Extraordinary Prehistoric

Chapter 3034 Dimensional detachment!

There are many things that many monks in this prison pursue, such as breaking through the confinement, maintaining independence, reunifying with the body, freedom, powerful power, etc., etc., which can be said to be all kinds of strange things, countless.

Among such many pursuits, the most important one is also the most common. The pursuit that almost every monk has is immortality!

You must know that almost all the creatures that exist on this island are transformed by the strong of the Six Tribulations.

As for the powerhouses of the Six Tribulations, their own strength and realm have reached a level that ordinary creatures can't imagine. Immortality, for them, is already something that has been obtained countless millions of years ago. It can almost be said that it has completely turned into their instincts and has become an indispensable part of their ego.

However, after entering this prison and being imprisoned in this prison, this kind of immortality, which was originally an instinct and an indispensable part of their self, was completely wiped out.

They can only be born, grow, age, and die like ordinary creatures.

Even if their consciousness can maintain their self-awareness and their original memory after reincarnation, from a certain point of view, there is not much difference from before. But, after all, it is no longer the immortality it was before! To their ego, this is ultimately a great disservice.

Under such circumstances, how could those six robbers not desire to regain immortality? !

But now, those creatures discovered that the immortality, which was originally regarded as the most important thing in this prison, has been broken through by a certain prisoner! How could this not cheer them up? ! How could it not be expected? ! How could it be possible not to feel hopeful? !

With the stimulation of this breath, more and more monks began to transform their extraordinary abilities at an extremely fast speed, allowing them one by one to break through the shackles of the life limit from this transformation, one by one to obtain immortality...

This situation may seem unbelievable, but it is actually nothing more than normal.

Those monks could feel the confinement of this prison before and there had been weaknesses and loopholes before, but they didn't know where the weaknesses and loopholes were, so it took time to find such weaknesses and the existence of such loopholes. This makes it impossible for them to let their extraordinary ability break through this weakness and this loophole in the first place.

In other words, it's because they can't find it, not because they can't!

In this situation,

At this time, some monks will gain immortality, which is equivalent to directly pointing out what the weaknesses and loopholes are for them.

That is to say, they are directly told the answers they need to spend time looking for.

Under such circumstances, those monks naturally no longer need to waste time looking for those weaknesses and loopholes.

For them, all they need to do is to work hard towards immortality. In this way, their original potential can naturally be brought into full play.

Breaking through this weakness, breaking through this loophole, is naturally a matter of course.

All of a sudden, joyous shouts continued to come from everywhere.

A breath of immortality was continuously released from the place where the roar came out, and began to spread towards the entire island, causing the atmosphere of the entire island to undergo earth-shaking changes.

It can be predicted that even if Luo Fan stops acting at this time, this island will be completely different from now on.

Immortality almost completely corresponds to body modification.

After all, in order to obtain immortality, one needs to undergo certain modifications to the body to complete it.

At least, most of the ways to obtain immortality are like this.

The confinement loopholes of the island in front of him belonged to this category.

In this way, those six kalpas, the many monks, naturally began to gradually transform their bodies, and the body of a famous monk gradually turned into the appearance of the innate Taoist body.

It's not the appearance of other strange innate dao bodies, but the appearance of the innate dao body that Luo Fan knows!

You know, this is the sixth floor of Dao Zun's path, and the monks who exist here are all monks who came in from Dao Zun's great heaven and earth. And for such a monk, the innate Taoism in his cognition is naturally the innate Taoism in the Daoist Great Heaven and Earth.

And what does Dao Zun Datiandi's innate Dao body look like? Of course it is in human form!

In fact, Luo Fan was able to find this Dao Zun Dao Tiandi at the beginning, precisely because it was the source of the innate Dao body in human form!

In this way, the appearances of the innate Taoist bodies transformed into by the six robbers who were imprisoned in the prison are naturally in the form of human beings.

As more and more monks carried out such transformations, the situation of the entire island began to change more and more obviously.

The connections between many monks began to increase rapidly.

This change is actually a very normal change.

Although it's just a change in body shape, it doesn't have much impact on the nature of those six-kalpas powerhouses, who are still the original six-kalpas powerhouses. Their memories, their knowledge, are not much different from before. It seems that such a change should not cause a change in the mentality and behavior of those six robbers.

However, the facts are completely different from the truth.

This change in body shape has a huge impact on the mentality of those strong men of the Six Tribulations!

It turned out that when those monks did not have innate Taoism, they were actually quite ashamed in their hearts. He is even more disgusted with his own body.

Any creature has its own unique aesthetics. As a strong man of the Six Tribulations who was originally in the form of a human, he naturally also has the aesthetics of a human form.

For this kind of human-shaped aesthetics, what is not human-shaped is a living being, and there are very few that meet their aesthetics.

At least, very few people have some kind of indescribable desire for non-humanoid creatures...

Therefore, when you can't transform your innate Dao body at all, and when other powerhouses of the Six Tribulations can't transform your innate Dao body, those powerhouses of the Six Tribulations will obviously have a feeling in their hearts for themselves and other powerhouses of the Six Tribulations. Inexplicably disgusted.

And this kind of dislike is a huge obstacle between them, preventing them from identifying with each other and communicating like they did before they were all in human form.

And once they transform into the innate body, that is, when they look like a human. This obstacle is naturally removed.

Communication will naturally increase. The increase in communication will naturally allow them to recognize each other more clearly, and the connection will naturally become closer.

If this continues, the situation of the entire island will naturally change dramatically.

If time goes by, a special, brand new civilization may be established by them.

Of course, all of this will have to wait for time to continue to develop before we can know.

At this time, the effect of this change is that the ripples spreading out from the liquid-like void seem to have received some kind of nourishment, becoming more and more intense, and the scope of diffusion becomes wider and wider. more expansive.

At the very beginning, what this effect caused was that the scope of those fluid space-times was constantly expanding and increasing.

However, as time went by, as this influence became stronger and stronger, when the liquid-like void finally expanded to a certain limit, that liquid feeling was finally completely broken.

At that time, time and space seemed to have suddenly returned to their normal appearance. At a glance, there was no longer any special features. It was completely the same as any other time and space in this prison!

At this time, the seemingly virtual and real, real and illusory cave in the forest, or in other words, the dimension, has already turned into an indescribable existence.

It's more real and unreal, more virtual and real.

But, at the same time, it also gives people a completely different feeling from before, a feeling of being above everything, detached above everything!

"Detached?" At this moment, Luo Fan had such a clear understanding in his heart.

At this moment, he already felt that the principle of confinement and the rules of confinement loaded on the many dimensions of the prison had disappeared without a trace.

These dimensions are like dimensions opened up in a place without any confinement at all, and finally completely get rid of all the previous shackles!

"That's it?" Luo Fan murmured in his heart.

Could it be that the means of this prison is just that? In other words, the construction of this prison, and the methods of the Seven Tribulations Powerhouse, are just that?

At this moment, Luo Fan was disappointed and wary at the same time.

What is disappointing is that he is worried that his method is really just that. In that case, wouldn't all the preparations and plans he had made before be in vain? But what was vigilant was that he instinctively knew that things might not be true. There is only a very small possibility that the means of the strong man of the Seven Tribulations will stop at this step...

At this time, the seventy-two levels are slowly rising.

It seems that there is an inexplicable repulsive force acting on this layer upon layer of dimensions, pushing this dimension to continuously float upwards.

With the emergence of this floating up, every layer of those dimensions is undergoing earth-shattering changes at the same time.

The sudden disappearance of those confinement had a great impact on these dimensions beyond imagination.

At this time, endless vitality is born in each level element like a fountain gushing out.

Moment by moment, those dimensions are becoming more alive.

And the structures of creatures in those dimensions are becoming more and more complex and wonderful along with this process.

As for the cultivation civilization in the first level, it is rapidly sublimating and improving.

In addition to the changes in the vitality and the transformation of the cultivation civilization itself, there is another change that is also appearing in the many dimensions at the same time.

Moreover, compared to those changes in between, this other change is more critical and has a greater impact!

That is, the change of time flow rate!

It's as if an accelerator is integrated into that layer, and the flow of time in each layer is constantly accelerating as that dimension continues to rise.

The speed of time at the beginning was quickly surpassed.

When that dimension rises close to the end of the island and is about to break through the invisible barrier above the island, the speed of time flow in the first dimension has already increased billions of times to that of the outside world!

Although the time for this meta-ascension is only a few days to the outside world, or to this prison.

However, for that first-level element, hundreds of millions of years have passed!

After such a long time, the cultivation civilization developed in the first tens of thousands of years has been developed to an incredible level.

Even, in that civilization of practice, there have already appeared innate Daluo cultivators who can be self-sufficient and do not seek outsiders.

You know, one world, one world, one piece of time and space, and one dimension in which the cultivation of the congenital Da Luo was born and the cultivation of the congenital Da Luo was not born, these are two completely different concepts.

If there is no cultivation of the innate Da Luo, the world, the world, time and space, and the dimension will consume themselves all the time.

The more monks there are, the more souls there are, the closer they are to collapse and perish!

Because, if there is no monk above the innate Daluo, all the nutrients needed for the growth of a living being must be absorbed from the sky, the world, time and space, and dimensions. And the more this kind of absorption, the greater the consumption of the world, the world, time and space, and dimensions. When this consumption reaches a certain limit, no matter whether it is heaven, earth, world, time and space, or dimension, they will completely collapse and perish completely!

However, once the earth, the world, the space, and the dimension give birth to monks above the Innate Da Luo, the situation will be completely different.

Because the cultivation of the innate Da Luo can be self-sufficient, and he can create all the energy, all matter, and even all the resources needed for his practice!

In this way, their existence will not only not consume the world, the world, time and space, and dimensions, but on the contrary, they can make up for the consumption caused by the appearance of other creatures in the world all the time!

The more monks there are, the closer the world will be to destruction. The more monks there are, the greater the growth of the world.

This is a piece of heaven and earth, a world, a piece of time and space, and whether there are any monks above the innate Daluo in a dimension that have the influence on that day, that world, that time and space, and that dimension.

At this time, in the first level element constructed by Luo Fan's projection, this node was broken through.

Here, finally, the birth of Xiantian Da Luo Zhixiu, crossed the node of destruction, and entered the road of sustainable development from now on!

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