Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 331 The Empire Comes to an End

The artillery fire roared all day and night, and there were heavily armed patrol soldiers everywhere in the city.

The sound of mechanical boilers in major urban areas that had not moved for a long time transformed into a form of war. Countless chimney trucks spewed billowing black smoke, and the entire sky was blackened by soot.

In order to avoid the chaotic artillery fire, every house in the city was closed. Except for a few pedestrians with flustered faces who walked quickly across the street, there was no one in the empty city.

This so-called most prosperous metropolis on the Ice Ridge Wasteland became desolate and desolate overnight.

Although the Fifth District was not affected by the flames of war, the thieves and gangsters who took advantage of the fire became active because of the disorderly state of the war. They entered and murdered, robbed, and raped, and many small nobles suffered, causing panic among the people.

Different from the tense atmosphere in other places, the "Black Rose Inn" is very calm.

This is the place where the group of Black Dragon City settled down.

There are powerful mechanic legions and flying dragon legions stationed in the hotel, no one dares to make trouble here.

This small post house has become the safest place in the entire city.

Several maids who have been serving Ymir all year round have been waiting at the door of the suite for a long time.

Ymir's schedule is very regular, usually she will wash up and go out at seven o'clock every morning.

No matter how late she went to bed, she never had the habit of staying in bed.

But today was a bit unusual, it was almost ten o'clock, and the eldest princess still showed no sign of announcing them to enter the house.

"Is Your Highness the Princess up yet?"

"Shh~ the city lord is also inside."

"Yeah, Your Highness has never left the city lord to stay overnight in the boudoir, could it be?"


Then a low-pitched laugh was heard.

Although everyone in Black Dragon City knew that Ren was Ymir's man, they, as personal maids, knew very well that the two adults seemed to have no intimate relationship yet.

Even when he was in Black Dragon City, the city lord never spent the night in the eldest princess's apartment. Even if there is, it must be the time to invite Elder Wuduo together. It's not the master bedroom, but the guest room.

The movement at the door, of course, could not be concealed from the two high-level supernatural perceptions of Ren and Ymir in the room.

In the room, on the big snow-white bed, two naked bodies leaned against each other.

Ren's skin has a wheat-colored dark yellow due to practicing outside all the year round. In contrast, Ymir's skin looked very white. Under the light, the white one seems to exude a faint fluorescence.

She lay on her back on the bed, her expression was a little lazy, and there was still some flushing on her pretty face. That golden waterfall of hair was scattered on the bed, from top to bottom, the graceful figure was not covered up at all.

Ren admired the beautiful carcass in front of him, supported his head with one hand, and turned into a little man with the other hand, "crossing mountains and mountains" on Ymir's body, the ultimate gentle touch slid across his fingertips, allowing him to play with it. It's a joy.

Once lust starts, it is very difficult to stop.

With the first time, there will be countless follow-ups.

There was some urgency in the first taste of the ambiguous scene by the Tangshi Hot Spring Pool the night before. But in this scene on the bed, the two had a great time.

Ymir, the princess of Omar who was cold and indifferent in front of outsiders, showed her charm that no one had ever seen in front of Ren.

She didn't stop Ren's shy movements from who knows where. Although her cold temper made her not too catering, she never refused to come, allowing Lei to enjoy the bone-crushing tenderness.

"Okay, enough nonsense, it's time to get up."

"It's okay anyway, it's a rare day off."

"It's too late to show people a joke"

Finally, this Princess Omar has a thin skin and can't do the absurd things of daytime prostitution.

Looking at the brighter and brighter sky outside the colorful glass window, she angrily pushed away the body that was clinging to her body and gradually becoming hotter, and blamed again: "Come again?"

She thought, the extraordinary energy of the power department seemed endless, if given a chance, this guy would probably be able to mess around all day.

As soon as the words came out, Ren just smiled and gave up.

Ymir rang the rope bell beside the bed, and four maids in maid outfits opened the door and walked in.

The four of them worked together to put hot water in the bathroom and prepare today's clothes. Everything was the same as before.

However, looking at Ren lying on the bed, all the maids would smile heartily.

They are all close-body maids who have served Ymir for many years, and they are used to seeing her naked body, and they are not so restrained in speaking.

"Your Highness, the water is ready."


Ymir gracefully went to the bathroom, leaving Ren with a beautiful back.

The maid named "Portia" among the four stayed behind. She looked at Ren and said with a respectful smile, "My lord, may I help you wash and change?"

The appearance and figure of Ymir's maids are not bad, even for ordinary people, they are seven or eight points of the standard. Because they have to wait for the hostess to take a bath, they all wear thin gauze clothes, and the mountains and mountains are so dense that they can be vaguely seen through.

In this world, the maids of the noble family are the private property of the noble lord.

It's a bit like the ancient "dowry maid" in Rennes' previous life, responsible for daily life and warming the bed. And at some point, he will serve the hostess for the inconvenient hostess.

It's a custom, and hostesses usually don't mind.

But Ren is not used to the same as those old nobles, enjoying the maid's dressing with bare buttocks, he shook his head and said: "No, I will do it myself."

He dressed himself and washed himself.

Probably because the relationship between the two was already very close, Ymir no longer shy away from the man in the house.

The whole process of her bathing and dressing was under Ryan's watchful eye.

Ren also saw for the first time the cumbersome and extravagant washing process of the royal family in this world.

However, people are beautiful, and waiting is also pleasing to the eye.

Not long after, Ren and Ymir sat at the dining table, enjoying the breakfast prepared by the maids.

While eating, the two chatted.

"The news just arrived that Karen was besieged and killed by the imperial guards in the palace. Muller (fourth prince) and Ebert (eighth prince) are fighting fiercely, and all the noble families behind them have also participated in the battle."

"[City of Destruction] participated in the war, and the situation in the palace is not optimistic. In the end, it is very likely that both sides will suffer."

"It is initially estimated that even if the battle in the imperial capital ends, military conflicts will break out across the country for a long time to come."


Ymir calmly told Ren the information reported by the maid just now.

This is also to be expected.

Ever since they saw the Sid Empire and Glory City intervene in the battle for imperial power, they knew that no matter who it was, it was impossible to securely inherit the throne.

Now Omar's split is doomed.

Neither the fourth prince nor the eighth prince has the ability to convince all those old aristocratic groups.

After this battle is fought, no matter who wins, it will eventually set back Omar's national strength by decades.

It will also completely wipe out the deterrent power that the Spurgeon royal family has inherited for thousands of years.

When the imperial power loses its previous deterrent power, those great nobles who already have the power to build a country will no longer be willing to be restrained by the imperial power.

What's more, there is also the Sid Empire, which is determined to split Omar, and the Glorious City, whose situation is unknown.

Many forces have muddied the pool of water in Omar, and they will not allow the powerful empire of Omar to continue to grow stronger.

It is predictable that the final situation will probably be that the seventy-two provinces of Omar will be split into dozens of "principalities" and "kingdoms".

Sure enough, the squinting eyes hit the spot, and Omar was completely destroyed.

After today, the Omar royal family also existed in name only.

Regarding political matters, Ren could not intervene and listened silently.

But in fact, Omar's split is beneficial and harmless to Black Dragon City.

Where there is war, there will be refugees. Whether it is wealth, population, or various talents, they will all flow to a more stable country.

Now that the "evil god belief" conspiracy in Glory City has been exposed, the Orma hunters will probably not think about going to Glory City to beg for food in the future.

After the collapse of the imperial power of Omar, the control over the border must be much worse than before.

At that time, whether it was a hunter or a businessman who wanted to make money west of the Alcoron Mountains, Black Dragon City became the only choice.

Ren is also very confident, but anyone who has really been to Black Dragon City and enjoyed equal benefits in the territory will never think about returning to the two empires.

However, Ymir is after all the Spgreen royal family, and the development of Black Dragon City is actually drinking the blood of the old camel Omar.

Although she has long been dissatisfied with the corrupt system of the empire, but seeing the collapse of her homeland building with her own eyes, she said in a slightly melancholy tone, "I don't know what Oma will become in the end."

"Sooner or later, the development of civilization will eventually promote the change of social system."

Ren said, and gently helped her brush the hair that fell in front of her face behind her ears, and then kissed her forehead.


Ymir glanced at him and responded with a slight smile.

She changed the subject and said, "We were assassinated by Sid this time. We will also send people to negotiate over there, and we will also make some counterattacks and issue arrest warrants. But don't pay too much attention to them. Hope De's system is more corrupt than our Omar, we don't need to do anything at all, and when our Black Dragon City develops, they will naturally fall apart."

Ren nodded: "Yeah."

At this time, Ymir thought of something again, and said: "After dinner later, I plan to go to the Royal Academy of Omar. In the current situation, Grandmaster Jurgen and the mechanics of the academy have a lot None of them participated in the war. I plan to fight for it and let them go back to Black Dragon City with us. There are also some neutral hospitals, colleges, and municipal talents in the city.”

After hearing her plan, Ren said, "Then I will accompany you later."


Ymir smiled, shook his head, and said: "Those places, those people, my identity is more suitable. You have just broken through to the fourth level of extraordinary, so you should consolidate your new comprehension in the inn, and it will be fine when I come back."

From the beginning of the construction of Black Dragon City to the present, Ren, the city owner, except for talking about it and proposing a general direction, has hardly participated in any detail management. Ymir will always do everything quietly.

There are specializations in the art industry, and professional things should be left to professional people.

Wren never felt like he was supposed to be "all-around."

Unable to get in the way of business, he raised his eyebrows: "Oh, then I'll wait in the room for you to come back?"


Ymir naturally saw the ambiguous meaning in Ren's words, and gave him a blank look.

However, after hesitating for a moment, she also nodded slightly, and responded softly: "Yes."

Seven days later, the intensive artillery fire resounding through the imperial capital of Omar gradually subsided.

The veteran nobles who originally supported the second prince chose to withdraw from the war immediately after they knew the fact that Karen had been controlled by the "Three-Eyed Evil God". They were afraid of being liquidated afterwards, so they didn't stay, but directly chose to manipulate the mechanical city to leave Usenbal.

On the other hand, the fourth prince had nothing to do with the eighth prince, and fought evenly.

Although the four princes won the control of the palace in the end, but because they were evenly matched, both sides suffered extremely heavy losses.

The Eighth Prince did not choose to fight to the end, but led the seven cities under his control to leave Uxenbar and retreat towards the south of Omar, near the Sid border.

Now, the war in the imperial capital finally came to an end.

The 20 blocks of the imperial capital, including the palace and the academy, had a total of nearly 30 mechanical cities. Because of this war, seven were severely damaged, more than a dozen were removed, and ten remained in place.

And the number of casualties exceeded one million.

This is the ending no one expected.

The sudden war stunned everyone in Omar.

Few, except Metternich, predicted in advance how things would turn out.

As the picture of the battle became clearer, everyone faced a question: how should they line up.

The nobles who originally chose to be "neutral" and intended to be loyal to the royal family were also a little shaken.

Everyone can see that the Spgreen royal family has lost their control over the empire. The infighting among the several princes completely split the empire.

Now the imperial capital was devastated by a war, killing and injuring a large number of citizens. This also made many people extremely disappointed and even disheartened by Omar's senior management.

Especially the mechanics of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Orma.

Originally, they were staunch neutrals who would only be loyal to the imperial power.

But now, they found that no matter whether they were loyal to the Fourth Prince or the Eighth Prince, they were not loyal to the "imperial power".


Speaking of the bloodline of the Spurgeon royal family, besides the fourth and eighth princes, isn't there a eldest princess?

If they really want to be loyal to the royal family, they feel that the old emperor's own sister is more qualified than the two princes who killed each other.

What's more, for mechanics, Black Dragon City also has the top mechanical technology.

Coupled with Ymir's lobbying these days, many people are more inclined to the "Black Dragon City" that has unlimited potential in the future, even though they apparently did not agree to go to Black Dragon City because of nostalgia for old feelings.

On this day, Rennes and the others finally set off to leave the imperial capital of Oma.

The original visiting team of more than 1,000 people turned into a mighty tens of thousands of people when they returned.

In addition to Irubek's sons and their families, the team has a large number of talents in various fields, such as machinery, medical treatment, and municipal management.

Although Jurgen, the only "Master of Mechanics" in the Omar Empire, did not leave because of his old feelings, he did not stop his disciples and the mechanics who pursued the mechanical skills of the academy, and followed Ren to Black Dragon City.

The Royal Academy of Sciences in Omar has lost its status as the "sacred place of steam machinery", and if it continues to keep it, it will not make much sense except to be self-styled.

The current Omar does not have that stable environment for scientific research.

No matter from which aspect, "Black Dragon City" is a better choice.

Watching "Black Dragon City" poach people from Omar, the fourth prince who controls the imperial capital but faces this mess has nothing to do.

With the escort of the Mechanic Legion and the Flying Dragon Legion, no one dared to harm Black Dragon City.

As for Metternich.

The vengeance has been avenged, and Omar has no meaning to stay any longer.

This squinting eye naturally chose to go to Black Dragon City with the big army. He said that he wanted to experience the new city, which can be called a "miracle". If possible, he said that he would like to be an official in Black Dragon City.

You don't need to be a big official, just be an aide.

The death of the eldest prince Quentin, the empress, the old emperor, and Omar's collapse... are all directly related to this "staff".

If you were someone else, you probably wouldn't dare to accept such a master-devouring staff to stay by your side.

But Ryan welcomed this guy extremely.

Not to mention his extraordinary strength, Metternich's ability is also obvious to all.

Moreover, the two had a life-threatening friendship, and trust was established directly.

The team rushed back to Black Dragon City from the Imperial Capital of Oma without any risk.

All over the territory of Oma was fighting.

But looking at the Black Dragon City flags hung by the team, no one dared to make up their minds without eyes.

Although the team of tens of thousands encountered several waves of beasts on the wasteland, they were quickly driven back and wiped out. Whether it is the Flying Dragon Legion or the Mechanic Legion, they are all "invincible" existences.

Along the way, some war refugees were collected, and the team became larger and larger.

Finally, after more than a month, they returned to Black Dragon City.

As soon as I got back, I heard a message.

The hunting team in the city found the exact location of the "Tomb of the Black Emperor".

However, at the entrance of the mausoleum, there is the dormant black dragon!

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