Extraordinary Mechanical City

Chapter 332 New Blood

Transition water chapter, you can jump.

The construction of Mech City requires large steelworks, requiring very complex blueprints and mechanics. But for ordinary stone houses, anyone can participate in the construction.

The Alcoron Mountains have an inexhaustible supply of high-quality stone.

The power-type extraordinary can carry tons of stones and run fast; the earth-type magician can make mud and concrete to solidify the ground; even ordinary people who have not awakened extraordinary, they can also use the super-power provided by the mechanical arm, Participate in urban construction.

There are many high-end robotic arms for sale in the shops of Black Dragon City; in the city hall, there are also robotic arms specially used for lifting heavy objects for rent.

The Municipal Office releases a large number of city construction tasks every day. It's a bit of hard work, but the rewards are good. This is an excellent opportunity for low-level extraordinary and ordinary residents to gain points, and people are rushing to accept the task.

Residents don't need to know too much, they just need to go to the city hall to pick up the tasks, and then complete their respective tasks in the planned area.

Those who don't know the technology are like stones, piling, and moving muck.

Crafted stonemasons, carpenters, gardeners, builders who build houses, sculptures, and gardens

Moreover, because the "tax rate" in the city is extremely low, the vast majority of people's labor income falls into their own pockets, and everyone's enthusiasm is extremely high.

Millions of people work together to open roads across mountains and bridges across water.

Black Dragon City has new changes every day.

Ren and Ymir went to the imperial capital of Omar this time, and it only took two or three months to go back and forth.

But when they came back, they were also taken aback by the "jumping" development of the territory.

Just after passing the pass of the Alcoron Mountains, you can already see the stone-paved dual carriageway.

Build roads first, get rich later.

This is an important project in the "first two-year plan" planned by Rennes before he left, and it will run through the Alcoron Mountains. Unexpectedly, a hundred kilometers of hard rock roads have been built so quickly.

The concept of "highway" is not new in the Ice Ridge Wasteland, but it is rare.

Because other territories where humans gather are all mechanical cities. And the mechanical city can be moved, and it may move at any time to search for resources.

Therefore, in other places, it is almost impossible to see a lord who will spend a lot of time building a road that does not know how long it will last.

And the main city of Black Dragon City is a stone city. Its geographical location determines that it will not lack resources in the next few decades or a hundred years.

The once rugged and dangerous mountain roads have become unimpeded because of the "highway", which is extremely convenient for both material transportation and personnel exchanges.

"That's 'Black Dragon City'? My God, there is such a great city in such a remote place!"

"It's the first time I've seen such a big stone city. Wow, there are many people in the city."

"Look, what kind of monsters are those? They look so fierce, but they carry things so obediently."

"It's a land-walking dragon, and it's close relatives to those flying dragons in the sky. I heard that only the Colemans in Black Dragon City know how to tame this special monster."


Those who followed Renn's team from the imperial capital of Omar looked at the stretch of buildings at the end of their field of vision one by one, and they were all shocked.

Before they came, they were in an uneasy mood.

Because they have heard before that Black Dragon City is a new territory established in a remote mountainous area, a proper "backcountry".

At this point, I thought it was "going to the countryside", but I didn't expect it to be "experienced".

No matter in terms of size, population, or prosperity, Black Dragon City is not inferior to Omadi Capital at all.

And, in many ways, more than that.

Professional people, look at professional things.

The mechanics who followed from the Omar Royal Academy of Sciences were all attracted to the mechanical arms on the craftsmen who were building the guard post.

"Is that an improved power arm of the 'Heiger IV Light Power Arm'? My God, the mechanical arms worn by ordinary craftsmen here are actually so advanced."

"Yeah. It's unbelievable! If this is in our academy, this improved technology can at least get an A-level patent."

"Didn't you find that the mechanical arms used by those craftsmen are all of the same style? This means that Black Dragon City already has the ability to mass-produce such mechanical arms. Moreover, they actually gave this tool to civilian craftsmen .This is impossible to see even in any of our Omar territories."


With that said, the mechanics in the imperial capital fell silent.

Politics is linked to academics, which makes many advanced equipment and drawings eat ashes in the laboratory.

This is one of the reasons for the slow development of Aoma Machinery Technology.

The nobles don't want the common people to have those high-level mechanical arms to assist them in their work. They think that the common people should be used to do coolies.

Just seeing this, these mechanics from Aoma realized that Black Dragon City is different.

"This is the most common craftsman's equipment. It's hard to imagine how amazing the high-end machinery and equipment in the city will be."

"I have a hunch that I'm here this time, and I'm afraid it will be the most conscious decision in my life."

"Let's go, let's take a look at this 'City of Miracles'."

When Ren and Ymir came back, all the officials of Black Dragon City went out to welcome them.

From a long distance, I saw the long red carpet.

The welcome guards on both sides of the red carpet are the majestic "Mecha Tyrannosaurus Knight Legion".

These bipedal dragons more than ten meters tall are equipped with dark-style armor, miniature steam boilers and artillery, which give people a strong visual impact.

Then came the Dragon Legion and the Mechanic Legion. They lined up on both sides of the red carpet to welcome Rennes back.

Just like a military parade, the welcoming team displayed almost all high-end mechanical equipment and combat legions currently in service in the Black Dragon City army.

This is also a deliberate display of "fist".

In the current situation, there is no need for Black Dragon City to hide its clumsiness.

Only by putting these "deterrence forces" on the table will those guys who are lurking in the city wanting to destroy them be desperate.

Seeing the world-leading heritage of Black Dragon City, the astonished expressions of those technicians from Omar never eased.

Everything here feels new to them, giving them a kind of confident awe.

When Ren and his group came, the hundreds of thousands of people at the city gate cheered in unison.

"Master City Lord!"

"Master City Lord!"


Ren and Ymir got off the locomotive, smiled and waved to the leaders.

Ren glanced at the crowd, but he didn't expect to see Irubek in the welcoming team.

Ren stepped forward to say hello, "Teacher, why are you here?"

Irubek smiled, not afraid of his being suspicious, and half-jokingly said: "Of course I didn't come to greet you kid."


Ren raised his eyebrows and showed a meaningful smile. He naturally knew who the old man came to greet.

But at this time, before the words fell, someone behind him shouted, "Father."

Turning his head, he saw two middle-aged faces filled with tears.

They are, of course, the old man's two sons.

Behind them, there are those descendants of the Nieto family.

Yirubek's old face was very complicated, and he said, "You are here."

This farewell, ten years.

After the "sudden death of Prince Fox", Irubek never set foot in Omar's land again, nor did he see his family members.

He has been living without a fixed place, and then reluctantly found a place in the sewer area of ​​Glory City.

But that's not "home".

Now that there is Black Dragon City, the old man has a sense of belonging to "home".

Now, he has brought his family over.

"Father, this is your grandson, Pete Pete, call him Grandpa."

"This is your little granddaughter Kesha."


Then there is the timid "Grandpa".

I haven't seen you for ten years, and there are many new faces in the family.

Looking at those immature faces, they looked at him with big watery eyes, strange and curious, Yilubek felt the corners of his eyes slightly moist, and murmured excitedly: "It's good if you come, come here just fine"

The old man's two sons not only brought their Nieto family members, but also brought a lot of equipment and doctors. Including their students, disciples and family members, there are thousands of them.

This is enough to immediately create two large hospitals in Black Dragon City.

Reception is a huge project.

However, there is no need for Ryan to worry about the special reception staff of the parliament.

After entering the city, this group of medical staff was led by the old man to the residence planned by the medical department.

When parting, Irubek said to Ren: "Ren, I plan to have a family dinner at home later tomorrow. I invite you and Ymir to come over for dinner."

"Yo teacher, you old man are willing to cook dinner?"

Ren laughed and joked.

It's strange that this old man, who spends his days in the laboratory all day, wishing he could spend his days with nutrient solution, wants to treat guests to dinner.

He smiled again: "Okay, definitely come!"

After entering the city, as soon as the people from the medical department from Omar left, most of the people were gone.

There are also many teachers and students from the Omar Royal Academy of Sciences in the team, and they are going to the "Black Dragon Academy".

These technical talents, Rennes, the city lord, will naturally send them there in person.

A group of people took the rail train in the city, from the sixth ring road, to the "Black Dragon Academy" in the first ring road.

Long before they came, the senior management of the college had received news of Omar's arrival.

There is also a grand welcome team here.

"This Black Dragon Academy's cultivation is too gorgeous."

"I looked all the way just now, and I didn't see a house more beautiful than this area. Even the City Lord's Mansion and City Hall they mentioned are not as well repaired as this Black Dragon Academy."

"This is unbelievable. The college is actually more luxurious than the 'lord's mansion'."


The students of Omar Academy looked at the "Black Dragon Academy" in front of them, and they were all surprised.

Elsewhere, the most magnificent building in the territory must be the Lord's Mansion.

But here, it is the academy.

Seeing this, the instructors from the Omar Academy of Sciences, although they didn't say anything, they were touched in their hearts.

It can be seen from the architecture that the lord attaches great importance to the "college", and the layout of the Black Dragon City can also be seen.

There is also a red carpet at the entrance of the college, and a banner is pulled at the school gate: Warmly welcome the machinists from the Royal Academy of Sciences of Omar to join the family of Black Dragon Academy!

Attention has been paid to the details.

The background of Black Dragon Academy is still very shallow, except for a few mentors who support the table, most of the students who greet them are immature faces.

But even so, these Omari mechanics were flattered.

After all, in terms of mechanical technology alone, Mr. Toust rubbed their Omar Royal Academy of Sciences on the ground in "Usenbal" in the imperial capital.

And they also saw a familiar bearded old man, also standing in the welcome line.

"That's Master Kavo?"

Kavo is the librarian of the Black Dragon Academy and the head of the Black Dragon Academy of Magic.

Not only Kavo, but also Harb, the "first warrior" of the Coleman tribe, who is the dean of the Battle Academy.

There are also various associate deans, professors, and tutors.

The college and the students almost had their hands free, and they all participated in the welcome ceremony.

This made the mechanics who had come from Orma feel cordial.

And the shock was only just beginning.

After entering the campus, they seemed to have traveled through time, from a slave feudal society to a democratic society.

"The instructors of the college have housing allocation, and they can directly obtain permanent residency?"

"Students can enjoy the same treatment if they obtain the title of 'Junior Mechanic'?"

"There is no distinction between high and low nobles here? All students obtain research resources based on their studies?"


Mechanics from Omar experienced Wren's "Talent Security Housing Program" for the first time.

Only then did they realize that Black Dragon City had taken care of everything for them to settle down.

If you really want to compare it, the Omar Royal Academy of Sciences is more like a group of mechanical craftsmen who serve the nobles;

But in the "Black Dragon Academy", they felt the freedom, and the feeling that technology is like their open arms.

As Toust said when he gave a speech at Omar College, here is the purest scientific research environment!

After finally arranging the last group of people around him, Ren breathed a sigh of relief.

He and Ymir came to the city hall.

After leaving for a month or two, I have a backlog of too many things.

"You mean, the Hunting Group has confirmed the 'entrance to the mausoleum'?"

"Yes, Lord City Lord. Half a month ago, when the 'Iron Boots Hunting Group' were opening up wasteland in the west, they discovered a gathering area of ​​high-level monsters. There are many fifth-level dragons over there. They are very powerful. Lord-level sub-dragons are no less powerful than Legendary Extraordinary"

"How is the situation now?"

"Elder Udo has already gone to check the situation, and there is no more news yet. However, the perception department has investigated and found a mysterious creature with an aura far surpassing any fifth-order monster dormant in the mountain range. We speculate that both It might be the black dragon."

"Oh, I see."


Ren took a careful look at the information and handed it to Ymir.

He said: "There may be a big secret in the mausoleum of the [Black Emperor], but the black dragon is very tricky. According to the intelligence, the breath of the black dragon can make the fifth-order lord-level sub-dragon fearful, and its strength is absolutely extremely powerful." powerful."


Ymir nodded: "The legendary giant dragon has a level of strength higher than that of monsters of the same level, which means that its combat power may have reached the sixth level of extraordinary. Even if we have an advantage in numbers, we may kill Don't kill it. Instead, it may cause unforeseen losses to us."

She directly expressed her thoughts and said: "The war situation in Omar is very chaotic now. For a long time to come, our Black Dragon City will accept many war refugees. This is a good opportunity for us to develop. If we mobilize our forces to develop at this time For the mausoleum, there may be unexpected troubles. Therefore, I think it is not suitable to concentrate on the development of the mausoleum now."


Ren listened and nodded.

There is no need to panic about treasure hunting or anything.

On the Ice Ridge Wasteland, it is impossible for others to preempt things that they are not sure about in Black Dragon City.

Instead, the development of the city is crucial.

If you act rashly, you will lose your high-level combat power at that time, and it is very likely that other forces that miss their Black Dragon City will take advantage of it.

Think about it, Ren said: "There is still a large unknown area in the west of the basin. Let's think about the mausoleum after the hunting group finds out the surrounding situation and clears out some high-level monsters."

After a pause, he said again: "As for the black dragon, we will have some confidence when our airship is fully built. At that time, we will try again."

Ymir: "Yes."

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