Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3007 Speed

To change the flow of time in a certain world, a certain place, or a certain piece of time and space, this requires the authority of that world, that place, and that time and space. It can be said that even if it is not the highest, it is not far from the highest.

At least, you need to completely control the world, heaven and earth, time and space before talking.

This is true for the world, heaven and earth, time and space, and it is even more true for the source of evil energy that is infinitely more advanced than this kind of thing.

Therefore, although this will that simulates a chaotic state has the ability to change the flow of time, it even has the ability to travel between many dimensions of time and space. However, compared to this evil spirit, these abilities are equivalent to an ant and an egg. This ant is indeed powerful enough to lift objects dozens or hundreds of times heavier than its own body. , but after all, it is still unable to handle the size of this egg.

Therefore, for this evil spirit figure, when he found that it would take tens of thousands of years to completely eliminate the evil pressure on his will, he knew that his destiny was completely controlled by Luo Fan. in hands.

If Luo Fan's speed is not fast enough, it may even take tens of thousands of years to return everything in the world to its original state and then refine it again. His mission is to get rid of Luo Fan.

If Luo Fan is faster and returns the Heaven and Earth to its origin and refines it again before he completes the entire task, then what awaits him will be that his destiny will no longer be independent...

Worrying in his heart, he did not dare to delay any more, he just tried his best to merge with the evil spirit and eliminate the pressure of the evil spirit on his will.

Compared with the various changes inside the world, the changes taking place inside the evil spirit human form at this time can be said to be extremely gentle and calm changes.

In Zezhi's world, at this moment, the entire world has been turned upside down.

All worlds, all parallel places, all time and space, all rules and laws, all matter, and all energy began to riot at this time.

Wisps of evil aura began to emerge out of thin air, gradually occupying an increasing proportion of the world.

There are two sources of all these changes. The first is the core of heaven and earth. The second one is the three-legged round tripod suspended above the main body of heaven and earth at this moment, just like the sky of the main body of heaven and earth.

The three-legged round cauldron had evil spirits surging inside at this time.

This kind of evil spirit,

It is mysterious and mysterious, and its power is even more terrifying. Although it is only surging inside, its breath alone is enough to trigger the entire world to return to its origins.

At this time, all the sentient beings in the world were horrified. They felt that this catastrophe had come so hastily and so strangely.

That's right, in the eyes of all living beings, what appears in this world at this time is another great disaster of heaven and earth!

After all, it is impossible for them to know that the simulated chaotic state outside the world has disappeared, let alone know who Luo Fan's enemy is now.

For them, the evil spirit that can appear in every inch of space in the entire world at the same time can only be a possibility caused by the great catastrophe of the world.

Regard this kind of evil spirit as a great calamity of heaven and earth, which makes all living beings no longer at a loss.

However, although they are no longer at a loss, they are obviously unable to do what they can to effectively prevent and eliminate this disaster.

For a time, countless prayers came to Luo Fan.

Luo Fan left too many traces in this world. Although too much time has passed, his legend is still spreading throughout the world.

At this time, facing this legendary catastrophe, they naturally began to seek help from Luo Fan, who was said to have solved the catastrophe.

Regarding such prayers, Luo Fan could only sigh secretly.

This calamity similar to the catastrophe of heaven and earth was caused by him. What he needed was to use such calamity to achieve his own goals. Naturally, he could not stop his plan just because of their prayers.

Therefore, at this time, he could only ignore their prayers.

As prayers go unanswered, a growing sense of despair begins to emerge among all beings.

Under this emotion, cursing, crying, begging, laughing wildly, and so on, many ugly behaviors began to emerge.

The negative emotions in the entire world began to gradually rise.

Evil energy itself is the root force of disaster, not to mention the evil energy that caused Luo Fan's seventh catastrophe, and even gave rise to the boundless simulated state of chaos?

Even if these evil spirits were triggered by Luo Fan in order to completely refine them, the evil spirits are evil spirits.

The natural nature of these evil spirits will eventually lead to various corresponding changes in this world and all living beings in this world.

A transformation like the coming of a great catastrophe!

Such turbulent negative emotions are caused by this change.

From a certain perspective, the sentient beings in this world are not wrong. They have indeed fallen into a catastrophe! After all, everything that may happen in the great catastrophe of heaven and earth will happen...

As the negative emotions of all living beings swarmed in, Luo Fan's mentality quickly stabilized.

Although all of this was caused by him, no one would be in a good mood if others uttered evil words and resented everything they had caused.

Even Luo Fan is like this.

Before, all living beings had been pleading to him, begging him to save all living beings and help this world survive the disaster. He would still feel a little bit guilty in his heart for causing all this.

However, at this time, this guilt had disappeared without a trace as all the beings scolded, resented, and cried at him.

After all, he is also a living being, and he also has the general characteristics of living beings. Even if his mind is firm and his will is as unshakable as a rock, it is impossible to completely avoid this influence.

Especially when he didn't suppress it with all his heart...

He rejected the prayers of countless sentient beings in an instant, and only focused on manipulating the three-legged round tripod to continuously emit the influence of the evil energy from the source, and also controlled the entire world to return to its origin, and return all things in the world to the evil energy. , then assimilate again and refine again.

During this process, living beings are also within the scope of processing.

All living beings are also born from heaven and earth, and naturally come from a state of simulated chaos. Of course, they also come from the source of evil energy. Naturally, it is impossible to miss these creatures when we return to our roots.

However, living beings are still somewhat different from other things.

Although Luo Fan has his own goals, he is not hard-hearted after all, and he still has some compassion for all living beings.

Even if these sentient beings are destined to perish with the destruction of this great catastrophe, he is not willing to watch them completely disappear if he can do it.

Therefore, at this time, in the process of returning all living beings to their origins, he tried his best to preserve the consciousness of all living beings.

For ordinary monks, the consciousness of living beings is inseparable from the essence of life. Changing the essence of life will inevitably change consciousness. However, for Luo Fan, it is obvious that the two are completely different.

The essence of life is the essence of life, and consciousness is consciousness.

Although in most cases, consciousness and the essence of life are inseparable, changes in the essence of life will inevitably bring about corresponding changes in consciousness. However, that is only the vast majority of cases. In very few cases, the essence of life and consciousness are two completely different things.

At this time, in this world, under Luo Fan's will, the situation of all living beings is obviously very limited.

At this time, following his will, the life essence of all living beings returned to its origin, turned into evil energy, and then was quickly refined by him, re-opening up a little structure to bear consciousness, and then taking over the structure, and re-transformed into a soul of a living being. Come out wise and continue to survive in the evil atmosphere as before.

Strictly speaking, these creatures are actually no longer the original creatures.

After all, the nature of life has changed...

But, from another perspective, at least for these creatures themselves, and even for the creatures around them, they are still the original creatures.

After all, their consciousness is still the original consciousness.

The difference between the creatures after such a change and the original creatures is quite subtle.

Because of the change in nature, their new consciousness will obviously be quite different from the original consciousness of the essence of life. If the original consciousness did not exist, they would obviously become a completely different creature. It will have nothing to do with the original. However, because of the original consciousness, these newly generated consciousnesses will gradually merge into the original consciousness, affecting the original consciousness while being assimilated by the original consciousness.

The final result is that one day, a creature will be born again that is neither based on the original life essence nor a creature born based on the later life essence, but a new creature formed by the combination of the two. of creatures!

If those creatures had a choice, it is unlikely that many creatures would be willing to end up like this.

However, this is obviously the limit of what Luo Fan can do.

After all, he needs to return everything in this world to its origin and refine it again. Those living beings are obviously derived from the root evil energy. If these creatures are given over and are not returned to their origins, then it is obvious that this kind of return to their origins will not be perfect in any way.

Only the consciousness of sentient beings, which is formless and insubstantial, is derived from the essence of life. The wonderful existence shaped by experience is unique to all living beings and is not based on matter. Only in this way can we avoid the outcome of returning to our original roots.

Otherwise, Luo Fan would not be able to achieve even this result.

Compared to completely erasing their consciousness, this situation is obviously many times better.

In fact, if you think about it more broadly, their changes are equivalent to changes in their living environment, so their personalities have also changed unconsciously...

If you think about it this way, it doesn't seem so difficult to accept.

It is not easy to refine evil spirits.

Even if Luo Fan has already had one experience and has done it once in the three-legged round tripod, it is quite difficult to do it this time in this world.

It is not difficult to return everything to its origin and turn it into evil spirit again.

But it is obviously extremely difficult to suppress these evil spirits and let them be refined steadily. Even if Luo Fan was able to use the power of the power related to the true saint to greatly reduce the difficulty of this step, it would be quite astonishing to truly complete this refining.

At least, the speed at which you want to do this is not fast at all.

As mentioned before, if you want to change the speed of time, you need to have almost complete control over heaven and earth, the world, and time and space.

For this world, Luo Fan could have easily done this. After all, this world was completely created by him, and everything here was cultivated by him.

However, the current flow of time in the world is not completely free.

In order to prevent the consciousness that simulates the chaotic state from prolonging its collapse process to eternity, the flow of time here has been completely tied to the power related to the true saint!

Therefore, now, in order to change the speed of time in this world, the first thing to do is to change the speed of time of the power related to the true saint!

Without changing the flow of time of that power first, not even Luo Fan can make the flow of time in this world waver at all...

Therefore, at this time, even if Luo Fan needs a lot of time to return to his roots in the world of rules, he cannot use his manipulation of the world to gain a lot of time. He can only honestly follow the original rules. The speed of time is just trying to speed up your actions to shorten the time required for this process.

"Who is faster?" Feeling the slow speed of the world returning to its original state, Luo Fan couldn't help but sigh to himself.

Now he is competing with the will that simulates the state of chaos. Whoever can complete the plan first will get a huge advantage. Whoever is not fast enough may suffer big losses or even fail completely.

It is obvious that we are fighting in a place where time is just an attribute, but the final result is to compare time and speed. This has to be said to be a kind of irony...

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