Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2943 Simulation

With previous experience, it became easier to take in the changing details of the many world pioneers at this time, and it became easier and easier as time went by. novel

At first, it took him one or two breaths to complete a round of incorporating the details of the changes into his memory, but as time went by, as he became more and more familiar with the task, this time began to shrink. .

Soon after, this time has become one breath and thousands of rounds.

And in every round, he clearly sensed the details of the changes in the figures of a large number of world pioneers in varying numbers. In this way, that is, with every breath, he can incorporate the details of the changes of hundreds of thousands or even millions of world pioneers into his induction, and turn them into different rivers in his heart , overlap that trajectory, and sculpt it in this overlapping way.

As time goes by, the number of overlaps continues to increase.

The trajectory also becomes smaller and smaller, getting closer and closer to its true appearance.

Luo Fan's previous damage to the figures in this space-time did not reach the extent of completely destroying all figures. What was destroyed, but the figure of the pioneer of heaven and earth was still limited.

Even so, the number is quite astonishing...

Since it is limited, no matter how large the quantity is, there will naturally be a limit time for recovery.

Finally, at a certain moment not long after, the many fluctuations that seemed to be vaguely chaotic and filled with this space-time suddenly disappeared without a trace.

As the fluctuations disappeared, the figures of those pioneers who were constantly emerging from nothingness naturally stopped changing. From there being a large number of pioneers emerging every moment, there was no longer any one. The pioneer of heaven and earth is reborn!

Obviously, this means that the losses caused by the previous destruction of the invisible palm have been completely made up for.

At this time, Luo Fan was slightly shocked, breaking away from the previous state of constantly remembering, constantly converting the information he remembered into a river, and then overlapping it into the trajectory.

"No, it's a pity that it can't be truly accurate." There was an inexplicable look of regret on Luo Fan's face.

Although what he had remembered before, the number of the entire process of those pioneers of heaven and earth being born from nothingness was extremely large, and might even be calculated in billions. But, compared to that trajectory,

After all, there is still a little bit missing.

At this time, although the trajectory is already hundreds of times smaller than at the beginning, there are still traces of carving after all. After all, it is still unable to truly achieve perfection and fully manifest the trajectory.

This is obviously because the number of overlapping rivers is too small.

This trajectory is too complicated. Even if a river can completely determine one of the details, it will probably take billions of overlapping rivers to completely determine all the details of the trajectory.

Faced with such a situation, how can it be possible to make this trajectory more accurate when it is just a small river? !

However, it is obviously just a beautiful expectation for this trajectory to truly turn into its true appearance.

Just like, infinity is a concept that can only be infinitely close, but cannot be reached...

Therefore, maybe even if there are trillions of rivers for him to overlap and calculate, the final trajectory may still have some imperfections, and there may be imperfections.

"I can only look at this..." At this time, Luo Fan just focused his gaze on this trajectory.

Although this trajectory is only a lot smaller in many details, in fact, just such a reduction has already made this trajectory a thousand times more complicated.

This kind of thing seems very difficult to understand, but in fact, as long as you zoom in on the trajectory, you can clearly see it.

It's like a hair and a pillar.

If the hair is among the pillars, then from a distance, it will be straight. There is only such an attribute of the cylinder shape.

However, if this hair is pulled out and allowed to change at will in a range as large as this pillar, then how many shapes can this hair change in this range?

Obviously, that is an almost infinite number!

As for the trajectory in Luo Fan's mind now, the initial trajectory lines are like pillars. Although these pillars are extremely small compared to this trajectory, even in Luo Fan's eyes, they are extremely small. lines. But in fact, compared to the current trajectory, after the change, it has become a pillar, and now it is just a hair.

Under such circumstances, many details that were previously hidden by the pillars can naturally be revealed.

The appearance of these details naturally makes the line changes of this trajectory more complicated, even hundreds of times more complicated!

Because of this, the entire trajectory is naturally more than a hundred times more complicated than before...

After becoming more complicated, this trajectory gave Luo Fan a sense of familiarity, but it unconsciously increased a lot.

"I must have seen this kind of trajectory somewhere before!" Luo Fan had this thought flashing through his mind at this time. The source of the familiar feeling seemed to be on his lips, but he couldn't help it. I can't put it into words, and I can't find the source of that familiar feeling.

"The trajectories I have come into contact with, the trajectories related to this simulated chaotic state, the trajectories related to the disaster..." Luo Fan couldn't think clearly, but he could only use the stupidest method to start to recall the things he came into contact with little by little. After that, various possible related trajectories were compared.

The number of trajectories he has come into contact with after entering this seventh great tribulation is enough to make any monk feel incredible.

Even with Luo Fan's thinking ability, the time and energy required to find and compare them one by one is extremely staggering.

At this time, facing such a situation, Luo Fan seemed to be stagnant.

It actually looks quite similar to the figures of the pioneers of the world around it.

Of course, there are only a few similarities. After all, he is a body of flesh and blood, a living creature after all. Of course, it cannot be exactly the same as this phenomenon.

During this process, the sense of his presence that radiated around his figure was still in a state of non-existence.

Obviously, the methods he used back then were still working, still protecting him so that his figure would not be discovered or rejected by this time and space.

Of course, in fact, perhaps for him now, this rejection does not actually have much impact.

What he needs to obtain has been roughly obtained at this time.

At this time, there is nothing wrong with leaving this time and space, or even leaving this area as the core of the world...

However, if we leave, who knows what will happen outside, and whether there will be any new calculations based on the will of heaven and earth. In that case, it would be better to be here. At least the situation here is familiar to him and something he can handle with ease. Luo Fan would obviously not choose to abandon this kind of ease and accept the attacks and troubles that would break out in any form at any time.

This comparison process lasts for several months.

At a certain moment a few months later, an indescribable aura emerged from Luo Fan's body.

This aura even broke through the limitations of the means that were originally loaded around his body, which completely erased the sense of existence that he exuded around him, and directly descended into this piece of time and space.

At this moment, this space and time began to tremble.

The countless pioneers of the world around them involuntarily turned their gazes to where Luo Fan was, staring at Luo Fan one by one, looking extremely strange.

Immediately afterwards, a strong repulsion began to act on Luo Fan, constantly impacting him and crushing him, as if it wanted to crush him directly, but also seemed to want to expel him.

At this time, the aura around Luo Fan's body continued to expand and strengthen. Faintly, there was even a powerful confrontation force appearing around his body, constantly acting with the repulsive forces, creating There was a roar after another, forming a wave of waves that began to move in all directions...

Faced with this situation, Luo Fan gradually began to come to his senses.

However, compared to before, there was a look of horror on his face now.

It was as if he suddenly discovered something that completely violated his three views, a fact that he couldn't understand and couldn't believe.

"It could be like this, it could be like this! I should have thought that it would be like this!" At this time, Luo Fan only had this thought in his mind.

This mentality made him look shocked at this time, and his reaction to all changes in the outside world seemed a bit slow.

At this moment, in the sky, an invisible hand appeared again.

Moreover, what appeared this time was not just the palm. Behind the palm, a huge figure began to appear, as if there was no presence, or if the shadow appeared.

The figure was so huge that it seemed to fill the world. It seemed that even this piece of time and space could not accommodate its existence. Most of its body seemed to be isolated from this time and space. Only the palm of its hand could enter this time and space. Among them, it really appears inside this time and space.

Waves of unimaginable terrifying aura were continuously released from the figure at this time. This aura was so terrifying that the entire time and space was constantly shaking.

At this moment, Luo Fan felt like he was firmly blocked.

It seemed that the surrounding pressure and repulsive force had turned into ropes at this time, tightly locking his figure, his essence, his cause and effect, and his destiny!

At this time, Luo Fan even felt that his own body and his other incarnation seemed to have accepted some kind of lock and some kind of oppression at this time!

It gives people the feeling that in the next moment, after this palm is pressed down, not only this incarnation of oneself, but also the body, other incarnations, and even everything related to oneself will be under this palm. Completely destroyed, completely destroyed!

Faced with this situation, Luo Fan showed an inexplicable expression on his face, and gradually recovered from the shock.

If he doesn't come back to his senses, death is waiting for him. How dare he not come back to his senses? !

At this time, he looked at the huge palm in front of him, and the huge, illusory figure behind the palm, which seemed to be still outside time and space, even outside heaven and earth, and could not enter time and space or heaven and earth at all. , I had a different feeling in my heart than before.

"I didn't expect it to be like this..." He sighed, raised his hand and condensed in the air, and a mirror of perception condensed in front of him in an instant.

This perception mirror is more than a hundred times larger than the perception mirror he condensed before.

After appearing in this moment, there was a feeling of being blocked from the sky and the sun, and it appeared directly above his head, just like a quite large island.

It cast a huge shadow on the ground.

After this perception mirror appeared, the surrounding space and time instantly divided into countless millions of dimensions.

At the same time, among the many levels, countless inexplicable channels have been established, directly connected with these dimensions, releasing incredible power, and began to pull the attributes of various levels targeted by those many dimensions, starting to Continuously spreading in all directions.

This time, what was divided was obviously not just the invisible palm targeted by Luo Fan.

What we are targeting this time is the surroundings, time and space, and countless densely packed figures of the pioneers of heaven and earth!

Countless bodies, countless time and space, were divided by countless dimensions at this moment, as if they were divided into countless clones and incarnations.

Faced with this situation, Luo Fan had an inexplicable smile on his face.

The figures around him were divided, allowing him to see many things clearly that he could not see clearly before, and allowing him to identify many things that he could only identify by turning countless details into rivers.

At the same time, above that, on the invisible palm, there are countless dimensions to divide it, so that the invisible palm begins to differentiate rapidly at this moment, and the attributes of countless levels are wrapped separately by the countless dimensions, directly Appearing in front of Luo Fan, enduring Luo Fan's random manipulation!

"Sure enough, I didn't expect that I actually relied on these countless pioneers of heaven and earth to simulate the inexplicable trajectory existing within that force! It is worthy of being the will of heaven and earth, and worthy of being the incarnation of the will that simulates the state of chaos!" At this moment, Luo Fan completely confirmed his previous guess.

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