Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 219 Curse Clan

After asking a few questions, Ren broke the assassin's neck, and then killed the corpse resurrected by the "devil energy of the abyss" again.

He wiped away the blood splashed on his face, and then let out a foul breath. He looked at the few bullet holes on his already tattered robe, and pursed his mouth.

After all, there were many people on the other side, and under the random shooting, they also suffered seven or eight hits.

While not fatal, it still hurts.

Deliberately avoiding the vital points, almost all the musket bullets hit the large muscle groups. Even if he hadn't condensed the fighting spirit armor, the maturity of the blood nematode had brought super toughness to his body. The bullets didn't go too deep to even need a scalpel. The bullet can be removed with a snap of the finger. Once the healing thread is sutured, it will be fine for a while.

"Hiss~ The long-lost sense of crisis."

Ren looked at the corpse and muttered to himself.

The musket bullets brushed against his scalp just now stimulated the secretion of adrenal hormones, as if he had returned to the state where the "Weasel Phantom Thieves" walked on eggshells every day.

Without Bazel always on guard by his side, his expression must always be vigilant. If there is no way out, there can be no luck, any luck means death.

This is the process that he must go through if he chooses not to enjoy everything he has now, but to choose to take the extraordinary path.

However, an ordinary second-order extraordinary can only give Ren a sense of crisis.

A hunting team headed by a second-tier assassin was originally considered an elite team in a large phantom thief group like the "Black Skull". This kind of configuration is waiting for work at ease, even if it encounters an ordinary third-order superhuman who is alone, it can kill it.

It's a pity to meet such a wonderful person as Rennes.

Ren didn't delay much, went back and killed the guys who had turned into "living corpses", and packed up the spoils. Then he took the contribution cards of several people and chose to leave.

Although Glory City has been established as a country, this thing is still used and has become an identity card.

"Looks like we have to wait for the next hunting group."

Ren pursed his lips, and while approaching the base, he checked for other hunting groups. If it weren't for the fact that going to the "Black Wind Valley Base" alone was a bit eye-catching, he really didn't want to take the effort.

Probably because this place is not far from the "Black Wind Valley Base", the chance of encountering the wild hunting team is very high.

It was also good luck, Ren picked a direction, found a small hill, and then saw the black smoke billowing from the boiler in the distance. After following the direction for more than ten kilometers, I saw this hunting team.

This is a mixed wilderness hunting team of tens of thousands of people rushing back to the wilderness hunting base. The leader is a "ghoul-level" mechanical city, and the exterior wall is decorated with "Glorious No. 77" painted with white paint. Then there is the wilderness hunting team that stretches for several kilometers, all of which are all kinds of steam locomotives and troop carriers with strange shapes. The speed of the team is not fast, and it seems that they are not in a hurry.

Ren had been in the hunting group in Glory City before, and he knew that the only people who could be in the Mech City were noble lords. Those who followed were ordinary hunters. Looking at the messy equipment and wild hunting group logos, it is estimated that there are hundreds of wild hunting groups in this group.

"Hey, it seems that luck is not bad."

Ren raised his eyebrows, quietly chased after him, and successfully blended into the 10,000-strong team.

There are many people in this kind of large-scale hunting operation, and they are wearing gas masks. No one knows anyone, and no one cares about the addition of a strange doctor in the team. Even if someone saw it, they would guess that it was the guy who went to put water and shit back.

Ren was in the team with a relaxed expression.

He didn't speak, just quietly listening to these wild hunters bragging.

After hearing this, they realized that this was the wild hunting team of the "Rosas family" of the five major families in Glory City.

The main force in Mech City is the former Sid Empire's large hunting group "Hammer Brotherhood". Now, their group leader led tens of thousands of wild hunters to Glory City, and took an oath to be naturalized in the Glory Kingdom. The group leader also became a "Viscount" and became a retainer of the Rosas family.

The kingdom was newly established, and a large number of nobles were entrusted. This is also the best opportunity for commoners to become nobles. It is very attractive to large hunting groups.

As long as the leader of the wild hunting group brings a horse and takes the oath of naturalization, he will be able to obtain the corresponding noble title almost immediately. Also because of this population settlement policy, the population growth of Guanghui City in just the past half month has exceeded that of the past twenty years.

This growth momentum continues to rise, and there is no intention of stopping at all.

The most exciting ones are naturally these small groups of hunters, who have also earned a lot of real benefits because of the [Kuroshio].

"Haha, we made a lot of money this trip. In the three-day corpse tide, I destroyed three of my muskets, but I also made money that I couldn't make in a few years."

"It's a pity that the price of the 'Magic Crystal' has dropped now. In the beginning, a Tier 1 Magic Crystal could be exchanged for one gold kroner, but now it costs less than fifty silver Gnars. Otherwise, this trip would be enough for us to return." Omar will spend the rest of his life rich”

"People from our hometown in 'Harax Province' want to come, and you still want to go back? I heard that the two empires have issued a decree to ban wild hunters from coming to Glory City. If they are caught, they will be sent to the gallows. Yes! I don't plan to go back. Although it's a bit dangerous, it's a lot of money after all. If you work hard for a few years, you can earn enough money to live with a wife."

"Now everyone knows that this place can be hunted to make money, and there are treasures everywhere. Commoners like us want to run here when they hear the news, but the nobles of the two empires still want to block people from coming. I have heard that riots started in several provinces in my hometown, and even the border guards came secretly, and everyone wanted to come to Glory City to make a fortune, so they killed a lot of nobles."

"Those damned nobles, it's fine to exploit everyone on weekdays, but now they want to stop everyone from getting rich, and they deserve to die! Hehe, without us commoners, those damned nobles guard the empty city and become their bare lords. "


Ren listened, and quickly captured and analyzed some situations in his mind.

I have seen some of this information from Kanosha before, but now that I heard it from someone, I also know that the current development of Glory City is still in full swing, and the situation of the two empires seems to be not so good.

This practice of giving knighthoods for bringing people to naturalization is simply sucking the blood of the two empires.

But because Glory City occupied the "Sounding Wind Pass", the only strategic throat connected to the Alcoron Mountains, even if the two empires wanted to covet this piece of "fat meat", they could do nothing.

There is no shortage of resources in Glory City, a large amount of undeveloped land can feed countless people, not to mention [Kuroshio] who can make a fortune.

If this continues, the splendor of the two great empires east of the mountains without the cover of the [Kuroshio] will gradually become history.

The power of those veteran nobles will decline rapidly, and even completely lose their dominance. There are not a large number of civilians for them to exploit, so why are nobles so expensive?

While chatting, Ren also listened to these people chatting about prices.

"Hey, I finally made it to the second level of advanced extraordinary. It's a pity that the price of potions in the city is one a day recently, and the price of potions of the 'Sunflower Chamber of Commerce' has also risen too much. If you can get contribution points like before Buy it, the money I earned from hunting the wilderness could have bought a silver-quality potion a long time ago. But now, even the better black iron potion is far behind."

"I can't help it. Good-quality potions can only be sold by big chambers of commerce. Moreover, after the establishment of Glory City, the tax was too harsh. Which one didn't increase the price of food, clothing, housing and transportation? Even if you set up a small stall in the base, There’s not much left after taxes are drawn.”

"Which territory doesn't collect taxes? Don't nobles do this? If you have money to earn, you can be content. Damn it, even the girls in the tavern have raised their prices. In the past, eight hundred lisuo could play a game." She's a pretty girl, now she's still a milf after spending thousands of dollars."

"It's good to play some. It's not that you don't know how many wild hunters are here. I started queuing up in the custom tavern last time."


Ren listened calmly.

Prices are always closely related to life, and the bulk of the hunter's consumption is nothing more than potion equipment and tavern girls. Both are skyrocketing.

In the past, Glory City strictly controlled the price of potions because of the contribution system, which prevented professional businessmen from raising prices.

Now it's a free trade. It's a good thing to be able to buy potions of the same quality as before at ten times the price.

How can ordinary people beat a wealthy and powerful chamber of commerce?

Those professional businessmen who played monopoly thieves directly copied the pattern of exploiting civilians from the two empires.

Monopoly materials, monopolize the market, and then quickly increase the sales price of finished potions to obtain huge profits.

"Hey, I'm still a long way from buying a good potion. I hope I can meet such a good thing next time, so that I can make enough money."

"Not to mention, that 'ghost girl' is really good. Just throw some blood, and you can attract a lot of living corpses. In this wilderness hunt, the people of the 'Hammer Group' ate meat, so we also drank it. order soup"

"Tsk tsk, it's just that this girl is a bit evil, and whoever touches it will be unlucky. Otherwise, with such a 'monster-attracting weapon', there will be no magic crystals in the future?"

"Who dares to hold hands? The 'Iron Wolf Group' and the 'Trident Group' that were inexplicably destroyed before. Which one is not a large hunting group with thousands of people? They just want to monopolize this benefit, but none of them survived five days of"

"Tsk tsk, what a wicked door. Let's go far away, don't get bad luck"


When Ren heard this, he became interested. Thoughts flashed in his mind, as if he had thought of something.

It sounds like these guys have a good harvest, it seems that there is a "bait"?

He looked in the direction those people pointed, and finally saw a delicate and running figure in the dust at the tail of the team.

It was too far away to see clearly, Ren slowed down a little, and then he could see clearly.

It was a little girl about ten years old, with a very thin body and messy black hair. She was barefoot, wearing a dress that looked like a rag bag, and her hands and arms were wrapped with dirty bandages that didn't know whether they were stains or blood. There were some festering wounds visible on the bare skin, which looked terrible.

The wild hunters seemed to be avoiding the "God of Plague", and no one dared to approach her.

The little girl followed the main force hundreds of meters alone, chasing after the machine city with a numb expression. The whole person was not very angry, he didn't look like a living person, more like a walking dead.

Ren's eyes froze slightly.

According to people around, that little girl seems to bring "bad luck", so no one dares to approach her?

"Blood can attract a large number of living corpses, and it can also bring bad luck to people. How do I remember that this seems to be a legendary alchemy material."

When Ryan thought of this, the "Intelligent Brain" had already screened out ancient records for him that met the relevant conditions.

When he saw the introduction on the retina, he was surprised.

"Sure enough, the alchemy material 'Blood of the Cursed Spirit' mentioned in the ancient goblin civilization is exactly the same as this description! Could it be the blood of this little girl? Is this a special bloodline race in myths and legends?"

【Blood of the Cursed Spirit】

Detailed explanation: high-level psychic medium; the fresh blood of the "curse family", cold and low temperature, high magical power, high affinity for dark elements; can attract undead, efficient psychic medium; Touched by doom;

Seeing this, Ren glanced at the little girl again, feeling a little puzzled.

"Curse family?"

This is an unfamiliar word, and it sounds like a special human race like "werewolves".

Ordinary people can't explain the reason for the "bad luck", but it is clearly marked in the ancient books, the intention is not right, and contact will bring bad luck

Some of the "luck" contained in her blood can affect the "luck" of the contact, or the special existence of "soul".

No wonder people regard him as the "God of Plague" and avoid it. The wild hunters are all blood-licking people, how many of them are completely righteous?

Ren was thoughtful, but he didn't mind his own business, and followed the team back to the "Black Wind Valley Base".

Ren followed the large army into the city, but no one asked about the origin in detail, so he took a look at the gas mask and paid the money to enter the city.

The contribution system has been abolished, and the entry fee and protection fee are quite a lot, one thousand lisuo a day.

It looks cheaper than Glory City's 10,000 a day before, but it's actually much more expensive.

In the past, wild hunters were unwilling to live in the city, and they could still set up tents in the wilderness. But now they would receive harassment from [Corpse Tide] almost every night. Without the high and iron walls of the Mechanical City, low-level transcendents staying overnight in the wasteland would be courting death.

No one dared to pitch a tent outside the steel city wall, and the nobles did not allow commoners to pluck their wool. They will shoot any human being who tries to spend the night at the foot of the walls as if they were alive.

This place is much more lively than the previous "Plague Base". In the past, a base of 100,000 people was more than 100,000 people. Looking around here, there are at least hundreds of thousands of people.

The daily "asylum fee" is a considerable income, and it is sustainable.

As soon as Ren entered the city, he saw several wanted warrants on the official list at the gate of the city. He didn't stop, just glanced at it, and walked straight into the city with his usual expression.

But at this time, the reward order that I saw just now was projected on the retina.

Looking at it, Mafa, Bazel, Kanosha, and himself were all rewarded.

There were four reward orders posted on the bulletin board, which were exactly the images of the four of them in the belly of the "Moro Corpse King Flower".

Bazel is an old acquaintance on the wanted list, no matter the name or the rough face, everyone knows him. But he was previously offered a reward of 180 million lisos by the two empires, and now it has directly become 1 billion!

Moreover, the reward orders of the two empires originally did not work in Glory City.

Hanging out now is obviously a direct declaration of war.

The avatar of the great witch, Mafa, was also very clear, but his strength was not marked on the list, so he wrote a note of "an important leader of the barbarians", and also offered a reward of 1 billion. I guess it was because I was afraid that the unrivaled combat power would frighten all bounty hunters.

But the photo of Kanosha wearing a gas mask doesn't show much, except that it can be seen that she is a woman, so this arrest warrant is of little use.

Ren looked at himself, and it was similar, with a face covered, and a bounty of 100 million.

Then there is another line under the wanted order: hunt down a "barbarian", and the head can be exchanged for 10,000 gold kroner; when encountering the above wanted people, those who provide clues can also get some rewards.

Ren looked normal, as expected.

He raised his eyebrows, and stepped into this bustling hunting base.

Calvin is gone, there is only one update for now. I wanted to write a better plot recently, but it would be a pity if it went flat. If I can write a chapter in the afternoon, it will be published, and if not, I will make it up tomorrow. I just saw the huge reward of 20,000 from 'leo627', the update is not good enough, I deserve it. Sorry everyone.

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