Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3033 An unexpected gain

These tens of thousands of years have been enough for the creatures derived from this dimension to initially understand the rules and laws of the dimension, and then summarize the corresponding ways of practice.

Of course, after all, it was only tens of thousands of years, and the way of practice they summarized was still quite shallow.

At most, they can only give birth to some monks like loose immortals who can barely break free from the life limit...

Moreover, this change is not limited to the first-level dimension, but similar changes have begun to occur in many other dimensions. Civilizations have also begun to gradually emerge, and practitioners have gradually appeared.

Such changes continue to weaken as the dimensional level increases. The deeper the dimension, the less vitality it derives, and the farther away it is from civilization and practitioners.

Obviously, this is because the complexity of the rules and laws of those dimensions continues to weaken as the level continues to increase, and the degree of spatial stability also continues to weaken as the level increases.

Up to now, the dimensional level that can truly derive a cultivation civilization is only the seventh level.

Moreover, at the seventh level, the cultivation civilization is not so much a cultivation civilization as a supernatural civilization... Although the creatures derived from the seventh level have discovered some extraordinary mysteries, it is difficult to grasp them. This kind of discovery has been summarized into an orderly practice method that has been passed down, and we can only rely on heaven and wait for the awakening by chance...

Obviously, this kind of cultivation civilization is only in its initial stage and can hardly be called a real cultivation civilization.

Of course, this is only a matter of time.

As time goes by, the creatures in this level will summarize more and more principles of practice, and then use these principles to summarize the inherited and orderly practice method.

Just like the dimensions above it.

In fact, the cultivation civilizations in those dimensions have also gone through the stages that the cultivation civilization in the seventh level has experienced.

And this can even be said to be the dividing line between the cultivation civilizations in many dimensions.

Almost every level of Yuan has experienced the transformation process between superpower civilization and cultivation civilization. However, the civilizations derived from different dimensions have their own characteristics and their own way of thinking. And this different way of thinking,

This makes them unknowingly bring their own tendencies when summarizing the principles of practice and the mysteries of practice.

This tendency, finally brought together, resulted in the different ways of practicing civilization!

Therefore, although they have all gone through roughly the same process, the cultivation civilizations ultimately derived from these dimensions are not exactly the same. Instead, each layer has its own characteristics, and even the cultivation civilizations within each layer. The goals are not the same.

Of course, this situation is not a surprise to Luo Fan.

After all, although the entire process of deriving the civilization of cultivation seems to be a kind of accidental blessing, for Luo Fan, this kind of magical blessing is really too much.

There are so many worlds, heavens and earths, and time and space opened up by Luo Fan that even if they are calculated in trillions, they may not be able to be calculated clearly. How many of these many worlds, heavens, earths, and time and spaces have not been determined by him in terms of the development of civilization? Directional? It can be said that there are simply countless!

And it goes without saying how many possible development directions and possible development methods there are for a spiritual civilization born in a civilization that has not decided the direction of its civilization's development.

It can be said that he has seen too many of the cultivation civilizations that experts in these dimensions can acquire by chance.

There are so many that they can no longer attract any surprises from him!

Therefore, until now, Luo Fan has not actually paid much attention to the cultivation civilizations derived from these dimensions, and has not explored whether there are any hidden secrets behind these cultivation civilizations.

In fact, it is almost inevitable that there are secrets hidden within these cultivation civilizations.

Don’t forget where these cultivation civilizations were born.

The place where these cultivation civilizations were born is in the different dimensions opened up in this prison!

And in a different dimension opened up like this prison, this means that it is always imprisoned by the prison's own principle of confinement, or in other words, the rules of confinement!

The cultivation civilization developed in such confinement, isn't this the next stage of development of the extraordinary abilities possessed by those monks outside that dimension, in the main body of the prison? !

You must know that the extraordinary abilities that those monks now master are actually equivalent to the level at which those creatures in the seventh-level element are, that is, they have mastered extraordinary abilities, but they have not yet mastered this kind of extraordinary ability. Extraordinary abilities have summarized the true principles, but there is no way to turn them into the stage of cultivation and inheritance!

After such calculation, it is self-evident what the cultivation civilization in the earlier dimensions represents.

This situation seems incredible and absurd.

After all, even the time in the original first-level dimension among these dimensions has only passed tens of thousands of years. And the level of the creatures derived from it is hundreds of thousands of levels different from the essence of the imprisoned creatures in the main body of the prison outside.

Under such circumstances, how could they, with just tens of thousands of years of development, be far ahead of the main body of the prison outside and the countless monks who had developed for countless billions of years? !

This is not absurd, this is not nonsense, what is it? !

However, it is obvious that no matter whether it is absurd or not, no matter whether it is unbelievable or not, no matter whether it is nonsense or not, this is how things develop.

The reason is that although the development time and levels of the creatures in these dimensions are far more numerous and stronger than the main bodies in the prison outside.

But, similarly, the confinement of the prison suffered in these dimensions is not as strong as that of the main body of the prison outside!

Don't forget, now, the spatial stability of this first-level element and the complexity of its rules and regulations are already far superior to the main body of the prison in the outside world!

If the void outside had not been transformed into a liquid form under the influence of the prison itself, this level of energy would have completely collapsed the main body of the prison outside, creating another layer that Luo Fan was extremely looking forward to. Changed.

Under such circumstances, it is self-evident to what extent the confinement rules and principles of confinement that originally acted on the main body of the prison have been weakened here.

It is naturally many times easier to break through this extremely weakened principle of imprisonment than it is in the main body of the prison outside.

In addition, there are so many creatures derived from this dimension that they are almost counted in tens of billions.

The superposition of various factors like this finally resulted in the current superposition result, which is completely normal.

At first, Luo Fan did not notice the specialness of the cultivation civilization in these dimensions.

However, after all, this is a change that occurred in the dimension he constructed. After all, it is impossible for Lu Foan to not notice this forever.

Just when he was about to build the seventy-third level, he finally discovered the special characteristics of the cultivation civilization in the previous levels.

"I almost missed it..." Upon discovering this, Luo Fan couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

These cultivation civilizations are actually quite useful to him.

At least, now, he can use the cultivation civilization to make his current projection undergo an extremely subtle transformation!

Through this subtle transformation, he can completely eliminate the remaining details of his projection that are not the innate Taoist body at this time, and can truly transform his extraordinary abilities into the path of cultivation!

It's not that the way of practice summarized in those cultivation civilizations exceeds the limit of Luo Fan's ability, it's not because Luo Fan can't understand that way of practice at all.

Rather, Luo Fan has not focused on this aspect all this time.

For him, his current extraordinary abilities are just constantly changing and sublimating, but they are enough for him to use. And the existence that carries these extraordinary abilities is just an insignificant projection of him. Even if he cultivates this projection to transcend everything and become immortal, it is just a projection.

In this case, how could he waste time and energy on such a projection? !

Therefore, even if he actually has the ability to transform the projection's extraordinary ability, and has the ability to transform the projection's extraordinary ability into a way of practice, and at the same time make the projection transform, he does not focus on it. above this.

It is precisely because of this that after discovering the characteristics of the cultivation civilization in that time, he had a great understanding, and suddenly it was as if the fog that had originally covered his mind was completely lifted.

"Perhaps, there is no need to construct this 73rd level element at all..." Such thoughts emerged in Luo Fan's mind.

As the thoughts in his mind changed, the extraordinary abilities he mastered began to gradually transform.

With the transformation of that extraordinary ability, the wings on his back and every bit of the subtle qualities of a flying bird on his body began to fade away rapidly.

In addition, the god-like and demonic aura on his body began to decrease rapidly. In a short time, it had completely disappeared along with the elimination of the characteristics of his body that did not belong to the innate Taoist body.

As his aura changes, as his characteristics that do not belong to the innate Tao body change, those dimensions that are like the kingdom of gods and demons gradually begin to converge on their strong characteristics. The smell of gods and demons faded quickly, and finally disappeared completely without realizing it. The dimension seemed to have completely lost its mystery. At first glance, it looked like an extremely ordinary dimension.

Following this change, many dimensions responded simultaneously, and in an instant, an earth-shattering thunderbolt roar was heard in the liquid-like void.

Ripples visible to the naked eye erupted from the shadow of the cave one after another, spreading in all directions, gradually causing the liquid-like void to stir crazily in the process, an uncontrollable feeling. The charm of destruction is constantly revealed from it.

At this time, the shackles covering the phantom of the cave could no longer maintain their integrity. All the shackles began to break and shatter.

Faintly, there seemed to be an inexplicable wailing coming from the depths of the island.

At this moment, all the creatures on this island suddenly felt that the imprisonment imposed on them seemed to have suddenly weakened a lot.

However, this confinement was soon restored.

At first glance, it seems that there is no difference from before, but if you take a closer look, you will find that this kind of confinement seems to have lost its previous comprehensiveness. It looks like the original total confinement has been transformed into a certain tendency confinement.

Upon discovering this, many monks who were originally strong men in the Six Tribulations began to get excited one by one.

If there is a tendency, it means that there is a weakness that does not exist originally.

In this case, they only need to find the weakness to achieve a breakthrough that was originally impossible, a breakthrough in the confinement!

"The opportunity has come!" For a moment, this thought flashed through the minds of countless creatures.

With this idea, they began to try out their extraordinary abilities in various ways.

Luck is hard to say. Some creatures may need hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years to get the answer they want. And some creatures may be able to get that answer in the next moment.

In this island, there are quite a lot of imprisoned Six Tribulations strong men, among them is the Six Tribulations strong men who are extremely lucky.

Of course, this kind of luck is so good that it can only be calculated among these strong people. If we really look at all the monks on the sixth level of the Taoist Road, they will be imprisoned in this prison, which in itself is a sign of extremely bad luck...

In just a few breaths, a strong man from the Six Tribulations grasped the weakness of the imprisonment and made his extraordinary abilities produce the changes they dreamed of!

"Finally, finally got it!" A howl containing infinite joy suddenly came from somewhere on the island.

Underneath this howl was a certain kind of aura that would never appear on this island. It was the aura of immortality, the aura of immortality!

With this howl, with the appearance of this aura, the entire island became commotion.

"It has appeared... it has finally appeared..." The low roars came from everywhere, containing endless expectations and excitement, as if they had finally seen hope.

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