Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 297 The Shock of the Mission

On this day, a team carrying the banner of the Golden Griffin of the Omar Empire passed through the Black Dragon Pass and arrived at Black Dragon City.

There were hundreds of people in the group, and the majestic silver knight in the team led the way, as well as a huge team of retinues and servants. The clothes of these people are all embroidered with the family coat of arms of a double-headed crowned eagle, and they are obviously the "Spencer family" from the top and old nobles of Orma.

Today's Black Dragon City is more than ten times larger than before.

The city is backed by the Alcoron Mountains, and there is no shortage of stones here. Under the unified planning of the municipal officials, the refugees quarried stone and built city walls tens of meters high, the first ring, the second ring... until now it has reached the sixth ring.

Seeing the majestic city built on land in the distance, the members of the Omar Mission were all shocked.

In the queue, a middle-aged man with a brown mustache chatted with a handsome young man with a white face.

"This Black Dragon City is really amazing. It has developed into such a scene in less than a year. It is indeed a miracle. With such a population size, in the empire, I am afraid that only the imperial capital Wusenbaer can match it."

"Hehe, Father, it's just that the location of Black Dragon City is good enough. Ymir doesn't know where she is so lucky that she actually found such a pass and established a new city west of the Alcoron Mountains In this basin there are high-level monster resources, corpse tide, and high coal-burning rich mines. I heard that large-scale gold and silver mines, Black Dragon City, have been explored recently in the north. It really has all the advantages. If this place is given to me, I can also make a great city!"

"Frank, don't underestimate Ymir. Her talent is recognized by the empire. At least, it is not something ordinary people can do to make those barbarians who are tame obediently do things for her."

"Father, don't forget that no matter how powerful she is, she is only a woman. However, I never expected that there would be so many sub-dragon monsters here. If the flying dragon army is in our possession, our Spencer family will definitely It will also become the strongest family in the empire!"

"Indeed. If you can master the 'Invincible Legion' of the Flying Dragon Legion, this Black Dragon City will naturally be a problem. But then again, how did Ymir make those barbarians so obedient?"

"Why don't we just ask Ymir directly. Anyway, after seeing you, Father, she will still call you uncle."


A group of people are not walking fast.

Not long after, a spy from Heishuitai came over and brought a scroll of densely written information.

"My lord, all the information has been confirmed. Her Royal Highness is the 'Prime Minister' of Black Dragon City, um... the most powerful person in the city."

"Hehe, isn't this the lord? It's just a confusing rhetoric. What about Ren Hermes?"

"We have confirmed that the Lord of Rennes City has no real power, and hardly participates in the discussion of politics on weekdays. It is managed by Her Royal Highness the Princess and the parliament. However."

"But what?"

"However, I heard that the owner of Rennes is the eldest princess's man."


The system in Black Dragon City is different from any other city, and the names of many positions are completely unknown to people.

When the middle-aged man with a mustache heard the report from his subordinates, his eyes showed expectations, and even a slightly sarcastic look.

Hehe, what "Prime Minister" is, isn't it just another name for the lord?

Hearing this, the young man's expression was not so good, and he asked, "Then Ren is Ymir's man?"

Spy: "Yes. However, it's just a rumor in the city. As far as I know, Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess has not acknowledged this relationship in any public occasion."

Hearing this, the white-faced young man's expression eased slightly, and he muttered: "This is strange, since you didn't admit it, why didn't you stop the rumors?"

The shrewd light in the eyes of the middle-aged man with the mustache flashed, but he felt as if he had guessed the truth, and said with a smile, "So, this Ymir is as smart as ever."

After a pause, he said, "If I'm not wrong, it's probably because she expected that the empire would make a fuss about the marriage, so she made up such a half-truth and half-fake shield."

The young man listened, and his brows were completely relaxed.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, and he said: "That's right. At the beginning, the imperial capital looked down upon many heroes, so why would she find someone unknown to be a man?"

And when the Omar delegation came, it was in the mountains hundreds of miles away from Black Dragon City.

Here dark clouds cover the sun, lightning and thunder, it is a rainy day with a large thunderstorm.

In this bad weather, even large monsters can't avoid it. And on the highest mountain, a burly figure was meditating cross-legged.


From time to time, a beam of bright lightning pierced the sky, as if being drawn, it precisely struck the figure.

After the lightning struck, the figure remained motionless.

Until half an hour later, the thunderstorm gradually dissipated.

The naked figure also stood up. He looked up at the scattered thunderclouds, and said to himself, "It's over again. The body can already resist 500 million volts of lightning. Look at it." Next time, you can try a stronger thunderbolt."

After the words fell, the golden lacquer-like metallic luster on his body gradually disappeared, and his normal complexion returned.

And those wounds burned by lightning also healed instantly under the warm sun of the healing technique.

After beckoning, a huge Thundercrow flew down from the clouds, turned into a palm-sized Thunderbird, landed on his head, and pecked affectionately.

This person is naturally Ren who practiced alone in the wilderness.

The method of thunder and lightning body tempering is also familiar, so there is no need for someone to follow in case of accidents. Although the Calateva Basin has entered the thunderstorm season, it is not always near the Black Dragon City.

With the Thunder Crow, which can accurately sense the thunder element in the air, Ren can always accurately find the thunderstorm area. So in the past half month, he has been chasing Leiyun outside and running around.

Walking to the stone platform in the distance, Ren picked up his clothes and put them on.

Only then did I realize that the clothes were a little tight.

He raised his eyebrows, feeling very satisfied, and murmured: "The muscles have grown again."

The arm passed through for a night, and the clothes covered the gnarled muscles all over his body. The body that looked like a humanoid monster was covered, and the domineering aura was also restrained.

In the past six months, [Woodoo Master]'s potion has been digested, his fighting spirit has skyrocketed by several times, and the number of scorpions has also skyrocketed; and because of the secret method of lightning tempering his body, his body has become stronger and stronger, [Hercules Jue's body training has progressed at an unbelievably fast speed, and has reached the point of "Shen Gang Realm" Xiaocheng, and his strength is nearly three times that of before.

Even Kanosha was shocked by this progress. Leaving aside the extraordinary realm, just talking about the secret method of body training, she can only reach the great achievement of the "divine rigidity realm".

And Ren's practice results in the past six months are comparable to her ten years of hard work.

Ren put on his clothes and wanted to leave, but at this moment, a black shadow flew by and rushed towards Ren's back.

It was a Tier 4 [Dragonscale Snow Leopard] that had been lurking for a long time. It was fully eight meters long, and its four legs and head were covered with scales. This is a common dragon creature in the basin. It is fast, can spray frost, and has an amazing bite force.

This kind of magical beast, even if it is an ordinary fourth-order transcendent, it will cause headaches.

The bloody wind was blowing in his nostrils, and it bit towards Ren with its bloody mouth wide open, as if intending to eat this lone human being.

Ren listened to the movement behind him, his ears moved slightly, and there was a sharp look in his eyes.

Like a conditioned reflex, his right fist condensed a strong purple grudge, turned around and punched the huge figure. The flowing fist seemed to have eyes, and hit the snow leopard's lower back.


It was like hearing a bone crack.

The cheetah weighing several tons was blown away by a punch!

The claw that was enough to break through the fourth-order magic shield left only a few scratches on Ren's golden skin, which disappeared in a blink of an eye.


With a sound of stomping on the ground, Ren's figure rushed 100 meters, and his fists slammed down like rain, pressing the snow leopard who hadn't reacted to the ground with a fierce hammer.

One man and one leopard fought viciously on this hillside.

A quarter of an hour later, there were potholes blasted everywhere on this hillside. The snow leopard, which had been alive and well, was drenched in blood from the hammer, lying on the ground, unable to move.

Ren stood up, looked at the corpse of the monster on the ground, and took a few breaths. In a blink of an eye, all the bite wounds on his body that were famous for ordinary third-order supernatural beings were all healed.

Walking alone in the wilderness, encountering monsters is normal, and he is used to it.

In the original realm of Heifengling, when he encountered this fourth-order [Dragonscale Snow Leopard], he might not be able to beat ten of them.

But today, martial arts have long been mastered.

In the system dream, he could not pass ten moves against "Umm". The soaring strength and martial skills allowed him to easily kill his old opponent.

Ren put away the snow leopard's body and put on his clothes.

And at this moment, Ymir's voice sounded from the strange conch-like device next to the clothes.

"Ren, you go back to the territory, Omar is here."


This is the "Goblin Communicator", a kind of biological communicator created by Mr. Tuster based on the Goblin drawings.

The function is a bit like a walkie-talkie, which can perform long-distance communication under special conditions.

But it is not electricity, but bioelectricity.

This "communication snail" is alive, a pair.

He has one in his hand, and Ymir has one there.

Because Black Dragon City is built on the ground, the streets are not as narrow as in Mechanical City.

The road surface is paved with bluestone, and people come and go, which is very lively.

Omar's delegation entered the city with a high profile, and this line of gorgeously dressed nobles naturally attracted the attention of passers-by.

However, unlike the treatment in other territories, the civilians not only did not bow their heads to evade this team obviously bearing the title of duke, but some bold guys were pointing and whispering at them.

Seeing this, the white-faced young man in the team didn't look very good, and muttered: "Huh! These people in the wilderness really lack education. The common people dare to look directly at the high-ranking nobles. They really don't know how to be polite. If this happens in Omar, he has already been whipped."

In Omar, nobles have an absolute status.

When civilians encounter a noble team on the street, they must avoid it.

Especially in the territory of the Spencer family, when the Duke travels, the citizens have to kneel and worship on the street, and they can only raise their heads when the team leaves.

The Grand Duke of House frowned slightly and felt offended, but he didn't say anything.

After all, from his standpoint, he can see that Black Dragon City's ability to attract so many refugees in a short period of time is directly related to the city's policies.

The white-faced youth's tone was full of disdain, and he continued: "Father, is this the legendary 'everyone is equal'? Hehe, being equal to a group of untouchables is simply an insult to the blood of high nobles. Sure enough, the 'New Deal' was not implemented at the beginning. It’s a good thing. It would be absurd if commoners could have the same status as nobles.”

Although he also doesn't like being pointed at by a group of civilians, Grand Duke House looked deeper and frowned, "This Black Dragon City should not be underestimated."

The appearance of the residents of Black Dragon City made him feel incredible.

In other territories, he saw nobles and commoners with only numbness and panic on their faces, and always felt lifeless.

There was no comparison before, and he didn't find out where the problem was.

Looking at it now, he realized that all the people in Black Dragon City had different expressions on their faces. It was satisfaction with life, and hope for the future was an emotion called "happiness".

This is a style that can only be seen in the aristocratic and wealthy class. This Black Dragon City is everywhere?

Everyone is very busy.

The Duke and his party were not welcomed by the residents.

Craftsmen are busy building cities, security teams are busy patrolling, hunters are busy hunting wilderness, businessmen are busy shouting

In the shops on the street, all kinds of shops selling fruits, pastries, clothes and daily necessities are crowded with people

Seeing this, the Grand Duke of House thought he had come to the imperial capital of Omar.

Because only in the wealthy imperial capital of Oma, can ordinary people have spare money to spend, and shops can be so prosperous.

In this city that has been established for less than a year, are there really so many people who can afford the daily necessities of noble families such as fruits and pastries?

In his impression, isn't the hunting city only able to survive with shops that sell all kinds of equipment?

These questions are not written in the information.

When the Duke of House saw this place, he felt that the people here were incredibly rich.

He knows about low taxes, but how can a simple low tax support such a large city?

Commoners and nobles are equal, how can the lord ensure that his rights are stable?

Problems popped up one after another, but they turned into a dead end.

He, who is still enjoying the dividends brought by the centralization of lordship to the nobles, will not be able to understand this social system that has surpassed several stages of the entire era for a while.

Everything in front of him felt very "illusory".

It was as if someone deliberately arranged a stage play for them to let them see this completely incredible scene.

The more I looked at it, the more amazed I was. Everything in the city made the members of the mission from Aura Imperial Capital dizzy.

At first I thought that I came to a poor and remote area to "go to the countryside", but I didn't think about it, but it seemed that I came to gain experience.

The Grand Duke of House also pricked up his ears and listened, interested in hearing what the residents were saying.

And on the street they passed by, a young man and woman happened to be kissing and embracing each other, as if they were celebrating something.

"Oh, Ilona, ​​let me tell you some news. I passed the selection and successfully enlisted in the army. Not only free board and lodging, but also the distribution of genetic potions. After three years, I will be able to obtain permanent residency!"

"My dear, it may not take three years. I heard that the son of Uncle Carter's family joined the army a month ago, but because of his meritorious service in battle, he is already a second lieutenant officer, and now the whole family is a permanent resident of the city. "

"Oh, praise our great Lord Rennes! I will work hard too."


Duke House frowned.

This special military service system is also written in the information.

He knew that Black Dragon City had recruited a large number of troops, but they were not noble knights.

This is simply unimaginable in other territories.

The army is not noble knights, how to ensure their loyalty to the lord? .

The Grand Duke of House walked forward slowly with doubts.

At this moment, his attention was drawn to the earth, and various voices came from his ears here and there.

"I heard that the great swordsman Lambert has also come. Yesterday he went directly to the Black Dragon Academy to apply for a job as a swordsmanship teacher. Such a powerful swordsman, because he offended the nobles in Omar, no one dared to use him."

"Machine master Fielding also came. I heard that he came because there is a higher-level mechanic heritage in Black Dragon City than the 'Omar Royal Academy of Sciences'."

"Anyway, I'm here for Master Kavo. I heard that he is the honorary dean of the Black Dragon Academy, and occasionally he will teach in person."

"Have you bought the 'social endowment insurance' just issued by the city hall?"

"Of course! It won't cost much. Anyway, the money is tax deductions. When I get old, I can't hunt wild animals, and I can't participate in labor. The pension will be borne by the territory."

"Want to go wild hunting? There are additional rewards for opening up the western wilderness."


There are people from all walks of life on the street, and they talk about all kinds of topics.

The Grand Duke of House's expression became more and more dignified.

Although I didn't understand what those policies were all about.

He also saw that the satisfaction of residents with these policies is very high.

Moreover, in less than a year, the residents of this city actually have a "sense of identity" and "sense of belonging"?

In the discourse of these residents, all aim to become a "permanent resident of Black Dragon City"; they are proud of being a "permanent resident".

This is what frightens the Duke of House the most.

The Black Dragon City was born, and the two empires were both facing the problem of population loss.

Originally, this problem was not a big one. After all, whether the population can stay or not is the key.

Once Black Dragon City collapses, everything will disappear.

Let everyone see that the "low tax" and "everyone is equal" policies of Black Dragon City are only noisy for a while, and will collapse sooner or later.

Glory City can become an aristocratic kingdom, and Black Dragon City will definitely follow in their footsteps.

But now, instead of collapsing, it is getting more and more prosperous!

Seeing this, Grand Duke House realized that if Black Dragon City continues to develop, the aristocratic system may usher in an unprecedented crisis, and even shake the foundation of the empire!

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