Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 195 Airship Logbook (Subscribe)

With his extremely professional and mechanical level that crushed the times, Toust introduced his planned future development of "Black Dragon City" in the mechanical direction, and then planned two mechanical departments.

Responsible for city construction: Urban Construction Machinery Department;

In charge of war machinery: the war machinery department, started to manufacture individual mecha workshops, artillery and firearm workshops;

For a long time, the old man was the only voice in the conference room.

The people in the seats looked like students in a school, obediently listening to the teacher, no matter Ren, Ymir, or various bosses, all of them looked serious and serious.

Especially when Toust took out his design drawing of "Black Dragon City Flying Machinery City", everyone was stunned.

I thought it was similar to this wreck, but I didn't expect the old man to come up with a special mechanical city shape that was completely unexpected to everyone.

"I have also carefully inspected the wreckage of this steam airship. Even if the main structure is broken, it is extremely unstable. Even if it can fly again, the risk of falling is high. Therefore, I have no intention of repairing it. Instead, use the existing materials of the wreckage of the steam airship, and then transform it into another airship with a new structure! Moreover, I am sure that it will fly faster and more flexible than its current structure!"

There is a kind of self-confidence in Toust's words.

His professional opinion was recognized by everyone, and naturally no one questioned it.

Laymen who don't understand mechanics may not understand how exquisite the mechanical design, power, weapons, and defense devices are, but a mechanical master like Pierre will be astonished immediately when he sees the drawings.

Before seeing the drawings, he felt that his idea could be tried. But after seeing this blueprint, he felt that he was just a mechanic apprentice in front of Toust.

Not to mention the technical hardware gap, the "crazy" design concept on this blueprint is definitely beyond his reach. No, this is a height that is beyond the reach of the times even if the three "Great Masters" of the Royal Academy come!

Ren didn't quite understand the details of the machinery city's manufacturing, but he understood it roughly.

Now the construction of the mechanical city in "Black Dragon City" is roughly divided into two steps.

The first step is the current fixed machinery city.

They don't expect the mechanical city to be able to move. They will continue to build high walls and make sharp guns to ensure that they can gain a firm foothold in the "Kalateva Basin".

The second step is to create a regular mechanical city base in the city wall, so that the city can move on the ground in the future.

But in fact, there is a hidden third step, and there is a secret space similar to the "Dock" inside the Mechanic City.

That "flying machine city" will be secretly built inside the machine city!

Fortunately, Ymir brought a large number of mechanical craftsmen to build the territory this time.

Otherwise, even with the presence of a top mechanic like Mr. Toust, with his own strength, he would only be disappointed when looking at the mechanical wreckage.

The meeting lasted for a long time, and most of the problems encountered in the territory were put on the table for discussion, and then they were resolved one by one.

The biggest problem before was the contradiction between the integration of the two groups of people.

Today's meeting determined the system of the Black Dragon City. After Renn was elected as the city lord, the contradiction seemed to fade away in an instant.

The Coleman people are related to the eldest princess, and neither side has the previous sense of "xenophobia".

Ren is a member of the Coleman tribe, and everyone from the great witch priest Mafa to the soldiers below believe in him.

And now people in Omar's lineage also know that Ren is a man of Ymir, so there is no sense of repulsion that "outsiders are coming to fight for power".

Moreover, the abolition of the aristocratic system went smoothly. After all, there were no great nobles (except those around Ymir) who could follow Ymir to build a new city in this remote area. Either a down-and-out little nobleman or a commoner, the difference is not big in the first place.

Now everyone has the same equal rights, and there is no disturbance.

If in Omar, or any private territory, dare to announce the abolition of the aristocratic class system, I am afraid that those nobles will immediately rebel.

After the two departments reached an agreement, the work efficiency was extremely high.

Agriculture, mining, colleges, hospitals, factories. In addition to infrastructure, opera houses, taverns, and bathing pools are also on the agenda for residents to enjoy spiritual civilization.

Every proposal was passed almost instantaneously, with a clear division of labor, professional people doing professional things, and both parties cooperating very well.

Rennes also proposed some system proposals such as "social security", "military rank system", etc., which were already mature in previous lives.

As for whether it can be done, that is something that the internal affairs officials worry about.

After the meeting, everyone dispersed.

There were only three people left in the room, Ren, Ymir and the great witch priest Mafa.

The supreme leader of the two forces, and a middleman.

After the meeting, Ymir also breathed a sigh of relief.

When she was free, she had time to think about other things. Today's meeting went smoothly beyond imagination.

This was unimaginable before last night.

Ymir also had to admit that the suggestion Mrs. Canossa from the "Black Gold Chamber of Commerce" gave her was very effective yesterday.

Although I felt the strange gazes of my subordinates early in the morning, it finally made a big step forward in the construction of the territory.

Thinking of this, she glanced at the man beside her out of the corner of her eye, and it was a little complicated.

Just before last night, even if Ymir tried every possible method to ease the conflict between the two parties, he couldn't do it.

There is a language barrier, and no one on their Omar side can speak Coleman. There are a few people on Coleman's side who can speak common language, but they don't intend to communicate much except for necessary conversations, and they always maintain a certain degree of vigilance against foreigners.

The fusion of two civilizations, especially with such a big difference, cannot be solved by two languages ​​in three years. This first step is extremely difficult.

But when Ryan came, the situation changed instantly.

She felt that she seemed to be a little used to this feeling of "a peaceful state of mind being roughly trampled upon". Every time this man appeared, he would bring her a huge surprise.

Not only easily resolved the fusion contradiction,

Ymir is also very clear that without Ren, that Mr. Toust would never work for the territory, and she would not know that there is such a powerful mechanical master hidden in the territory; without Ren, Irubek The doctor will never take out the [Dragon Blood Warrior] and [Super Purity Potion].

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look a little strange.

Irubek watched her grow up and was kind to the elders. Some words are inappropriate for others, but the words of the elders must be seriously considered.

Thinking a little distracted, Ymir frowned slightly, and his thoughts drifted away again.

But at this time, someone suddenly heard someone beside his ear, "Your Highness Ymir."

The focus returned to his eyes, and Ymir looked at Ren who was looking at him, and said apologetically: "Sorry, Lord Ren, I was thinking about the construction of the territory just now, and I was a little distracted."

Ren heard the address, and his eyelids twitched: "Your Highness Ymir, you should call me by my name directly, or Dr. Ren. Otherwise it will sound weird."


Ymir smiled slightly, without saying much, and said, "Doctor Ren. Do you have anything else to tell me?"


Ren nodded, then took out a storage ring, took out the contents one by one, and put it in a small half of the room.

Mostly documents, materials and small items.

While holding it, he said: "This is what the Coleman fighters found in the captain's cabin when they first found the wreckage of the airship. They gave it to me, and I didn't count what's inside. Now We are allies and I think we need to share these things."

Toust's grandson and the Coleman tribe found the mechanical wreck earlier than Ymir's people, so they also helped Renn collect the spoils on the wreck in advance.

Because they thought it was Ren's personal belongings, the Colemans didn't look at it carefully.

Before that, no one knew exactly what was inside.

Ren didn't look at it himself, and now he took it out in front of Mafa and Ymir.

Ymir glanced at Ren, nodded without saying anything.

The mutual trust between the two is the basis for working together.

The most important loot on this airship is naturally something from the captain's room.

Ren and Ymir began to count the items. Although Mafa was not interested in treasures, he picked up the documents with great interest and looked at them.

It's a pity that the documents that catch the eye are all recorded in an unknown script, which is completely unrecognizable and obviously not a common language.

And when Ren glanced at the documents, a reminder sound came from the brain.

【Ding! Found as recorded text, the system automatically recognizes the record]

After hearing the prompt, he also looked carefully, one by one, and then classified them on the other side.

If enough written information is found, the system may be able to decipher it on the spot.

Ymir couldn't read the text and had no interest in documents, so he wanted to find something special.

Then she found a few thick notebooks from the pile of documents.

Flipping through it, she whispered, "This is the [Logbook] of this airship!"

Ren heard the sound and leaned over.

The content on the notes was a little scribbled, like a left-handed handwriting, with the strokes leaning to one side, but it was still the kind of unfamiliar characters that I couldn't understand.

But the preliminary map drawn on the notebook caught the attention of all three of them.

"This is...the route they took after entering the Ice Ridge Wasteland!"

Ren was a little surprised, because the brain had already collected most of the maps of the two empires. Now that he looked at the route map, he immediately matched the trajectory of the airship.

"This airship spanned the whole of Omar, traveled more than 100,000 kilometers, and came from the east to the west of the Alcoron Mountains?"

Ren's eyes lit up. The [Logbook] in Ymir's hand was the flight route after entering the fog, which meant that the other books might be the flight route of the airship outside the fog.

Maybe they can find a way out of the fog?

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