Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 234 Reversal, Illusionist

Ganix looked at the bloody sharp knife protruding from his mother's back, his eyes were tearing apart.

He never expected that the captain of the guard, whom he usually called Uncle Thomas, would actually kill his mother.

This sudden change made this young master who had never experienced the danger of human heart stunned on the spot.

After the dagger was pulled out from Catherine's chest and a bloody arrow shot out,

Only then did he understand something as if he had passed away, and shouted loudly: "Damn it! What are you doing!"

With this shout, everyone who was fighting in the camp glanced over from the corner of their eyes.

Then, Qiqi was stunned.

What's the situation?

That Captain Thomas killed Chairman Catherine?

The sudden change made the eyes of all the gods freeze there. The musket in his hand, for some reason, suddenly couldn't pull the trigger.

Looking again, the gold master was indeed killed by her own guard captain!

After acknowledging the reality, expressions of disbelief appeared on everyone's faces. Then, a sense of desperation immediately hit my heart.

It is almost commonplace to encounter wilderness hunting.

Even if the enemy is approaching menacingly, this group of seasoned wild hunters don't have much to worry about, they fight when they need to, and kill when they need to kill

But now, what is going on?

When the benefactor is killed, he immediately loses his backbone.

What's more, it was actually Thomas Wendelban, one of the only two third-order transcendents in the regiment, who did it.

But after thinking about it carefully, everyone can see that this should be a "vendetta" or other reasons, but it has absolutely nothing to do with this hunting operation!

If the benefactor is not dead, they may have to help. But now that President Catherine has been killed, things can no longer be turned around.

What's more, the other party is still a third-order transcendent.

Those wild hunters who came for money did not want to fight to the death.

The benefactor is dead, and the best ending now is that everyone breaks up.

At this time, someone spoke immediately.

"Hey! Mr. Thomas, we are hired and have nothing to do with the Sequoia Chamber of Commerce. Don't get involved in your personal enmity!"

"Yes, the personal enmity between you has nothing to do with us, we don't help each other."


As he said this, someone responded immediately.

Those surviving members of the wild hunting group expressed their opinions one after another and gathered together consciously.

They signed a wilderness hunting contract, but they were not obligated to help their employer resolve their "private enmity". What's more, it seems that it can make a Tier 3 guard turn against him, and there are so many assassins out there with such a big hand, you can think of it with your toes, and the enemies are all big!

In order to survive, except for the few guards brought by the chamber of commerce, the mother and son Catherine, who had been away from almost all wild hunters, automatically isolated themselves into another neutral camp.

When Thomas heard this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On the other hand, the youth Gannix, who was still full of vigor before, had no blood on his face at this moment.

When my mother died, it was as if the world had collapsed.

For the first time, he felt the great terror of death coming.

That "Uncle Thomas" was staring at him with icy eyes. He felt that it was the scariest look he had ever seen in his life. Reason told him to stand up and resist bravely, but his body seemed to be stiff and unable to obey.

This big show was staged in front of his eyes, and Ren, who was hiding on the city wall, immediately realized something, and suddenly realized in his heart: "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce! These assassins are members of the Black Skull Phantom Thieves!"

"No wonder no one noticed it along the way. If it was marked by Thomas, it would make sense."

Only then did Ren understand how those assassins followed him.

A transcendent of the "hunter" profession is good at survival in the wild, exploring and setting traps. So along the way, almost all Thomas was setting up markers so as not to get lost.

It was originally a positioning mark for their return journey, but it turned out to be a reminder to guide the assassin!

When the thoughts in Ren's mind were flying, his hands were not slow.

He decisively took out a musket with a scope and set it up.

This is a large-caliber high-precision sniper rifle specially made by Karl, and the chamber is filled with "high-explosive penetrating bullets".

This kind of bullet is extremely lethal even to a third-order transcendent.

Now that Catherine is dead, at least her son must be protected. Obviously, the mother and son are really relatives of Canossa. Otherwise, if I really saw that lady in the future, I would be ashamed to see anyone.

What's more, a third-tier hunter who is good at prey tracking must also be killed!

Otherwise, even if Ryan is sure to get away now, Thomas' hunting dog-like tracking ability will bring him endless pursuit.


Ren gently raised the musket, exhaled slowly, and aimed the gun at the back of Thomas' head.

Although he took the route of a fighter after advancing to the extraordinary, his marksmanship was not bad. Firearms are the most effective means of killing enemies for low-level transcendents. As early as in the "Weasel Phantom Thieves", his basic firearms specialization has been perfected.

There were thousands of thoughts in my head, but in reality, it only passed for a moment.

His finger was already on the trigger, and he was ready to take aim and shoot immediately.

But at this time, a bizarre scene appeared!

Ren suddenly stopped pulling the trigger, showing a look of hell.

Because, from the looking glass, another Mrs. Catherine appeared!

As if there was a double image in her eyes, Catherine, who was stabbed in the chest, turned into two in a blink of an eye. One was stabbed with a pale face, while the other had a frosty face and was intact.

"what happened?!"

Ren was suspicious in his heart, blinked, and found that it was not his own eyes that were dazzled, but another "Catherine" actually appeared!

Moreover, the more surprising thing is yet to come.

After the intact Catherine appeared, Thomas, the "inner ghost" directly opposite her, seemed to be imprisoned by an inexplicable force.

Ren's position is just right to see the frightened expression on his side face, but his body can't even move at all, and he still maintains the bayonet movement.

Catherine looked at this "confidant" who had been with him for several years, with a complex expression full of grief. It seems to have been expected, but I still feel sorry to see it happen.

But this president is not an indecisive person. She could not bear it in her eyes, but she didn't hesitate in her hand. She directly raised the musket in her hand, put it between Thomas' eyebrows, and pulled the trigger at the same time.


Thomas was imprisoned by an inexplicable force, and he couldn't even protect his body with fighting spirit. Close to the forehead, there is no way to avoid it. The projectiles ejected from the barrel of that high-grade musket violently squeezed into his skull, and then a radioactive wound exploded in the back of his head, sending scarlet tissue flying all over the sky.

One shot blew up half of his head, and he couldn't die anymore.

After calmly killing a third-order transcendent, Catherine glanced at her stunned son and didn't say much.

This time, it was enough to teach his innocence a lesson.

After the murder, the "Katherine who was stabbed" next to her also slowly dissipated, turning into pieces of pink petals, and then completely disappeared into the air.

This is not an illusion, but some kind of illusion.

Seeing this, Ren in the distance understood something, and was very surprised: this Catherine is actually a [Illusionist] of the mysterious department?

Although he had never underestimated President Catherine, he was quite surprised when he saw her weird methods.

Because there is no one in the extraordinary of the spiritual department, [Illusionists] are even rarer.

Being able to cast illusions that can fool a third-order transcendent means that her spiritual power is no small feat. (Remarks: Mystical combat power is not judged by rank, but by ability.)

But then again.

Just being a powerless spiritual supernatural can't solve the current crisis!

Ren is no longer the rookie who didn't know anything about supernatural power. He knew very well that the [Illusionist] ability, which specializes in mental power, is indeed quite strange, but it is not so easy to catch people if they are on guard.

There are only a few ways to cast spiritual spells, all of which are aimed at the five senses of people, such as eyes, voice, and smell.

From the point of view just now, the way she cast the spell to temporarily control Thomas should be "eye hypnosis".

Once this method is prepared, the possibility of being recruited will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, a spiritual transcendent must be physically weak.

In terms of melee combat ability alone, she probably can't beat a first-order extraordinary.

It may be okay for Catherine to protect herself, but it is impossible to take everyone out with her own power!

Obviously, she also realized this.

The night attack was sudden, but the head of the guard rebelled. Although Kathrye's "illusion double" turned the tide and killed the traitor. Can be reversed again and again, the army's morale is gone.

At this time, the assassins had already quietly entered because of the pause in the firepower.

Catherine also knew that if she did not fight to the death today, she would definitely not be able to survive.

The guild leader was in danger, she directly took out a box of gold coins from the storage ring, smashed them on the ground, and said to the wild hunting team members very quickly: "Everyone, today's matter It was indeed an accident, and it was me, the Sequoia Chamber of Commerce, who was sorry for everyone, and this money should be regarded as my compensation to everyone!"

Everyone looked at the box of gold coins, although they were also moved, but most of them still did not move.

If you have money, you have to spend your life.

Now they are still holding on to hope and remain neutral, those assassins who attack at night will not harm Chi Yu.

Catherine obviously saw the look in everyone's eyes, and directly cut off everyone's escape route, saying: "No accident, those assassins are members of the 'Black Skull Phantom Thieves'. As we all know, they will never leave alive if they take action! Therefore, please help me to fight the enemy together. If I can survive today, I will compensate everyone present ten times the reward in the contract!"

In this school, everyone's expression changed as expected. It's one thing to be rewarded, but the identity of the enemy is more important.

"The one with the black skull?"

How could these wild hunters not know about this notorious Phantom Thieves? These guys not only robbed the chamber of commerce, but also intercepted hunters and civilians. They were simply a group of demons.

After thinking about it for a while, they knew that Catherine's words were true.

The conflict between the "Sequoia Chamber of Commerce" and the "Black Skull Phantom Thieves" has not been a day or two, and only those guys can organize so many professional assassins to attack and kill

Catherine looked at the expressions of the crowd and wanted to continue lobbying, "Everyone."

But just as she was about to say something, suddenly there was a violent gunshot like a cannon.


Catherine's scalp tingled instantly, and a sense of fatal crisis came to her heart.

But the sense of crisis did not come from the gunshots, but from the eyes!

Almost at the same time as the gunshot, behind the low wall two meters away from her, a sneaking assassin fell in response, and suddenly fell into the yard, revealing his figure.

The shot caught the assassin by surprise, but it was not fatal. He panicked and wanted to turn over and jump out of the dirt wall, but Catherine's reaction was also extremely fast, raising her hand and hitting him in the back twice.

The others were not slow, and raised their guns one after another to design. A round of musketry turned the assassin into a hornet's nest and fell heavily to the ground.

After watching for a while, everyone was afraid, and finally realized that the assassin had already touched them!

(Remarks: Assassin [stealth], uses battle energy to form a special barrier that absorbs light to achieve the effect of distorting people's vision. Battle energy cannot maintain the barrier, and the figure appears;)

Who fired the shot?

Catherine's first reaction was to look in the direction of the gunshots, and saw the flames for a moment. If the shot just now had been aimed at herself, the consequences would be unpredictable.

But obviously, it was our own people who shot.

She was also very surprised, at this time, there are still people alive on the periphery? !

Before she had time to think about it, when the matter was extremely urgent, Catherine yelled softly: "Everyone, do it! Let's rush out!"

As she said that, she didn't hesitate at all, and didn't give everyone room to think again, so she and the guards rushed out of the city first.

As soon as she left, the wild hunters who formed a temporary team also looked at each other and followed decisively.

They all knew that now that the enemy was approaching, these incomplete bunkers could no longer protect them, but instead would become a barrier for the assassins to hide in.

If you want to fight to the death, everyone will face each other head-on in the desert, so maybe they will be afraid of these assassins!

On the other hand, Renn on the high wall also knew that after he shot, his position had been exposed.

The power of this special sniper rifle is indeed not small, but the movement is also huge, and the flames and sound cannot be deceived at all.

But he did not leave in a hurry, but shot after shot, calmly sniping at the assassins hiding in the dark, creating opportunities for Catherine and the group to escape out of the city.

And since they are professional assassins, the "Black Skull" guys naturally know that they must kill the sniper first.

Just when Renn fired the fourth shot, two assassins who were as light as swallows climbed up the high wall and quietly appeared behind him.

"Tsk tsk, it's finally here."

Ren estimated that the time was about the same.

He didn't need to turn his head, but he could still feel the murderous intent on his back.

And the next moment, the purple grudge all over his body exploded, and he punched the assassin behind him who was quietly wiping his neck with a dagger.

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