Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 233 Night Attack

If Bazel was by his side, Ren would probably choose to take a good rest. After all, he was a little tired after walking in the desert for a day.

But now, he had to be vigilant all the time. In the wilderness, any carelessness may kill him.

He didn't fall asleep either, but meditated in his tent.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already past midnight.

At about two or three o'clock in the morning, the third-tier assassin Frank, the temporary captain of the regiment, came over on time and greeted him and Tam who was in the tent next to him, "Brother Nicholas, brother Tam, wake up, it's time for us to change the guard. "


When Ren heard the noise, he actually opened his eyes. Tam, who was next to him, also got out of the tent.

Captain Frank pointed to the fire in the west in the darkness, and said, "You two go to the west gate and replace Tom and Jerry."

Ren and Tam both nodded: "Yeah."

During the day, the terrain of this small city has been stepped on by everyone. Although the square city was dilapidated, there was still a rough outline.

There are a total of five sentry posts in the camp, and each sentry post has two people.

There is a place at the highest point of the city wall, and then there are east, west, north, south and four directions. This arrangement ensures that problems in any direction can be found in time.

Tam picked up the leather holster with the musket and hung it around his waist, then put on the gloves and greeted Ren: "Let's go, Brother Nicholas."

Ren also nodded.

The two of them walked towards the fire that was about seven or eight hundred meters away from the west gate.

The two figures gradually left the range of the fire in the camp and merged into the darkness.

Tam probably just got out of the tent. The cold wind at night made him shiver, and he said as he walked, "Don't tell me, the sun in this desert is very poisonous during the day, and it's bitingly cold at night."

Ren was noncommittal, and responded casually: "It's a bit."

Not to mention, he really didn't feel cold.

He practiced the [Qigong Master] sequential breathing method, and his combat energy lasted for a long time, and his ability to resist the cold was quite strong. Especially now that his grudge is three to five times that of the same level, so naturally he didn't think it would have much impact on the temperature difference.

At this time, Tam muttered: "This desert is really quiet. If it were any other place, you could hear some animals at night. There are no other living things here except us. People feel that the wind is whistling."

Ren frowned slightly when he heard it, and looked around unconsciously.

It was dark all around, the desert shrouded in black mist, and there were some clouds in the sky, so the moonlight did not shine on the ground. It was as black as ink all around, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Because it was only a few hundred meters away, the two of them walked over in the dark without bothering to get any torches.

If it wasn't for the enhanced perception of his "Battle Doctor" sequence, he probably wouldn't be able to see even the blurred shadows, but only the distant fire.

Seeing this, Ren instinctively became alert.

Like a conditioned reflex, he thought of the professional assassin courses he had learned in the "Weasel Phantom Thieves".

The instructor at that time said that midnight is the time when people are most tired and the most suitable for assassination operations.

But it was just a flash of thought.

Ren and the others walked two to three hundred meters, and they could already see two figures leaning against the battlements, and they seemed to be chatting and spanking. I can even hear the sound of the bored beating on the steel knife, clang, clang, clang

Twenty or thirty meters away, Tam yelled at the two men, "Hey! Brother Tom, the guard has changed!"

But what was a little surprising was that the two of them didn't seem to turn their heads back, they still turned their heads back towards them, as if they didn't hear them at all.

At this moment, Ren and Tam stopped at the same time, and immediately became alert.

Fell asleep?


In an instant, the silence turned into strangeness.

Tam is an experienced wild hunter. He didn't know that something was wrong, his body sank slightly, and he was ready to fight.

And the super strong sense of smell made Ye Ren smell a faint fishy smell in the air, which was completely different from the dry desert smell. He exclaimed in his heart: "No, it smells of blood!"

However, it was too late!

When they discovered the anomaly, the assassin who had merged into the night had quietly appeared behind him.

At this time, a cold dagger that looked like a poisonous snake was silently wiped on their necks!

The dagger was extremely sharp, easily cut through the skin like cutting tofu, and severed the trachea and artery. The three-finger-deep wound made people unable to even scream, and would die.

Ryan felt very fucked, this was the second time he had his throat wiped.

The familiar silky touch is here again, which is very fascinating.

I don't blame myself for not being careful enough. This environment is really suitable for assassination. The "rustling" sound of the wind and sand covered up the footsteps of the action, and the dark night covered up the figure. The same is the second-order transcendence, unless it is a special perception-type transcendence, it is really difficult to find the "ghosts" hiding in the dark night.

The key is

Ren felt that this desolate land, which was hundreds of miles deep into the desert, made sense to say that it was a monster. Where did professional assassins emerge?

The moment his throat was cut, many thoughts came to his mind.

Very professional assassination method, obviously well prepared!

"Is there an inner ghost?"

Ryan thought of it instantly.

Today, none of them encountered any traces of other hunting teams in the desert. Before setting up the camp, they had observed the surrounding environment specially. They were sure that they were the only hunting team in the vicinity for more than ten miles.

Although the 1% possibility cannot be ruled out, there is a wild hunting team walking in the dark and ran into them; but there is another 99% probability, these assassins are specially following them!

But that's where it gets weird.

Along the way, they also deliberately cleaned up some traces left by the walk, in order to prevent being followed.

What's more, although the temporary hunting team formed by the "Sequoia Chamber of Commerce" is still in the running-in period, most of the team members have rich experience in wild survival. It is almost impossible for a stranger to follow without being discovered.

But the fact is that now a group of assassins did come and kill people.

which means

Someone in this team may have left a mark along the way, giving away their whereabouts! Afterwards, those assassins followed the signs and came after Ye Li.

A simple attack by a strange thief will definitely not find a team that is exploring and has not gained anything yet. What's more, the team's configuration is not weak, there are two third-order extraordinary!


Thinking of this, Ren immediately realized that this might be an enemy who came to trouble the "Sequoia Chamber of Commerce"!

Tam, who was beside him, was probably dead, and the warm blood was still splashing on Ren's face.

Ren didn't know how many enemies there were in the dark, and he didn't know who was the traitor in his team. So he didn't fight back. Even if he was sure that at that moment just now, he could deal with the two assassins with a backhand.

Although the wound on the neck was still terrifying, the trachea, main blood vessels, and nerves were sutured up with sutures the moment they were cut open.

Like the dead Tamm beside him, his body went limp.

The two assassins didn't care about the two "corpses" on the ground. In their view, wiping their throat wounds would definitely kill them.

Although he noticed that the signs of life in Ren's body seemed to be a little strong, he didn't care too much.

Because at this time, the battle not far away has already started.

In this change of guard, there is an extraordinary third-level Captain Frank! It's not easy for those guys to assassinate this high-level transcendence who is also a professional assassin. The silent assassination was smashed, and a big war immediately broke out.

"Enemy attack!"

With this loud shout, the entire camp seemed to be cold water dripping into the boiling oil pan, and it boiled instantly.

At this time, Renn also heard the two assassins who had just attacked beside him curse in a low voice, "Damn it, you've been exposed, and you're ready to kill!"

Then, a gust of wind blows.

The light and hasty footsteps sounded farther and farther away, and the two assassins had already rushed towards the camp.

Ren heard that there was no movement in his ears, and got up quietly. The wound on his neck had turned into a blood line, and it was no longer a serious problem.

He looked at Tam, whose body was thrown to the ground beside him, with a gloomy expression, "It's a bad start."

If it was another chamber of commerce, he might still be able to stand by and watch. After all, this kind of "vendetta" no longer falls within the scope of employment duties of the hunting contract. But this "Sequoia Chamber of Commerce" is a subsidiary chamber of commerce of Canossa, so he has to go and see it no matter what.

Moreover, since the other party came prepared, they must know that there are two third-order transcendents in the camp. Dare to do it, obviously sure to kill.

At that time, the Chamber of Commerce will really be wiped out, and Ren can't run far alone. It is not a good choice to face this group of assassins alone.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Ren's eyes, and he changed the pair of [Carnap's Sacred Gloves] into his hands. Then he put on the hood again, disguised himself as a professional assassin, and quietly walked towards the camp.

"Boom, boom, boom"

The sound of firefighting was as intense as firecrackers.

The lighting projectiles shot into the sky, illuminating this ancient desert city.

Ren saw more than a dozen guys in assassin costumes hiding behind cover and shooting into the camp.

He didn't choose to rush directly into the camp, but climbed up the wreckage of the city wall, intending to check the situation. Who is the insider and what is the strength of the attacker

This is the highest point in the city, and the bodies of the two guards are lying on the ground, bleeding all over the place.

Then Wren saw an assassin hiding behind the battlements, sniping the camp below with a musket.

That guy's perception is also extremely sensitive. As soon as Ren stepped onto the wall, he realized something, and then turned his head to look, and was shocked that a "stranger" appeared behind him.

Obviously, although Ren's hooded outfit looked similar to those of the attacking assassins, he was still recognized by the enemy at a glance.

The assassin turned his gun resolutely, and immediately pulled the trigger towards Ren.


Flames burst from the muzzle.

But there was another "crack" in the air, almost at the same time as the gunfire. Ren avoided the vital point, and went up recklessly with a musket in his hand.

Seeing that the rushing figure showed no sign of being shot and fell to the ground, the assassin wanted to abandon his gun and draw out his dagger to defend himself. But after shooting, his body froze for a moment, before the dagger could be pulled out, he was immediately grabbed by the throat by a big iron-like hand.

"Crack" sounded, and Ren used strange force to snap off the assassin's neck. The guy didn't even struggle, and the body slowly went limp.

Ren ignored the assassin's body, occupied the commanding heights, and began to observe the battle situation in the underground camp.

At this moment, the camp in the ruins is already in chaos.

After two rounds of sentry, it is estimated that at least a dozen members of the hunting team have been assassinated.

There were less than twenty people in the camp now, and after Captain Frank's shout of ten, everyone reacted.

The number of enemies was unknown, and everyone did not show their heads blindly. There are many bunkers in the corner of the city selected before, which also gave them a chance to defend and counterattack.

The large-caliber muskets did a lot of damage to low-level superhumans, so everyone took out their muskets to fight back, and a fierce gun battle broke out in the camp.

And outside the city, two groups of guys as bright as light bulbs were fighting fiercely, and they stayed away from the ancient city after a fight. It was Captain Frank and the enemy's third-tier assassin.

"There are at least sixteen enemies, one of Tier 3."

Ren's position happened to overlook the overall situation, and he also followed the firelight of the musket to find out the positions of the assassins.

bang, bang, bang, bang

The gunshots became more and more intense, but because of the cover, the assassins couldn't do anything to the "Sequoia Chamber of Commerce" team for a while.

In the camp, Catherine also walked out of the tent, holding two fine muskets in her hand and shooting out of the bunker from time to time. The pampered and beautiful president didn't panic much when he was in danger, and his marksmanship seemed to be pretty good.

And beside her, on Gannix's slightly immature face, the nervousness of being caught off guard was clearly seen.

Ren stared carefully at everyone in the camp, observing their expressions and reactions.

Now that the war has started, if there really is an "inner ghost", it will definitely be exposed at this time!

What is surprising is that almost everyone showed no abnormalities, and all of them focused on shooting at the surrounding enemies.

Ren couldn't help but think: "Could it be that the 'inner ghost' is Captain Frank outside? That's not right, there is no point in playing fake matches now."

And just when he was puzzled, Thomas, the captain of the guard of the chamber of commerce, the third-level "Jungle Hunter" rushed to Mrs. Catherine's side against the hail of bullets, and said anxiously: "Master President, if this continues, our camp will be breached sooner or later. Take you and the young master to break through!"

Originally, the captain of the guard chose to protect his employer as soon as he encountered a crisis, which is also reasonable.

But for some reason, Catherine's face froze there. Just as she was about to say something, her face immediately lost all color.

It turned out that before everyone had time to react, that Thomas suddenly pulled out a short knife and stabbed Catherine in the chest!

This scene was clearly seen by Ren on the high platform, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted in his heart: "This guy is the ghost!"

"How could it be him?!"

He had doubted anyone, but he never thought that the captain of the guard of the chamber of commerce would be an insider!

What's more, with this knife, the president Catherine has been stabbed through the body, and the blood soaked a large piece of robe on the chest, and it is too late to save it!

There is a third update, but it will be later, around dinnertime.

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