Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 196 The Mausoleum of the Black Emperor (added for 'leo627')

Ymir obviously realized something, and the sparkle in his crystal eyes trembled.

Then they quickly found several other [Voyage Logbooks].

Sure enough, they found what they wanted to see!

"Hey, looking at their records, the airship seems to have descended from a very high cliff?"

On the picture, an airship the size of a fly is drawn, flying down from the top of a certain cliff.

Unable to decipher the text for the time being, Ren and the others could only rely on the sketches drawn in their notes to confirm a cliff that they had no impression of.

Comparing the scale of the mountains depicted in the log, they found that the "cliff" seemed to be much higher than the Alcoron Mountains?

It gives people the feeling that this Bingji wasteland full of mist is in a super deep pit?

The more Ren looked, the more dignified he looked.

Ymir also frowned, and murmured: "No wonder the airship machine city is needed, so it came down from such a high place. If I remember correctly, that cliff should be in the depths of the large desert area east of Oma .That kind of barren place, the wild hunters will hardly go there to explore, so it is not recorded in the empire map."

Ren also said: "Even if someone discovered it before, it would probably be regarded as a very high mountain range. Anyway, that kind of steep rock wall cannot be climbed without a mechanical airship."

The main road is shrouded in fog all year round, and even the top of the Alcoron Mountains cannot be seen, let alone such a high "cliff".

Besides, the scale error on the hand-drawn sketch must be very large, and the ghost knows how high the "cliff" is.

And Mafa on the side saw the sketch of the cliff, and suddenly opened his mouth, saying in Coleman: "This reminds me of the 'Eye of Hell'."

It was just these simple words, when Ren heard it, his eyes lit up!


Now that he knew that there was civilization beyond the fog, Renn also instantly thought, isn't their current situation very similar to the previous "Eye of Hell"?

After going down, there is an endless pit, which contains the remains of an ancient civilization.

Could it be that those people in the airship just regarded the Ice Ridge Wasteland as some ancient ruins, and then came here by mistake?

"That's not right! The route of this log looks very purposeful, and the route is very straight. It doesn't seem like you entered this place by mistake."

Ren suddenly frowned, talking to himself.

He thought of something again, and said: "Besides, whether it was by mistake or an expedition, why didn't they stop all the way, but directly crossed the ice ridge wasteland, and then came to this basin?"

Turning back again, the logbook on the note suddenly broke.

It should be that the attack was so sudden that I didn't have time to continue writing.

When Ymir heard this, his eyes rolled, and he immediately realized: "They must have come to find something, so they came directly to the 'Kalateva Basin'! So you can see that the last few pages of this note seem to be in the basin Wandering around, seems to be looking for some coordinates."

Hearing this, Ren blurted out: "Treasure hunting?"

Ymir also recognized this, and said, "It's very possible!"

Although Mafa didn't understand what the two of them said, his wisdom instantly thought of something.

Ren said a little excitedly: "Let's look for it, maybe there is something like a 'treasure map' here!"


Ymir and he looked at each other and nodded.

Although she, Princess Omar, was used to seeing treasures in the world, ordinary treasures would never come into her eyes, but now, her eyes are full of expectations.

It is definitely not an ordinary "treasure" that can make those ultra-high-tech guys outside run so far!

But before they found the "treasure map", they found something else.

Those are the "potion formula" and two potions recorded in a few special animal skin scrolls!

"Hey, this potion formula is so complicated? Could it be a potion formula above the fifth level!"

Although he didn't understand the words above, Ren recognized the refining process like an equation at a glance.

The complexity of the formula in front of him far surpassed all the fifth-order formulas he had seen.

Then there is only one possibility.

This is a sixth-order, even a high-grade genetic potion formula!

It was just a guess before, but now that he saw the formula, he was sure that beyond the fifth level of extraordinary, there are indeed higher levels!

When Ymir heard it, his crystal eyes were also full of brilliance, "Beyond the mist, is there really an extraordinary advancement path above the fifth level?!"

"It's very likely."

Ren nodded.

He said the same thing to Mafa again, and the old man's wise eyes also sparkled.

Although they had guessed before that these people from outside the mist might have transcendental beings who surpassed the fifth level of extraordinaryness, after all, the gene chain of the bones on the wreckage was only at the fifth level at most.

Now that they saw the physical formula in front of them, they could already be sure that the world outside the mist really had "sixth-order" extraordinary power above fifth-order.

With the formula, it means that extraordinary people can advance even higher with this formula!

Ren may not feel it strongly, but Ymir and Mafa, the two fifth-order transcendents, have already set off turbulent waves in their hearts.

Originally thought that the fifth level was already the end of the extraordinary, and "legendary" was the ultimate.

Unexpectedly, a higher advanced path suddenly appeared in front of my eyes!

Reminiscent of the inferences at the previous meeting, the three of them came up with a guess that was infinitely close to the truth, that is, it is not that there are no existences beyond the fifth level in this world, but that no one beyond the fifth level is allowed in this foggy space. The "power of high law" exists, otherwise it will cause space tearing!

They kept the two potions of unknown purpose and put them away.

The excitement of finding the potion formula hadn't dissipated, and at this moment, Ymir found a small silver cylinder in a pile of small objects.

When I opened it, it was another map with strange words written on it.

Ymir didn't understand it, but he also guessed something, and handed it to Ren beside him: "Doctor Ren, take a look, this seems to be a treasure map."

Before Renn took it, he only glanced out of the corner of his eye, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Ymir didn't know the words on it, but he did!

This is a map recorded in the "Munkel Ancient Language".

The conspicuous line of characters on it is impressively written [Tomb of the Black Emperor]!

The great witch Ji Mafa who was at the side also stared at the words on the map.

Among the civilizations that have been annihilated in history, there may be several who can be called the [Dark Emperor]. But the most famous one is naturally the [Dark Emperor] Moises from the Monkel civilization who created the seventy-two magic potion sequences!

Ren couldn't hide his excitement, and communicated with Mafa beside him in Coleman: "Master Mafa, does this treasure map really refer to the legendary one?"

Mafa touched the material of the map, looked at some special symbols on the treasure map, nodded and said: "This is an ancient map that has existed for at least tens of thousands of years. And the information and symbols recorded on the map Looking at it, it is indeed a special style of the Monkel civilization period."

Hearing this, Ren said excitedly: "Really?!"

The "Munkel Civilization" of that year suddenly disappeared from history, but the seventy-two generals were more or less able to find some remaining temples or temple ruins. But that [Dark Emperor] Moises had completely disappeared, leaving no clues for future generations at all.

Now, there is a treasure map labeled [Tomb of the Black Emperor], how can it not be shocking?

Only treasures of this level may attract those from the world outside the mist to take risks and hunt for treasures!

Ymir on the side was confused, she couldn't understand the text, but she understood it, Ren and Mafa beside her understood the text on the treasure map!

It seems that judging by the expressions of the two, this is still a big secret?

She asked curiously, "Ren, do you understand the text on it?"

Ren nodded, "This is the ancient Monkel language"


Hearing this, Ymir gave Ren a strange look.

Why does this guy seem to know everything?

If she remembered correctly, even among the most knowledgeable archaeologists in the Imperial Capital Library, none of them seemed to understand Monkel's ancient language.

How did he have so many strange skills?

The turmoil in her heart was still undecided, and at this moment, she looked at Ren with burning eyes and said to her: "Your Highness Ymir, what is written on it is: In this 'Kalateva Basin 'Somewhere, there is the mausoleum of [Black Emperor]!"


Although I have been mentally prepared, this treasure map may have a big secret.

But hearing the name of the legendary great god, Ymir still couldn't hide his shock.

She confirmed with disbelief: "The [Dark Emperor] Moises who created the Monkel civilization?"

Ren nodded and said, "Not necessarily. But the possibility is great!"

Hearing this, Ymir froze for a moment as if struck by lightning.

She suddenly realized what this treasure map really meant.

A temple of "seventy-two generals" can make the top masters of the two empires compete, let alone the mausoleum of the great emperor back then?

There are not a lot of temples (temples) of the Seventy-two Gods in existence, and the total number of temples discovered one after another in history is estimated to be thousands. In this foggy continent, there may be more undiscovered.

But none of the temples or tombs of the [Black Emperor] appeared!

Ren studied the coordinates marked on the map in detail, and said: "This map only roughly indicates that the mausoleum is in this basin, so the people on the airship have been lingering around here for many days."

After a pause, his eyes sparkled, and he said, "The coordinates they couldn't find ten years ago, we may be able to find them easily now!"

Ymir obviously understood something, "You mean the Kuroshio!"

Ren nodded, unable to hold back the excitement in his heart: "If there is no [Kuroshio], it may be troublesome to find the tomb, but now it is very easy!"

The two looked at each other, and both saw the trembling light in each other's eyes.

There are countless civilizations buried on this continent, like a thousand-layer cake, layered on top of each other, perhaps there is another layer of ruins under the ruins, no one knows which layer the civilization ruins are buried on.

How wide is the Calateva Basin? If we dug every inch of the land, it would take forever to find the whereabouts of the mausoleum.

But now, there is a special situation.

Because of the Kuroshio Current, the corpses buried in the ground have been revived and come to the ground!

This basin is also a paradise for dinosaurs. There are very few human bones, but not none.

There are human bones, which means that there must be ancient ruins underground.

Once it is discovered where the number of human living corpses is concentrated, there must be large ancient ruins underneath.

Once you judge the style of the belongings on the bones, you can immediately determine that they are the corpses of that civilized era.

In this way, even though the remains of other dating civilizations may be buried in this basin, Ren and the others can easily determine where there are remains of the "Munkel Civilization" without digging at all! Because building the emperor's mausoleum requires a lot of manpower, the bones are absolutely indispensable!

Because of the appearance of [Kuroshio], this "treasure" that originally required countless time and manpower to discover suddenly became very easy.

This "treasure map" can attract those extraordinary people of high-level civilizations outside the mist to travel long distances to hunt for treasures. For their "Black Dragon City", it may be an unpredictable super big opportunity!

After all, that [Dark Emperor] Moises back then was the founder of the god-level civilization "Munkel Civilization"!

Ten thousand rewards owe more X1. Monthly pass owes more 4.

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