Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 194 The World Gradually Revealed (Subscribe)

When Toust raised this question, everyone immediately fell into deep thought.

Where did the airship come from?

How did it fall?

In fact, Ren had thought about this issue as early as when he first got Baron Morin's diary and knew the existence of the wreckage of the airship.

Others may not find this feeling very abrupt, but for travelers who have discovered traces of alien civilizations in their previous lives, it is not difficult to understand.

This airship must have come from a more civilized place.

Somewhere in the mist, there may be a country with a higher level of civilization.

However, the level of civilization will not be too high.

It is also a mechanical city powered by steam, and the unknown civilization from this airship is about 50 years ahead of their era from Toust's professional perspective.

Higher than this era, not higher than Toust.

The six-armed mecha that Toust can manufacture surpasses the times by twenty years.

But in fact, many of his thinking concepts are much higher than the real thing.

Many of the machines in his mind could not be built, not because of his personal ability, but because of the limitations of the general environment of the times.

Just like Irubek, many of his biological theories have surpassed this era too much, but because of the limitations of research instruments, many of them remained at the theoretical stage.

The large-scale mechanical equipment that Tuster wants to build also requires a large-scale factory with high-precision hardware, not a private workshop.

Therefore, Toust can understand the mechanical design principles of this airship better than Pierre's mechanics from the capital of Omar. Many super-level technologies that ordinary mechanics find completely inexplicable can be understood after he tries a little bit.

Toust posed the question.

At this time, Irubek took out a bone sample, and also shared some of his own analysis, saying: "We found some human bones in the airship. Judging from the shape of the bones, the airship mechanical city There is no difference between humans and us, even slightly shorter. But from the genetic chain, I have detected that the vast majority of people on the airship have 29 gene chains! But it is strange that their bone strength is generally It's low, whether it's the extraordinary law system or the extraordinary power system, it's much lower than the fifth order we know."

Hearing this, everyone had a ready concept of the strength of the people on the mechanical airship. Most of them are fifth-order transcendents!

For the humans on the Ice Ridge Wasteland, the fifth-level powerhouses belonged to the top-level transcendence of the phoenix-haired water chestnut. But in that unknown civilization, the number seems to be quite large.

And for some reason, their physical fitness is not as good as the fifth-order extraordinary in normal cognition.

Just when everyone was deep in thought, Irubek continued: "Over the years, I have had a subject to study the 'effect of fog concentration on living things', and I also found a rule: the concentration of fog is directly proportional to the physical strength of the transcendent .”

After a pause, he concluded: "So, I have a guess. The people on the airship may come from an area where the fog is very light, or there is no fog at all. Therefore, their bone strength is stronger than ours. The fifth-order transcendents on the Ice Ridge Wasteland are so much lower."

This gap made everyone present immediately think of the difference between themselves and the strong Coleman warriors.

Even at the same rank, the Coleman warrior who has exposed his airway in the fog all year round is much better than the extraordinary man wearing a gas mask!

Right now on the Ice Ridge Wasteland, although the concentration of the fog is slightly different locally, the difference is not so large that people can clearly feel the impact of the concentration of the fog on the body.

But now after the outbreak of the [Kuroshio], the transcendents shrouded in black mist all feel the increase in the efficiency of "jumping" cultivation.

So this said, everyone can immediately understand Irubek's words.

The fog doesn't cover the whole world, these people on the airship most likely come from outside the fog!

But there is another doubt here, that is, why are the corpses on the airship fifth rank?

At this time, the ability of science to trace the source is fully displayed.

"This is a rib of a living corpse from 50,000 years ago."

At this time, Irubek took out another piece of black bones and said: "It is also because of this black tide that some ancient corpses from the ancient times came to the ground from the ground. I also tested a large number of samples and found that A few ancient human corpses have more than 30 gene chains! But after their resurrection, without exception, there is no existence of more than the fifth level."

The gene chain of the fifth-order powerhouse is twenty-nine. Exceeding this number means that those bones are beyond the existence of the fifth order.

This also made everyone's faces more and more serious, and a thought that has troubled the world for many years unconsciously popped up in their minds.

In the past, extraordinary people obviously had existences that could surpass the fifth level, why didn't they exist now?

Although the "legendary" in this world is the end of the extraordinary, but once upon a time this land was said to have given birth to powerful gods!

Renn has come into contact with many legendary powerhouses now, but without exception, they all say that the extraordinary power of legend is as far from the god level as cloud and mud.

Even advanced "Legendary" requires a "divine power crystallization" left by the gods back then. How strong is the power of the gods?

The strongest in the world is only at the fifth level, and the people on the airship who may come from the world outside the fog are also at the fifth level.

A certain idea in everyone's mind became clearer and clearer, as if the "extraordinary fifth level" was a hurdle, restricting something.

All the conversations were translated by Udo to Mafa Grand Witch Festival.

And at this moment, the old man who had not spoken since the meeting suddenly spoke up, "This question, I think some legends passed down from the ancestors of our Coleman tribe can provide you with some ideas."

As soon as Wu Duo translated in the common language, everyone looked over with a respectful expression on their faces.

At this time, Mafa said: "Our tribe exists to protect the temple of the gods of Morogos, but as we all know, the gods are no longer on this land. It is said that during the period of Monkel, the [Black Emperor] Moise Lord Si ruled this land, and then a great war broke out. Lord Moises and his seventy-two generals were defeated, and this land lost its light."

Coleman's legends are all mysterious, like the prophecy of "The Kuroshio".

"The earth has lost its light", does it refer to the fog that covers the earth?

It turns out that the reason for the sudden cessation of the Monkel civilization is also because of the war?

Everyone understands, [Dark Emperor] is defeated

That means there is a winning side!

But as we all know, the inheritance of all the supernatural beings on the Ice Ridge Wasteland comes from the inheritance of the ancient seventy-two generals. In any vestige of this continent, there is no trace of any civilization other than that of the Monkel at that time.

So who is the victor?

Could it be a civilization from beyond the mist?

Mafa continued: "And this land, in the information handed down by our ancestors, is also called the 'God's Graveyard'. This is a land that has been cursed."

"Cursed land?"

When Ren heard it, some clues were connected in his mind.

Although the inheritance of the Coleman family has been lost a lot, it is much more complete than the two empires.

With this said, everyone has an increasingly clear concept.

This continent is the cemetery where the gods of the defeated Monkle civilization are buried, and for some reason, the victorious side left here entirely.

Even, for some reason, after the defeat, this world suddenly had a "curse".

That may be the reason why, no matter how extraordinary people cultivate in the Ice Ridge Wasteland, the fifth level is the end!

At this time, Kanosha, who is also a legend, asked solemnly: "Mafa Wuji, in your current state, can you sense that there are higher levels above the fifth level of extraordinary?"

After she advanced to legend, she obviously felt that the end of the extraordinary road should not be here. It's like the steps of climbing a mountain. Before seeing the top of the mountain, it suddenly broke off, which is so abrupt that it is inexplicable.

"Does not."

Mafa shook his head, but turned to say: "Although my realm has not yet touched a higher level of power. According to the legend of my ancestors, we Colemans once had a talented person who touched the fifth level. The 'forbidden power', which is a power that will bring 'bad luck and natural disasters' once touched."

Kanosha asked suspiciously: "Above the fifth level is the 'forbidden power'? What is the 'bad luck and natural disaster'?"

Marfa shook her head.

The legend of the ancestors has been passed down by word of mouth for countless years, and no one knows exactly what it refers to.

Hearing this, everyone faintly felt that they had touched the threshold of the truth with one blow, but they didn't take that step.

"Everyone, I think my discovery may explain what the 'bad luck natural disaster' is."

And when everyone was pondering, Mr. Toust mentioned the reason for the crash of the airship again.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes focused on the past.

Toust analyzed: "I have observed the damaged main cannon on the airship in detail. It is no longer the gunpowder cannon that we are currently seeing, but has a more complicated magic pattern energy storage system. From the cannon's enchantment Calculated based on the complexity and caliber, the power of one shot of it will definitely exceed the full blow of 'Legendary Superman' by many times!"

After a pause, he continued: "From my analysis, the airship might have encountered an invincible attack at the time and wanted to fire back. But because the power of the artillery was too great, it directly caused the instability of the space, resulting in space cracks, tearing The mechanical airship fell, and then it fell. This space crack may be the "bad luck and natural disaster" in Coleman's legend!"

From a scientific point of view, the old man perfectly explained why the airship fell, the level of "advancement power", and what "bad luck and natural disasters" are.

Hearing these remarks, everyone's eyes became brighter and brighter, and a pair of clear pictures were immediately deduced in everyone's minds: an airship coming from the fog, met the black dragon, and then the "weak chicken" on the airship The fifth-order extraordinary had no choice but to use the super-order artillery to fight back. In the end, the energy fluctuation was too large, causing the space to tear, and the machine was destroyed!

The top leaders in the mechanical, extraordinary, and medical fields present at the scene calculated together, and it seemed that the truth had really been restored!

But after saying this, everyone's expressions became a little dignified.

There are various indications that the unknown civilization outside the mist is much stronger than them.

It is estimated that the few Colemans present at the scene, such as Marfa, can understand this feeling best.

Originally, their tribe had lived happily in the "Forest of Ashes" for generations, but suddenly some invaders who didn't know where they came from appeared. Although they are weak in combat power, they have many people and high technology.

If it doesn't work, it will be another battle of civilization and genocide.

With this reasoning, the entire conference room was silent, and everyone's faces were full of solemnity and worry.

At this time, Ymir saw that the atmosphere was not right, and said: "Actually, this matter is not only a crisis for us, but also an opportunity. Since people outside the fog can come in, then... maybe we can too. go out!"

Those who can participate in this meeting are basically high-level extraordinary.

It stands to reason that their extraordinary journey has almost reached the end of this world. But obviously, it shouldn't be the end. They can feel that there is still a long way to go before the fifth level of extraordinary, but suddenly it seems that they have reached the edge of a cliff, and suddenly there is no way to get off.

But now. I found that the cliff was facing the mystery. In the thick fog, I suddenly saw a broken bridge leading to nowhere.

Someone jumped over in an airship from the other side of the broken bridge.

Beyond the fog, there must be a way to seek power beyond the fifth level!

With this statement, even Mafa, a wise old man with a calm heart, had a twinkle in his eyes.

A frog trapped at the bottom of a well, knowing the outside world, always wants to jump out and have a look.

Hearing Ymir's statement, Ren, the "city lord", also expressed some of his own thoughts: "Actually, I think His Royal Highness Ymir's words are correct. Our Black Dragon City has the best timing, location, and harmony. The goal It was never supposed to be two empires, nor a city of glory. It was a wider sky beyond the mist."

After a pause, he looked at the slightly worried interior officials, and continued: "And I don't think we need to worry too much. Judging from the current clues, there seems to be some kind of restriction in our foggy world. , so that all existence will not exceed the fifth level, we are restricted, and so are those outsiders. But from a certain point of view, it restricts us and is also our protective barrier."

He was originally a time traveler, and he was probably the calmest among those present who heard the news.

This trip was like playing a game. I thought it was a wonderful and extraordinary world. After some exploration, I found out that the place I was in now was Novice Village. There is also a super wide and mysterious world that needs to be explored!

It was just not sure before, but now it is confirmed, which makes people feel a sense of excitement and anticipation to find out!

Kanosha also responded to this statement: "I also agree with what the Lord Rennes said!"

She was originally pursuing the extraordinary and supreme realm, but after touching the "legend", she found that it was far from the end.

Now with new goals, her team is full of expectations for the future.

Marfa: "Agreed."

Irubek: "Agreed."

Baron: "Agreed."


In the end, everyone summed it up and felt that the development goals of the future "Black Dragon City" became clearer and clearer.

Now that we know that the people from outside are at the fifth level at most, and they may be a level weaker than their fifth level in the fog.

If they really want to fight, they are really not afraid.

The current shortcoming is the technology of the mechanical city!

Not to mention finding a way out of the fog, at least if someone breaks in, they can protect themselves to a certain extent.

At this moment, all eyes on the conference table fell on Toust, the top mechanical master.

The old man also did his part.

He talked eloquently, and said: "Now that we have the wreckage of this airship mechanical city, I can guarantee that within five years, we will be able to crush any mechanical city of the two empires with technology, even the so-called The highest technology [City of Destruction. Therefore, I also agree with what the Lord Rennes said, our goal should never be the two empires and the City of Glory. "

After a pause, he continued: "If the mechanical technology of those people outside the mist is generally at the level of the wreckage of the airship. In fact, it is not difficult for our Black Dragon City to catch up, but it will take some time. In less than ten years, I don't think so. The technology is catching up, but at least it won’t be too far behind. What our territory lacks right now are large forging workshops, large steelmaking plants, large equipment manufacturing lines, and professional mechanics.”

Ymir: "I think the construction of the Mechanical City is the top priority of our Black Dragon City. Starting today, all resources in the territory should be tilted towards the 'Department of Machinery', and the 'Black Dragon Academy' will start recruiting students as soon as possible." , the first batch of students will give priority to satisfying the mechanical major.”

Canossa: "You can make a list of the materials you need. I will arrange a caravan as soon as possible to mobilize and deliver the resources."

Everyone: "Agreed!"

Thanks to 'Bookworm Hui Reading', 'Speech After the Bustle', 'Wo Eta', 'Qinglian Daoge' for 1500 coins, and 'LX' 999 for your great support.

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