Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2457 (True) Seize the weakness!

"Not dead?!" At this moment, such a shocking thought flashed through this creature's mind.

You know, he has just completely erased all traces of Luo Fan. Normally, even many other living beings in this world should forget him. This kind of behavior is completely based on Luo Fan. The strange light that arises is the light of heaven and earth. It is only right that it should naturally dissipate as time passes!

With this current situation, there is obviously only one possibility, and that is, Luo Fan is not dead!

The signs that he had felt before, completely erasing all traces of existence, were simply his own illusions!

After discovering this, how dare any creature dare to neglect it?

Even now that he is as tired as death, it is extremely difficult for him to mobilize his own strength. At this time, he still mustered his own strength, waving many tentacles, stirring the surrounding avenues, with a destructive force. The momentum was slamming towards the light of heaven and earth!

With this smash, all the power in the entire world seemed to have been mobilized.

The light of heaven and earth seemed to be unable to withstand this kind of power at this moment, and its own structure began to become violently distorted. The silk mesh spreading out from the light of heaven and earth was compressed and retracted rapidly at this moment. Soon he will be completely pressed back into the body of light of heaven and earth!

At this point, the assimilation and erosion of the silk screen by the avenue is almost gone.

It is as if all the power of this avenue has been completely transformed into oppression of this silk network, and it is necessary to completely erase this silk network from its roots!

In the eyes of that creature, the reason why Luo Fan is not dead yet is obviously because of this extremely weird light that can even rival the will of heaven and earth and the great road!

In this way, if Luo Fan wants to die, it is obvious what his attack target will be.

The whole world was already gradually easing, and was about to gradually return to calm. With the will of this creature, the whole world not only fell back into the violence and terror before, but even went one step further, making all creatures feel a certain sense of themselves. The vital existence was blatantly taken away, and he seemed to become extremely empty. There was a vague feeling that he had turned into an empty shell...

Under this pressure, the light of heaven and earth shrank rapidly, and the shape of the vortex gradually lost its shape. It gradually returned to its original state, and transformed into a mass of living things again, changing and wandering, as if I want to pursue a certain form, but I can't find the answer!

As for the countless silk screens that emanate from it,

At this time, it was completely pushed back into the light of heaven and earth...

This seems to be an extremely bad situation.

But, in fact, this change is not entirely a bad thing for the light of heaven and earth.

Even, from a certain perspective, this is a great thing!

There is no other reason. As the silk net is pressed into the light of heaven and earth, there is also the will of heaven and earth that is completely wrapped by the silk net!

In other words, this terrifying oppression seems to have completely pushed back the silk screen, making the light of heaven and earth appear to be seriously damaged. But that's just the surface. In fact, this light of heaven and earth has gained huge benefits. It has directly completed the project of devouring the will of heaven and earth in a very short time. .

Of course, this is obviously nothing to that creature.

For that creature, the will of heaven and earth is obviously not too important. Even if the will of heaven and earth is completely swallowed up, as long as Luo Fan can be quickly wiped out, he will not hesitate!

Therefore, he did not regret at all that his actions caused the light of heaven and earth to swallow up the will of heaven and earth faster. Instead, he further strengthened his control and strengthened the concentration of the power of heaven and earth!

At this moment, every inch of time and space in the entire world seemed to be grabbed and yanked by invisible hands, compressing crazily toward the center.

At the boundary between heaven and earth, because of this terrifying pulling effect, the boundary between heaven and earth has become blurred, and the originally clear structure on the boundary has become even more chaotic. The infinite calamity of evil energy from the outside world is madly impacting, and it suddenly becomes fragile. The boundary caused huge roars to be heard from all sides of the world. This kind of roar is so weird and huge that it reaches the ears of living beings, making them feel as if they have witnessed the end of the world with their own eyes. In an instant, everything about them will be completely destroyed, and all the foundation of their existence will be completely destroyed. They will disappear completely in an instant...

An indescribable panic emerged from the hearts of all living beings, constantly pouring into the avenue, gradually affecting the avenue, affecting the various mysteries in the avenue, and even causing the complexion of the creature suspected to be the pioneer of this world to change slightly.

Although I had known that sentient beings would have an impact on the foundation of this world, and even him. However, the magnitude of this impact was still beyond his expectation, and he even felt that his mind was suddenly confused.

At this moment, the light of heaven and earth flashed slightly, suddenly transforming from the original state of incomparable substance and incomparable reality into illusion.

The mystery of the infinite avenue changed rapidly at this time, and I wanted to trace the changes in the light of heaven and earth and continue to oppress the light of heaven and earth.

But, it is a pity that the mystery of this avenue itself has been hindered by that creature...

Of course, the creature has the will of the creature and the way of thinking of the creature. When fighting the creature, he can be more flexible and targeted, and thus save more effort.

However, living beings are living beings, and the will of living beings is the will of living beings. No matter how strong they are, before reaching the True Saint level, compared with the existence of the level of the will of heaven and earth, and the autonomous reaction of the Dao itself, it is still the same after all. There are differences.

In the context of this gap, facing the independent changes of the light of heaven and earth, which are as complex as the will of heaven and earth, how can he react as quickly as the great road?

That is to say, if there is no such creature, we can only rely on the avenue itself to respond and react according to the situation. Then, if the light of heaven and earth changes like this at this time, it will inevitably be unable to escape the control of this avenue. It will still be crushed by this avenue and cannot escape the oppression of this avenue.

But after having this creature, this change that transcended the limit of the reaction speed of the creature made this creature unable to do anything, which further made the great avenue unable to do anything to it. In the end, it easily transcended the crushing of this great avenue, allowing the boundless At this moment, the avenue was like penetrating a shadow, passing through the light of heaven and earth, and colliding fiercely in the middle!

Of course, this avenue is also constantly changing during this process. Tracing the changing ways of the light of heaven and earth, I want to get in touch with the essence of the light of heaven and earth.

But, it is a pity that the light of heaven and earth is also changing all the time. Because of the drag of the living being on the avenue, the light of heaven and earth changed a few minutes faster than the changes of the avenue. Therefore, although he was chased by the avenue, he was always one step faster, making the avenue unable to do anything to him. !

At this time, a figure slowly appeared inside the light of heaven and earth, sitting quietly cross-legged, with a calm and calm expression. It was Luo Fan.

Compared with before, Luo Fan now has no urgency, as if he has seen through everything and grasped everything.

"How is that possible?" The creature couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Luo Fan appearing there.

Although he had discovered that Luo Fan might not be dead yet, he only suspected that he was not dead yet, but he did not expect that the other party would actually be unscathed, and even seemed to be a little more confident than before!

This situation has subverted his three views, making him feel that his understanding of heaven and earth, and his understanding of practice have been completely subverted.

"It turns out that the weakness is so obvious, I didn't notice it at all before..." Looking at the light of heaven and earth that was changing freely, an inexplicable expression appeared on Luo Fan's face, and there was a sense of surprise and helplessness in his expression.

Suddenly, he already knew how to defeat this creature, defeat this world, and even devour this world! But what is helpless is that this method has been placed in front of him long ago, but he has been until now, until he died once, and was resurrected by relying on the connections between many other levels and the reality level. The opportunity has just been discovered.

At this time, he no longer controls the light of heaven and earth to fight as he did before, but just sends his target to the will of heaven and earth inside the light of heaven and earth, and then begins to wait quietly, letting heaven and earth control him. Light reacts naturally, chooses how to change independently, chooses how to achieve goals...

At this moment, the light of heaven and earth flickered slightly, and waves of waves were released from it, spreading in all directions.

During this transmission, these fluctuations gradually condensed and unknowingly transformed into some indescribable state, forming concentric circles one after another, like a network, which will become wider and wider. The avenues are wrapped in these concentric circles...

With this change, the avenue wrapped in concentric circles seemed to be cut out from the complete avenue. Each piece became isolated and helpless, and began to be continuously eroded by those materialized fluctuations. , assimilate, devour, and eventually turn into the fluctuations of resources, causing those fluctuations to begin to strengthen and expand again, shrouding more avenues in these fluctuations, and then swallowing them up...

"How dare you?!" Seeing this, the creature was horrified. He sent out his will and tried his best to control the avenues, trying to break the strange network formed by the manifestation of the waves, and reconnect all the avenues in one place. As long as we do this step together, those avenues will be protected by the complete avenue and will not be easily swallowed up.

But, it is a pity that these fluctuation networks are also producing all kinds of indescribable and unimaginable changes all the time, and they almost completely ignore the resistance of this avenue.

Just among the various subtle changes, it has been separated from the resistance of the avenue. It is not affected at all and devours the avenue according to its own rhythm...

At the same time, the body of the light of heaven and earth is also avoiding the attack of the avenue and crushing it. However, similar to those fluctuations, this light of heaven and earth also doesn't care about the attacks and crushes it reaches, and it can't be dealt with easily.

Luo Fan watched this development with a faint smile on his face. He slowly closed his eyes and immersed his mind in the light of heaven and earth. He began to realize the process of absorbing the great avenue with the light of heaven and earth. A little bit of mystery and a little bit of truth leaked out.

Changes similar to those in the previous world appeared in the light of this heaven and earth.

Countless intermittent lines gradually emerged within the light of heaven and earth, and moved quickly, trying hard to connect together to form some kind of more orderly, grander, and more mysterious pattern...

However, this is nothing to Luo Fan.

After devouring the will of heaven and earth, he no longer has any worries. In addition, after discovering the weakness of this avenue, he does not need to do anything. Naturally, there is no need to waste time anymore. Naturally, he must try his best to From the process of the light of heaven and earth devouring that avenue, I have obtained completely my own benefits.

Endless mysteries and principles are constantly integrated into his heart, gradually turning into various subtle understandings, perfecting his worldview bit by bit, transforming his worldview, and making his worldview bit by bit. Heading towards the True Saint series!

In this process of realization, time has almost no meaning.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe it was trillions of years, or maybe it was just a few days.

At a certain moment, Luo Fan suddenly felt that the continuous realization coming from the light of heaven and earth had gradually disappeared.

"Is it over?" Luo Fan's heart moved slightly, and he slowly opened his eyes and looked outside.

At this sight, he couldn't help but smile.

Because, just as he expected, there is now only a thin layer of the great road in this world, and the layer is just wrapped tightly around the surface of the creature's body, forming a faint protective circle... …

But at this time, the creature looked at Luo Fan with a look of great shock, fear, and hatred, and the mass on the surface of his body had grown countless times, and it felt like it was overwhelming. The light of heaven and earth that covers the sky!

With a little calculation, Luo Fan knew that millions of years had passed since he began to realize the infinite mystery and truth revealed by the light of heaven and earth!

After knowing the time, Luo Fan couldn't help but sigh and said: "I didn't expect that you didn't react for such a long time. It seems that even if you are related to the pioneer of this world, I'm afraid it is just a breath or something."

Hearing this, the creature's eyes froze, and there was a look of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes. He seemed to be incredulous that Luo Fan knew his true nature, and seemed to wonder what Luo Fan's goal was. Bewildered.


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