Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 197 Your Highness, You Can Live In Our Room

In the end, Ryan and the others finished counting the things they found from the captain's room.

There are a lot of strange things, of course, the most valuable is the "Treasure Map of the Black Emperor".

For what it's worth, though, they've found something familiar in those too.

Those are some ancient animal skin scrolls recorded in common language.

Most of them are potion formulas, or scrolls recording spells.

Moreover, many of them were carefully "framed", and it seemed that they were regarded as antique collections by the people on the airship.

It is estimated that this misty ice ridge wasteland may be a "remains of primitive civilization" for people outside the mist.

Now that it is determined that there may be a tomb of the [Black Emperor] at a certain coordinate in the "Kalateva Basin", Rennes and the others now have one more task, which is to find all the places in the basin that may have relics.

But there is no need for Ryan to worry about those things, Ymir will make arrangements.

Although the body of the legendary black emperor might still be in the mausoleum, there is no need to worry.

This foggy world only allows the existence of the fifth level, which is the shackles of the extraordinary and a kind of protection.

Even if they are afraid that [Kuroshio] will revive those ancient corpses, the power of law they can use will not exceed the fifth level. This gives people confidence.

Even with the black dragon still alive, they weren't so wary anymore.

At least there is no need to worry about the strength of the big lizard going beyond the sky.

Although it is said that the combat power of the giant dragon is higher than that of ordinary monsters, it is also sealed by the "fifth-level ceiling", so it will not be too high.

With so many top combat powers in Black Dragon City, even if they are encountered, they should be capable of fighting.

The small meeting dispersed, and both Ymir and Mafa left first.

Ren used his "intelligent brain" to scan all these documents, and then asked the archivist in the city to bring all the written materials that could be found in the wreckage of the airship, and carefully "turned over" them.

After all, this airship crashed only ten years ago, and it is not considered a civilization at all.

There are a lot of written materials, books, and literature scrolls on the airship. There are even a few Fengyue novels written by the author [Blind Waiting], such as "The Iron Ship Island of the Great Voyage", "Raymond and Isa in the Elven Sky Island" The Days the Queen Fucked", "The Women of One Piece".

Ren probably flipped through it, complaining in his heart, and the beginning was bad.

For Zhinao, with so much information, there is almost no difficulty in this kind of text translation.

Before scanning these materials, the text has been translated.

The text described in this classic is called the "common language of the dark camp", which is a more simplified text than the "common language of ancient Sid" used by Rennes and the others.

Ren was not idle, and started to compile translation dictionaries.

Although this matter can be done by the paleographers in the territory. But I don't know how many years or even longer it will take to rely on manpower alone. With his "intelligent brain", he doesn't need to use his brain at all. The system has helped to compile an accurate dictionary.

Text translation is very important.

Because many of the mechanical instructions on the airship, as well as the medical devices that Irubek is working on, involve text.

Now Black Dragon City must develop as soon as possible, these things should be done sooner rather than later. The sooner you can figure out everything about the steam airship, the better it will be for the development of the territory.

After Ren learned the "common language of the dark camp", he went back to read the previous documents and figured out what was written on those papers.

This is a steam airship "Narwhal" owned by an organization called "Steam Brotherhood". It seems to be similar in nature to a large hunting group. They also take risks everywhere to hunt for treasure.

And those potion formulas are indeed several "sixth-order" genetic potion formulas, four black iron, one silver, and the grade division is exactly the same as in the mist.

But Ren didn't see that the potion on the formula should be the corresponding sequence of "Seventy-two God Generals" or that it wasn't this at all, but something else.

Now he already knew that there was a world beyond the mist, and those extraordinary people, the advanced potions were not necessarily the Black Emperor's "sequence of seventy-two generals".

And the finished two potions in the bottle are not any of the formulas. It was bought by the captain for his own advanced use. There is also a purchase certificate called "Iron Thorn Firm" and an instruction manual similar to a warranty card, which cost more than 30 million gold coins.

Ren has no other data to refer to, and he doesn't know what the prices outside are.

Other documents include transaction procedures, maintenance records of Machinery City, securities, contracts, personnel lists, navigation permits, and tavern VIP cards.

With these things, Renn had a general impression of the living environment of the captain of the airship in his mind.

Judging from these materials, the world outside the mist seems to be very lively and bustling, but apart from the presence of higher-ranking transcendents, it seems that there are not many other differences. Nobles, steam machines, airship monsters, taverns, and mechanical cities should have Both.

Still, it seems... the outside world is ridiculously big.

For an organization of the size of the "Steam Brotherhood" to which the wreckage of the airship belongs, there seem to be many outsiders

Ren copied from the "intelligent brain", and spent a few hours compiling a bilingual translation dictionary. When he walked out of the reference room, it was already dark.

Turning around, he didn't see Ymir, so he thought about giving her the "dictionary" tomorrow. The rest of the translation work was handled by the specialized civilian staff in the territory, so he didn't need to worry about it.

Then his stomach growled with hunger again, and Ren wanted to go back to his residence for dinner.

The territory is brightly lit, and the artisans continue to build the territory in batches without interruption.

After today's high-level meeting, it is clear that the territory is more orderly. Everyone understands the future development direction of the territory, and they all perform their duties in harmony. The craftsmen also understood that they had equal rights as the first batch of "permanent residents" of Black Dragon City, and they became more motivated.

The size of the territory is not large now, only the size of a few blocks.

Everyone on Oma's side also knew Ren. When he passed by, someone recognized him and shouted, and heads popped up to watch the excitement.

"Hello City Lord!"

"The city lord is mighty."

"Wow, the city lord is super handsome."


Now everyone knows that Ren is the lord of Black Dragon City, and that he is Ymir's man, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Ren also responded with a smile.

However, from a loner to a city lord with tens of thousands of people suddenly, he was still a little uncomfortable. But looking at the smiling faces of "returned serfs singing", he also felt that it seemed to be pretty good.

In other cities, the status of craftsmen is similar to that of slaves. They are the private property of the lord, free labor that can be trampled and exploited at will; but here, they are human beings.

When they reached Coleman's shanty town, Ren could smell the smell of Udo's unique barbecue from a long distance away.

"Wow, it smells so good, Udo, tonight's dinner seems to be very rich."

Before entering the door, Ren was drooling greedily, and shouted through the door with a smile.

Not only was there roast meat, but he also smelled a lot of fruit.

In his own home, he didn't need to be polite, just pushed the door open and entered. But he didn't think that there was only one more person in Wu Duo's room in his perception.

"Your Highness Ymir?"

Ren stared at it for a moment, never expecting to see the eldest princess in the shed who felt that the world was not in the air.

The Ymir in front of him changed into a plain White House dress that was not as formal as in the meeting. The aristocratic skirts of this era are all low-cut and thin-waisted, which also outlines her already bumpy figure even more towering and straight, which is pleasing to the eye.

The light makeup is still meticulous, the blond hair is like a waterfall, scattered behind his head, and there is still a faint smile on his face.

Ren: Huh, she can laugh?

There were no chairs in the shed, and Ymir didn't feel the slightest discomfort. He did as the Romans did, imitating the sitting posture of the Colemans, kneeling on the grass mat.

Moreover, it seemed that she and Udo had a harmonious chat.

Seeing Ren come back, Udo got up, like a qualified little daughter-in-law welcoming the master who came home from work, and said: "Doctor Ren, you are back. I will have dinner with Miss Ymir tonight, so prepare more some food."

Ymir also met Ren's astonished gaze, and said with a smile from the corner of his eyes: "My lord, you don't seem to welcome me as a guest?"

Without entourage and maids to follow, Ymir seemed to let go of the isolated arrogance of the royal family, revealing another side of her iceberg indifference.

This was a side of Ryan that he had never seen before.

Although still aloof and independent, she no longer has the kind of life that rejects people thousands of miles away.

When he came back to his senses, Ren smiled and said, "Your guest is coming, welcome."

Ymir can still joke? He thought that the eldest princess only had a "serious" expression.

The astonishment on his face disappeared in a flash, Ren walked over, sat carelessly across from Ymir, and said unceremoniously: "Eldest Princess Palace, why do you think you came to my hut today?"

Ymir smiled again and said, "As a friend, is it strange to visit the Lord City Lord and Elder Udo?"


Ren knew that this was not an illusion.

He responded with a smile: "His Royal Highness, you should call me by my name, it always feels strange."

In addition to being serious, she really knows how to joke?

If Lei remembers correctly, the two have met so many times, and this is the time when they saw her smile the most.

Obviously, this gentle side is definitely not because of himself, is it because of Udo?

Think about it, and he will understand.

Ymir wants to make the territory harmonious as soon as possible. She must first understand the Colemans and integrate into this civilization.

And the best entry point is Udo, the new elder Coleman who understands the common language and has a close relationship with Ren.

Ymir blinked his eyes, and said in a very innocent tone, "Well, then you can just call me Ymir, there are no princesses in the territory."

Ren: "Oh."

"So are you ready to eat?"

At this time, Udo also prepared the tableware, one big banana leaf per person, and then began to distribute food.

Ren has lived in the tribe for several months and has long been accustomed to this primitive way of eating meat.

He looked at Ymir, slightly worried that the pampered royal princess would not get used to it.

If he understands correctly, high-ranking nobles pay a lot of attention to meals, such as stomach-warming soup, appetizers, main meals, desserts, and mouthwash. There are several sets of gold and silver tableware for a meal, and seven or eight servants are required to serve them. The complexity will make ordinary people dumbfounded.

"Okay, instead of waiting for Ren, I have long been eager to eat first."

But I didn't expect Ymir to face such a primitive way of eating with fingers, and he didn't mind at all.

She wiped her hands with a towel, then tore off a small piece of roast meat and put it in her mouth.

It's just that she didn't gobble it up like Ryan, she chewed it gracefully and slowly.

After eating a piece, she had a delicious expression on her face, and she did not forget to praise Wu Duo's craftsmanship, "It's delicious, Elder Wu Duo, your barbecue skills are really great. I've never eaten such delicious barbecue. .”

This is the truth, but it is also a courtesy.


Wu Duo was praised, and her expression was slightly shy.

But the people of Coleman are so simple, and the guests will be very happy if they think it is delicious.

Then, it will let you eat more.

Hearing what Ymir said, Udo directly cut a big lump of barbecue meat for her, about tens of catties, and said: "Your Highness Ymir likes to eat, so eat more."

Ren watched Ymir staring blankly at the lump of meat for a moment, and almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Apparently, she too was intimidated by such a large piece of meat.

Although he could see that Her Royal Highness was trying hard to integrate into the Coleman civilization, but for the first time, he was caught off guard.

The atmosphere of the dinner was surprisingly good. While eating, Ymir chatted with Udo, talking about the customs of the two civilizations, the construction of the territory, and finally some topics about women.

Ymir also obviously felt it. Because of Ren's presence, Udo didn't speak as cautiously as before, and really began to gradually try to communicate with her, an outsider, with heart.

The relationship between the two also quickly drew closer.

"Ah Udo, you just turned fifteen? You female warriors of the Coleman clan are so tall."

"Yeah, when I turn eighteen, I will grow to be as tall as my clansmen. Your Royal Highness, I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

"No! You will look good too. When you grow up, your figure will grow and you will look good."

"Are you saying that breasts will grow? Dr. Lane often said that I am a 'washboard'. Although I don't know what it means, I think he dislikes me for being small. He seems to like big breasts very much, like a princess. Your Highness, you, and that Mrs. Canossa."


The topic suddenly and rudely chatted to the point where people felt dumbfounded.

Many of the Coleman women's ideas are very direct, which is completely different from the reservedness of the upper-class aristocrats.

This was originally what Renn usually joked about Udo, but it seemed strange to say it now.

Ymir was taken aback when he heard that, and glanced at Mr. Lei who almost spat out the fruit pulp in his mouth, always feeling something weird.

However, the atmosphere of the conversation is still very harmonious.

Because everyone can hear it, Wu Duo's words are very simple, so simple that people feel that they have seen all the world in her heart at once.

The simplicity of the Colemans made Ymir feel more cordial.

"Oh, don't listen to his nonsense, Ren doesn't appreciate it at all, and when you grow up, you will look good."

"Really? But the men in the tribe seem to prefer women with bulging breasts."


Although this meal only had grilled meat and fruit, Ymir felt that this was the most enjoyable and satisfying meal she had.

At this time, it was already very late, and Ymir sent a parting gift according to the etiquette of a noble's first visit.

"By the way, Udo, I have a gift for you."

She took out a slender scimitar inlaid with precious stones and gave it to Udo, and introduced: "This was given to me by my father when I was sixteen years old. It symbolizes bravery and purity, and I think it has the same you are very good"

This is a very important gift for Ymir. At this moment, she gave it to Udo.

"Ah thank you"

Wu Duo looked at this beautiful jeweled scimitar, and was flattered. She took the scimitar, and after thinking about it, she also took off a bone and tooth necklace on her wrist, and gave it back to Ymir.

She said sincerely: "This [Bone Teeth Bracelet] is the first time I hunted alone when I was eight years old. It knocked out the tooth from the mouth of the black wolf that almost killed me."

Udo didn't seem to realize at all that the price of the two gifts might differ by ten thousand times. But this bone tooth bracelet is also something of great significance to her.

Ymir looked at the bone chain, smiled, and exclaimed at the same time, "Wow, you can hunt monsters at the age of eight, which is amazing. When I was eight years old, I hadn't been out of the palace yet."

She didn't take the bracelet with her hand, but stretched out her slender white jade hand and asked, "Wuduo, can you tie it on for me?"


Udo readily agreed.

After exchanging gifts, the relationship between the two suddenly became very close.

Ren watched from the side, with a smile overflowing from the corner of his eyes.

Originally gave a gift, in the etiquette of the upper class nobles, it is time to say goodbye and see off the guests.

But obviously, this is not Coleman's passionate etiquette.

Udo didn't wait for Ymir to say that she was going to leave, and directly pulled her: "Your Highness Ymir, it's already late, you can stay in our room."

This is not an inquiry at all, but to tell you that she arranged this result.

Among the Colemans, the master keeps guests overnight because he treats you as a friend.

Ren felt that giving her the custom of popular science now would make her appear to have ulterior motives, so she remained silent.

Ymir was stunned when he heard it.

But looking at Wu Duo's eyes that were as pure as a clear pool, she could only see a deep sense of friendliness and sincerity.

Ymir felt that she shouldn't refuse, but he always felt that something was weird. Glancing from the corner of the eye, the room is only about twenty or thirty square meters, with two beds, where do I sleep?

She hinted vaguely: "Ah, will that bother you and Ren?"

Wu Duo said disapprovingly: "It's okay! The three of us can live together. Guests from our tribe will stay overnight after dark. Otherwise, the tribe will think that we don't get along well, or maybe It would be very rude of us to neglect the guest."


When Ymir heard this, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

Wu Duo's words directly blocked all reasons for retreating.

Going out now will make the Colemans feel that they are not happy with each other? Maybe, you still think that she dislikes the shabby living place?

Thinking about it, Ymir still said: "Okay then. I will cause you trouble."

Thanks to 'Where is the performance' 5000 coins, 'Qinglian Daoge' 1500, 'Gan Liliang', 'CCC1102'. Thank you for your great support.

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