Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3008 Mutation

In Luo Fan's induction, time passed little by little.

Before you know it, tens of thousands of years have passed.

After ten thousand years, the whole world has changed. The entire world seems to be completely composed of evil spirits. Everything in the world, time and space, rules and laws, the mysteries of the avenue, everything has been completely transformed. Made evil spirits.

By this time, the despair and resentment that originally filled the world had long since disappeared.

In the entire world, even in the deep layers, there are still some parts that have not returned to their origins, turned into evil spirits and then re-refined, but the living beings obviously do not belong to that tiny minority.

It can be said that all living creatures in this whole world have had their life essence changed and their consciousness has been integrated into this life essence.

In this way, they will naturally no longer be invaded and assimilated by evil spirits. For them, the crisis has obviously passed completely.

Since there is no crisis, and their living environment is even safer than before, how can they still be resentful and desperate? !

At least, the vast majority of living beings have no reason to continue to be resentful and desperate...

As for what a handful of creatures think, that is something that even Luo Fan cannot change.

As a result, the whole world appears extremely harmonious and peaceful, as if it has returned to its original appearance.

On this day, the return of Heaven and Earth to its origins was already approaching a certain key position.

That location is none other than the core of this world!

Although this core was originally called the core, it was essentially not much different from any other area in this world. It does not have any extraordinary authority just because it is the core.

If it were in the original, such a core would be returning to its origins, and it would not be much different from any other world, any time and space that belongs to the world of Ze. There is no need for Luo Fan to treat it so carefully.

But, obviously, the current situation is no longer what it used to be.

There is naturally nothing special about the core of this world, and it does not have any special authority over it. However, there is something among them that Luo Fan cannot afford to offend at all!

do not forget,

The power related to the true saint stays in the core time and space of this world...

It is an extremely simple matter to return this core space and time to its origin, turn it into evil energy and then refine it again. However, no one can tell how this force will react.

Perhaps, that force will completely ignore all these changes and allow the core space and time to return to its origin, return to the source of evil energy, and then be refined by Luo Fan and transformed into the appearance of time and space again?

Or maybe, that power will directly freeze time and space, so that Luo Fan can't return this time and space to its origins no matter how hard he tries, let it return to its evil spirit and be refined again? !

Or perhaps, the power simply does not stop Luo Fan's movements, but as time and space change, it will leave directly and escape from this world? !

Wait, wait, wait, there are really too many possibilities for the reaction of that force.

The specific response to that force will have a huge impact on Luo Fan's future fate.

How could he not be cautious under such circumstances?

Hesitation is obviously not Luo Fan's style.

Even though the way he responded to the next force might have a huge impact on his own destiny, Luo Fan did not hesitate at this juncture.

After being mentally prepared to deal with any changes, the process of returning to the origin is directly pushed into the core time and space.

At this moment, the entire space and time began to gurgling with evil energy.

After these evil spirits appeared, they began to continuously connect with each other, gradually wrapping up this time and space, transforming all the rules and laws, all energy, all materials, and all information in it into the source evil energy!

At this moment, the force that had not changed for an unknown period of time suddenly shook slightly and disappeared out of thin air.

The moment it disappeared, Luo Fan felt that his body was suddenly thrown out of thin air by that force.

He was originally so closely entangled with that force that he even suspected that even if he survived this catastrophe, he might be entangled with it into the infinitely distant future. It was at this time that he silently regained his senses. free!

Although that perception maintains the state within that force, outlining an extremely complex, extremely mysterious, and extremely mysterious structure, and still possesses all kinds of subtle and unspeakable power, it is no longer subject to it. Any restraint can be transformed into a state that he can change into any shape or structure at will as long as he wants!

"Leaved?" At this time, Luo Fan had a look of disbelief on his face.

This situation seemed to be one of the several possibilities he had guessed before, but it obviously only looked like it. Now, that force has not just left this world.

If he just leaves this world, then his true body will inevitably leave with him and disappear into the core time and space of this world.

Even if he doesn't disappear as well, he must still have a subtle sense of that power!

But, at this time, none of this happened!

After that power disappeared, he had completely lost any sense of that power, and his true body still existed within the core time and space of this world at this moment!

His heart moved slightly, and he focused on his clone. At this time, his clone had lost its body. Even the will that simulated the state of chaos manipulated no matter how incredible power it used to attack, it could not destroy it. His body has completely disappeared without a trace.

Now, although his clone still exists, it has become virtual and real, and it seems that only a consciousness is left.

The three-legged round tripod that replaced the sky above Zezhi's world has become much more illusory, as if the bones have been taken away, and now only flesh and blood are left that are difficult to shape.

All of this points to the fact that the power related to the True Saint has completely disappeared!

Not disappearing into this world, but completely disappearing into this catastrophe!

"It's actually like this..." At this time, Luo Fan still couldn't react. He just felt that this change was too sudden and unbelievable.

However, if you think about it carefully, this development seems to be natural.

For the power related to the True Saint, its appearance in Luo Fan's seventh catastrophe was obviously just due to the natural change of the chaotic state. It was because Luo Fan triggered the state of chaos to bring about his seventh catastrophe, and then in order to make this seventh catastrophe take shape, the state of chaos just attracted the power related to the true saint from nowhere.

In other words, this force stays here not because he wants to stay here, but because the state of chaos has to stay here!

Under such circumstances, as long as the chaotic state no longer restricts it, then its departure is natural.

After all, everything in this catastrophe is too low-level for this force. It's like a person huddled in an ant's nest. There's no need to say more about the frustration and pain.

Looking at the current situation, this catastrophe has obviously come to an end. The ability of the chaotic state to suppress everything in the catastrophe has obviously been weakened a lot, reaching a level that is enough to allow that force to transcend. Standard...

Seeing that power disappear, Luo Fan could only sigh secretly.

He naturally has countless thoughts about that power. He even has many plans to use that power to fight against the evil energy at the root. Now that power suddenly disappeared without a trace, causing countless of his ideas and plans to come to nothing.

To some extent, this was a great loss for him.

After sighing, his heart suddenly felt much lighter, as if a huge stone had been lifted.

Although this power is something he can use, he can rely on it to achieve many goals that he could not achieve originally. It can even become your own escape route, allowing you to save your true form's life even in the most dangerous moments. However, it is obvious that no matter how much benefit this power related to the true saint has to him or how much help it can give him, this power itself came because of the great tribulation and serves this great tribulation. But it can’t be changed no matter what!

Although, this force has always ignored the catastrophe, and even the will to simulate the state of chaos has not been weak at all, indirectly providing protection for Luo Fan. But don’t forget, in the beginning, the reason why the simulated chaotic state appeared was because of this force!

This power can maintain its own personality under the restrictions of the catastrophe and completely ignore the catastrophe. That is Luo Fan's luck. But, who can guarantee that it can always maintain its own personality? ! Who can guarantee that this power will always be able to ignore the requirements of this catastrophe? !

Therefore, this power is certainly a kind of protection for Luo Fan, a power that can strengthen him. But, at the same time, it is also a time bomb that may blow him to pieces at any time!

Nowadays, the disappearance of the power related to the true saint is certainly a great loss for Luo Fan, but at the same time, it also eliminates a hidden danger that may explode at any time.

It is precisely because of this that his mentality is so complicated at this time.

However, it was obvious that Luo Fan didn't have much time to continue feeling sentimental at this time.

You know, he had so many things built with that power as the core. Now, without that power, those things obviously need to be rebuilt before they collapse.

It's like his clone, like the three-legged round tripod!

At this time, his clone had lost its form, leaving only a will, which was obviously proof.

At this time, he first implemented his will into his clone. As the clone condensed, it quickly gathered a huge amount of surrounding source evil energy that had been completely refined by him. He quickly gathered these source evil spirits on his body, and his body followed. Then he regained the appearance of his flesh and blood body.

Obviously, he has already rebuilt his clone with the help of the evil energy from the source.

Although this clone is not as solid and powerful as the previous clone that was condensed with the power related to the true saint, it is much stronger than the ordinary flesh and blood body condensed out of thin air.

After this clone took shape, the original feeling that it might escape at any time disappeared without a trace.

At this point, the reconstruction of this clone is obviously complete.

The current clone is actually not much different from the evil spirit human form formed by the combination of the will to simulate the chaotic state and the evil energy from the source. At most, there is a huge difference in the amount of condensed source evil energy.

A clone with this kind of foundation is already able to completely ignore the influence of the source of evil energy on him.

After this clone was formed, it did not stay in the world of Zezhi for long, but in a flash, it had already stepped out of the world of Zezhi and appeared outside the world of Zezhi, in the boundless evil aura.

After arriving here, at a glance, the huge evil spirit figure was in the boundless evil energy, just like the sea-fixing needle anchoring the boundless ocean.

However, at this time, the outline of the sea-fixing needle seemed a bit blurry.

There are strands of source evil energy on the humanoid body that are constantly escaping, and constantly merge into the boundless ocean of source evil energy around it.

"It seems that you can't support it anymore." At this time, Luo Fan thought in his heart.

The figure flashed and rushed straight towards the evil figure.

His clone was made of the source of evil energy. The boundless evil energy around him was like water to a fish. Not only did it not make him feel any pressure, it even continued to help him, allowing him to move forward more relaxed and happily than usual in the void.

Soon, he had arrived in front of the evil spirit figure and bumped into the source of evil energy that was constantly escaping.

These evil spirits are wonderful entities that can evolve into simulated chaotic states, and their complexity is even greater than that of simulated chaotic states.

In this evil spirit, everything needed to form heaven and earth is contained, and everything not needed to form heaven and earth is also contained.

Inside, time and space, matter and energy, existence and non-being are all in a state of incomparable chaos.

From a distance, this is an evil spirit figure. In fact, if you look up close, it is actually a boundless ocean of evil energy!

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