Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2944 Deduction

The reason why Luo Fan felt so familiar with that trajectory was that it was the one he had sketched out with the help of his own perception while constantly shifting and changing in the power related to the True Saint. Huge rune trails!

That huge three-dimensional rune was extremely mysterious. Even though it was outlined by Luo Fan, he was still confused about the trajectory of the rune. He had no idea what the disparity and mystery was in it.

Even if he wanted to reproduce it outside, he was still unable to do so. It seemed that there was always an inexplicable force interfering with him, making the trajectory appear even if he tried to outline it. It is specious and unable to truly exert its power.

It is precisely because of this kind of interference that as time goes by, he will unknowingly ignore that trajectory and unknowingly leave that trajectory behind.

It was precisely because of the nature of the trajectory that Luo Fan didn't recognize the trajectory for so long when facing the broken trajectory. He just felt that the trajectory was somewhat familiar.

Of course, this is also because the trajectory in front of him is quite incomplete, and there is still some big difference between the trajectory outlined by his perception in the power related to the true saint.

"To be able to simulate this kind of trajectory through this method is definitely not just the incarnation of the will of the calamity level. The will of heaven and earth is definitely the incarnation of the will that simulates the state of chaos. Only in this way can we be able to simulate that kind of trajectory. Countless pioneers of the world have such profound control." After confirming this, Luo Fan also solved a question he had had for a long time.

It has always been difficult for him to distinguish whether the will of heaven and earth is the incarnation of the will of the calamity level, or the will of the will that simulates the state of chaos.

After all, for him, whether it is the incarnation of will at the calamity level or the incarnation of will that simulates the state of chaos, they are far larger than him in size! And it is enough to do the many things that the incarnation of will did when facing him before. Therefore, faced with all kinds of encounters and situations, he could only narrow down his guesses about the incarnation of will to one of these two.

The names of the will of heaven and earth are all called by the incarnation of will that may be the doomed layer or the incarnation of will that simulates the state of chaos.

But now, when he discovered this trajectory that he should be quite familiar with, but had always ignored it before, he knew that this will of heaven and earth could never be the incarnation of the will of that calamity layer!

Because it is impossible for the incarnation of the will of the calamity level to have such a profound understanding of the countless pioneers of heaven and earth in the simulated state of chaos. It is impossible to extract the unique knowledge from those countless pioneers of heaven and earth as now There is some essence and mystery contained in the power related to the true saint!

Only the incarnation of will that simulates the state of chaos,

It was only possible to do this.

It's like a policeman. He may be able to catch the criminal, but he can never know every detail of the prisoner's thinking... It is impossible to know what the prisoner was thinking when he committed the crime!

Only the prisoner himself, or in other words, only a being who can control the prisoner at all times, can know all this.

For the pioneers of heaven and earth, that calamity level is a policeman.

This policeman may know the prisoner well, making it impossible for the pioneer of this world to escape no matter how he changes, and no matter how he commits a crime, it is impossible to truly circumvent the police's punishment. However, it is obvious that the police cannot know everything about him, let alone what he did at what time that is not related to the crime.

But the incarnation of will that simulates the state of chaos is different.

For that simulated chaotic state, any creator of the world is created by it. All activities are carried out inside the body. For the pioneers of heaven and earth, this incarnation of will that simulates a state of chaos is like a high-level existence that is always observing itself and controlling everything about itself.

Such a being can naturally understand the pioneer of heaven and earth better than the policeman, and can naturally understand all the details of the pioneer of heaven and earth, even the details that have nothing to do with crime.

Therefore, after seeing this broken rune track at this time, Luo Fan was able to eliminate one of the two options and truly determine what the will of heaven and earth is.

However, even after knowing this, he was still extremely shocked.

The body of the pioneer of heaven and earth contains some subtle traces of the power related to the true saint. Luo Fan knew this clearly.

After all, the power associated with the True Saint itself was a product of his seventh great catastrophe. In other words, it was his seventh catastrophe, a force specially found from somewhere in the state of chaos to target Luo Fan.

Although this kind of power seems lazy at this time, it seems that he is not interested in anything, and even becomes Luo Fan's protective umbrella. But that's because the level of this power itself far exceeds the seventh great tribulation!

Because the power related to the True Saint itself has been tainted with some kind of mystery belonging to the True Saint. This mystery gives this power powerful autonomy, even enough to get rid of the seventh catastrophe. limit. In the end, this situation resulted in the current situation where the power related to the True Saint was clearly intended to target Luo Fan, but in the end it actually became Luo Fan's protective umbrella.

And this is obviously a situation that may only occur after this force related to the True Saint completes its mission.

In the beginning, this power related to the True Saint came to test Luo Fan and deal with him.

Since it has this purpose, after it enters the seventh great tribulation, it will obviously forcefully control the existence of the seventh great tribulation to complete a certain kind of work.

And obviously, the existence that caught him was none other than the real state of chaos.

In the face of a true state of chaos, even a true saint needs to give face and take certain actions according to his wishes. Just like the incarnation or projection of the true saint that Luo Fan encountered in the previous catastrophes...

This power related to the true saint is obviously not as good as the real true saint. Under such circumstances, facing the state of chaos, it obviously has little ability to resist. Therefore, when it first entered the seventh great tribulation, all its actions must be completed according to the wishes of the chaotic state without any compromise.

That is to say, completely implement all the arrangements for this seventh great tribulation.

And what are the arrangements for this seventh great tribulation? Create this simulated chaotic state, create the endless world openers in this simulated chaotic state, the endless world!

And all of this obviously involves the power related to the True Saint. Otherwise, there is no need for this power related to the True Saint to appear in this seventh great tribulation...

Only by completing this largest task, which is also the most fundamental task, can this power related to the True Saint be freed, and can it be possible to enjoy all the simulated chaos in this simulated chaotic state so lazily...

Therefore, it is obvious that whether it is the simulated chaotic state itself, or the countless pioneers of heaven and earth themselves, or even the heaven and earth itself opened up by the countless pioneers of heaven and earth, it obviously contains this power related to the true saint. some trace of.

These traces were so subtle and obscure that even Luo Fan had never thought of the use of such traces before. Even if he had actually guessed what the mission of this power related to the True Saint would be when he appeared in his seventh great catastrophe, this was the same.

But now, the incarnation of will that simulated the chaotic state clearly told him what kind of effect this trace had!

Now, although the track in front of me is extremely broken, it already has some charm of a real rune track.

This charm is the fundamental reason for the appearance of the invisible palm before.

It is also the reason why, at this moment, there are endless figures of the pioneers of heaven and earth in this piece of time and space!

Where are the figures of those pioneers of heaven and earth? What kind of pioneers of heaven and earth are they? ! Those are clearly the embodiment of the various traces left by the power related to the true saint on the pioneers of heaven and earth!

Such traces exist in every pioneer of heaven and earth, but within the body of each pioneer of heaven and earth, they are extremely weak and tiny.

It is precisely because of this that the endless traces of the pioneers of the world were superimposed and combined to form such a broken rune track, or even only 10% of the complete track.

Of course, this trajectory is not impossible to perfect.

The power related to the true saint obviously constructs more than just these heaven and earth pioneers, and the heaven and earth corresponding to those heaven and earth pioneers. What it constructed also had this simulated chaotic state!

Even though it may not be the complete simulated chaotic state itself, it must be a large part of the simulated chaotic state!

Therefore, if you want to find all its traces and condense all its essence and mystery together, it is obviously not just possible to gather together the traces of these pioneers of the world. If you want to make this rune trajectory complete, you must collect all the traces of the power related to the true saint that exist in the simulated chaotic state before you can successfully make it complete!

This may be a bit taken for granted, but at least nowadays, in Luo Fan's view, this is the most likely possibility.

The power related to the true saint may only leave a trace of itself in it when it creates something alone.

When creating different things, the remaining traces may be the same or different.

If deduced from this angle, even if the entire creation of the simulated chaotic state has this power related to the true saint involved, it may not be able to leave all traces of itself in it, and it may not necessarily allow that The remaining traces can be gathered into a complete picture of the power related to the true saint.

However, this is just the view of ordinary people.

In Luo Fan's view, this possibility is actually quite large.

The presence of this power related to the True Saint itself here already represents its importance to this simulated chaotic state, or in other words, to Luo Fan's seventh catastrophe.

If this power related to the true saint is dispensable, then its appearance here would seem very strange and superfluous.

The same is true for the incarnation of will that simulates the state of chaos.

For the incarnation of will that simulates the state of chaos, its appearance here, in this seventh great tribulation, also means that its appearance is extremely necessary. It can be said that this is his seventh great tribulation. A necessary component and an indispensable part.

If this is the case, then it proves that he is also inevitably needed in the entire process of the seventh great tribulation!

Both are needed, which proves that neither of them, alone, can constitute the seventh great tribulation, nor can it constitute everything in this simulated chaotic state!

Of course, these are just the two things Luo Fan has discovered now. Maybe there are more things behind it, and more factors are necessary and indispensable.

However, this has no impact on the current deduction...

This situation also proves that this power related to the true saint is not everything to this seventh great tribulation and this simulated chaotic state!

This does not mean that the power and ability of the power related to the true saint have not completely surpassed this simulated chaotic state.

Therefore, if he wants to build this simulated chaotic state and all the existences related to it, he obviously needs to go all out, and he needs to stimulate all his power and all his power before he can do it.

After all, if it does not need to be fully stimulated, then it means that it does not need all its strength to complete all the tasks assigned by the chaotic state. Obviously, in that case, other existences and other factors will not need to exist. ? !

Therefore, the emergence of the current situation also means that this power related to the True Saint has most likely left all traces in this simulated chaotic state together with the many pioneers of the world. Among the many worlds!

Only in this way can we say that we have gone all out, and only then can we say that we have used all our potential, all our power, and everything!


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