent, many mechanical patent designs are inspirational rather than technical difficulties.

But once a person's level has been stretched to such an extent that people can see the gap at a glance, then there is no need to doubt it.

Mechanical master?

No, really not.

The level of mechanical technology of the old man named Tuster in front of him has surpassed this era by at least 20 years!

what is right and what is wrong

This group of mechanics from Omar didn't dare to think about it any longer.

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