Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2458 Completed

Luo Fan naturally had no explanation for this creature's confusion.

Although, at this time, his light of heaven and earth has turned into a dragnet, surrounding this creature and the layer of avenue covering the surface of its body! Let the situation develop to the point where even if the creature reacts, it will never be able to rebel again...

Suddenly, the creature's mind cleared up, and suddenly a flash of inspiration dawned on him, and he understood how stupid the things he had done over the years were, and the blank look on his face suddenly turned into deep regret!

"What on earth did I do..." He murmured, and as his body shrank, the many tentacles that originally penetrated the avenue and controlled the avenue to fight against Luo Fan's light of heaven and earth were completely withdrawn. Go back!

With this choice of his, the little avenue that had been oppressed to the point of being unable to resist suddenly seemed to regain its vitality, suddenly undergoing countless mysterious and mysterious changes, and was actually supported in the dragnet of light from heaven and earth. Coming down, there is a vague feeling of being on its own, completely separated from the light of the outside world!

"It seems that he has really realized the mistake he made." Seeing this scene, Luo Fan's expression moved slightly, and he suddenly smiled faintly.

The changes in the remaining avenue in front of us are clearly freed from the drag of the will of the living beings, and the reactions of the avenue itself are once again controlling the various responses it should make to the enemy...

The creature looked at the power that Dao exploded after he completely let go, and the expression on his face couldn't help but become more and more regretful.

Because, at this moment, the power released by this avenue is at least ten thousand times stronger than when it is controlled by oneself!

Even though the outside world has been exhausting itself for millions of years, cutting the originally grand and vast avenue down to only such a small amount of strange light now, it can't be suppressed for a while!

This situation clearly showed that his guess just now was correct.

Manipulating this avenue by yourself to fight against that strange light did not increase the power of the avenue at all against the enemy. On the contrary, it dragged down the avenue and became its weakness!

If I had woken up earlier, the situation would definitely not have developed to this point...

"It's a pity, it's too late..." The creature sighed bitterly, and looked at Luo Fan with extremely unwilling eyes.

Being stared at by such eyes, Luo Fan just smiled faintly and said: "In the final analysis, it is because you look down on this world and do not have a clear understanding of your position.

If one could recognize this clearly and join the reincarnation of this world early, he would definitely not make such a mistake. "

After these years of confrontation and Tonggui's deduction of this creature's behavior, Luo Fan has gradually understood the nature of this creature.

In fact, the connection between this creature and the true saint who opened up this world must be extremely close.

This close connection makes this creature infected with the mentality of the true saint. When he looked at the sky and the earth, he naturally had a sense of overlooking.

This kind of overlooking made him not even trust the avenue of heaven and earth, let alone the will of heaven and earth...

Therefore, there is his division of the will of heaven and earth, and his intervention in the avenue!

It is actually not difficult to reverse this kind of overlooking. All this creature needs to see for himself is the power of this world and the mystery of this world. And if he wants to do this more easily, he only needs to plunge into the reincarnation of this world and be reincarnated as a living being in this world. He will naturally be able to realize his own insignificance and realize the vastness and power of this world... …

But, obviously, this creature did not do this.

He has always observed the world from a transcendent perspective, controlled the various developments of the world, and even divided the world's will...

After all these practices, this feeling of overlooking will naturally not be eliminated, but will continue to grow as time goes by.

In the end, the current result was achieved. For him to make this mistake that could have been avoided with just a turn of the head, and could even be considered a low-level mistake...

"Indeed, I can't recognize myself after all..." The creature sighed.

"Now, can you let me know your identity?" Luo Fan looked at this creature and asked lightly.

The creature just smiled and said: "Do you think I will tell you? You are now devouring my world and destroying my existence!"

"No, I'm just overcoming my own calamity." Luo Fan said calmly, his eyes far away, seeming to contain endless secrets and endless truths.

The creature's body trembled, and it looked at Luo Fan with surprise and uncertainty.

"What do you mean?!" He had countless doubts in his heart and couldn't help but ask.

"I don't believe you don't feel anything at all." Luo Fan just said with a half-smile.

The creature fell into silence. Although Luo Fan didn't explain clearly what he was referring to, he already knew clearly what he was referring to. Moreover, after knowing this, he understood that the awkward feeling he had had since the creation of this world seemed not to be an illusion...

"Is this world really just some kind of copy? Am I also just some kind of copy?" He sighed. Although he used a question, his tone was already full of affirmation.

Luo Fan just smiled slightly, neither admitting nor denying.

However, his attitude obviously represents many things.

The creature smiled bitterly, and there was a sense of enlightenment in his expression, a sense of enlightenment...

"I see, no wonder those memories in the past don't have much realism. And the essence of my aura as a True Saint is so much worse than that of a True Saint... It turns out that everything is because I am just some kind of forced copy. It's just the body." The creature sighed, and some indescribable brilliance gradually emerged from his body.

This kind of brilliance is so strange and mysterious that even the surrounding avenues seem to be affected by this light, and some strange distortions begin to occur under this light. Between this distortion, this avenue seems to become more real, as if it has lost some external illusion.

Under this change, the avenue's ability to resist the light of heaven and earth began to weaken rapidly. The light of heaven and earth began to regain the absolute upper hand over the avenue, completely putting this avenue at a disadvantage!

Seeing it, this avenue is about to be completely swallowed up, making it completely become a part of the light of heaven and earth...

Regarding this, the creature didn't care at all at this time. He just raised his many tentacles and looked at the brilliance coming from them, and endless information seemed to flash through his eyes.

Finally, at a certain moment, his body shook slightly, and the octopus-like body completely collapsed and turned into an indescribable aura. Under the package of the avenue, it was like an extremely thin mass of Smokey.

"Sure enough, it's a breath of the true saint..." Looking at this change, Luo Fan's eyes shone with a strong light.

Immediately afterwards, the light shrank, and he sighed: "Unfortunately, it is just a copy of this great catastrophe. It is specious at all, and it does not have the mystery of the true saint's aura."

At this time, his light of heaven and earth had completely shattered the remaining avenue and swallowed it into the interior of the light of heaven and earth.

What directly came into contact with that ray of breath was no longer the avenue, but the light of heaven and earth that became Luo Fan!

At this time, the entire world outside has become extremely chaotic. It seems that the entire world has been completely shattered into countless fragments and then randomly reassembled together. At a glance, it seems that there are endless fragments. Like smoke, it gathers around the light of heaven and earth, and undergoes various evolutions around this light of heaven and earth.

At a glance, it seemed that only Luo Fan's light of heaven and earth and his aura wrapped in the light of heaven and earth were left in the entire world...

"Illusory life, illusory life. It's a pity that only now can we get a little bit of reality..." Such a sad voice came from the breath.

In this voice, the breath gradually dissipated and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The whole process was so fast that even Luo Fan's light of heaven and earth could not catch the slightest trace, unable to leave any trace of this breath...

"It is worthy of being a breath of a true saint, even if it is just a copy." Looking at the changes in this breath, Luo Fan couldn't help but sigh.

His light from heaven and earth had just wrapped up the aura like a dragnet. Under such circumstances, this breath was still able to self-destruct through some changes that he could not understand. This was already beyond his original estimate of this breath, and he had to sigh with emotion.

The dissipation of this breath also means that the last resistance force in this world has disappeared without a trace. It means that this world has become a piece of cake waiting for him to devour...

After confirming that the aura had truly disappeared, Luo Fan did not hesitate any longer and directed his thoughts towards the light of heaven and earth that had changed its appearance and seemed to have a strange pillar supporting it.

As this thought came in, the light of heaven and earth turned, and suddenly an endless suction force was produced, which began to pull the shattered and reunited fragments of heaven and earth from the outside towards the light of heaven and earth, and continued to sink into the light of heaven and earth. , gradually merged with the light of heaven and earth, and became a part of this light of heaven and earth!

And with this change, the pillars inside the Light of Heaven and Earth also began to twist and deform, gradually transforming into the appearance of roots...

A situation similar to that in the previous world occurs at the boundary of this world.

At this time, the endless evil energy of the great calamity continued to oppress the heaven and earth as the heaven and earth were devoured, and replenished the space left by the heaven and earth, resulting in a phenomenon like the sudden appearance of a storm...

Luo Fan had already expected this change, but at this time, he did not change his color at all. He just continued to control the light of heaven and earth to swallow the fragments of the outside world...

Even the heaven and earth have been crushed and swallowed up, and the existence of time has naturally become meaningless.

I don’t know how long it took, it seemed to be billions of years, and it seemed to be just a few breaths. The whole world has been submerged in the light of heaven and earth!

And along with this world comes boundless evil energy that seems to be enough to completely crush any existence!

Compared with before, Luo Fan, who had long expected, had already enhanced the protection of the light of heaven and earth to a certain extreme. Facing the violent impact of this calamity, he just felt a tremor all over his body. But the body did not suffer much damage from this...

Of course, even so, he was confused for a while before regaining consciousness, and his expression remained dazed for a while.

The terrifying impact caused by the great calamity of the outside world is the instantaneous change caused by the sudden disappearance of heaven and earth. After a while, when the evil energy of the great calamity completely filled the gap created by the disappearance of heaven and earth, the oppression naturally eased, and the pressure on the light of heaven and earth naturally weakened to this point. The light of heaven and earth can bear the range...

At this time, Luo Fan just regained consciousness. Turning his head, he directly saw the fragment that existed in the boundless evil aura that had swallowed up the world before, and the world that the fragment carried. Light!

Compared to when his overall consciousness merged into the octopus world that had just been swallowed, the fragments and the light of the world did not seem to have changed at all. They were still as indifferent and calm as before, suspended in this boundless world. There is actually an air of invulnerability in the evil aura of the great calamity.

At this moment, the fragment opened its eyes, and a familiar look appeared in it. Immediately afterwards, the two fragments shouted at the same time: "Come together!"

With this soft drink, the two lights of heaven and earth instantly merged with each other and turned into one.

The two Luo Fans also overlapped each other and directly merged into one Luo Fan!

Under this blend, Luo Fan's realm of Taoism has been improved again, and it seems that he is one step closer to the strong man of the Six Tribulations, that is, one step closer to the realm of breaking through the shackles in front of him. The changes in the light of heaven and earth are even more obvious. The roots of two huge roots merge directly into one place, making the light of heaven and earth look like two roots growing from a certain source!

Seeing this scene, Luo Fan had a faint smile on his face.

"Although there were some twists and turns, it was still smooth in the end." He murmured, and with a glance, he could see the countless trillions of heaven and earth in the evil aura of this catastrophe.

At this moment, his essence has been greatly enhanced due to the integration of two fragments. However, his will is still his overall will, which is no different from before... but there is no bloody incident such as conflict between the subject and the avatar, resulting in a struggle for the subject.

Immediately afterwards, his heart moved slightly, and his overall will moved slightly, and through the connection of the light of heaven and earth, he was directly integrated into a certain heaven and earth, and he was divided into the fragments...


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