Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 200: How to Train the Dragon

【Kuroshio】All the corpses in the ground came alive, now the ground is full of living corpses, but the sky is the only pure land.

In the past, the Colemans domesticated the blue-tailed hawk as a scout, which was useful elsewhere, but in this "Kalateva Basin", it became another kind of food in the eyes of the air overlord.

Flying pterodactyl, the absolute dominant existence in the sky.

No matter what kind of raptor, in the eyes of these dragon species, they are all downstream of the food chain.

Strong mobility, strong concealment, and excellent combat power.

Moreover, now that there are steam airships in the world outside the fog, air combat power is particularly important.

No one can understand the meaning of "air supremacy" better than him, a traveler.

Renn had considered the issue of flying mounts before, but because the Yalong had the blood of a giant dragon, he was born with a blood instinct that higher creatures would not surrender to lower creatures, which made him give up this idea.

But now, Udo made him rekindle this idea.

In Black Dragon City.

"Not good, another flying dragon is coming. Be careful everyone!"

"No. There is another person on the flying dragon who is Elder Wuduo!"

"Oh my god, Elder Udo tamed the flying dragon!"


Not long after, Wu Duo landed on the open space outside Black Dragon City riding the third-tier adult flying dragon.

The people in the city surrounded the city curiously, and thousands of people surrounded the city, but they dared not rely on it.

The pterosaur was watched by so many people, its scales exploded, revealing its instinctive ferocity, and viciously uttered a warning dragon chant towards the surrounding crowd.

The sound waves made everyone's eardrums hurt, and the monsters under the Coleman warriors were even more unbearable. They paced back and forth restlessly on the ground, obviously there was a kind of fear originating in the blood, even higher-level monsters, the same in this way.

And at this time, a miraculous scene appeared!

The flying dragon was irritable and wanted to escape.

But Udo held the pterosaur's pointed head, calming down its growing uneasiness.

In the next second, the pterosaur, which had an extremely irritable face just now, gradually calmed down, and then rubbed its head against Udo's stroking hand quite affectionately, very well-behaved.

And when Ren and the others came back by the monster, they happened to see this scene, and they also looked incredible.

Seeing how everyone was guarding with muskets and bows, Udo explained to everyone: "It won't attack us now, so don't worry about it. But don't get too close, it's still a little afraid of humans. "

Then she said the same thing in Common.

After saying this, everyone put down their weapons and looked curiously at this flying dragon that was becoming more and more docile.

The Coleman people are used to it. For them, animal taming is something that almost everyone will experience in their lifetime.

But the faces of those who came from Omar were very exciting, full of disbelief.

"Huh? These man-eating flying dragons are still afraid of humans?"

"Elder Wuduo can still communicate with Feilong?"


Everyone became curious.

At this time, Ymir in the crowd also saw that the flying dragon was a little afraid of humans, especially because there were many high-level transcendents in the crowd, so he said: "Everyone go back to the city first, and I will leave this place to Elder Udo." gone."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

The crisis has been resolved, and the work has to continue. Everyone stopped watching the excitement, and the officials began to greet the craftsmen in their respective positions, what should they do.

Sure enough, the crowd of onlookers dispersed, and the panic in the dragon's eyes gradually returned to calm, and the scales erected due to nervousness gradually shrank back and returned to normal.

Outside the city, only Ren and Ymir remained there.

Everyone saw the great strategic significance of Udo's move.

This is the first sub-dragon to be tamed, which means there can be a second one!

You can fly in the sky, and you can run on the ground!

Compared with other Warcraft mounts, the ground dragon has much superior combat power.

Their strong scales and flesh can easily resist ordinary artillery attacks, and their roar can make people instinctively fear, and their fighting power is overwhelming.

Moreover, when they were in the "Forest of Ashes", Toust's grandson and grandson installed armor and artillery on the Warcraft mounts of the Coleman soldiers, so that their survivability and combat effectiveness increased geometrically.

Compared with ordinary monsters, earth dragons have more advantages in terms of physical fitness and alertness. They can carry heavier artillery and thicker armor!

But one or two ends may not matter, but if it becomes a scale, this is definitely a big killer on the battlefield.

This is what Ryan had envisioned, the mechanical dinosaur army!

Ren looked at Udo first, and it seemed that she didn't have any trauma, and she was relieved.

He didn't dare to approach, fearing to stimulate the pterosaur, he asked from a long distance: "Wuduo, is this pterosaur really safe?"


Udo nodded, stroked the pterosaur who was still full of vigilance and looked at Ren and the others with his hands, and said: "But it will take a certain amount of time before it will gradually learn to get used to getting along with humans. As long as everyone Don't frighten it, it won't be in danger."

Ren was also curious and asked, "Udo, how did you tame it?"

Not long ago, they shouted and shouted to kill, but now they are tamed? Although I know that it may be the effect of the shining [Totem of Beasts] on her body, but this feeling is too incredible.

Udo explained: "In fact, the thinking of monsters is much simpler than that of humans."

The divine power of [Totem of Beasts] gave Wuduo a strong affinity with all beasts, which would stabilize the monster's mood and eliminate the instinctive hostility caused by the blood barrier. Let her communicate normally with all kinds of monsters, like "similar".

Regardless of the huge size of those dragons, Toust has dissected many dragon corpses, and found that the brains of most of them are only the size of a walnut, and their intelligence is estimated to be similar to that of a husky.

Their behavior is more based on blood inheritance and instinct.

Ren thought that "Training the Dragon" would involve some kind of mysterious supernatural ability. But I didn't expect that the most important link is still "incentives".

Wu Duo explained, and finally said the trump card of "persuading surrender", said: "Just now it took me to fly a long distance, I heard that it was hungry, and then I told it, follow me from now on, there is meat Eat. If it is willing, it will come back with me."

As she said that, she took out another large piece of raw meat from the storage ring, like a dolphin in the aquarium, and rewarded a small fish when she was obedient. As soon as she threw it, the pterosaur grabbed it in her mouth and ate it. With relish.

"Word of Beasts" does not really talk to Warcraft like humans, but to perceive their emotions.

Wu Duo touched its head with a smile, felt it for a moment, and said: "It's in a very happy mood, which probably means: if there is something to eat, I won't leave."


Ren and the others who were watching were full of disbelief.

Is this pterosaur so easy to fool?

Of course, they also know that this must be inseparable from Udo's strong affinity with super ten thousand beasts.

At this time, Ymir also asked: "Elder Udo, can you tame other pterosaurs? Just now, a few injured pterosaurs were captured alive in the territory. I think if it is possible, I will not kill them." "

Udo: "It should be possible, but I'm still not sure that this method can be tamed, and they are not all greedy. But if you don't accept it, then lock it up first, and you will always find another way."

After solving the problem that the unruly blood cannot be tamed, the Colemans still have more ways to tame them.

After a pause, she obviously understood why Ymir asked this question, and said, "If it doesn't work, kill it, anyway, I went to the mountain just now and found a group of flying dragons on the edge of the cliff in the snow line, and there are still a lot of them. "

Hearing this, Ren and Ymir's eyes shone brightly at the same time.

They suddenly realized what the job of Black Dragon City would be for a long time in the future.

That is, catching dragons and training them!

It's not just Irubek's [Dragon Blood Gene Warrior] project that needs samples. They also need a large number of ground dragon mounts to form the "Dinosaur Knight Legion"!

That will be the foundation of combat power to sweep everything in Black Dragon City!

Udo brought the pterosaur back to the city.

Naturally, it is impossible for this big guy to be locked up with the Warcraft mounts of Coleman's fighters. Otherwise, it will be like a wolf locked in a sheepfold, and its instinct will make it prey on other monsters.

The soldiers built a animal shed alone in a corner where no one was around, and Wu Duo put a big pot of raw meat on it, and the pterosaur ate it happily. When it was full, it stopped flying and screaming, and lay down in the shed and fell asleep.

And several pterosaurs were caught in the city. Besides the killed ones, four injured ones were tied up with steel cables.

Because of being severely frightened, no matter how Udo comforted them, they couldn't convince them of humans.

If you are not a prisoner, you will not be treated so well, and you can only starve. Although he tossed and screamed for a while, he gradually stopped because of his physical exhaustion.

This was just a "small C-level monster attacking the city", and everyone in Black Dragon City had already taken it for granted. After the waves, the big guys resumed their busy construction.

But different from before, because of the brave and fearless help of the Coleman warriors this time, those craftsmen who were captured by the pterosaurs recovered their lives

The estrangement between the two lines of people, also because of this incident, has undergone some subtle changes.

Thanks to 'Qinglian Daoge' for the reward of 6,500 coins, and thank you for your regular rewards and support.

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