Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 296: The Soaring Development of Black Dragon City

Renn had talked with Kavo about the Black Dragon City when he was in Black Wind, but after all, Kavo's position was still uncertain at that time, and many strategic secrets were not elaborated.

Now there is no such scruple.

Kavo agreed to join Glory City, an ally on the same front.

While chatting, the two walked towards the inner city.

Here is the biggest secret of Black Dragon City - the mechanical airship manufacturing workshop.

Kavo: "Foreigners outside the fog? The battle for the destruction of the Monkel civilization?"

"Yes, it's a long story"

Ren: "Not only have we confirmed that there is a sixth-order extraordinary beyond the fifth-order, but now I have several sixth-order genetic potions brought from the world outside the fog."

"Sixth-order potion?!"

When Kavo heard this, his face showed an incredible solemnity.

Although he knew that Ren would not say some irrelevant words, his reason told him that this was unlikely.

For more than a hundred years, he collected ancient historical materials everywhere and solved one puzzle after another. It can be said that there is no one in this world who knows more about ancient history than him.

In the nearly 100,000 years since the collapse of the Monkel civilization to the present, the path to promotion for the extraordinary has been broken. Although he speculated that there is a higher path beyond the fifth level of extraordinary, after all, he has already touched a higher level of power.

Can. A finished "sixth-order potion"?

This is something Master Kavo never expected.

The moment he was stunned, Ren had already handed over a potion.

Master Kavo looked at the green potion with an extremely complicated expression on his face.

After all, the extraordinary pathways above the fifth level have been disconnected. In this world, it has never been heard that anyone can refine a finished sixth-level potion.

And the source of the finished medicine can only come from "beyond the fog"!

At this time, Ren said: "Aren't people in the world wondering how our Black Dragon City built such a large city overnight? In fact, the most important reason is because we found a mechanical city wreckage."

After a pause, he smiled mysteriously at Kavo and asked, "Master Kavo, can you imagine that there is actually a mechanical city flying in the sky?"

"A flying mechanical city?"

The shock of the sixth-order potion has not brought Kavo back to his thoughts, and now there is another flying mechanical city?

He thought about it for a moment, and said: "If it is the steam technology of the present age, maybe after a few decades, we should be able to manufacture a flying steam machine. But the machine city... I'm afraid it will be difficult."

It must be a giant to be named "city", and it is not easy to make it fly.

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something, looked at the closed factory in front of him, and showed a shocked expression: "Could it be this?"

Ren nodded, and said sonorously: "Yes! We found the wreckage of a flying machine city!"

At this time, the two had already reached the door of the airship workshop. There are magic restrictions on the steel door spliced ​​with rivets and iron sheets, and no one can perceive the situation inside.

At this time, seeing Renn coming, the high-ranking extraordinary who was in charge of guarding opened a small door.

Ren made an invitation gesture towards Kavo beside him, saying: "Master Kavo, please come inside."

Kawo vaguely felt that he would see something that would refresh his cognition. He exhaled slowly, and walked in with Ren.


Originally, he was ready to be shocked, but when Kavo saw the huge monster in the workshop, the legendary mage known as the most knowledgeable mage in the world still showed unprecedented consternation.

This was even more unexpected than seeing the evil god's will coming!

Although the coming of the evil god is sudden, it is something that is known.

But the giant steel beast in front of him completely made him see a new world.

No crawlers, no wheels, and no ground mobile equipment with suspension and shock absorption. From any aspect, this steel monster in front of you doesn't look like a regular mechanical city.

Is it really a flying mechanical city?

Kavo frowned.

And everything in front of him made him dizzy.

In the workshop, hundreds of mechanics are busy.

This is not an ordinary mechanical workshop. Every mechanic wears an external mechanical skeleton with various tools, allowing them to easily move tens of tons of steel accessories. Around the workshop, large mechanical arms and hoisting equipment with precise structure can be seen everywhere.

This is a workshop with a high degree of mechanization, and the power of machinery is fully displayed.

Kavo was the one who built Glory City back then. Although he is a magician, he knows the construction process of Mechanical City very well.

Just by looking at it, he knew that the technological level of this workshop surpassed this era by at least 20 years.

"It's unbelievable."

Kawo looked at everything in front of him, and his white beard twitched unconsciously.

It had been many years, and his mood had never fluctuated as violently as it is today.

It turns out that Black Dragon City still has such a technological background!

This level of technology is even stronger than that of Omar, known as the "sacred place of steam machinery", but how did they do it?

And at this moment, Kawo saw a steel-making furnace with green flames melting a special-looking metal.

"Angela Black Iron?"

How could he, who is well-read and knowledgeable, not recognize this kind of metal that requires special alchemy methods to smelt.

But I suspected that I was wrong.

After all, this kind of extremely rare metal, which is only the size of a fist in his hands, is actually all over the place?

A random piece of iron at the foot, is that kind of sacred blood black iron worth a million times gold?

Ren said: "Yes. We found an [Angela Black Iron] mine in the basin. Therefore, we plan to use it to build the main armor of the Mechanic City."


When Kavo heard this, the corners of his brows twitched suddenly.

Hearing this, it feels like hearing someone say: I plan to use gems to pave a road connecting the imperial capitals of the two empires.

The sense of sight that is incomparably rich!

If estimated according to the current market price of [Angela Black Iron], the amount consumed by this steel behemoth in front of him is enough to buy half of Sid or Omar's empire. (Large quantity, the price will drop)

And the external mechanical skeletons on the ordinary craftsmen here all use "eight-cylinder power boilers"?

Isn't the power boiler the best four-cylinder on the market?

Even the Omar military, it seems that the six-cylinder is still in the experimental stage?

This is eight cylinders?

After being shocked, Kavo's expression returned to normal.

He also wanted to understand that there must be a top mechanic in Black Dragon City who is far beyond Omar's "Master of Mechanics".

Seeing this, the old mage realized that the strength of Black Dragon City far exceeds the imagination of the world.

Originally thought that relying on the "Flying Dragon Legion" would make them invincible in the world, but they never thought that they still possess a level of technology that the world cannot imagine.

There was a smile in Kavo's muddy eyes, and he said with emotion: "Master Rennes, you really surprised the old man. With this mechanical combat power, Black Dragon City has already stood at the top of the world."

Ren smiled and said, "Master Kavo, the goal of our Black Dragon City has never been to become the Third Reich. The world outside the fog is our ultimate pursuit."

After a pause, he pointed to the unfinished machine in front of him, and continued: "This is a steam airship from outside the fog. It crashed here, and we rebuilt it. One day, we plan to get out of the fog , go and see the outside world"

After listening to Ren's narration, Kavo laughed at himself and said, "It's the old man who is small."

But at this time, the old sorcerer's eyes flashed a sharpness that he hadn't seen for many years, like the flash of thunder before the spring thunder exploded.

With a slight breath, he said slowly: "Can there be one more place in this mechanical city? It doesn't need to be too big, as long as I can put down my 'Wallenda's Shackles of Order'."

When Ren heard it, his face flashed with joy, and he immediately responded, "Of course!"

He had heard from Bazel that the Central Library of Glory City was once a holy artifact of Kavo's "Order Sequence" legend that has been nurtured for thousands of years.

And Master Kavo in front of him came from the main body!

The news that Master Kavo came to Black Dragon City quickly spread throughout the entire city, and also spread throughout the two empires.

A group of powerful magician mentors came to the "Black Dragon Academy", and they brought a complete set of magician training system. This also allows those children in Black Dragon City who are talented in magic and want to learn magic to have a way to learn.

"Black Dragon Academy" has the largest and most beautiful building in the city.

Universal education, this is also one of the key "innovative policies" of Black Dragon City!

One of the views that Rennes insisted on at the beginning of the city's establishment was that "education" must be a key care item at the forefront of territorial construction.

He who came through time travel knew very well that "education" is the cornerstone of the revitalization of Black Dragon City and social progress, and only it can make Black Dragon City long-term stability.

Also because of the large amount of funds tilted, the academy's reputation resounded throughout all human territories in a short period of time.

The college has the world's top mechanic inheritance, magician inheritance, warrior inheritance, potion, medicine, military.

Even culture, economy, and architecture... have also opened colleges one after another.

The college not only recruits students, but also recruits top talents from all walks of life as mentors.

Those master craftsmen who have no status in other aristocratic territories can rely on their craftsmanship to find a well-paid job here. If you are willing to share your technology, you can also pass on your craftsmanship to others, gain people's respect, and even directly obtain "permanent residency".

In a very short period of time, this "talent settlement policy" has introduced a large number of talents to Black Dragon City.

However, because the college's temporary enrollment is limited, the Black Dragon Academy only recruits children of "permanent residents" for the time being. Other temporary residents who want to study in the academy need extremely strict talent screening.

Although harsh, this is also a big surprise for the common people.

Because this is the only way for civilians to learn knowledge systematically!

In fact, "academy" is nothing new. In the two empires, there are royal academies.

However, the enrollment scope of that kind of academy is only for nobles.

"Knowledge" is also one of the means by which nobles enslave commoners.

In order not to break down the social class, no matter how talented the civilians are, the Royal Academy only recruits nobles. That kind of backward educational concept is of great benefit to class stability, but it is extremely limited to social progress.

And the emergence of "Black Dragon Academy" broke the monopoly of knowledge.

On the other hand, the territory's economy has also grown explosively.

In other territories, 99% of the wealth is in the hands of the 1% noble lords.

In addition to the necessary daily necessities, buying a few fruits is a luxury consumption for the common people, and they have no ability to consume at all. The trade economy is like a pool of stagnant water.

But in Black Dragon City, the skyrocketing economy is like a snowball, growing bigger and bigger!

All the people in the city can earn money by their labor, because the tax rate is low, and there is more money left over. If you have money in your pocket, you will consume it. Consumption stimulates production, production generates profits, and profits stimulate consumption in a virtuous circle.

And consumption means having goods and services.

Those "commercial taxes" (aristocratic exploitation tax and famine hunting tax) that were once underestimated by nobles in other territories also created massive tax revenues for Black Dragon City.

Chambers of commerce, large and small, will bring special products from the territories of the two empires, such as fine wine, textiles, cigarettes, sugar, grain, and various basic materials

Those resources that require labor-intensive production are largely dependent on "imports".

While the chamber of commerce brings goods, it will also take away some high-level materials, finished mechanical equipment, potions, and high-level minerals from Black Dragon City.

It seems that the amount of imports is much larger than the amount of exports, but the "trade surplus" is huge!

Before the two empires could react, a large amount of wealth poured into Black Dragon City.

In this way, the ultra-low agricultural tax and hunting tax not only did not bring the territory's finances into a deadlock, but because of the huge circulation, the wealth accumulated more and more

Everyone knows that Black Dragon City is very rich, but they don't know how rich it is.

Among the high-level officials of the two empires, some long-sighted people saw that this "trade deficit" was not right, and wanted to work hard to change this situation.

It can be imagined, but it is actually impossible!

With a profit of 300%, businessmen dare to trample on all laws of the matter.

What's more, the profit of doing business with "Black Dragon City" is far more than three times, even five times, ten times!

The newly built city needs a lot of materials, and the influx of refugees needs a lot of materials

The profit is high, and the demand is still increasing. The goods that are circulated in this Black Dragon City are worth the sum of the needs of many large territories of the two empires.

Those aristocratic merchants don't care about surplus or deficit, it is enough for them to make a lot of money.

Even if there is a policy that explicitly prohibits it, some private chambers of commerce can be banned. In chambers with official backgrounds such as the "Sunflower Chamber of Commerce", there will be people with connections who take the lead in "smuggling".

In just a few months in the world, Black Dragon City's titles of "City of Free Trade", "City of Entertainment", "City of High-end Technology Products", "City of Liberty", and "City of Miracles" are on everyone's lips. Human territories spread.

The top executives of the old aristocrats also thought about imitating Black Dragon City, lowering tax rates, attracting merchants, and stimulating consumption

But it's not realistic at all!

The social system determines the route of Black Dragon City, and it is impossible to imitate it!

It is impossible for the nobles to give up the rights they already have in their hands and transfer the profits to the common people.

Just like when Ymir wanted to "innovate" in Omar and was strongly resisted by the old nobles, any policy that dared to touch the interests of the nobles was resisted before it came to fruition.

All kinds of "New Deals" turned into jokes in an instant.

It also boosted the take-off of Black Dragon City.

The rise of Black Dragon City caught the two empires of Omar and Sid by surprise.

Originally, the veteran nobles thought that this Black Dragon City would be the "Second Glory City".

But I don't think, in terms of influence and future troubles, Black Dragon City is ten times, a hundred times as much as Glory City!

If it was said that Glory City was still "plucking hair" in the two empires, Black Dragon City would just "suck the marrow and knock the bones" and break their foundations!

The policy of "everyone is equal" gave the veteran nobles a heavy slap in the face of this era.

In this era, everyone is "rotten", and the common people have no choice;

But suddenly a "good" appeared, and everyone flocked to it.

Seeing the loss of population and loss of wealth, the two empires had nothing to do.

Because, Black Dragon City's superior geographical location simply cannot be conquered by force.

What's more, this new city is not a "soft persimmon"!

Now everyone in the world knows that there are more than ten known "legendary" powerhouses in the city, [Great Polymath] Master Kavo, [White Wolf] Bazel, [Vajra Rakshasa] Kanosha, [Sword of Justice] ] Guy, as well as Coleman Mafa and several elders.

In terms of the number of top powerhouses alone, the two empires combined are not as good as Black Dragon City.

And the invincible dragon army.

That is also the "Invincible Legion" that makes any conspiracy aborted!

In just a few months, the population of Black Dragon City has reached tens of millions, and it is still continuing to skyrocket.

The resources brought by refugees, chambers of commerce, and wild hunters have established large steelmaking factories, forging factories, and machinery factories of various sizes, and the territory is getting bigger and bigger.

The two empires had no choice but to close the border.

Keep the city away from the Alcoron Mountains, then enclose the territory, send troops to strictly patrol the border, and prohibit all population migration.

Of course, this has also given birth to an increasingly developed "smuggling" industry, which is a later story.

The development momentum of Black Dragon City is getting stronger day by day. The two empires are all greedy for this piece of "fat meat", so naturally they didn't give up wanting to bite the meat in their mouths.

And on this day, Black Dragon City ushered in a special team, which was the official diplomatic delegation of the Omar royal family.

Thanks for the tip of '20200310113445758'.

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