Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 235 [Ghost Shadow] Chilos

He fired four shots in a row without changing the location. Even a blind man would know that there were snipers on the high wall.

Ren did this not only to create an opportunity for the people below, President Catherine, to withdraw from the ancient city, but also to better kill this group of professional assassins.

This tactic is the same as the purpose of those people who assassinated the sentries before, to nibble away in batches first.

If you go straight down and face Gang, it's not a good choice. No matter how confident Ren was, he was not arrogant enough to think that he could confront more than a dozen sophisticated second-tier assassins at the same time. What's more, 80% of the enemies still have Tier 3 assassins lurking.

He had been in the Phantom Thieves before, and he knew the hunting tactics of the Assassins very well.

The target of those people was Catherine, so the high-level combat power of this assassination must have followed her.

To deal with Ren, a single sniper, at most, he would send two "middle and lower" combat forces to remove the sniper point.

No, just as Ryan guessed, just two came.

Ryan has been "throat-wiped" twice.

He felt that if he was tricked again, he could really die.

The time he fired four shots was calculated to be just enough time for the second-tier assassin to climb the city wall and get close to him.

When the assassin stepped on the "sound powder" deliberately arranged by Ren on the ground, the sound of coarse sand rubbing against each other rushed into his ears. Before wiping the throat, I was squatted at the spot, and I was caught off guard, but now

Just when the black dagger was close to his shoulder, Ren suddenly turned around, grabbed the white blade with his bare hands, and grabbed the sharp blade!

The tough material of [Kanap's Holy Gloves] makes the dagger unable to advance or retreat, and the backhand is the multi-weapon serial capture move in [Profound Art Ten Hands]. With a twist and a pinch, the assassin lost control of his arm in an instant .

And just as Ren reacted like lightning and grabbed the edge of the dagger, another female assassin's dagger also stabbed straight at his waist.

This is a two-person attack tactic, not only to kill, but also to deal with the situation where the companion is captured.

Under normal circumstances, if you encounter this kind of situation, if you don't retreat, the opponent loses an arm, and you will be stabbed in the waist, and you will be disabled if you don't die!

The correct way to deal with it is to give up the assassin in your hand, and then back away from the dagger.

The first round was tied.

But Ren didn't want to get entangled with these two assassins. He glanced at the dagger at his waist from the corner of his eye, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Not only did he not dodge, but he even clenched his fist, and directly punched the neck of the assassin whose arm was caught.

This punch was a [Pao Fist] that used a strange force, and it didn't stop at all.

There was a "swish" and the sound of the fist wind whistling, and then there was a "click" sound of bone shattering.

This punch directly broke the assassin's neck. Before the panic in his eyes dissipated, his head was tilted to one side, and he died completely.

At the same time, a dagger had cut through the skin and pierced Ren's waist.

The female assassin wielding the knife just had a thought in her mind, why did this guy kill his companion even if he didn't dodge?

In the next moment, shock appeared in her cold eyes.

Because when she pierced Ren's body with the knife, she encountered huge resistance in an instant. As soon as the sharp dagger tip pierced the opponent's skin, those muscles squeezed over, firmly preventing her from continuing to exert force to pierce the muscle layer.

One of the six esoteric techniques of fighting, the body-protecting stunt [Vajra], fighting spirit protects the body, the muscles are like cast iron, and the Vajra is undefeated!

The stronger the grudge, the stronger the defense!

Ren's current grudge is no worse than that of an ordinary third-order transcendent. The [King Kong] that has been on the defensive for a long time and the super toughness brought by the blood nematodes can't be pierced by ordinary caliber musket bullets, let alone a dagger?


A cold snort.

At this moment of stiffness, Ren has already pulled out his hand. He let go of the corpse whose neck was broken, and he was about to repeat the same trick with his backhand, grabbing the wrist of the assassin who was holding the dagger and stabbing him in the waist.


But the assassin said something bad in his heart, and his reaction was extremely fast.

Just when she realized that the dagger couldn't go in, she immediately let go of her hand. The instinctive sense of crisis made her immediately choose to retreat violently.

But there are not many places to stay on this incomplete city wall, and there is no room for retreat. The assassin jumped backwards, intending to jump off the city wall and onto the ground. After landing, she was able to sneak away immediately under the cover of night.

This is an invincible enemy, the captain must be notified that they are coming to attack!

But she thought too much.

It is impossible for Rennes to give the enemy a chance to escape!


There was an air explosion, and a figure kicked against the wall, shooting down like a cannonball.

One is free fall, and the other is accelerated dash.

Before the assassin's body hit the ground, Ren had already grabbed the assassin's ankle in the air.


Unable to borrow power in the air, the assassin could only watch helplessly as he was caught.

"What kind of strange power is this?!"

Then a sharp pain came from her ankle that almost made her faint. He wanted to break free, but the big iron tongs did not move.

"What kind of monster is this guy?! [King Kong], [Shenxing]. That punch just now seems to be [Paoquan]? Oh my god, he has mastered three of the six-style esoteric skills of a fighter. This is really just a second-order fighter?!"

If it wasn't for the fact that the fighting spirit didn't condense the "potential", the assassin thought he was facing a high-level transcendent.

However, this was the last thought that flashed through her mind before she died.

A second later, Ren landed firmly.

The assassin stabbed in pain, but he didn't give up struggling. Her left ankle was caught, she turned over and twisted, and her right leg slashed towards Ren's head fiercely like an iron whip.

But in terms of fighting skills, how could Ren, a professional fighter, lose to an assassin?

He dealt with it very calmly.

When this leg hit, Ren blocked it with one hand, and then took advantage of the momentum to pinch the assassin's right ankle.

Both legs were charged, and the assassin wanted to do a rabbit kick, but Ren's huge force made him stand still, and then he didn't give the enemy a chance to fight back. Like a big windmill, he swung the assassin with his backhand and threw the assassin horizontally. On the ground, a big mouthful of blood spurted out, and the vindictive gauze collapsed in an instant.

Taking advantage of this gap, Rennes mercilessly punched the assassin's head again, denting his facial features and splashing blood all over the ground.

Then he added another knee blow to the neck, and with a "click", she completely died.

After killing two people in a row, Renn took a breath.

The wound on his waist also returned to normal in an instant.

He didn't look at the corpse on the ground, but followed the direction of the gunshots and looked outside the ancient city.

Without much delay, he jumped onto the city wall, put away the sniper rifle and the assassin's storage ring, and chased after Catherine and the others outside the city in the direction they were evacuating.

Assassins can use their professional skills to "sneak" to hide in the night, but that doesn't mean they have no trace at all.

At least, not flying, footsteps will leave marks on the ground.

Previously, the city was covered with compacted hard loess, and there was not much difference, but in the desert, "sneaking" became meaningless.

The continuous firing of flares made the entire sandy land look like daylight.

In this situation, the advantage of the assassin is not great.

The reason why assassins are powerful is that they hide in the dark, can sneak attack, and give the opponent a fatal blow.

And that Mrs. Catherine is also extremely shrewd. She chose a huge flat sandy land without any cover. If the assassins want to come, they can only be tough.

Apparently, the scheming chairman of the "Sequoia Chamber of Commerce" seemed to be in danger a long time ago, and even ambushed a master in the hunting team.

That is a Tier 3 Earth Elemental Mage!


When Ren chased after him, he happened to see the earth elemental giant with condensed sand on its heads blocking all the members of the chamber of commerce, and was engaged in a fierce gun battle with the assassins.

He didn't approach, but found a small sand dune, and set up the sniper again.

"Being in charge of a large chamber of commerce is indeed not an easy method."

Through the scope, Ren saw the corner of the clothes of the third-tier earth elemental mage, which was a black and white nun's clothes.

In his impression, there was indeed a medical supernatural dressed as a nun in the team. When she was introduced, she was just a second-level ordinary priesthood.

Hiding in the team before, it was obvious that Catherine was behind.

Moreover, in the desert terrain, bringing a high-level earth elemental mage is indeed stronger than any other profession. Just the three "earth giants" she condensed can be two second-order extraordinary envoys.

Ren didn't go to see many people from the Chamber of Commerce. As long as Catherine, mother and son are still alive, the situation is not too bad.

But at this time, he set his sights on those assassins. Following the number of flames emitted from the muzzle, the number of enemies was quickly identified: "Twelve assassins, and a third-tier captain! Oh, no, it should be two third-tier, and one is fighting fiercely with Captain Frank .”

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Because Frank, the Tier 3 assassin hired by Catherine, discovered the enemy's night attack, and immediately fought with the Tier 3 Transcendent enemy and left the city.

But now, there is no movement at all!

"Did he get killed? Or escaped?"

Ren suddenly felt bad.

Frank's combat strength is not weak among Tier 3 assassins. If he is killed, that enemy will be ridiculously strong;

If he is defeated and escapes, the enemy is also stronger than him.

Catherine and the others deal with one third-tier assassin, and it may not be a big problem if they keep an eye on them, but if there are two, it will be a big problem.

Although the third-tier earth mage was formidable, in the eyes of assassins of the same level, once he was approached, there was almost no room for resistance. The assassin's sharp dagger would not give her any chance to cast spells and chant.

Now Catherine and their tactics are also very clear, everyone protects the earth mage in the middle.

Ren didn't see where the other Tier 3 was, but he was also deducing the enemy's tactics in his mind: "If I were that Tier 3 assassin, I would find a way to kill those who protect the mage around me now."

But he never thought that with the protection of three "earth giants", how those assassins would do it.

Staring at the hail of bullets, even a Tier 3 assassin would not be able to please him. After all, not only Catherine, but also the muskets in the hands of the guards of the Sequoia Chamber of Commerce are all sophisticated high-power firearms. A round of concentrated fire can make the third-order extraordinary suffer a lot.

And suddenly, reality told Ren, what would that stealthy man do at this moment!

Just when everyone was concentrating on shooting, they really did not expect that a translucent figure suddenly appeared near the blind spot of the sand giant's vision.

Before everyone in the Chamber of Commerce had time to react, suddenly, a dagger with an iron chain stabbed in like a poisonous snake hunting, and stabbed the neck of the nearest light-armored swordsman.

Taking a closer look, the wound was still green blood!

There is poison on the knife!

Originally, the wound was not fatal, but the toxin instantly made the light armored swordsman lose consciousness, his face turned blue and black, and he fell to the ground.

Moreover, after the sneak killing, his body turned transparent again, and disappeared after a few flashes.

On the sand, there were only some small footprints that looked like small lizards running past. No wonder he was able to get so close secretly. This stealthy movement method is so weird that people can't focus on it, and they can't catch it at all!

Seeing someone fell to the ground by surprise attack, Catherine's face turned serious, and she quickly fired several shots in the direction of the footprints, but she didn't touch the corner of the guy's clothes at all.

And at this moment, someone almost said: "Arthur is poisoned! Quick, he needs an antidote!"

Catherine looked gloomy when she saw the blackened wound of the light armored swordsman named Kaiser. She was not stingy at all, and took out a valuable advanced antidote and injected it into his neck.

After this dose of potion, although it seemed that Kai Arthur's life was saved, he also fell into a coma and completely lost his fighting power.

And, to make matters worse, other people also recognized the assassin who was like a "ghost" and calmly retreated after killing someone. There was a pale panic expression on the faces of all the wild hunters.

"It's him! It's the 'ghost' of the black skull!"

"We are dead this time, that guy is here."

"It's over, everything is over, that guy won't leave anyone alive"


It seems that the mention of that name makes people lose the desire to resist in an instant.

That name, even for a high-level transcendent, means death!

Hearing the name "Ghost Shadow", even Catherine, who was calm from the beginning to the end, turned extremely ugly.

That guy actually came to kill him himself? !

"What a clever stealth method. This is definitely not an ordinary Tier 3 assassin!"

Renn, who was on the sand dunes in the distance, naturally saw the scene through the observation glass, and immediately realized something in his heart: "It turned out to be that guy. It seems that Captain Frank should have been killed."

Chain knives, poisonous, ghostly moves.

The bounty orders of all the famous members of the "Black Skull Phantom Thieves" are in Zhinao's database. When these iconic conditions are put together and screened, "Zhinao" immediately recognizes a person.

That is the captain of the 16th Division of the Black Skull, [Ghost Shadow] Kilos, who offered a reward of 13 million lisos!

The "Black Skull Phantom Thieves" is a top-level phantom thief group that is comparable in strength to Bazel's original "White Wolf Group", and there are many masters in the group.

In a cruel place like the Phantom Thieves, there is little talk about seniority. If you want to be the captain, you must have the strength to hold others down.

And this Kilos can become the captain of the "Black Skull" with a third-order extraordinary rank because he has absolute strength!

Although it was Tier 3, the Tier 4 Transcendents he assassinated could not be counted with one hand.

This is a very tricky assassin!

Thanks to 'Colinnnn' for 2000 coins, 'Jin Tai' 500, 'Yi Fengxi', and 'Jin Ming' in Shucheng for their donations. There is only one update at noon, and another update at a later date. The recent schedule is a bit chaotic, and the update rhythm has been disrupted.

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