Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2991 A few decades

After sending the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth into a parallel place in the world, Luo Fan left it behind.

For him, the predecessor of the Will of Heaven and Earth actually has little value. All he needs to care about is that the will of heaven and earth cannot get something from him that he doesn't want it to get.

Under such circumstances, it was meaningless to him how the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth chose to live, and what attitude he chose to face the endless years to come. He only needs to ensure that it cannot escape from the heaven and earth and will not fall into the hands of the will of heaven and earth.

"It's such a huge amount of memory. It's a huge project to sort it out." Luo Fan couldn't help but sigh as he sensed the memory he had just obtained that belonged to the will of heaven and earth.

These memories are all-encompassing, and most of them are messy, almost disorderly, filling every inch of the memory.

Finding something valuable in such a memory is as difficult as finding a specific drop of water in the boundless ocean.

However, difficulties are just difficulties. For Luo Fan, this is just a project that requires some energy, but there is no real natural moat.

At this moment, Luo Fan was immersed in those memories and began to classify these memories at an unimaginable speed.

As he classified these memories, these memories began to gradually differentiate in his heart.

It feels like the Hongmeng opens up, the heaven and the earth are first opened, and everything begins to gradually appear from this memory.

These memories are the memories of the will of heaven and earth, and the will of heaven and earth itself is the spiritual gathering of all things in heaven and earth. At least, this is the nature of the will of heaven and earth in this simulated state of chaos.

Therefore, the memory of the will of heaven and earth is naturally the accumulation of all memories of everything in heaven and earth.

In this case, if we can truly distinguish the sources of those memories, we will naturally find endless traces of everything in the world.

Obviously, what Luo Fan did at this time was this step.

Luo Fan actually had some memories of the will of heaven and earth.

However, what he had obtained before was the memory of the will of heaven and earth that perfected the world, not the memory of the will of heaven and earth that simulated the will of chaos in front of him.

The scale of the two is almost that of the sky and the underground.

The mysteries contained in each of them, Xuan is as vast as a world of difference.

Even though he had just started sorting it out at this time, Luo Fan already felt that a mystery that was grander, more vast, and even more advanced than the perfect world was gradually spreading.

"These memories indeed contain some profound mystery!" At a certain moment, Luo Fan had this thought in his mind.

Even if, for these memories, he forcefully forced the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth to give up himself, now it seems that it is definitely worth it.

Just separating these memories is obviously not enough for him to get what he wants, which is about the nature of this great catastrophe and other mysteries. If it was really so easy, it would be his turn to obtain these mysteries. The predecessor of the Will of Heaven and Earth had already obtained these mysteries long ago.

Of course, this does not mean that he has nothing to gain that is better than the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth.

After all, Luo Fan is a different existence from the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth. Even the difference in essence is incredible.

When he looks at the same thing like this, the feeling he has is naturally completely different from the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth. Even if it is, those things are the memories of the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth.

The gap between living beings and the will of heaven and earth is, after all, extremely huge.

There are some things that only the will of heaven and earth can understand and feel, but there are some things that only living beings can understand and feel.

For the same memory, the predecessor of the Will of Heaven and Earth experienced and understood it from the perspective of the Will of Heaven and Earth, and the conclusion reached was of course completely different from Luo Fan's experience and understanding from the perspective of the Will of Living Beings.

Just like at this time, in response to this endless memory, through the endless memories, or in other words, information contained in the spirituality of all things that gradually differentiated, Luo Fan vaguely felt an indescribable feeling. The thread is connecting everything.

That kind of context is so powerful, so vast, and so obscure.

Even Luo Fan could only vaguely notice it at this time. If he wanted to truly confirm the existence of that context, or even truly see the reality of that context, it was a no-brainer.

In fact, he could faintly feel this kind of context, which was extremely rare, and it meant that his perception had reached a certain limit.

After sensing the existence of inexplicable connections, Luo Fan's body has been devoted wholeheartedly to sorting out these memories.

Compared with this context that may represent the essence of the great calamity, the decisive battle currently taking place in this great world has obviously become insignificant.

Luo Fan's body completely diverted his attention from the decisive battle in heaven and earth, but it did not mean that he had completely given up on this decisive battle.

In fact, at this time, there was no repetition in this decisive battle because of Luo Fan's choice.

After all, in this decisive battle, Luo Fan had an avatar directly participating in it!

This incarnation of Luo Fan is essentially Luo Fan.

His direct involvement is no different from Luo Fan's direct involvement.

Under his control, the development of this decisive battle was naturally no different from Luo Fan's direct participation.

At this moment, Luo Fan's only remaining incarnation was merged with the three-legged round tripod. It was flickering all over the world. Every time it flickered, it completely destroyed large areas of the world in an instant. !

And every time of destruction, the territory of the will of heaven and earth is forced to take action, using various strange postures, either to avoid, or to meet, or simply to let the heaven and the earth move, change the position of the heaven and the earth, change the world The connection between each other changes the relative distance and relative orientation between heaven and earth!

At first, Luo Fan didn't know how it had changed. He didn't understand the will of heaven and earth, or what the purpose of the artificial will of heaven and earth was.

However, as he continued to test and destroy the world within the will of heaven and earth, the situation gradually became different. He, gradually, saw the purpose of the man-made will of heaven and earth!

At this time, the changes in the many heavens and earth in the will of heaven and earth are actually like a person moving his body and changing his body shape and posture!

This movement, this change, is obviously to gather strength, brew power, and prepare for some kind of corresponding explosion.

Although he didn't know how he brewed his power, how he gathered strength, and how he carried out a complete explosion, Luo Fan knew clearly that his ultimate goal must be himself!

After understanding this, Luo Fan's incarnation naturally became more active in manipulating the three-legged round tripod and began to attack the many heavens and earth in the will of heaven and earth. Every moment, it flashed countless times and was destroyed. Countless tens of thousands of squares of heaven and earth were destroyed, and countless billions of living beings were destroyed.

However, this speed of destruction is still quite slow compared to the vast territory of the Will of Heaven and Earth that covers almost the entire world.

At least, even if the will of heaven and earth, or the will of man-made heaven and earth, does not take action, does not move heaven and earth, and chooses to use the least amount of heaven and earth to meet the destruction of the three-legged round tripod, at such a speed of destruction of heaven and earth, I am afraid it will take a long time. It will take tens of thousands of years to cripple the land that is the will of heaven and earth...

"You're so big, you can really do whatever you want." Occasionally, Luo Fan's incarnation couldn't help but sigh.

In a normal war, if one party to the war chooses to use the artificial will of heaven and earth to deal with it, allowing the opponent to wreak havoc in his own territory and destroy his own power wantonly, while he only avoids and retreats, then Obviously seeking death.

However, at this time, for the man-made will of heaven and earth, this seemingly suicidal approach is not only a suicidal response method under the scale of the will of heaven and earth that exceeds the imagination of all living beings. On the contrary, it is an almost unsolvable means of coping!

At least, at this time, Luo Fan could not find an effective way to deal with the artificial will of heaven and earth. He could only try his best to speed up the destruction of the will of heaven and earth, and choose to deal with the will of heaven and earth as much as possible. In terms of territory, we only destroy the more critical areas.

At this moment, Luo Fan seemed to have the upper hand, but in fact, his situation was quite embarrassing.

On the surface, it seems that he destroys the enemy's power at will. His territory is also constantly increasing in this process. The hole in the void and in the time and space where the will of heaven and earth resides is also growing with the His destruction continues to increase.

However, the situation is obviously tilting in another direction that is completely different from what it seems on the surface.

Who knows when, the artificial will of heaven and earth will appear again, and with the incredible power and power that he has condensed at great cost, he will directly defeat Luo Fan's three-legged round tripod, and even his incarnation. !

Time passes slowly.

Before you know it, thousands of years have passed.

During these thousands of years, Luo Fan's body has implemented his original thoughts and has been sorting out the memories he got from the predecessor of the will of heaven and earth. He didn't pay any attention to everything that the incarnation and clones encountered, let alone Pay attention to the raging decisive battle.

And in the decisive battle battlefield covering the entire world, Luo Fan's incarnation seemed to have the upper hand.

The amount of heaven and earth it destroyed by controlling the three-legged round cauldron has already exceeded the limit that can be described by billions and trillions.

And above, in the void, above the time and space where the will of heaven and earth resides, the hole that reflects the size of Luo Fan's territory has grown thousands of times without knowing it, and it already looks like a huge thing. It is even possible to see through the hole some arcs in the vortex within the time and space where the will of heaven and earth resides...

This is already a huge improvement compared to the time when I could see the vortex, but I could only see straight lines and couldn't see the slightest arc.

But at this time, the expression of Luo Fan's incarnation in the three-legged round tripod did not soften at all.

On the contrary, compared to thousands of years ago, it seems more dignified.

Because, he had vaguely felt that the brewing and gathering of the will of the artificial world was about to be completed!

And once this brewing and gathering is completed, it obviously means that his life will not be easy in the future.

Faced with such a situation, how could he be so relaxed? !

"It doesn't matter if you come, let me see what you have come up with after paying such a high price!" At a certain moment, an inexplicable impulse suddenly surged in Luo Fan's heart.

Of course, despite such an impulse, it does not mean that he has given up resistance. During these thousands of years, although he still seems to be the same as before, he is just constantly flashing and destroying the world in the will of heaven and earth. But in fact, since he has sensed the purpose of the will of the artificial world, it is naturally impossible for him to give up his efforts to find a way to deal with it.

Although it seems that there is not much change, in fact, the position where he flashes with the three-legged round tripod has inexplicable adjustments every time. Every time the location appears, it is in his induction. It may be the location of a certain node where the will of the artificial world gathers power and brews power.

Of course, some of them are correct, and some are obviously wrong.

Through these countless right and wrong choices, he had unknowingly found some kind of paradoxical law, although it was not enough to understand the nature of the behavior of the artificial will of heaven and earth. However, it is already possible to slightly touch on the point in time where the will of the artificial world has gathered and brewed.

At a certain moment, Luo Fan sensed that there would be a drastic change. The drastic change happened naturally.

Above the sky and below the ocean, endless terrifying pressure suddenly began to arise.

This endless pressure directly blocked all possible directions of action of Luo Fan's three-legged round cauldron. At this moment, the three-legged round cauldron was like a flying insect entangled in a spider web. The more it struggled, the more it struggled, the more it became entangled. Wrap it tighter!

"It's finally out." At this time, Luo Fan's incarnation showed an indescribable fighting spirit. He had been waiting for this change for thousands of years!

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