Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2965 Transformation successful!

A few months passed in a blink of an eye.

Turning time and space into the world, for the passage of time in this world, it is only a few days. Although in those time and space, time may have passed for countless billions of years. However, the time required to turn the world into heaven and earth is far longer than turning time and space into the world.

Several months have passed in this world, and the first world has just emerged. It has truly transformed successfully and turned into a world...

And this first world that successfully turned into heaven and earth is exactly a world in Luo Fan's territory!

Compared with the world, the independent and perfect qualities of heaven and earth are even more intense. Although compared to the perfect world, there is still an unknown distance between heaven and earth, but compared with the subtle perfect qualities of the world. , after all, it is still much stronger.

When the transformation of this world was successful, it was like a switch was turned on. The worlds belonging to Luo Fan's territory began to transform one after another at an unimaginable speed, breaking through the original shackles that had held them for an unknown number of years. , the chasm between the world and heaven and earth!

This situation is obviously due to the pull of the breath, because the many worlds were opened up by Luo Fan, and their fates are naturally connected to each other. The breaths intersect. If one side breaks through the chasm, it is equivalent to having a thread that has already reached it. Destination, in this case, many other worlds can naturally follow this line and reach that destination without any hindrance.

That's why it's like this now, with one world achieving the world, and many other worlds beginning to achieve success one after another.

The world in this territory quickly turned into heaven and earth, and it is self-evident that this has a huge impact on the entire territory.

In just an instant, the territory belonging to Luo Fan began to release a powerful aura that had not been seen before. An unspeakable repulsion appeared on this territory and began to repel everything around it.

In other words, reject everything that belongs to this great world!

Although the gap between heaven and earth is extremely huge, it may even be thousands of times greater than the gap between time and space and heaven and earth.

However, its essence is that it belongs to the same level after all.

Although the great world in front of us is vast and boundless, it is countless times larger than any other world, even compared to the world opened up by Luo Fan. But, after all, it is just heaven and earth.

As the world, he and Luo Fan have now spent a lot of time and energy to create these worlds.

Obviously they belong to the same level.

Under such circumstances, when a being of the same level is inside another being of the same level, some kind of inexplicable repulsion will naturally occur!

This kind of repulsion is inversely proportional to the level gap between the two. In other words, the smaller the gap, the stronger the repulsion effect.

However, no matter how big the gap is and how small the rejection is, this kind of rejection is bound to exist.

Just like at this time, compared to the many worlds in Luo Fan's territory, the gap is obviously extremely huge, even so huge that it makes people feel a little guilty to compare them together. , but, since they are both heaven and earth, then this kind of exclusion must exist!

Even if it is, this kind of rejection is actually too weak to be imagined. It is not enough to shake this great world. Instead, it has many negative effects on those worlds in Luo Fan's territory...

With this change, in the territory where the will of heaven and earth and the former incarnation of the will of heaven and earth were evolving towards heaven and earth, but which had not yet completely evolved into heaven and earth, many worlds began to undergo various subtle changes one after another.

These three parties are hostile. Changes in any one party will inevitably have an impact on the other two parties.

It's just that this impact may be positive or negative.

At this time, many worlds in Luo Fan's territory turned into heaven and earth. The changes were so great that it was as terrifying as changing the world. With such a strong change, how could the other two territories not be affected by the aura? !

In this instant, the worlds in the other two territories felt an even stronger pressure.

This kind of pressure makes the creatures among them feel in constant panic, and at the same time, it also inspires many creatures to have a strong fighting spirit!

Under this strong fighting spirit, they, they inspired their own stronger potential, and finally many of them broke the shackles of their original realm and boldly stepped into a new realm.

As they entered a new realm, their world finally began to gradually break through the original shackles, and unknowingly, it began to gradually evolve towards the world...

Obviously, it was because of the pressure from the birth of many worlds in Luo Fan's territory that they actually received huge benefits in the process and gained a breakthrough opportunity that had not been available for a long time!

This is true whether it is the territory where the will of heaven and earth was incarnated before, or the territory where the will of heaven and earth was incarnated.

After all, when faced with stress, there are generally two different types of reactions. One major category is to use pressure to stimulate potential and achieve breakthroughs that have been unavailable for a long time. Beings who pursue breakthroughs between life and death rely on this principle. The other major category, on the other hand, is that on the other hand, they cannot benefit from it at all. Instead, they collapse due to pressure and completely lose hope of moving forward...

Although there are various differences in performance, generally speaking, they fall into these two categories.

At that time, there were so many worlds in the territory of the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth and the will of heaven and earth. Naturally, it was impossible for all worlds to be of one type.

Since they are not all in one category, there must be those who benefit from them, stimulate their potential, reach new heights, and get a blessing in disguise.

In this way, it is natural to have such changes.

"Go in." Suddenly, a voice came from above the void.

This sound was faint and faint, vague and absent. If Luo Fan hadn't paid close attention and carefully identified it, he might not have been able to detect it.

Yes, this sound comes from the will of heaven and earth!

At the moment when this sound came, there were suddenly flashes of light in the sky, smashing into the many worlds that were evolving into heaven and earth in the will of heaven and earth!

As these rays of light penetrated, the speed of evolution of those heaven and earth accelerated crazily, and in the blink of an eye, the evolution process that originally took a long time to be completed was completely completed.

Even, as these rays of light penetrated, other worlds that had not evolved into heaven and earth began to show signs of evolution. As soon as these signs appeared, light appeared again in the sky and continued to smash into these worlds.

In this way, a strange chain reaction occurred.

As a result, the light emerging from the sky became continuous, like rain, constantly falling downwards, constantly hitting the many worlds in the will of heaven and earth, or in other words, the worlds that are transforming into heaven and earth. !

In this way, in just a few dozen breaths, all the worlds in the will of heaven and earth have been completely transformed into heaven and earth.

The repulsive effect between heaven and earth also appeared on the land at this time.

Although these worlds were constructed and cultivated by the will of heaven and earth, they are truly of the same origin as the great world in front of us.

But don't forget, the authority of this area, this three-party battlefield has been divided by Luo Fan, the will of heaven and earth, and the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth!

Nowadays, the areas of these three battlefields can actually be said to be significantly different from that great world. This difference will not make this area completely independent and become a truly independent world.

However, it is enough to make the special powers of the will of heaven and earth in this area useless.

Therefore, as the many worlds that are born from the same source as the great world outside, they are also different from this area, and naturally have the same repulsive effect.

"I actually integrated them into it. It seems that I really tried my best." At this time, Luo Fan's brows frowned slightly.

The lights that just appeared were none other than the pioneer of heaven and earth whose name was controlled by the will of heaven and earth!

Those pioneers of the world are actually beings in the level of powerful people who have entered the calamity.

Such a being, for the world, is a strong person who can completely suppress the world. The stability of the strong people with this kind of series in the world and the strong people without this kind of series are obviously completely different.

If a strong man with this level suppresses the world, the world will be extremely stable. At most, it can only be destroyed, but it will be difficult for it to fall back into the world. And without a strong man with this kind of technology to suppress the world, then, maybe the world will fall into the world in a single fluctuation.

Normally speaking, if a world becomes heaven and earth, it can accommodate the existence of powerful people who have suffered disasters. But, in fact, it is not an ordinary thing for a powerful person to be born in a world.

It can even be said that in the normal world, it is almost impossible to give birth to a powerful person who has entered the calamity.

It's not that the heaven and earth cannot accommodate the existence of powerful people. The reason why heaven and earth are heaven and earth itself shows that it can already give birth to powerful people who have entered the tribulation, or in other words, it has the foundation to give birth to powerful people who have entered the tribulation.

The reason why it is almost impossible for the normal world to give birth to a strong person who has entered the calamity, but it is because the birth of a strong person who has entered the calamity has a prerequisite, that is, inheritance or calamity!

Without inheritance, if the Supreme Emperor wants to become a powerful person, it is as difficult as trying to give birth to a duck from an egg.

Theoretically speaking, it is indeed possible for a duck to hatch from an egg. For example, a genetic mutation completely mutates the genes of a chicken into a duck...

But, obviously, this is only theoretical. Normally, after countless years of biological evolution, there are countless trillions of eggs. However, no egg has ever undergone such a change, and a duck hatched from it.

In comparison, it is as difficult for the Supreme Emperor to break through and become a powerful person who has entered the tribulation, just like hatching a duck from an egg.

Indeed, theoretically speaking, the Supreme Emperor does indeed have the hope to become the Supreme Emperor. As long as he finds the right direction, as long as he has enough time, enough strength, and enough wisdom, then he will eventually become the Supreme Emperor. It is possible to become a strong person who has entered the tribulation.

However, this is only theoretical.

Normally, if the Supreme Emperor wants to become a powerful person who has entered the tribulation out of thin air, he is afraid that he will not be able to succeed for countless years from the birth of heaven and earth to the destruction of heaven and earth!

Unless there is a higher inheritance that directly guides him to break through in the direction of the powerful person who has entered the tribulation, he can achieve this.

This is like trying to hatch a duck from an egg. In theory, as long as there are enough eggs, such a possibility will indeed occur. But in reality, it is an impossible task to reach that many eggs.

However, if there was another way to modify eggs, it would be easier to make them hatch ducks. For example, using genetic technology, the chicken's genes in the eggs can be completely transformed into duck genes...

Obviously, that inheritance is equivalent to transforming technology.

If you want the Supreme Emperor to become a powerful one, you need this kind of inheritance to transform yourself, no matter what it is about yourself...

Therefore, without inheritance, it is obviously an impossible task to naturally derive a powerful person in the world.

Unless you use another method to practice. For example, someone like Luo Fan takes the retrograde path...

Taking a retrograde path will naturally lead to great disasters. Once you survive a great calamity, you will naturally become a strong person.

If we use an egg as an analogy, taking a retrograde path and causing a catastrophe is equivalent to having a technology that directly converts the egg into a duck egg...

In this case, ducks will hatch naturally.

Obviously, the difficulty of taking the retrograde path almost made all the disciples of the True Saint feel despair. Even if it is only the first great catastrophe, it is an almost impossible task for the Supreme Emperor.

For any supreme emperor to survive the first catastrophe, the difficulty is many times easier than the subsequent catastrophes. But no matter how you put it, the difficulty is extremely astonishing. Normally speaking, the possibility of the Supreme Emperor surviving the great tribulation and becoming a powerful person in the tribulation is even dozens of times greater than that of cultivating a powerful person in the tribulation out of thin air without inheritance... …

Such a possibility is obviously still extremely slim.

It is precisely because of this that in those worlds, it is obviously extremely difficult to derive a real strong person who has entered the tribulation. Even if there are various conditions, the time it takes is absolutely very long. At least, it is impossible for such a strong person to appear just by achieving the will of heaven and earth, as it is now in the territory of the will of heaven and earth!


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