Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2942 Trajectory

The appearance of these figures is not like the appearance of living beings, or in other words, the creation of living beings.

Regardless of any living being, the essence of life should appear first, and then other things will begin to appear. Even if it seems to be a structure from the outside in, in fact, the real order of emergence is that the essence of life appears first, and then other things such as soul, soul, and heart begin to be constructed based on this essence of life. , time and space, flesh and blood, etc. exist.

But at this time, the appearance of the pioneer of the world in front of him was completely different.

The situation of the pioneer of the world is completely constructed out of thin air, constructed out of thin air, from the image of the figure itself!

This way of construction shows absolutely no sign of the existence of the essence of life.

Although the internal details are extremely complicated and mysterious, everything that belongs to life only has an external image.

It can be said that if its image was not that of the founder of heaven and earth, and just looking at its internal structure, no one would believe that it was a living being.

At this time, Luo Fan's perception penetrated into the figure of the pioneer of the world, and he kept wandering along with the construction of every detail, clearly remembering every detail in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, he had completely memorized all the changing forms of this pioneer of the world.

After that, he did not start analyzing immediately. Instead, he turned around and came to another location, and began to pay attention to the process of the appearance of another world pioneer from scratch.

In this way, in just a few hundred breaths, he had already seen all the details of the changes in the figures of tens of thousands of world pioneers, and remembered it all very deeply.

At this point, he turned around and appeared directly at the position where he first appeared in this piece of time and space.

There is nothing special here. Even the distribution density of the pioneers of the world is no different from other locations.

The reason why he chose this location was not for the convenience that this location might bring to him.

It's because he is familiar with this location...

Because this is where he first appeared!

Because of familiarity,

Because it was this location that first appeared, this location had a special place in his heart. At least, it is distinguished from other positions.

It is precisely because of this that when he wanted to choose a place to sort out his thoughts, he chose this place...

After coming here and standing still, his mind was filled with many details of tens of thousands of world pioneers appearing from scratch.

The way each world pioneer appears is very different from the way other world pioneers appear.

It's not like what most people think, because they have the same nature, so they appear in the same way.

In fact, it is precisely because of such a huge difference that Luo Fan did not choose the appearance of a few world pioneers before this, but chose the appearance of tens of thousands of world pioneers as his deduction. Foundation.

At this moment, these countless details collapsed and turned into tens of thousands of rivers, flowing endlessly in his heart.

The appearance of these details is extremely subtle and mysterious.

The figure itself of these pioneers of the world is just an appearance. Their real core and true essence is the mysterious and mysterious structure inside them.

Therefore, if you are always limited to this appearance and want to understand its essence and its origin, you will obviously create artificial obstacles for yourself.

Breaking it down, extracting the essence contained in it, and letting the appearance no longer interfere with it, is the only effective way...

It was based on this idea that at this time, he directly erased the appearance of the figures of the many pioneers of the world, and instead reconstructed their many details and many changes into these rivers. come out.

Just such a slight change in image instantly made Luo Fan feel a huge difference.

Previously, due to the interference of the image of the pioneer of heaven and earth, these many transformation methods that originally seemed completely different had no commonality in his eyes. It seems that all the changes have no connection and are completely independent of each other.

However, at this time, when the external image of the pioneer of the world disappeared, and when its essence turned into a common image, behind the river, the way of appearance that had no relationship or similarity at first became Showing an amazing commonality!

A commonality that is obviously implemented in these many rivers and seems to be the real core of these rivers appears in this river.

This description seems abstract, but if you understand it from one perspective, it is easy to understand.

Among these rivers, they appear to be completely different on the surface. It seems that each river has its own characteristics, and each river has its own trajectory.

But, in fact, among these rivers, there is a same, small trajectory that belongs to all rivers!

This tiny trajectory is so tiny that it is tens of millions of times smaller than a hair. When it appears in those rivers, it is even more insignificant. It has no impact on the overall trajectory of the river. Then A river, even if it has a tiny track like a filament, can change countless postures and twist into countless shapes!

In fact, even if it is twisted and wound, it will not have any impact on this tiny thread...

Of course, under such circumstances, if you want to find this thread in just one or even a few rivers, it will naturally be just a dream.

But, obviously, the number of rivers that appeared in his heart at this time was tens of thousands!

Among tens of thousands of rivers, it is obviously very difficult to find a common thread path.

At this time, under the control of Luo Fan's mind, these tens of thousands of rivers began to slowly overlap in his heart. The shadows of the rivers continued to overlap towards the center, allowing the river in the center to gradually emerge. The ghosting phenomenon is becoming more and more obvious.

Finally, when tens of thousands of ghosts appeared, the river that was originally in the center of the core expanded into an oval shape.

All the ghost images are so weird. Among the many ghost images, almost any weird angle can be distorted. In other words, any place in the area around the river may be crossed by a certain river.

In this way, after tens of thousands of rivers appeared, the double shadows around the rivers naturally became what they looked like at this moment.

Of course, although it is almost elliptical, it is only close after all. The edges of the ellipse are still bumpy and full of irregular lines...

At this time, Luo Fan just moved in his heart, and those ghost images began to be chipped away.

What was cut off at this time was naturally not the superimposed ghost image of the rivers before.

Instead, too few ghost images are superimposed!

If the number of superpositions is small, it means that there are fewer rivers passing through this area. In other words, the less likely it is that this area belongs to a common trajectory.

With this change, the oval-shaped shadow began to gradually shrink.

Luo Fan continued to chip away at the phantoms. At first, he only worked on areas with only a few river phantoms, or even only one river passing through them. But as time went by, as the phantoms were chipped away, As the process continues to increase, the number of rivers with overlapping shadows also continues to increase.

In a short time, almost all the shadows had been completely cut away.

In the end, of the overlapping shadows of tens of thousands of rivers, only a small, intermittent rule appeared in his mind.

This trajectory is still not perfect, at least its discontinuities are extremely imperfect.

This trajectory is not in the shape of a long strip, but a detailed, three-dimensional shape!

But its shape gave Luo Fan a vaguely familiar feeling, as if he had seen this kind of trajectory somewhere before, but he couldn't figure it out.

This trajectory is still not the real trajectory.

Because the overlap of tens of thousands of rivers still does not perfectly outline this trajectory.

Some fragments are still not as detailed as the true ontology of the trajectory, and there are still a small area that does not belong to the trajectory and is attached to the trajectory.

This situation is obviously because there are not enough overlapping rivers.

Of course, this is just a trivial matter. At least at this time, facing this three-dimensional trajectory that made Luo Fan feel very familiar, but couldn't explain why he was familiar, it was just a small thing.

"Why does it make me feel familiar...what exactly is it..." Luo Fan frowned, carefully observing the trajectory, thinking about what this trajectory was about.

His heart moved slightly, and he raised his hand to slightly outline the void in front of him.

As he sketched like this, the surrounding space and time began to vibrate subtly.

The various fluctuations that were constantly gathering throughout this entire time and space were actually involved at this time and began to converge towards him.

Facing this change, Luo Fan quickly stopped his movements.

He is not afraid of these fluctuations. These fluctuations are actually nothing to Luo Fan, who has mastered the combination of dimensions and levels to a very deep level. If he wanted to, he could easily resist it.

However, this kind of fluctuation represents the essence of this time and space, and it also represents some kind of tentacles of the will of heaven and earth!

If this kind of fluctuation is destroyed, he is simply announcing to a piece of time and space, and to the will of heaven and earth, that he is here, come on, come and see me...

Obviously, if he wanted to do this, Luo Fan would not need to eliminate the sense of presence emanating from his body at this time.

Therefore, at this time, in order to avoid being directly discovered by this time and space, and by the will of heaven and earth, he stopped moving.

Of course, at this point, although he stopped moving, he had already clearly realized the special features of the trajectory he had outlined in front of him. At least this track has some kind of power that he doesn't understand, or in other words, he understands it, but he doesn't remember it at this time!

"What is it and why is it so familiar?" This kind of power made Luo Fan want to explore the essence of this trajectory even more.

With a slight movement in his heart, his perception spread out, covering a large area, taking into his perception the figures of those pioneers of heaven and earth who were still emerging and born from nothingness, and continued to perceive them. Conduct induction, constantly construct the entire details of its emergence from scratch in your own mind, and then transform it into the way of existence of the river, and begin to understand the relationship between it and the body shape of tens of thousands of world pioneers that you have just transformed from. Overlap the trajectory unearthed, reducing the size of the trajectory bit by bit, making the details of the trajectory become more and more specific, more and more subtle, and getting closer and closer to the true appearance of this trajectory!

Because of the previous experience, this operation went extremely smoothly at this time.

His perception, however, easily incorporated the figures of the vast swaths of world pioneers into his perception, and kept the details of their changes in his mind.

In the process, the number of rivers he constructed became more and more, and the number of rivers that overlapped the trajectory also became more and more.

And that trajectory is also shrinking bit by bit in this process. Every line of it is constantly shrinking in this process, constantly approaching the true essence of this trajectory.

This process feels like something is constantly eating away at the trajectory, constantly eating away the larger and thicker parts of the trajectory, causing the trajectory to shrink over time. stand up. Seeing it, it seems that it will be gradually wiped out, and gradually, this track will completely disappear without a trace.

This situation made Luo Fan frown.

Naturally, he was not frowning at the continuous shrinking of the trajectory. This situation was what he had expected... The reason for his frown was that the trajectory was still discontinuous wherever it was interrupted! No matter how many rivers he overlaps on it, the places that should be discontinuous still remain discontinuous, and every river can truly connect these discontinuous places together!

This makes Luo Fan, who wants to make this trajectory complete and figure out what it is through this complete trajectory, naturally feels a little disappointed...


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