At this time, Luo Fan frowned deeply. This situation was quite troublesome for him.

Those pioneers of the world are not ordinary, they are beings who can create the world in a simulated state of chaos!

The strength of such a being, no matter how weak it is, is definitely at the level of a robber. Moreover, compared with those powerful people who were born naturally from heaven and earth, their understanding, support, and control of heaven and earth are many levels stronger.

With these world pioneers joining those worlds, all aspects of those worlds will definitely have an incredible leap compared to the original!

It can be said that with just such a move, many worlds in the territory of the pioneers of the world have completely caught up with Luo Fan, and even exceeded it by a lot.

At this moment, Luo Fan couldn't help but set his sights on the pioneers of the world under his control...

Of course, he quickly gave up this idea.

Only the will of heaven and earth can use the pioneer of heaven and earth in such an important decisive battle. Even the former incarnation of the will of heaven and earth is inferior in comparison. And for Luo Fan, it absolutely cannot be used.

After all, the birth of those pioneers of heaven and earth was because so many pioneers were needed in this simulated chaotic state.

The purpose of this simulated chaotic state was obviously born as Luo Fan's seventh catastrophe.

Under such circumstances, it can naturally be said that the purpose of the birth of those pioneers of the world is actually part of Luo Fan's seventh great catastrophe!

In this way, it can be said that being hostile to Luo Fan is the natural attribute of those who pioneered the world.

Under such circumstances, if there are some well-informed beings who reveal the purpose of their birth to the pioneers of heaven and earth, the consequences of this will be absolutely unpredictable!

There will definitely be many pioneers who directly choose to turn against Luo Fan and then besiege Luo Fan.

And even if some of the pioneers of the world are more rational and do not attack him in turn, and want to continue to help him with all their heart as before, that is impossible.

In this way, sending those world pioneers into the world of their own territory and letting them control those worlds is simply equivalent to tying a time bomb to their own world!


The remote control of this time bomb still lies with the pioneer of heaven and earth...

Under such circumstances, unless Luo Fan wanted to commit suicide, there was no way he could let the pioneers of the world control the world in their own territory.

Since he couldn't directly let those who opened up the world directly enter his own world to suppress the world, he naturally had to choose another method to help those worlds.

After all, ignoring and paying no attention to anything is equivalent to handing over victory directly.

If you want to win, you must naturally find a way to solve the current disadvantages as much as possible.

It is extremely difficult for the supreme emperor in the world to grow into a powerful person who has entered the tribulation. Without the suppression of the powerful person who has entered the tribulation, the world will not be stable.

Therefore, the only way to solve the current problem is obviously to pass the inheritance needed for the Supreme Emperor's breakthrough into the world!

At this time, Luo Fan made up his mind, and with a slight movement in his heart, one incarnation directly jumped into those heavens and earth, and began to preach the method of entering the tribulation in those many heavens and earth.

The method of entering a calamity cannot be explained in a few words.

Normally speaking, if you want a supreme emperor to fully understand the method of entering the calamity, at least it will take more than tens of millions of years of guidance through words and deeds.

It can be said that although it claims to be some kind of method, in fact, it is more like a kind of assimilation and an infection.

Without the guidance of those tens of millions of years, even if all the methods taught, all the words said, and some of the actions taken in these tens of millions of years were condensed and told to the Supreme Emperor, it would be impossible for him to achieve a breakthrough. .

It is precisely because of this that Luo Fan needs to incarnate and enter it.

Fortunately, it is not difficult for him to separate hundreds of millions of incarnations, especially when the world is still under his absolute control, and to separate so many incarnations that are enough to completely subdue those supreme emperors. Seem relaxed.

After those incarnations entered those heavens and earth, they used various methods to summon the supreme emperors who could break through in the heavens and earth.

After time and space transformed into the world, the monk's highest level was promoted to the highest emperor level. In the time and space stage, the number of false saints who were already at the highest level but whose positions were limited no longer had any limit. The monks who had been unable to break through and become false saints because they had no position began to achieve a spurt of false saints.

After the world transformed into heaven and earth, the monk's value was high and he was promoted to the level of the powerful person who has entered the tribulation. At this time, similarly, the position of the Supreme Emperor, who was originally the highest level and had a limited position, was relaxed. The desperate people who were unable to break through because they had no position began to break through like a blowout...

Under such circumstances, although there is no real powerful person who has entered the tribulation in those heavens and earth, the number of supreme emperors has increased thousands of times without realizing it.

Nowadays, the number of the many supreme emperors summoned from all over the world by Luo Fan's incarnation can be considered impressive.

Luo Fan naturally understands the internal conditions of these worlds.

At this time, there was no surprise at all because of the number of those supreme emperors.

Seeing that many supreme emperors who wanted to become powerful men appeared here, he was no longer polite. He used his supreme power to press against those supreme emperors, making those supreme emperors feel extremely clear. To see how big the gap is between myself and him.

Just such an action has already made them become more obedient.

After all the Supreme Emperors calmed down, Luo Fan's incarnation no longer hesitated and began to lecture them directly.

The independence of heaven and earth is even greater than that of the world, but the gap between the speed of time inside it and the speed of time outside can become even greater.

Although the situation outside is already quite critical, and the will of heaven and earth may launch a decisive battle at any time, within those heavens and earth, there is still enough time for the supreme emperors to break through.

According to Luo Fan's estimation, even if the will of heaven and earth launches a decisive battle now, when the war really reaches the point where those who are weak have to give up isolation and start fighting the enemy, the time in those heavens and earth can still be extended to trillions of years. .

This kind of time is enough for Luo Fan to use it to cultivate a large number of powerful people who have entered the tribulation.

The atmosphere in this area that belonged to Luo Fan was quiet.

Compared to the calm here, the situation in the other two parties is obviously not so calm.

Compared with Luo Fan directly entering the heaven and earth as an incarnation to help those powerful people who were born in heaven and earth, the protection of the will of heaven and earth is not so convenient.

You know, now, the true body of the former incarnation of the will of heaven and earth is still hidden somewhere.

He was completely afraid to do something like incarnate and directly enter the heaven and earth at this time.

If he dares to do this, the will of heaven and earth will definitely not be polite and directly deduce the location of his true body based on his incarnation, and directly descend on his true body with supreme power and obliterate his true body!

This point is extremely clear to the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth.

As for coming in an incarnation but not letting the incarnation involve one's true body, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible for the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth to do.

After all, the connection between the incarnation and the body is an extremely strange connection. If this connection is cut off, then the incarnation will be completely independent and become an independent individual!

In that case, this incarnation would be a brand new individual and no longer his incarnation.

Obviously, this is contrary to the original purpose of this incarnation of the will of heaven and earth.

As long as this connection is maintained, this incarnation is indeed his incarnation, but the connection between this incarnation and the original body is like an obvious guide, even if it is his true incarnation. No matter how hidden the body is, a being with keen senses can easily grasp the true body directly through this incarnation!

With such restrictions, it is obviously impossible for the former incarnation of the will of heaven and earth to be like Luo Fan, who directly throws his incarnation into those heavens and earth to cultivate the monks in those heavens and earth, and let the strong ones born among them come out...

Unable to use this method, the former incarnation of the will of heaven and earth did not give up. Instead, he found another way to directly penetrate various inheritances into those heavens and earth, and directly communicated many heavens and earths with mysterious and mysterious methods, allowing many heavens and earth to vaguely unite into one. A whole, instantly expanding the world in the eyes of all living beings in heaven and earth.

Through various measures like this, the hearts and powers of the supreme emperors in the world were stimulated countless times more than they had been in the past countless years.

Through such stimulation, combined with the many inheritances that have penetrated into those heavens and earth, those supreme emperors have more hope of breakthrough than before.

This approach is also a way to create a strong person who is in trouble.

In terms of efficiency, it is countless times worse than Luo Fan's direct incarnation into the world to guide the Supreme Emperor to break through. But, at least, compared to the original way of letting those supreme emperors seek breakthroughs in confusion, the efficiency is much higher.

Using wonderful methods to connect many heavens and earth, perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, those heavens and earth are still peaceful, and the territory is still as stable as before.

However, as long as a being with a little bit of sensory ability can clearly know, at this moment, what kind of waves are being set off in the territory where the will of the former heaven and earth is incarnated.

The conflict in the flow of breath, the conflict in the will of living beings, and the conflict in the foundation of heaven and earth caused earth-shattering movements outside the sight of mortal beings, making the land like a barrel full of gunpowder, giving people a sense of The illusion that it will suddenly explode in the next moment.

This territory that was the incarnation of the will of heaven and earth has become no longer peaceful because of the birth of powerful men in the world.

In the territory of the will of heaven and earth, those heavens and earth are not peaceful in another way.

Those heavens and earth are cultivated bit by bit from time and space by the will of heaven and earth. Although it is already heaven and earth, it is obvious that there are not many features in it.

If the powerful people in these worlds were born naturally from those heavens and earth, then they would naturally fit in perfectly with the world. The current situation of those worlds would naturally make those powerful people extremely satisfied.

However, it is obvious that the powerful men who are now in the world are not born naturally from those worlds!

Those powerful people who entered the tribulation were transformed by the pioneers of heaven and earth who directly penetrated the will of heaven and earth into them!

Under such circumstances, those worlds that do not have much otherworldliness are obviously awkward and dissatisfying to those who opened up the world.

Obviously, these pioneers of heaven and earth did not exist as thugs of heaven and earth when they entered those heavens and earth. They enter those heavens and earths and exist as the controllers, guides, and suppressors of heaven and earth.

In this case, if heaven and earth are not in harmony with them, it is naturally impossible for them to adapt to heaven and earth.

Rather, heaven and earth adapt to them!

Therefore, after discovering that the world they entered had too many things that were not to their liking, the choice those world pioneers made was to directly transform those worlds!

Transform the rules, structures of heaven and earth, energy and matter, and even the frequency of time and space that are inconsistent with them one by one.

And under such transformation, those heaven and earth will naturally not be as peaceful as before.

Almost all the world is undergoing this kind of transformation, producing all kinds of inexplicable changes, just like some kind of plasticine being kneaded and rubbed at will by invisible hands. Occasionally, there will be some kind of huge explosion. In those heavens and earth, let those heavens and earth undergo some big or small changes in the explosion.

With so many heavens and earth undergoing such changes, how can the land that belongs to the will of heaven and earth still be peaceful?

At this time, the territories of the three parties are extremely strange, and they still maintain their original appearance of not interfering with each other. This allows Luo Fan to have more time to cultivate the monks in the many worlds in his territory. Let them have greater hope of becoming a powerful person before the decisive battle actually breaks out.

In this state of non-interference between the three parties, time gradually passed. Before you know it, a hundred years have passed.

In the past hundred years, compared to the heaven and earth in the three territories, no matter how small it is, it is already equivalent to billions of trillions of years.


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