Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 2992 Simulation of Simulation

At this time, in the endless heaven and earth within the territory of the will of heaven and earth, every side began to exude various indescribable existences. These emanating existences began to converge towards the depths of the void in some unimaginable way, and finally, after extremely complex changes, formed the kind of pressure that now entangled the three-legged round tripod.

This pressure was so powerful and so strange. Under this pressure, Luo Fan even felt that the three-legged round tripod had been separated from everything in the outside world, and there was no longer any connection between them. .

Even at this time, he discovered through the layer induction that this pressure had actually penetrated the layer barrier, completely separating the reality layer from many other layers!

Under this method, Luo Fan's originally extremely powerful dimensional division method has obviously lost its original powerful power.

He needs to know that the reason why the method of dimensional division is so powerful, even almost unsolvable, is that it connects each dimension with each other level.

It can be said that it is by using the power of other levels to bless each dimension that the method of dividing the dimensions becomes so powerful and unsolvable.

Under such circumstances, completely separating the reality level from other levels will naturally cut off the source of power of this dimensional division method. Of course, this dimensional division method will not be as powerful as before.

"Die." At this time, countless voices came from all over the surrounding world, and finally converged into these two words.

Following this sound, the surrounding light and shadow rapidly changed, and the boundless gray existence instantly replaced the original orderly time and space, orderly rules, and other things.

The moment this gray existence appeared, Luo Fan had an inexplicable feeling from her boyfriend. He seemed to have fallen into a state of chaos. The surroundings were extremely mysterious and had incredible destructive power...

At this moment, he even felt that the connection between his incarnation and his true body seemed to have been extremely weakened.

Although there are still traces of connection between his incarnation and his body, this residue is like a barrier across the chaotic state, appearing vague and insignificant, and even unable to communicate clearly.

"Is this the method you have been planning for these years?" Although Luo Fan's avatar's fighting spirit remained undiminished at this time, his expression became quite solemn.

Whether or not you have fighting spirit is one thing, but whether you pay attention to the opponent's offensive is another.

At this moment,

The method of man-making the will of heaven and earth was obviously beyond the standard. Although he did not completely lose his will to resist due to this method, he also knew clearly how difficult it was to resist this kind of offensive.

At this moment, his heart moved slightly. The three-legged round cauldron exploded violently after a slight shock. The entire magic weapon turned into a gray, chaotic thing in just a blink of an eye.

This kind of chaos-like thing is similar to the gray existence that is constantly being created in the outside world and constantly enriching the inside. If you look at it at a glance, you will accidentally confuse the two.

At this moment, a terrifying force burst out from the gray existence transformed into the central three-legged round tripod.

Under this explosion, the gray existence in the center is separated from upper to lower, and the clear and turbid are differentiated. The clear rises to become the sky, and the turbidity descends to the earth.

In this way, unknowingly, it turned into a world.

This world is extremely wild and primitive, but it is also extremely strong and powerful!

Although this world was not very big when it was first born, its strength cannot be underestimated at all. Even the gray existence around them has indescribable terrifying pressure, which is enough to completely destroy the world created by any heaven and earth pioneer. However, facing this wild, primitive and rough world, these gray beings are powerless at all!

It's just like smoke hitting a stone, constantly stirring up the smoke, but there is no way to really cause any damage to the stone.

At least, that's what it seems on the surface.

At this time, in the territory of the will of heaven and earth, the endless heaven and earth are constantly releasing all kinds of unspeakable existences that are constantly pouring into the depths of the void, and then through transformation, they are constantly gathering into this gray existence. , constantly strengthening this gray existence, allowing this gray existence to completely assimilate and destroy everything within its envelope!

With this change, the gray existence did not waver even if it encountered a strong obstruction.

It is still flowing continuously, like a head of iron, constantly hitting the heaven and earth formed by the three-legged round tripod in the center!

At this time, in that small world, Luo Fan's incarnation was suspended in the void. His body was almost integrated with the world, and his breath was constantly inhaling and completely complementary to the breath of heaven and earth. The two seemed to form an extremely perfect cycle.

At this moment, the clear and turbid air in this rough world has not yet completely stabilized, and there is such an incredible and terrifying oppression outside, which makes this world become more and more turbulent.

Under such circumstances, the existence of Luo Fan's incarnation is like the sea-fixing needle, which severely suppresses the entire world, allowing this world to maintain its general integrity no matter how it changes.

However, this change is not without cost.

As this change continues, the connection between Luo Fan's incarnation and this world becomes closer every moment!

At the beginning, Luo Fan's incarnation could still be distinguished from this world. Although the two breaths were connected and echoed each other, they were still two individuals after all. However, as time goes by, as the oppression from the outside world becomes stronger and stronger, and as Luo Fan's incarnation gains more and more support for this world, the difference between the two becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish. .

After dozens of breaths, Luo Fan's incarnation was completely confused with this seemingly wild and primitive world.

The two have completely become one, two, two and one!

At this point, the aura belonging to Luo Fan gradually increased above the sky and the earth. And Luo Fan's incarnation also unknowingly carried the wild and primitive atmosphere that belonged to that world...

And this step is not the end yet. As external oppression continues, the combination between the two is still becoming closer and closer.

And this combination also makes this world's ability to withstand the gray existence of the outside world become stronger and stronger.

Even if the oppression caused by the gray existence of the outside world becomes stronger and stronger, it can still continue to support it and does not become embarrassed because of the stronger oppression from the outside world.

At this time, in the outside world, a huge vortex appeared around this gray existence.

This gray existence will cover the three-legged round tripod, and its vast scope is self-evident. You know, the three-legged round tripod turned out to be as vast as the combined area of ​​countless billions of square meters of heaven and earth...

Nowadays, this huge vortex can still wrap this gray existence in it. The hugeness of this vortex is even more conceivable.

To say that such a huge vortex can cover the sky and the sun is just an understatement.

At this time, the vortex that embodied the will of the artificial world was already very different from the last time it appeared. When it appeared last time, the vortex looked no different from the vortex when the will of heaven and earth manifested. But, this time, the vortex was filled with light, and seemed to be a strange vortex formed by countless types of forces gathered together.

However, although it seems to be composed of countless kinds of forces, it does not appear to be complicated at all. Instead, everything seems to be so perfectly combined, as if every bit of force in it has become a whole. Indivisible components generally.

After the vortex appeared, it began to condense rapidly.

The space it occupies begins to shrink.

In just a few breaths, the area it occupies has been reduced by more than half!

As the area occupied by the vortex shrunk in this way, the gray existence in the center of the vortex also withstood at least ten times more pressure than before, causing the gray existence above the This kind of charm that belongs to a state of chaos becomes more and more intense.

At the same time, inside the gray existence, in the heaven and earth transformed by the three-legged round tripod, Luo Fan trembled and felt that breathing seemed to be more difficult than before.

He knew very well what this feeling meant. This clearly means that the pressure from the outside world has become much stronger than before, and it has even begun to affect the flow of his breath.

"Should we take the next step?" At this time, this thought emerged in Luo Fan's mind.

The man-made will of heaven and earth would rather let Luo Fan's three-legged round cauldron destroy its body wantonly for thousands of years. In other words, the territory of the will of heaven and earth, and its brewing offensive, naturally cannot be just the horror that is happening now. It's just oppression.

The kind of oppression that is happening now is, at best, just a vanguard, just a harbinger!

At this time, it is obvious that this kind of omen should have brewed to a certain limit...

At this moment, just as this thought flashed through Luo Fan's mind, countless sharp blades suddenly appeared out of thin air in the gray existence, fiercely thrusting towards the heaven and earth transformed by the three-legged round tripod!

Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee…

I don't know how many weird sounds came out from the barrier between heaven and earth at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Fan's body shook violently, and he felt endless pain coming from that side of the world to him, making him clearly feel the damage to that world in this instant.

At this time, his connection with this world is already so close that the two become one, two, two, and one. He will naturally have corresponding feelings about the damage suffered by that world.

Faced with this situation, Luo Fan's expression became more and more solemn.

He instantly mobilized the power of this side of the world, gathered towards the countless sharp blades, and quickly completely destroyed the sharp blade that An Xi inserted into this side of the world.

Although those sharp blades were so powerful, after all, this was Luo Fan's home field, and the power of this world itself was powerful enough, so at this time, these sharp blades had been easily erased.

However, this is obviously just the first step.

Next, sharp blades were produced continuously, and they were thrust towards this world.

Moreover, along with these sharp blades, there are more, various and strange attacks. Accompanying the sharp blades, and using the holes made by the sharp blades, they continued to invade into the interior of this world!

Being surrounded in the center and enduring a steady stream of attacks, this situation was obviously bad enough for Luo Fan.

At this time, facing such a change, even if Luo Fan wanted to stop it, he found that for the time being, he could only meet the opponent's offensive, but could not fight back at all.

Although that kind of oppression is quite limited in its ability to damage this world.

However, it is obvious that as an auxiliary, the effect of this oppression is quite significant.

At least, under that kind of oppression, Luo Fan could no longer move this side of the world at will, or even call upon power from other levels to strengthen this side of the world.

Facing this steady stream of offensives, Luo Fan could only continue to wipe out the offensives that invaded his own world, and tried his best to maintain the integrity of his own world.

That kind of offensive is continuous, like a never-ending cycle.

After one wave is wiped out, there will be another wave. Even this new wave has many corresponding changes compared to the previous wave, making up for the various loopholes revealed by the previous wave.

In this way, those offensives are stronger than the previous wave, more difficult to deal with than the previous wave, and the damage to Luo Fan's world is more serious than the previous wave!

Facing such an offensive, Luo Fan naturally understood that this would not work.

So, he carefully observed the gray existences around him. Although this gray existence is trying its best to simulate the state of chaos, even the source of the artificial will of heaven and earth, the will of heaven and earth, is nothing more than the incarnation of will simulating the state of chaos.

How can such an artificial will of heaven and earth truly create a state of chaos? !

It can be said that the gray existence around us today is nothing more than a simulation of a chaotic state!

Moreover, it is most likely a simulation that is not very clever!

Such a simulation will inevitably have some loopholes. The reason why Luo Fan has not discovered these loopholes now is simply because the simulation was too hasty and the offensive was too intensive.

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