Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 193 Black Dragon City (addition for 'leo627')

Few people know the truth about the "rumours".

Even the senior subordinates around the eldest princess don't know much.

Like [Magic Swordsman] Rhine Root, [Storm General] Baron. These core members who accompanied Ymir to the "Forest of Ashes" to find the temple before, heard this gossip, one by one. Look very strange.

They didn't dare to ask Ymir in person, but when they asked the people around them, they got various versions of the statement, but the same part of the content was: this Ren is the man of the eldest princess!

Coupled with the previous experience, Rhine and the core members also realized that it turned out that Ren and his eldest princess had been talking secretly in the tent for so long, and they were flushed after coming out. They really did not misunderstand. The two were not ordinary allies. But that kind of ambiguous relationship!

Although it felt a little sudden, Ymir's subordinates quickly accepted the fact.

The rumors are so widespread, the eldest princess must know about it.

But she didn't speak, obviously acquiescing to this ambiguous relationship.

Then, Ren walked all the way, and the atmosphere was inexplicably harmonious.

The meeting was held in a secret room.

The table in the venue is a big round table, and those who can participate in the meeting are all high-level people in the territory, and there are not many people.

Representative of the medical system: Irubek;

Representatives in the field of mechanical craftsmen: Tuster, Pierre;

Chamber of Commerce Representative: Canossa;

Karman tribe: Mafa Great Witch Festival, "Elder Rain Master" Fufa, "Elder Bug Master" Imhu, Udo;

Omar's side: General Baron, two unknown internal affairs officials;

In the second row of seats at the back, there are some representatives from various fields.

I don't know if it was a special arrangement, or it was just like this in a meeting of this size. Ren and Ymir's heads were not facing each other, but they happened to be next to each other, which seemed quite intimate.

This is the first official meeting between the high-level officials of the territory. It is the first time that the high-level leaders of the two sides have met on a formal occasion. Everyone is a little cautious.

At this time, Ymir showed her excellent leadership skills.

She who is usually quiet and reticent, now looks like a great orator, directly presiding over the meeting.

"Today is the first high-level meeting in our territory."

There is no long-winded, directly into the topic.

The first is a character introduction, everyone is familiar with each other who are the people present here.

Ryan introduced himself and several participants from Coleman's side.

Especially when it was introduced to the Mafa Great Witch Festival, the faces of those people on Omar's side were very exciting.

Everyone can see that this back-to-basics old man, as the supreme leader of a clan, is definitely not an ordinary person, so he must be a ridiculously strong extraordinary person.

The comparison on the table is a little embarrassing.

Omar's side doesn't have a single legend; while Ren's side, even without Kanossa and Bazel, who sleeps late, has three legends.

It seems that they know better than that, except for Baron, there are no fighters from Omar's side. They are all internal affairs talents and various skilled craftsmen for territorial governance, covering public security, education, medical care, agriculture... and almost all areas needed for territorial construction.

The meeting continued in an orderly manner.

Udo can understand the common language now, so she is responsible for interpreting for Mafa and the two elders, but the three Coleman bosses seldom speak, and are basically listening. Territory building is still a brand new thing for the tribal culture of the Colemans, and there are more places worth learning.

Ymir had a clear mind, and in a few words, he clearly explained the future plan of the territory to everyone.

"Mr. Ryan and I plan to build this territory into a real 'free city'. And we don't plan to establish a territory with a private lord system, so from today, we will organize the cabinet and parliament. Parliament is the territory The highest legislature and full power. All offices, no hereditary!"

After introducing the "alternative version of the constitutional monarchy" system, Ymir said something that made everyone look at him in front of everyone: "So, I propose that Mr. Renn be the first person in our 'Black Dragon City'." A city lord. Now, everyone votes"

"Black Dragon City" is named after the black dragon on the Alcoron Mountains, implying the existence of peerless independence, which was taken by Rennes.

After Ymir finished speaking, she herself was the first to raise her hand.

It's hard for anyone to say this, except her.

Voting for the city lord is definitely a new thing in this era.

Although many people in the venue thought this kind of thing was a bit absurd, seeing Renn being pushed out, Mafa and the others naturally agreed.

Then, everyone on Oma's side also had expressions of "I understand", and no one objected at all.

The atmosphere was very harmonious, and Rennes was successfully elected.

Moreover, the essence of the system actually exists to make people's lives better. The contradictions in each period are different, and the system changes in time.

If everyone can live and work in peace and contentment, the system doesn't actually matter much.

Even Ymir's original goal was just to hope that "everyone is equal".

And Ren also knows that this is an extraordinary world, and the top extraordinary power is above most rights.

So some changes need to be made according to local conditions.

Then he came up with such an alien version of "Constitutional Monarchy".

Although there is only one city in the territory, it belongs to the "principal" standard, so there is nothing wrong with using these.

What's more, people from other worlds don't have any concept of new words such as "Prime Minister" and "Cabinet", and no one cares about them casually.

Originally, he didn't plan to have any "city lords", only the cabinet prime minister and the parliamentary ministers. But whether it's Kanosha, Irubek, the Kallmans, or Toust, they all want Ren to be the lord of the city.

In fact, even people on Ymir's side hope to have a city lord.

They come here from a country with a monarchy, and suddenly there is no "lord", which makes them feel leaderless.

And Ymir also understands that this is the best way to quickly reconcile the conflicts within the territory.

Therefore, the trend of the times, Renn was elected as the lord who bears the title of the city lord, but has no privileges of the city lord, and cannot be hereditary.

Meetings are boring, especially for people who don't understand politics.

The construction of a territory needs to involve too many aspects, politics, military, medical care, agriculture, commerce, and people's livelihood.

Ren, the city lord, sounds like a big head.

He also finally understood why Bazel was unwilling to participate in this kind of meeting. This kind of meeting is not very good for muscular Transcendents,

After Ren heard the meeting, he also intuitively classified it as the extraordinary muscle system.

As for the construction of the territory, Renn only roughly proposed a framework, and he didn't understand politics. The rest of the process was up to Ymir himself.

She did not disappoint either, showing excellent domestic skills and keeping everything in order.

"From today, there will be no aristocratic class system in our territory. There will be no distinction between civilians and nobles. Everyone is a 'Permanent Resident of Black Dragon City', the only difference is the position they hold. Positions are not titles, and there is no hereditary title!"

"All basic resources in the territory, such as medical care, education, energy, and basic potions, are free for permanent residents. All citizens enjoy equal rights, but they must also fulfill corresponding obligations"

"Everyone is equal before the law."

"After the construction of our Black Dragon City territory in the future, there will be a large influx of wild hunters. They will be temporary residents, which will be similar to the previous Glorious City. But we will not use the family management system. The council has the highest authority. that power."


The people of the Coleman tribe were not used to mixing with people from other civilizations in the Mechanic City at first. Because of the tribal system, they have no class concept at all.

But the current system of Black Dragon City is somewhat similar to that of their tribe. Although they didn't understand, they seemed to be the same as before, working, hunting, and enjoying everything for free.

Ryan also thought that many problems must have been found in the implementation of this system.

But Black Dragon City's geographical location in the "Kalateva Basin", at least during the period of barbaric growth for a long period of time, has enough wealth and income to support the construction of the territory.

The main contradiction that needs to be faced is also the contradiction of external survival. During this period of time, it is enough for Ymir and those internal affairs talents to slowly adjust these things.

The construction of the territory requires very professional internal affairs personnel.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Ren felt that it was better to follow his path of vigorously producing miracles honestly. In addition to intervening in some necessary general directions, he felt that the details of the development and management of the territory should be handed over to Ymir and the council.

Then, it's representatives who speak.

Kanosha put forward some suggestions from a professional business perspective: I hope to open up the market with the potion that the Colemans can solve the hidden danger of the black mist, and first throw out some gimmicks to prepare for attracting wilderness hunters in the future.

Irubek proposed to build a complete medical system.

Ymir intends to immediately set about establishing a public college.

Baron raised the issue of the Mechanic Legion's equipment.

Interior officials raised agricultural, municipal.

Finally, I talked about the design of the mechanical city that must be decided immediately.

Grandmaster Pierre on Omar's side was originally the chief designer, but after seeing Retuste's mecha last night, he was also deeply impressed by the old man's mechanical technology that surpassed the times, and put forward his own idea as a junior. Opinion.

"I think Mr. Toust, the chief designer of the Mechanic City, is doing his part."

Pierre has said such things, and others have no objection.

But obviously, Toust has no interest in any name at all, he only cares about machinery.

Moreover, when everyone talked about the mechanical city, the old man asked a question that made everyone think deeply.

"Everyone, have you considered where this mechanical airship came from? How did it fall?"

"I have carefully analyzed the cause of the crash of this mechanical airship. The problem is not the power plant, but an external attack. I thought it was attacked by some kind of flying monster, maybe it was the black dragon. But in fact, The deadliest was a crack in the airship's main gun."

"It's a trace that seems to have cracked the space and forcibly tore the steel armor."

"I asked High Priest Marfa, and he felt that this is not a breach that a superhuman can make, not even that black dragon."

If you haven't met the Colemans before, you might think that this world is just humans from two great empires.

But now, the wreckage of an airship with higher-end steam technology than the current one is in front of everyone.

Picking up is picking up a treasure, but you have to think about it

In the dark forest, there is already a hunter's gun aiming at it.

Ten thousand rewards owe X2; monthly pass owes 4

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