Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 191 [Dragon Blood Gene Warrior]

The sudden "corpse tide" attacking the city was just a temporary episode.

Now that he knows that teacher Irubek is in the territory, Ren, a disciple, naturally wants to visit the teacher first.

The wreckage of the airship used to be a complete mechanical city, complete with internal organs, and a special medical laboratory on the airship.

Ren asked about the general direction of a medical laboratory, and looked for it.

Then, in a large brightly lit room, I saw the old man who looked like Einstein.

When Ryan found the laboratory, the old man was crawling among a pile of black-tech instruments that seemed to have no use.

Compared with the previous laboratory in Glory City, the instruments here are larger and the structure is more complicated. It seems to give people a feeling that technology is crushing the era. It's like Toust's mecha, the gap between it and ordinary mechas. Probably due to the crash of the airship, there were impact marks on many instruments, but they were repaired to a minimum.

He went straight in and shouted loudly, "Teacher!"

Hearing this, Irubek turned his head to look, his eyes couldn't hide his joy, and he responded with a smile: "Ren, you are here."

Ren looked and saw that the old man was not missing any arms or legs. He breathed a sigh of relief, "Teacher, those guys from Heishuitai took you away, didn't they make things difficult for you?"

"No, I'm fine. Those guys don't dare to do anything to me"

Irubek said something disapprovingly, and said with relief in his eyes: "I heard Toust say that you put a lot of effort into saving my old bone."

After a pause, he said enviously, "That old man even boasted that you went hunting together, met a beast horde, and were caught in the forest. Compared to me, you guys really went through a catastrophe." ah."

The old man's experience can indeed be finished in a few words. He was arrested, locked up, rescued, stayed in the laboratory, and then came here.

Recalling the experience of this period of time, Ryan can indeed be called thrilling.

The master and the apprentice chatted for a while, and then they talked about the experiment again.

But when it came to wild hunting, Ren remembered something again and said, "By the way, teacher, I brought you a lot of biological specimens. I collected them in the 'Forest of Ashes' before."

As he said that, he took out hundreds of bottles and jars from the storage ring, which contained all kinds of new animal and plant specimens collected during this period. There is even a long tentacle, which was the mouthpart of the previous "Morasi King Flower".

"Huh, so many?!"

When it comes to research, Irubek is a completely different person.

When he saw these specimens of animals and plants that he had never seen before, his eyes lit up as if he had seen a baby, "Haha. Study the effect of this black mist on living things."

"Teacher, speaking of this black mist... I do know something."

Speaking of "black mist", Ren also shared some recent observations, "Teacher, that black mist is called 'Abyss Demonic Qi' among the Colemans, and it is essentially beneficial to the growth of living things, but The energy is too violent for ordinary people, and now I am also learning not to use a gas mask like them, and I obviously feel that the growth rate of genetic power and physique has increased several times."

After a pause, he continued: "And the [black tide] that caused the resurrection of those corpses this time seems to be related to the concentration of this black gas."

"Well, the conclusions you have observed are almost in line with my conjectures. But I need some more rigorous data to confirm those conjectures"

Elubek has obviously already done research, but science is rigorous, not only to observe phenomena, but also to support it with experimental data.

He said: "I have dissected many 'living corpse' samples during this time, and I found that this [black tide] is a bit like undead magic in terms of phenomenon. But the black air is not a pure magic factor, but It is a higher level of law that is beyond our current cognition. Even if it is not the magic energy from the real 'hell', it is probably some higher level of unknown things."

Ren listened thoughtfully, and it wasn't the first day he knew the old man's rigorous attitude towards scientific research.

Speaking of this, Irubek said again quietly: "Now there is no shortage of materials for the effect of black air on corpses. However, experimental samples of living bodies are not enough. Moreover, it is best to have long-term observable objects. Except for monsters, the best Good thing there is someone"


Ren saw the old man's expression and knew what he wanted to say.

Sure enough, Irubek looked at Ren again, "I heard that you have a good relationship with the Colemans?"

Ren said quietly: "Teacher, you don't want to do research on Kallman fighters, do you?"

And, don't think about it, the old man probably tried it, and then he was deflated.

Not to mention these Colemans who are still slash-and-burn, it was the first time Ren entered Irubek's laboratory and looked at the biological specimens soaked in bottles and jars, he was terrified. Once you hear that you need to cooperate with the experiment, it is strange that people will agree to you.

Irubek: "Yes! The Colemans have been inhaling black air for a long time, and their group is the best sample for living research. I originally wanted to have the Colemans cooperate with me in my research and make a long-term data observation. But people don't Familiar, I have a language barrier, and people don't like to talk to my old bones. Later, I asked Toust, and he said that you are familiar."

Ren didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Let me help you communicate tomorrow, it may not be possible. Because there are still many gaps in the thinking of the two civilizations."


Speaking of this, Irubek said again: "Oh, there is another thing. It would be better if we can have an in-depth communication with the witch doctor in the Coleman tribe. I also want to see those magical herbal medicine."

Hearing this, Renn responded immediately: "Oh, then this should be fine. Their witch doctor is also interested in modern medical care. If I tell the Great Witch Festival, it should be fine."

Coleman's witch doctor and Irubek's modern medical system are probably the two most important branches of the medical system in the territory in the future.

He is also looking forward to what kind of sparks can be produced when the medical skills of the two civilizations collide.

The master and the apprentice were chatting, and there were not many reminiscences, but most of them were about medical professional topics.

After asking about Ren's progress in his studies, the old man even boasted.

Then, it was natural to talk about the "baby" in the room.

Irubek pointed to the instruments in the room and was very excited, "Ren, I heard that girl Ymir said that you were the one who provided the clues to the wreckage of the airship. Tsk tsk, you boy, you really gave it to me." A big surprise!"

Because of excitement, the old man's old cheeks were flushed, and he said: "Didn't I tell you that many of my experiments were limited by equipment and could not meet the research requirements at the ultra-micro level? Although the instruments on this airship I have only temporarily figured out the functions of some of the instruments, but I am sure that they are much more advanced than the current equipment produced by the Royal Academy of Sciences in Orma! With these instruments, many of my theoretical subjects can enter the experimental stage."

"It's good if it's useful."

Ren looked at the instruments in the laboratory and was full of expectations.

He had carefully read the research reports of Irubek. He is very clear that if he really wants to reach the experimental stage from the theoretical stage, in the medical field, his teacher may create many major discoveries that shock this era.

Seeing the excited look of the old man, he was also slightly worried, and said, "Teacher, you should also pay attention to your health. I heard from Grandpa Toust that you haven't been out of the laboratory for a month."

"One month? No no no"

Irubek shook his head, his eyes were full of fanaticism and said: "My old bones also plan to die of old age in this laboratory in this life! A laboratory with such advanced equipment is too important to me. I am now I hate that the time is too tight, and there are too many experiments to be done.”


Ren heard a wry smile and knew this would be the result.

But he is still in the stage of "applying what he has learned" to medicine, and he has not touched the edge of the real theoretical research.

In this regard, there is not much he can do to help Irubek. And biological science requires a lot of time and energy to do experiments, which is not the same as his extraordinary line of thinking about his future.

Professional things should be left to professional people. He also didn't want to spend all day in the laboratory.

At this time, Irubek suddenly said: "That's right. I heard that girl Ymir said, what kind of free city are you planning to build in this territory? But I seem to have heard that the Colemans and those from Omar People don’t get along well”

"Yes, teacher."

Ren nodded and said: "At the beginning of the territory construction, there must be some problems. But I believe that this will be resolved soon."

He didn't go into details, because he didn't understand the management of the territory himself.

At this time, Irubek said another philosophical sentence, saying: "I don't understand much about politics. But haste makes waste. Just like medicine, it is easy to think too far ahead. Misunderstood, distorted, and demonized by the world. Although this is a new city, it will take a while for people to completely abandon their old concepts and adapt to a new system. Especially this territory is still composed of two tribes of different civilizations.”

"Well, I see teacher."

Ren nodded. This is something he has considered carefully, and he has some preliminary ideas, but the process will be very complicated.

At this time, Irubek looked at Renn again, and said with a smile: "Well, regarding the integration of civilizations, I think this is just a small problem that is easy to solve."

"Oh? Teacher, have you thought of a solution?"

When Ren heard this, he looked up at the old man with anticipation on his face.

Then, I heard Irubek say: "Actually, I have suggested to that girl Ymir before, let you be the lord of the city, and then she will marry you. All the contradictions have been resolved."


When Ren heard this suggestion, he was full of anticipation just now, but the next second, his eyelids twitched violently.

I don't know if it's because the trick of "marriage" is so effective that anyone can think of it.

Or because no matter which world, the elders have the hobby of holding the red line for the younger generation.

He suddenly asked with a strange expression: "Teacher, have you already told His Highness Ymir?"

Irubek: "Yes. About half a month ago, before you came, I discovered this problem, and then proposed to her. But the girl said that she would seriously consider it, so she hasn't agreed yet."


Ren felt a pain in his head.

But after doing all this, he is still his own teacher, so what can he say?

Irubek didn't notice Ren's embarrassment at all, and said: "Don't worry, I will persuade that girl Ymir. My disciple of Irubek is handsome, and he is worthy of a princess."

After a pause, he said again: "And from my personal point of view, I also hope to have a stable experimental environment. Therefore, I also hope that this territory can be established as soon as possible, and I hope that you can be the owner of this city. I will return that The girl said, if my disciple becomes the city lord, I plan to give this territory a big gift."


Hearing this, Ren's expression froze completely.

This old man plays the same tricks as Canossa, and is he intimidating?

With a stiff face, he asked weakly: "Are you planning to give a bride price?"


With a confident expression on his face, Irubek said: "I think if you want to build this city, you may need a more powerful extraordinary system. Therefore, I plan to combine my 'gene-edited fighters' and The two research projects of 'ultra-purity potion' are on the agenda! With this great gift, that girl Ymir will definitely not refuse."

"Are you sure about these two projects?!"

When Ren heard this, he didn't think about the "betrothal gift".

Instead, he was overwhelmed by the two names the old man said!

Because, he had carefully read Irubek's research report, the "Gene Editing Warrior" project was aimed at Bazel's werewolf blood!

The old man has long guessed that through genetic editing, ordinary extraordinary people can achieve "hidden animalized humans" with one more gene chain like werewolves, thereby greatly enhancing their combat power!


At this time, Irubek pointed to a running instrument in the laboratory, and said: "The theoretical basis of this previous project is actually very mature, but the necessary experimental environment and instruments are lacking. But now everything is missing !"

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, I originally planned to use other primate monster genes to complete this experiment. But now I have found a better choice! The more complex the gene sequence, the more It can strip out the suitable animal gene of human beings. And those earth dragons in this basin are the best choice, so I call this plan [Dragon Blood Gene Warrior]!"

Not all Warcraft genes can be edited in human blood genes, only those that are suitable can be.

And this involves another conjecture: the high-level gods are not reproductively isolated.

This also means that the closer to the bloodline of ancient gods, the more suitable it is to transform genetic warriors.

And the black dragon deep in the Alcoron Mountains has almost no reproductive isolation.

Therefore, in theory, among the gene sequences of those dragon species of its descendants, the possibility of stripping out the gene chains suitable for humans is the highest!


Ren was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

He couldn't be more clear about how powerful the "biochemical warrior" in the previous life was. Now that he came to this extraordinary world, his teacher was going to do this too?

Fuck, I get excited just thinking about it.

It can be imagined that if the body of the Coleman clan is already strong like a monster, and it has the animal-like ability like Bazel, how strong will it be?

Moreover, another project of the old man [Ultra-purity Specialized Potion] is also a technological innovation at the micro level.

As we all know, ordinary potions have impurities no matter how they are purified, even for gold potions, the impurity rate exceeds 20%. Because the source of the impurity is at the microscopic level, from the material itself.

For example, 20% of the impurities in the "strength" potion may be "intelligence" that is completely useless.

The old man's idea is to strip off the 20% impurities as much as possible to achieve a 100% strength increase.

The low impurity rate means that after the supernatural person absorbs it, there will be less talent wasted, and the growth value of the specialization attribute will be higher!

This is a "strategic level" technology that may raise the combat power of all extraordinary people to a higher level!

The two studies of Irubek were only at the theoretical stage. Now that we have the instrument, we enter the experimental stage. The results of these two studies, no matter which one, will definitely make the entire scientific community tremble if it is really necessary to reach the stage of use!

If this technology is sold to any empire of Omar or Sid, their emperor will definitely not hesitate to exchange a bunch of princesses, even queens!

This is also the reason why the old man thinks that Ymir will definitely agree, because this "gift" is too heavy.

Thanks to 'Qinglian Daoge' 5000 coins, 'I'm at peace with the king' 1500 coins, 'Eight Fairy Ghosts' 1500 coins, 'Secondary Yuan One Maple Night Rain', 'Taichen Rain', 'Midnight Roaring Little Wolf Dog'. Thanks a few A big tip for support.

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