Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 198 I'm leaving

Ymir actually didn't think it was embarrassing to live in the same room with Ren.

After all, in the wasteland back then, the two had spent many days together day and night.

But this is not a wasteland, but in Black Dragon City.

In the territory, there are only a few streets now.

When something new happens, it can spread throughout the territory in a few minutes. Two women and one man live in the same room, and there is no guest room, what will others think?

Ymir originally hesitated.

But when I think about it, the "rumors" are like that anyway, can it be worse?

What's more, although she may have come with the purpose of territorial harmony before coming. But now, she felt that she really wanted to be friends with Udo, a kind-hearted Cole girl.

In the early morning, Udo and Ren sent Ymir out of the shed.

The Coleman people also started a busy day. Everyone looked at the three of Ren and greeted them warmly, like family members.

"Elder Udo, Dr. Ren, good morning"

"Morning Princess"

Ymir obviously felt that the Colemans' eyes on her became friendly. Especially looking at her white wrist with the bone tooth bracelet, I feel even more kind.

Although she couldn't understand Coleman, she understood it, and the Coleman soldiers also greeted her.

Ymir also responded with a smile, feeling very good.

She said to Ren and Udo: "Okay, there's no need to send it away. Ren, I'll go back and change my clothes, and we will inspect the territory together later. After all, you belong to the city lord."

"Oh well."

Ren nodded.

He thought of something again, took out the translated dictionary, and said, "Here are some things I sorted out, take them and see what to do with them."

Ymir didn't look at what was inside, but took it away, "Okay."

Udo also smiled and said: "Your Highness Ymir, come here often when you are free, and I will make barbecue for you."


Ymir smiled, and said: "But tonight I also want to invite you and Ren, as well as the Mafa Grand Witch Festival and the elders to a dinner. Later, I will ask my subordinates to send invitations "

Udo didn't understand what the invitation meant, but when she understood that Ymir wanted to treat herself to dinner, she readily agreed, "Okay."

This extraordinary world is actually quite similar to the sophistication of the world in the previous life. The best way to maintain interpersonal relationships is to eat.

If one meal is not enough, then have another meal.

Originally, Ymir wanted to quietly go back to his residence, but he didn't know what to think of, and his slightly frowning brows relaxed, and then he walked calmly on the street, and walked back to the apartment openly.

The current territory gave her a sense of relief that she could completely let go of her defenses. This has never happened in the imperial capital, anywhere. In those places, she had to protect herself; but here, she could face everything calmly.

In the early morning, the craftsmen had already started to change shifts. When they saw their parents, the princess, they naturally greeted each other warmly.

"His Royal Highness, good morning."

"Good morning everybody."

She walked without hiding her whereabouts, and of course she was seen coming out of the Coleman hut.

Then, it didn't take long for this gossip to spread throughout the territory.

However, Ymir seemed to feel that there was nothing wrong with it.

Everyone is a good gossip.

Back in the makeshift apartment, the maid helped her change out of her long skirt, and only then did she remember the brochure Ryan handed her.

I opened it and looked at the densely packed text on it, and immediately understood what it was.


A look of astonishment immediately appeared on that beautiful face, and it changed into an expression that looked like it did in the blink of an eye.

Ymir closed the booklet, and thought of something, the corner of his mouth overflowed with a curve, as beautiful as an ice lotus blooming, and like spring warming into the world.

Ren, the city lord, has no specific duties, and he likes to be at leisure.

And Wu Duo also went to the great witch to sacrifice to Mafa to learn the lessons that elders should learn, and left the door early in the morning.

And he also plans to help out in the laboratory of his teacher, Irubek, to put medical study back on the agenda.

However, just as Ren was about to go out, the charming Mrs. Canossa came to the door.

"Hey Mrs. Canossa, why are you here?"

"Aren't you inviting me to sit in the house?"

"Oh! Come in please"

Canossa didn't shy away from anything.

After entering the house, she looked at the two beds in the shed, and said with a smile: "I heard rumors going viral in the territory early in the morning, that Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess spent a wonderful night with the handsome City Lord last night. You It's really good"

Ren naturally knew that no matter how joking she was, this kind of thing would become darker and darker. He didn't explain much, and asked curiously: "Mrs. Canossa, how do I feel that you have been coming and going without a trace recently?"

"I'm busy, okay."

Kanosha gave him a white look, and sat lazily beside her.

But because the bed was very low, she had to curl up her legs slightly. Her slender legs were exposed from the edge of the cheongsam with high slits, and the white blossoms were dazzling.

She didn't seem to mind Ryan's gaze at all, rubbed her legs, and muttered, "I've been walking around the camp for most of the night, and my legs are sore."

Hearing this, Ren was puzzled and said, "Madam, you don't sleep, what are you doing in the camp in the middle of the night?"

It turned out that there was no one to be seen, and they actually wandered around the camp in the middle of the night.

"It's not for your territory."

Kanosha said coquettishly, and said in a bad mood: "Now I am alone in the territory of the Chamber of Commerce, and I need to do everything myself. What materials are needed, how much quantity, who to communicate with, and how to transport and handover I must Estimate the number, otherwise the materials will not arrive in time, and the construction period of your territory will also be delayed."

As she spoke, she glared at Ren, and still didn't forget to joke: "Do you think you can sleep comfortably until dawn in Gentle Township like you?"

Listening to the previous few sentences, Ren secretly admired the professionalism of this business giant.

But when he heard the last sentence, his expression suddenly became very resentful.

What kind of gentle country am I? Two women slept on the bed, and I, the majestic city lord, meditated all night cross-legged.

Kanosha also seemed to be on business, so she didn't intend to make fun of it. She skipped this topic, and said, "I heard that the eldest princess has great talents in governing the country. I saw it today. It is indeed not easy. But... I didn't expect that she would not mind being famous with you." One room."

There is praise in the words, but also a touch of banter. Rumors are rumors, but when they are confirmed, it is different.

Ryan shrugged noncommittally.

Ymir's internal affairs ability is indeed outstanding. Why she came to visit yesterday, in fact, everyone can guess. But whether in public or private, she has indeed done impeccable performance with full marks.

While speaking, Kanosha rubbed her big white legs, and said softly, "Oh, my legs are so sore and limp. Dr. Ren's 'gang line' is very comfortable to use and can help me soothe Do you stretch your muscles?"

Having said this, Renn unconsciously turned his gaze to the past: white, with dark flower and cloud pattern lace.

Since the lady came out of the temple, she has become less and less guarded against herself, and has become more and more impolite.

If you can't beat it, the Coleman man's way is very good.

Forget it, if there is no if, you just can't beat it.

If this premise is not established, any crooked ideas will not work.

Ren rolled his eyes and ignored her words.

Although he naturally knew, what Kanosha said was true. This is the secret method of restraining Qi she practiced in [Strong Mystery]. She is usually a delicate and soft ordinary noble lady, not pretending to be squeamish.

But also not fooled.

"Cut~ I'm bored. Since you won't give me a massage, then I'll get down to business."

Seeing that Ren was unmoved, Canossa pursed her lips and reproached.

Obviously, she really came here today.

At this moment, the smile on Kanosha's face suddenly withdrew, and she said a little boringly: "I'm here to tell you that I'm leaving. I'm here to say goodbye to you."

When Ren heard this, he frowned, thinking that something had happened, and asked, "Ah? What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Normal schedule."

Kanosha explained: "Now that the chamber of commerce is suppressed by the two empires, there must be a lot of trouble waiting for me to deal with. Moreover, your Black Dragon City urgently needs a lot of resources to build, and I have to arrange a caravan to come over as soon as possible. Can't delay."

"Oh, that's how it is"

When Ren heard this, he was taken aback. It turned out that she had been wandering around the territory for the past two days, and she was really busy with her business with all her heart and soul.

And counting the months of disappearance before, Kanosha has indeed left the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce for a long time.

"I'll tell Ymir later, and she will arrange someone to escort you."

Thinking about it, he continued: "The route across the Alcoron Mountains to the Sid Empire has been detected before. Except for some low-level living corpses and monsters, there is not much danger."

If he had done it before, he might still be worried about the safety of this delicate lady on a long journey.

But now that she knows that she is a legendary powerhouse, she can only be polite.

If she really wants to go with this strength, she can go anywhere in the world.

It is more of a formality to say that it is sending an escort.


Kanosha nodded, she didn't want others to know her strength unless necessary.

With that said, she put her legs together and planned to stand up. Those big white legs were also covered by the hem of the cheongsam, and Lei couldn't see it either.

The close-fitting cheongsam made it difficult to sit up. Seeing this, Ren stepped forward in a gentlemanly manner and stretched out his hand, trying to make her stand up from the low bed.

Kanosha glanced at him, and stood up naturally holding hands, and said in a charming voice: "It's a pity that I said goodbye for several months. I gave you a chance to kiss Fangze, and you grasped it again." Can't live."

Of course, this woman is charming to the bottom of her heart, and people know that her words may be provocative, but they can't help but hope that what she said is not a joke.

Ren rubbed the center of his brows, put aside those distracted thoughts, and asked, "Mrs. Canossa, when will you come back?"

Canossa responded: "It will take three to five months at the fastest, and it's hard to say if it's slow. If there are too many things in the chamber of commerce, it may take a year or a half."

Ren: "Oh."

Kanosha: "Cultivate hard, I'm still waiting for you to reach the "Shen Gang Realm""

Ryan: "."

The two chatted a few words of parting, ready to go out.

And at this time, suddenly, urgent sirens sounded in the city.

"Warning! C-level Warcraft Siege!"

"Warning! C-level Warcraft Siege!"

"There are flying dragons, everyone be careful!"


When Ren heard this, he rushed out of the door.

The C-level monster siege is a small-scale demon siege, although it is not a big problem for the current high walls of the Black Dragon City, but this time, it is different. Because, the attack comes from the sky!

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