Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 199 Pterosaurs (addition to

Ren and Kanosha rushed out the door, and before they saw the monster, they saw a black shadow swiftly passing by on the ground.

They looked up suddenly, and saw a group of black and large birds passing by in the sky, there were probably forty or fifty of them.

"Wing dragon?"

Ren frowned, he was no stranger to this flying monster.

They have a pair of huge bat-like wings, dark brown firm skin all over their bodies, and a red crown like a dragon horn on top of their heads.

The high-pitched dragon chant was very ear-piercing, and the sonic vibration made the grass shed tremble slightly.

Those guys spread their wings for about ten meters, and the largest ones are more than thirty meters long.

Kanosha sensed it for a moment, frowned slightly, and said, "The leaders are those flying dragons of the fifth rank!"

The people of the Coleman tribe and Ymir have built a base here for a month or two.

These pterosaurs have indeed caused a lot of trouble and casualties to everyone.

At the beginning, there was no city wall in the territory, and the craftsmen could only disassemble the steel plates to build the city wall, but once they went to open places to build fortifications, those elusive pterosaurs would fall from the sky, grab a few people and then fly away.

Their sharp long beaks can pierce the iron sheet, and the dragon claws can easily grab the cannon barrel and throw it down high, easily destroying the house. When the huge fleshy wings wave, it can also set off wind magic damage like a knife.

Compared with other types of sub-dragons, pterosaurs are much weaker in combat effectiveness. But they also have a very tricky place, that is, they can fly. They are extremely flexible in the sky, have excellent eyesight, and are also very sensitive to danger. Wherever there is an ambush, they will deliberately avoid it.

Even high-level extraordinary works are helpless against them.

Also because of the existence of these overlords in the air, the blue-tailed hawks domesticated by the Coleman clan were not less preyed on by them, which brought a lot of trouble to the defense of the territory.

This time, this group of guys planned to hunt in Black Dragon City again.

Their target is naturally the humans in the city!

Now, as the territory's city defenses are being built day by day, those pterosaurs come less and less frequently, and they didn't expect to come again today.

There was a thick fog in the sky, those pterosaurs were hiding in the thick fog, and when they were discovered, they had already swooped down, and there was not much time for people to escape.

After the alarm, there was a little panic in the city.

"Everyone pay attention to find a bunker to hide!"


Snapped! Boom! Snapped! Boom.

In the territory, the sound of musket guns can be heard endlessly.

To deal with this kind of flying monsters, most of the muskets are not easy to use. Even if they penetrate their body and wings, it is difficult to shoot them down.

The power of the artillery is enough. But because there were no flying machines in this world before, no anti-aircraft artillery was specially designed in any territory. Therefore, almost all the artillery on the city wall was built for ground targets, and the angle of upward firing could not hit the black dragon directly above the sky.

And to deal with these flying dragons, muskets are not even as threatening as the bows and arrows of the Coleman tribe.

Just when the alarm sounded in the city, the Coleman people in the thatched shed climbed up to the roof of the thatched shed with great experience, each holding their bows and arrows up to the sky. The rain of arrows hits the head and covers the face.

They have lived in the forest all year round, and they have already experienced many battles against all kinds of monsters, and they are completely fearless.

In contrast, the craftsmen and mechanical warriors that Ymir brought from Omar seemed a little "coddled". Regardless of their combat strength and experience in dealing with monster attacks, they are all far behind.

Moreover, those pterosaurs seem to be extremely shrewd.

After many times of predation, these big birds had already gained experience, and they did not dare to come to the Colemans to wreak havoc, but flew straight to the streets of the city where the craftsmen were densely populated.

The air attack came very fast, and it developed very fast. The group of pterosaurs chose the right target and swooped towards the ground.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh. The sound of breaking wind is endless.

Even on the ground, there are mechanics and soldiers led by General Baron joining forces to defend, but most of them are craftsmen who are not specialized in combat. They were participating in the construction, and before they had time to find a bunker, the group of pterosaurs rushed down with a gust of wind.

For a moment, the ground was howling with gusts of wind, and the wind blades that blew people's flesh and blood made the low-level Chaofan unable to stand at all and became a mess.

Although dozens of pterosaurs were shot down by the steel rope gun, more than a dozen pterosaurs were killed, and more pterosaurs swooped down one after another.

"Oh help!"

"Who can help me"


The artisan who was snatched away let out a hysterical scream of terror.

Some people want to help, but they can't do anything with those big flying birds. Instead, because of the "hostages", muskets dare not shoot indiscriminately.

Omar's high-level and extraordinary people have made moves that can be made, but they still can't take care of them. There are too many of them, and those cunning pterosaurs have avoided high-level transcendence with great experience!

If it were before yesterday, these people who were captured by the pterosaur would probably die.

The low-level transcendent has nothing to do, and the high-level transcendent has nothing to do.

Panic and despair spread rapidly in the city.

The incident happened suddenly, and the pterosaur hunt was coming to an end just as the two of them had just left the house.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

Suddenly, there was a soft-spoken shout.

"Soldiers, come with me! Save our friends from the claws of those flying dragons!"

Focusing his eyes again, Ren suddenly saw a heroic figure and took the lead to rush out.

It was Udo.

Her voice fell silent, and the Coleman soldiers on the roof of the hut rushed down without hesitation.

"Look, it's Coleman's fighters"

"They came to help us"


Those craftsmen who were still in shock, heard the movement and looked over, showing incredible expressions one by one.

Those in Omar never expected that the Colemans would take the initiative to help them today.

Before yesterday, there was a estrangement between the two groups of people in the city, and each of them cleaned the snow in front of the door.

The mechanical city defense equipment on Omar's side was not planned to be installed on the shanty town side, and the Coleman warriors did not intend to pretend to be sentimental to help Omar's people.

But now it's different!

Yesterday, the Great Witch Ritual, Mafa, had called all the tribe members for a tribal meeting, and they also knew that Ren, their closest friend of the Coleman tribe, was the "city lord" of this city. Those who came from Omar are also friends of Ryan.

Moreover, they also knew that the eldest princess of Omar was a guest at Elder Wuduo and Ren's house last night, and stayed until dawn. Her kindness was recognized by the Colemans.

These simple Colemans don't have too complicated thoughts in their hearts,

For the enemy, they have bows and javelins; for friends, they have to be honest!

Aww~ Aww~ Aww~

The horn of war sounded, and the bell-like war song stirred people's hearts.

This is the strongest fighter of the Coleman tribe. They are generally more than three meters tall, have terrifying strides, and run extremely fast!

In the blink of an eye, they had rushed to the opposite block.

Those pterosaurs were still wreaking havoc in the streets, but they sensed the danger and wanted to flap their wings and fly away.

The ones that were a little further away flew up, but the ones that were close were immediately riddled with holes by the javelins thrown by the Colemans during their run.

Several pterosaurs landed on the ground, but more have already taken off.

Pterosaurs are not quick to catch people on the ground, but once they fly into the sky, no one can do anything to them!

The group of pterosaurs jumped up in fright, but there were still several dragons flying up holding more than a dozen craftsmen under their sharp claws.


Regardless of the suffocation of the dragon's claws crushing his chest, the artisan who was captured and flew up screamed in horror.

Although the mechanical knights on the ground wanted to save people, their clumsy mechanical jumping ability was extremely limited, so it was impossible for the flying dragon that was still flying tens of meters into the air!

Just when everyone was desperate, these dark brown-skinned Coleman soldiers rushed over suddenly. They slammed on the ground, with the help of the buildings on both sides of the street, like springbok on the cliff, they jumped up without hesitation.

Dozens of Coleman fighters provoked one after another, and went straight to the pterosaur that was thumping in the air and hadn't completely flew away.

Under everyone's horrified and inconceivable gazes, those Coleman fighters were completely defiant, grabbed the flying dragon's sharp claws, and then rode on it as soon as they turned over!

The pterosaur kept thumping in the sky, spinning and flying upside down in various ways, trying to throw the Coleman fighter off.

At this moment, they didn't care about the "prey" they caught, and the artisans who were captured one by one after loosening the dragon's claws also fell from the sky.


With screams, the surviving craftsman was about to fall to the ground and be seriously injured. But at this moment, another group of Coleman warriors riding monster mounts jumped up and picked them up one by one.


Ren watched with trepidation, because on the back of a certain pterosaur, the little girl Udo was fighting to the death with that flying dragon with a face full of fear!

The elders didn't make a move, and watched closely. This is the tradition of the Coleman tribe.

The best fighters must have grown up through the tempering of blood.

There is no way to borrow strength in the air, and less than 30% of the strength of the whole body can be exerted. Coleman fighters continued to be thrown off by pterosaurs, falling from a height of 100 meters.

Ren, as a doctor, hurried over.

Fortunately, these are the strongest warriors of the tribe, and their physical bodies are at their peak. This fell, and occasionally a few bones were broken, but none of them were life-threatening.

With just a few breaths of effort, the group of pterosaurs has already soared into the sky. Knowing that raiding and hunting would not work, they were gone and continued to stay, wanting to fly away and flee.

However, Udo is still in the sky!

She also rode that big pterosaur, flying farther and farther!

At this time, those Coleman soldiers also rode on the beast mounts and chased them out.

Ren didn't care about anything, and ran all the way, shouting: "Take me!"

A nearby Coleman soldier stretched out his hand, and Ren successfully jumped onto the beast mount and rushed out of the city.

The blue-tailed hawk has risen into the sky and follows from afar.

Judging by the appearance of the group of flying dragons, they are probably preparing to return to their lair on the Alcoron Mountains.

The pterodactyl is the overlord of the sky and extremely fast.

"Into the clouds!"

Not long after, Ren's eyes froze, watching the group of pterosaurs fly into the clouds and immediately disappeared.

The knights of the Coleman tribe didn't stop at all, they just climbed up the mountain. The dragon chants and the sound of fluttering wings were not small, and the target could still be found, but it was getting farther and farther away.

"That girl"

A look of worry flashed across Ren's face. Just now, Udo had a chance to let go and jump off. But she didn't.

However, the mountain road is not like a flat land, and the monster mounts are already very difficult to climb.

After chasing for several kilometers, they found that they came to a cliff. This is already a desolate gravel beach, even the vegetation is rare. Looking up, you can already see white blood lines, but the figures of the group of pterosaurs have long since disappeared.

The thin air made the beasts' mounts panting heavily. The canine monsters, who are good at finding scents, found the residual smell in the air. Everyone changed their path and continued to search for the depths of the snow-capped mountains.

"I hope it's okay."

Ren's face was very serious.

He also didn't expect that Udo, who usually looks quiet and quiet, would be so vigorous, and he was not inferior to adult fighters at all in battle, and even more reckless!

The monster knights are still running wildly after the smell of pterosaurs, but obviously they run far away on the ground and fly in the sky, the farther they are from Yola.

And just when everyone felt that things were going to get worse and worse, they suddenly turned around and heard a deep dragon chant coming through the clouds and mist!


Before the dragon body arrived, the sound wave had already rushed out of the clouds, causing the clouds to scatter.


Give an order.

All the Coleman fighters raised their bows and prepared to fire.

And at that moment, suddenly there was another voice in the clouds: "Don't shoot arrows!"

Everyone was overjoyed, and before they had time to figure out what happened, they saw a Coleman woman with a bright smile and a milky white face shining on the back of the flying dragon flying out of the clouds. The knight was shouting at them: "Soldiers, go back!"

The dozens of Coleman warriors in this line were stunned for a moment, and then they understood what was going on, and chased after them one by one, howling.

Ren was even more delighted, and exclaimed in his heart: "[Totem of Beasts], she tamed that pterosaur!"

The ten thousand rewards owed is finally repaid, and the monthly ticket owes 5

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