Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2990 Retirement

Luo Fan had previously directly attacked the memory of the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth, which in itself had touched the edge of the will of heaven and earth itself. If it goes one step further, it can directly distort its self and change its self.

Of course, for Luo Fan, the self that was the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth is actually not important at all.

All he needs are the secrets known to the predecessor of the Will of Heaven and Earth. Everything else except these secrets is indifferent to him.

As for the self that was the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth, what does it have to do with him whether he maintains his original appearance or changes into another appearance? At least, that's what he thought before.

Therefore, even if he could go one step further and be able to manipulate the self of the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth at will, and even shape his self into whatever he wanted, Luo Fan had no idea of ​​further shaping his self. His method only touched the level of memory.

If the predecessor of Tiandi Will had no other ideas, when Luo Fan's methods passed, his situation would inevitably return to its original normal appearance without much change.

However, the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth had obviously made up his mind at that time.

He took advantage of Luo Fan's opportunity to attack his memory, and forcefully reversed all the painful feelings caused by Luo Fan's attack on his memory, and directed it directly into his own self, allowing his self to directly bear this incredible pain. A strong impact, and a steady stream of impact!

This kind of impact is enough to cleanse itself again and completely distort itself into another appearance.

Although this is the result of the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth adding some force to it, in the final analysis, its root cause comes from Luo Fan's pursuit of his memory, so this method can also be regarded as Composition is Luo Fan's method.

Therefore, it can truly be implemented on the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth, and truly and completely change the self of the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth in front of us!

The final result is that at this moment, the self, the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth, is completely distorted into another appearance.

All connections with the original body, and even all the characteristics and essence of the original body, have become completely different from before.

Now, he can only be said to be a brand new creature born from the corpse of the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth, but he can no longer be regarded as the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth.

Because he is a brand new creature, he has lost all authority over this world.

Even the countless memories that Luo Fan had obtained before, he himself had almost forgotten by this time.

At most, only some vague traces remain in the depths of his memory.

It was precisely because of this that he felt relaxed and relaxed at this time. After all, taking charge of a great world is not an easy task. The countless memories that Luo Fan would normally have taken tens of thousands of years to endure have been weighing on the mind of the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth. Who can believe that this feeling is relaxing?

"But you are very decisive, but do you think you can get away with this?" Luo Fan sighed immediately and said to the boy-like creature in front of him.

At this time, the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth was already a brand new creature. Even in the eyes of the war cause and effect, it was no longer the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth. From this perspective, he is obviously just a creature that has just been born. That's why he appears like a child.

The boy smiled faintly at this time and said: "Of course. I don't think I am of any use to my fellow Taoist now. And my fellow Taoist obviously has not killed anyone to the point of destroying useless existences."

Although the boy has completely escaped Luo Fan's control, at least he has the control brought by War Karma. But, obviously, those are just controls related to the cause and effect of war.

In other aspects, Luo Fan's own strength is still extremely powerful, and he is still far superior to the boy in front of him.

With such strength alone, it would be easy for him to control the boy in front of him at will. With just one thought and a random release of power, he could directly round and flatten the boy in front of him and put him in one hundred and eighty postures.

Not to mention, the place where they are at this time is the core of Zezhi Tiandi.

The world of Zezhi obviously belongs to Luo Fan, and everything is under Luo Fan's control. Here, as long as Luo Fan is willing, he can easily do many things that cannot be done in the outside world, such as dealing with the monks who invaded here...

Therefore, although he got rid of the control exerted on him by the cause of war by means of self-distortion and transformation into a new creature, the boy is obviously still under Luo Fan's control, and his fate still follows Luo Fan's thoughts. Transformed and changed.

Hearing his words, Luo Fan laughed and said: "Although your compliment is very despicable, I admit that you convinced me. You now have no meaning to me. Kill you and keep you." You make no difference to me."

There was an inexplicable smile on the boy's face, as if he was expecting something.

At this time, Luo Fan's expression changed and he said: "However, if you want to be free just like this, don't even think about it."

The boy's expression changed. He had clearly said before that he was of no use to him, and the other party did not want to kill him. If that's the case, shouldn't you tell yourself to get out immediately? !

Why did the conversation change and it turned into not giving myself freedom? Isn’t this turning point too abrupt? !

"Why?" At that moment, the boy couldn't help but ask. He obviously had no idea what was going on and why Luo Fan was still unwilling to let him go after reaching this point.

"You don't think I'm the only one who wants to do something to you, do you?" Luo Fan just asked lightly.

His words caused the boy's expression to change drastically. He obviously thought about how terrifying another being who wanted to do something to him was.

For this predecessor of the will of heaven and earth, he has two enemies. One of them is Luo Fan. The other is, as his replacement, the current will of heaven and earth!

Even before Luo Fan was absorbed into the core time and space of a certain world, he appeared directly in front of the will of heaven and earth, facing the will of heaven and earth!

If it weren't for the restriction or protection caused by the war, he would have been directly wiped out by the will of heaven and earth at that time.

Now, he has made a huge sacrifice to get rid of the restrictions placed on him by the cause and effect of the war. This is certainly a good thing for his current self. However, from another perspective, his choice is also separated from the protection of war cause and effect!

Without the protection of war cause and effect, he has obviously become an ordinary monk who can be wiped out at will to the will of heaven and earth. If he leaves Luo Fan's territory like this, it is self-evident what will happen to him.

Thinking of this, his body couldn't help but tremble.

However, at the moment, he did not look at Luo Fan with any expression of gratitude. After all, he knew very well that the reason why Luo Fan prevented him from leaving and did not want him to be directly eliminated by the will of heaven and earth was not actually for any good reasons. Rather, he was worried that after the will of heaven and earth got hold of him, it would become more difficult to deal with it!

This is not an unfounded worry.

After all, he is the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth. Who knows if he brought something important to the will of heaven and earth with him when he was separated?

It doesn't matter if there is no nature. How this predecessor of the will of heaven and earth died and was devoured has nothing to do with Luo Fan. However, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality. What if, what if the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth carries something very important to the will of heaven and earth? Even if that thing is not that important, as long as it has even the slightest benefit to the will of heaven and earth, it is obviously a loss for Luo Fan.

Therefore, based on this idea, Luo Fan just did not want the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth, or in other words, the boy, to leave freely and directly enter the open pocket of the will of heaven and earth.

"So, you just need to survive in my world. Maybe you can have a good ending after I survive this catastrophe." Luo Fan just said to the boy calmly.

As he spoke, he flicked his hand, and the boy in front of him was shaken all over. Without any ability to resist, he was forcibly sent out of the core of the world, and directed towards a certain parallel place inside the heaven and earth. go.

In Luo Fan's world of rule, Luo Fan's authority can be said to be supreme, and his will is absolutely irresistible.

At this time, he didn't even need any means, and the boy was completely broken up according to his wishes. All power and realm were dispersed, and he turned into an ordinary creature with a long lifespan. He was thrown into that place that looked different from the normal world. There are so many different parallels.

"You really didn't leave any loopholes for me..." The boy fell into this parallel place and appeared in a wilderness. Looking around, there was no one at all. Feeling the emptiness in his body that had never appeared before, he felt an unspeakable helplessness in his heart.

After a while, he suddenly smiled and thought in his mind: "That's good. Without those powers, I might be able to truly live for a while."

Thinking like this, he shook his head and moved slowly in one direction.

In just a few steps, he had already condensed an extraordinary force, causing his body to gradually exude a wonderful aura that was not ordinary. After all, it was the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth. Even if almost all memories disappeared, even if All the power was imprisoned by Luo Fan, but only a little trace of his previous memory was enough to allow him to easily overcome the obstacles that hinder ordinary creatures from obtaining extraordinary abilities, and start from scratch to become extraordinary again.

This was the case for this boy at this time.

The extraordinary abilities he acquired at this time were no longer the extraordinary abilities he originally brought from the will of heaven and earth, but were developed based on the characteristics of this world, or this parallel place itself. extraordinary abilities.

This extraordinary ability is completely based on the rules and laws of this world and the world view followed by this world, that is, Luo Fan's world view.

It can be said that even if such extraordinary abilities develop to their peak, they cannot escape Luo Fan's control. On the contrary, the more they develop, the more they will be controlled by Luo Fan.

But, for this boy now, this obviously has no meaning.

Although he had paid the price of self-distortion in order to get rid of Luo Fan's control before, this does not mean that he still needs to be wary of Luo Fan's control at all times now.

After all, he has no value to Luo Fan now... Even if he falls into Luo Fan's control, it will no longer have any impact on his current situation. In particular, even if he does not condense extraordinary abilities based on the essence of this world, he is actually completely under Luo Fan's control...

In this way, he obviously does not need to worry about anything, he only needs to work hard in the direction of making his life better.

With the memory traces left by his predecessor, this boy easily got rid of his powerlessness. In just a few dozen breaths, he had become a loose immortal and entered the third realm of earthly immortals.

After that, within a few days, he crossed the three realms of Earth Immortal and went straight to the three realms of Taiyi.

Finally, after spending ten days and a half, he completely broke through the third realm of Taiyi and directly became the Xiantian Daluo!

At this point, he finally stopped the process of continuing to break through.

It's not that he is unable to continue to break through and further refine his extraordinary abilities. In fact, if he wanted to, without spending much time, he could directly become a false saint, a desperate person, a supreme emperor, or even a powerful person who has entered the tribulation!

However, these are of little significance to him.

For this boy, what he wants most right now is just to live quietly and truly. What kind of power, what kind of power, what kind of interests are all insignificant to him.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the cultivation of Xiantian Daluo can be self-sufficient, which greatly enhances his ability to survive and has almost no dependence on the environment, he would not even have the idea of ​​becoming Xiantian Daluo again, so where would he have any thoughts? Go further if necessary?

Of course, this idea is only his temporary idea. Maybe he will change his mind after encountering some irresistible enemies in the future. But, that is obviously a matter for the future.


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