Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 192 Dinosaur Mechanical Legion

"Of course, theoretically, these two research topics have entered the experimental stage. But now I need more types of earth dragon gene samples to study, and use them to extract the animalized gene chain that is most suitable for human physique."

Irubek said this, smiled again, and continued: "I need a stable scientific research environment and enough research materials. Therefore, there is no better choice than my disciple being the lord of the city."

Ren is also full of expectations for the old man's research, and said: "Teacher, if there is no accident, I may be the lord of the city. But it is not the same as the lord in the traditional sense. It is more like a false name, and the final power will be in the parliament. Come on. But whether Ymir or I are in power, we will definitely find a way to guarantee you everything you need for your research.”

"I don't understand political things, and I don't want to spend time understanding them."

Irubek shook his head and didn't want to deal with anything unrelated to medicine, and said: "That's why I think the most stable relationship is for you to marry that girl Ymir. Of course, I think she I will definitely agree in the end.”

The old man was worried about his disciple's marriage.

Ren listened and rubbed his eyebrows, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

But after thinking about it, if the old man was not his teacher but someone else, he would be a little tempted by this "gift".

He felt that if someone told him about this "betrothal gift", he would even consider selling himself for profit.

But, twisted melons are not sweet!

"Oh, one more question."

At that time, Irubek didn't talk about topics unrelated to the experiment, but seriously said another question of his.

"The samples I need for the earth dragon experiment should preferably be at the fifth level. Because you know, the higher the level of monster, the more complete the genetic sequence."

Ren nodded: "No problem."

Although the fifth-order dinosaurs are very strong, there are not a lot of high-end combat power in the city now, and it is not a big problem to catch a few.

"No, that's not my point."

Irubek added: "Recently, I have also discovered a rule. Our current territory is in the east of the 'Kalateva Basin'. The order of the earth dragon is not too high, and the fifth order is very rare; , the stronger the average rank of the earth dragon, the higher the rank of the earth dragons! From a biological point of view, the higher the average rank of the monster group, the higher the blood purity. Therefore, if the black dragon is still alive, It is most likely somewhere in the high-risk area going west. If you want to open up wasteland and hunt dragons, you must pay attention to the west.”

The higher the bloodline talent of a monster, the easier it is to advance to a higher level. This is common sense in biology.

When Ren heard it, his brows frowned slightly, and he didn't dare to underestimate him: "Got it, teacher."

Lane left the lab with no intention of spending the night there.

After more than ten days of driving in the wilderness, I was really tired.

On the first day he came to the territory, he also planned to take a good rest. In the territory behind the high wall, I can finally sleep peacefully.

Now that there are two distinct groups of houses in the territory, Ren didn't hesitate at all, and went directly to the shed area where the Colemans lived.

"Hey, Dr. Ryan, long time no see!"

"I heard that you saved Master Mafa and the clansmen in the belly of the flower of hell, thank you so much."

"You saved our Colemen."


Along the way, the Coleman people they met warmly greeted Ryan. This group of simple Coleman soldiers always gave him a very kind feeling.

Looking around the camp, Mrs. Canossa didn't know where she went. Anyway, she was a legend, so she didn't need to worry about her safety, and Ren didn't care too much.

After meeting Mafa and the two elders and discussing some matters, Ren also planned to go to rest.

After leaving the largest shack where Mafa lived, I saw Udo who had been waiting at the door for a long time.

I haven't seen her for a couple of months, and this chick has grown taller again. The long legs under the pair of short leather skirts are very slender and eye-catching.

Probably, in another year and a half, Ren felt that she would be taller than him.

And many people didn't look carefully before, but now they realize that Udo has not only grown taller, but also has short boyish hair, which is now shoulder-length and full of heroism. And looking down, the chest is also bulging, and it seems that it is also in the period of rapid development.

Looking at it this way, it really looks a bit like a girl.

Just like when she was in the Zhongting Tribe before, she was still in front of the competent little secretary of life, and she was not restrained, and softly shouted: "Doctor Ryan, your residence is ready for you."

"Oh, thank you."

Anyway, he had been living in the same room with this chick before, and Ren was not at all awkward, so he followed her directly to a newly built thatched hut.

The style of the thatched cottage is similar to the one I lived in before, but much smaller.

There is a bed on one side, and a charcoal oven in the middle, and the barbecue on it is roasting crystal clear fat. From time to time, there will be drops into the coal ash, making a "stabbing" sound.

"Hey, what kind of monster meat is this? It smells like I haven't eaten it before."

When he entered the room, Ren was not polite, his stomach was growling with hunger, smelling the smell of meat, he couldn't wait to tear off a large piece and stuffed it into his mouth.

It had to be said that he always felt that the meat roasted by Udo tasted better.

Wu Duo responded with a smile: "It's an earth dragon. It's the kind of earth dragon with three horns on its head that the warriors of the tribe went out to hunt today."


When Ren heard the description, he probably guessed that it might be a "triceratops".

While eating dinosaur meat, he thought of something, and asked, "By the way, Udo, aren't you Colemans good at domesticating monsters? Why don't you domesticate earth dragons as mounts?"

"Our ancestors tried it a long time ago, but it didn't work."

Wu Duo shook his head and explained: "Earth dragons are creatures with dragon blood. They may not be very intelligent, but they are very arrogant. They can feel the pressure of blood, so even if they die, they will not yield to become human mounts. Even It is our Coleman tribe, except for those weak earth dragons, or domesticated since childhood, otherwise very few high-level earth dragons will be tamed."

"That's it"

When Ren heard this, he pursed his lips.

He also said that if he could build a Dinosaur, it looked like he would have to.

These earth dragons, which are half a level stronger than monsters of the same level, are only used to eat meat and obtain materials, which also feels a bit wasteful.

What's more, he is still envious of those pterosaurs in the sky. Air supremacy is the kingly way, it seems that it has been ruined

Suddenly, he thought of something again, "By the way, Udo! Lord Mafa told me to give this to you"

As he spoke, he took out a milky white ball and handed it over.

As the High Priest of Coleman, Udo naturally recognized this thing, but it wasn't any kind in her impression. She was surprised: "Could it be a totem of divine power?"

Ren nodded and said, "Master Mafa said that it is [Totem of Beasts]."


In this school, Wu Duo exclaimed with a shocked expression, "Isn't [Totem of Beasts] already lost?"

"Before we were eaten by that giant flower, and then we found this totem in the temple of God General Mologos."

Ren briefly explained, and then lifted his clothes, "Here, there is also [Totem of Thunder]."

As he spoke, he looked at Udo Nian's timid look, and stuffed the totem bead into her hand, saying, "Take it, Master Mafa called it for you!"


This said, Wu Duo was flattered and a little at a loss. But seeing that the bead had been stuffed into his hands, he quickly took the milky white totem bead with both hands piously, raised it above his head, and bowed with a sense of ritual, praising the greatness of the god Mologos.

After a long while, the prayer was finished.

The tension on Udo's face dissipated, and he asked Ren in disbelief: "In the tribe, only the elders are eligible to inherit the divine power totem. Did you make a mistake?"

Ren pursed his lips: "I don't know either. Anyway, Lord Wu Ji explained it like this. He said that you are originally from the lineage of beast priests, and this totem is just right for you."

In fact, he also guessed Wu Ji's plan in his heart.

Udo is the link between their Coleman clan and themselves. Although she is not yet an elder, she is indeed the most suitable for this totem bead.

Hearing what Ren said, Udo was flattered and excited, "I, I."

Ren looked at the stuttering look of this chick, and interrupted with a smile: "Don't be me, you should refine the totem. Master Wu Ji said so, you can take it with confidence."

Udo looked at Ren with a complicated expression, and said, "I mean, if you have this [Totem of Beasts], the plan you mentioned earlier to tame the earth dragon may be possible."

Ren: "Huh?"

Udo explained: "The message from our Coleman ancestors said that this [Totem of Ten Thousand Beasts] can allow people to understand the language of ten thousand beasts, and will have a super affinity with Warcraft. Therefore, after refining this totem, I Maybe we can communicate with those earth dragons, maybe we can tame them."

"Haha. It would be great if you can really tame it! Udo, you are simply amazing!"

Ren listened, and the gleam in his eyes became more and more intense.

Dinosaur mounts, dinosaur mechanical army. Hearing Udo's words, at this moment, he seemed to see that there would be a super powerful dinosaur army in the territory in the near future!

Wu Duo smiled when he heard being praised by Ren.

Nothing to say all night.

In the morning, Ren and Udo walked out of the shed.

There was a high-level meeting in the territory today. The great witch priest Mafa, the two elders, Toust, Ren and Udo walked together.

Originally called Bazel, but this guy is not interested at all. He prefers to sleep in rather than hold any meetings.

And Kanosha didn't know where she went last night, but Daqing ran into her in the camp.

There was a lot of movement in the corpse tide last night, and the people on Omar's side heard about it, and some very powerful people came to the territory.

Among them is a top mechanic of the "Grand Master" level, some very powerful Coleman fighters, and the mysterious ally of the legendary princess.

I don't know where the topic came from. A gossip spread quietly to tens of thousands of people like Omar overnight.

"Have you heard that the ally of the eldest princess is finally here?"

"Why haven't I heard of it? I saw a handsome young man on the city wall last night. I also heard that that Ren is the man of our eldest princess."

"Ah, no way? The eldest princess has such a cold temper, I've never heard of any scandals, how could she suddenly have a man?"

"Tch~ you guys know? A man who is not the eldest princess, who do you think is qualified to form an alliance with the eldest princess?"

"I heard that the eldest princess's man is a disciple of Dr. Irubek. The very powerful mechanical master is also a friend brought by him. Oh, and those tall Coleman fighters. They seem to be friends of the eldest princess's man. Woolen cloth!"

"Sure enough, the man who can be favored by the eldest princess is definitely not an ordinary person."


Things like rumors are uncontrollable.

One hundred mouths can spread one hundred different versions.

Even if Ymir is the head lord of his own family, the romantic affairs of the royal family can always make everyone talk about it.

As long as there is no malicious slander, this is not a serious matter in the aristocratic circle, and no one will care about it.

At the beginning, the rumors only said that the relationship between Ren and Ymir was extraordinary. But later on, the topic in people's mouths gradually became distorted, and it became the secret of the two people's bed.

"I heard that Renn is as strong, strong, and big as those Colemans."

"Hey, let me tell you, I have a relative who is the brother-in-law of the eldest princess' bodyguard. I heard that in the 'Forest of Ashes', the eldest princess had a tryst with that man named Ren in a tent."

"Tsk tsk. I was on night patrol last night and saw a blond woman in a cloak who quietly went to the Coleman tribe."


The craftsmen have started to continue working, and the "rumor" has spread quickly to the 20,000 to 30,000 people in Omar in this way of whispering.

Those people from Omar first knew about "the eldest princess's man", and then they knew about Ren.

Ren didn't expect that overnight, he would become a big celebrity in the territory.

The temporary conference room is in the machine built by Omar, and he, Mafa and his party need to cross the temporary block.

And at this time, I don't know who yelled.

"That man is here!"

In an instant, countless heads popped up from various fronts and backs of the houses, each of them curiously looked at Ren and the others walking on the street.

The few Colemans are definitely not, and Toust's age is not right, so they can quickly lock on "Ren".

Being stared at by thousands of pairs of eyes, Udo was a little timid, and muttered in Coleman: "They seem to be looking at us"

Ryan knew that those guys were not looking at "us", but at "me".

He was too familiar with that look in his eyes.

He clearly felt that countless eyes were falling on him, like a knife scraping, as if the clothes were pierced.

Uh. Why does the crotch feel more chilly?

Seeing Canossa beside her smile and say nothing, Ren also guessed that the "rumor" must have played a role.

"Wow, Princess Chang's man is really handsome."

“Looks younger”

"You're not too old, you just need to be healthy"

Although being pointed at by others, it seems to have achieved the expected result.

Except for a very small number of young Omar men who cast slightly jealous eyes, most of the Omar people looked at Ren with kind eyes. Especially those older aunts, all of them stared at Ren with smiles as if they were looking at their "uncle".

Of course, the young girls are also very interested in the man who stands as the princess, and they are full of smiles.

At this time, some bold girl greeted her enthusiastically.

"Mr. Lane, good morning!"

Then, the whole block burst into greetings one after another, laughing and laughing.

Ren was stunned by the sudden enthusiasm, and responded with a little embarrassment: "Good morning, everyone."

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