The "Black Wind Valley Hunting Base" with a population of hundreds of thousands has become a large city.

The city is the same as Black Dragon City, with new buildings everywhere, a busy scene.

It is not called the wilderness hunting base now. To be precise, it is the private domain of the "Rosas family". Together with the nearby wilderness, it is a private property called "Black Wind Valley Territory". The lord is a man named "Milo Rosas" "Your Earl, there is a bronze statue of him at the gate of the city.

Ren looked up at the huge chimney looming in the mist, and walked quickly through the shanty town to the Machinery City.

The fog in the sky in the city is gray. It is a mixture of abyssal demonic energy and diffuse soot. The air is filled with a thick and pungent smell.

After the urbanization of the pure hunting base, civilians began to appear, and there were also gangsters, traders, and butchers.

When Ren and his party entered the city, a few guys with their heads under the collar of the high edge squatted in the streets and alleys, looking furtively at the returning hunters.

The wild hunters moved here with their families, and as long as they became permanent residents of the territory, they could settle down. Once they become the lord's subjects, the asylum fee for entering the city will become various taxes, and 80 to 90% of their income from work will be drawn into high taxes and handed over to the lord's pocket.

You can't get rich, but luckily you can't die.

Because of the large amount of wealth brought by the [Kuroshio Current], as long as you don't spend money randomly, you can still have some surplus.

After Ren walked a few steps, he smelled a stench and frowned slightly.

In the past, when it was a hunting base, the hunters could go outside the base to solve the Gong problem. Now that everyone is trapped in the city, eating and drinking for hundreds of thousands of people is a big problem. There is no large-scale sewage pipe network on the street, and the excrement trucks that clean up domestic waste cannot satisfy the rapidly expanding population.

However, no one cares about the civilian neighborhood.

The machinery where the aristocrats and the wealthy lived was neat, and the streets there were also open to everyone, a bit like the high-end business district in Rennes' previous city. Here and the civilian shantytowns are completely different scenes. Clean, orderly, and a variety of shops

A potion shop with all kinds of colorful reagent bottles in the window; a gun shop with all kinds of guns hanging on the wall; a sword and equipment shop with tinkling sounds; a machinery shop full of oil and rust smell.

There are vendors selling fresh fruit on the street, with expensive price tags; the leather apron is full of greasy butchers, and they are dividing the red meat of unknown monsters

On the narrow streets, rail trains rushing through with steam horns "wow", and the whole street will be submerged in a white mist in an instant.

Of course, custom taverns, gambling stalls, theaters and bathhouses for the entertainment and enjoyment of the rich are indispensable.

However, the consumption here is also frighteningly high, which can squeeze out the last gold coin in the hunter's pocket.

Wren wanders the streets, he will be in this territory for a while.

Trying to gather his "potential", he also inquired about the situation of the captured Coleman warriors.

But now, he plans to walk around the city to get acquainted with the situation, and then find a place for himself tonight.

Probably because the doctor belongs to the wealthy class, and he has been enthusiastically promoted by various liquor brokers along the way.

"Hey, dear doctor, would you like to have a drink or two? We have the best tequila from the Omar Empire at the Oak Tavern."

"Welcome to the 'Baron Tavern', we have the most spacious bathroom and the most beautiful girl"

"Our 'Windmill Tavern' is the largest tavern in the Black Wind Territory, and you will never be disappointed. Our biggest gambling stalls include the best girl show troupe who just came from Sid, and the barbarian slave gladiators."


Ren was not interested in going to any tavern during the day, but his ears caught a key message: barbarians.

He quickly changed his mind.

He tilted his head to look at the mustache broker, and suddenly showed a slightly interested expression, "I'm going to find a place to have a drink. Hey, buddy, you said where the gambling stalls are the biggest, what's the fun "


The mustache looked at attracting the guests, and a smile bloomed on his face.

He introduced to Ryan: "Poker, roulette, black jack, dice...everything you want to play."

"Where is that? Take me to see it."

Ren followed the broker to the tavern, walked through a few wet alleys, and saw the sign of "Windmill Tavern".

At the door, a girl with revealing clothes and smoky makeup is gesticulating to greet the guests. There were also several burly men in black leather clothes and big gold chains squatting aside expressionlessly.

This is standard equipment in taverns, so it’s not surprising.

Going down the steel structure stairs with iron doors, the cramped space suddenly becomes brighter.

The streets of the Machinery City are expensive, but the space inside the Machinery City is much cheaper.

The world of steampunk is always accompanied by deafening music. Young men and women on the dance floor are swaying wildly, venting their depressed emotions with the rhythm of the music. In the dark place in the corner, there are still some restless men and women rubbing their ears together.

There were surprisingly many people in the tavern.

After inquiring a little bit, I realized that because there is a "corpse wave" at night, the big guys are going out to hunt wilderness, but the daytime is the normal time for entertainment and leisure.

Ren took his seat, and took off his mask in the room, revealing an ordinary face.

Looking at the program schedule in the tavern, there are still two hours left for the slave wrestling.

Ryan ordered a glass of wine out of boredom and drank it at the bar.

Not long after, a red-haired girl with a pretty face but a hot body walked over.

She unceremoniously sat next to Ren, very close: "Hey, handsome guy, are you alone?"

Ren glanced at her. The outfit was very cool, with ultra-short leather pants, and a denim corset with little fabric was worn under the slim-fitting jacket. The opening on the chest was open, and large areas of skin were exposed to the air. At a glance, there is a strong hint of ambiguity.

He smiled and raised his eyebrows: "Yes."

This is the bartender of the tavern, or a professional nightclub girl who goes around the tavern to catch girls. It doesn't matter what your status is, it's a career that makes money by bringing fun to men.

Oftentimes, they are also responsible for inquiring information from professional businessmen through various channels.


There was an ambiguous smile in the corner of the red-haired woman's eyes, she leaned very close, the thick perfume covered the smell of tobacco on her body, and said coquettishly, "Would you like to buy me a drink?"

The arms are immersed in tenderness, and the indistinct soft touch will stimulate the secretion of male hormones.


Ren was also polite, and naturally enjoyed the girl's enthusiasm. Pretending to be serious here is not a good choice, he turned to the bartender and ordered a drink.

Seeing Ryan being so generous, the red-haired girl became more intimate, and said, "My name is Dasha. Oh, handsome, are you a distinguished doctor?"

"Yes. To be precise, I am still a baron from Orma Angelos Province."

The tavern must be full of bragging guys, and Rennes has also learned his style, showing the arrogant appearance of aristocratic gentlemen.

As he spoke, he also took out his aristocratic coat of arms ring to show off.

"Wow, you are a distinguished baron!"

The redhead covered her mouth and let out an exclamation.

She turned her eyes, and quickly determined that this is a down and out nobleman, otherwise she wouldn't be reduced to the Glory City.

But obviously, she knew what to say and what not to say at this time, "This is the first time I've seen a noble coat of arms, so it's so beautiful."

"Of course, it was made of pure gold by royal artisans."

Ren pretended to enjoy flattery, and handed his coat of arms with the double-headed eagle pattern to the woman for a closer look.

People from the five major families of Glory City planned to set up a trap in this base, and it is absolutely impossible that nothing was prepared. This seemingly calm "Black Wind Collar" has already been undercurrents surging underground.

Every suspicious stranger will probably fall into their watch list.

Instead of pretending to be mysterious to make people notice his existence, it is better to take the initiative to reveal his identity.

It is estimated that there are informants gathering information everywhere in the city. Not to mention anything else, ninety-nine out of ten of these tavern girls are. They may not serve a particular force, but their news can be sold to news merchants for cash.

The Baron status of Rennes is not just nonsense, but a genuine nobleman who can withstand investigation.

With the princess Omar of Ymir, the letter of appointment, the coat of arms...everything came in a set, and it was genuine.

After this show, probably after tonight, he would not be considered someone of unknown origin on those watch lists.

Thanks to 'Shiyuhaotian' 500, 'Gan Liliang', 'Quanshui Dadao', '123 Bitterness'. Thank you for your great rewards.

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