Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 104 Instructions

Soon, Weir recovered, took out a pamphlet and said.

"This is some introduction to the resuscitation ceremony. Wally scrambled and replaced all the words and sent them to me. We often played this password game together when we were children. Through this method, she successfully concealed the secrets of this ceremony from the mastermind behind the scenes. The effect told me.

It's a pity that she didn't know the complete content of the resuscitation ceremony until the last moment of her life. My content is incomplete, but it gives a general introduction. "

After taking the book, Mycroft said, "Then we'll wait for you to tell me the name of the murderer."

At this time, Weir's expression suddenly became bitter.

"I'm sorry, I may not be able to do this. It's not that I don't want to say it but that I can't.

The way I learned the identity of the murderer was a very special ritual, as you will soon learn.

Haha, in fact, the divination results I got were not completed by myself. The cost was most of my lifespan. Now I only have less than a month left to live.

Karin, I give you this drawing paper. I believe you will use it soon. "

After saying this, the melancholy and decadent painter ignored Carlin and the others and stood up and left the box, leaving only the other four people looking at each other for a while.

Carlin held the blank drawing paper in front of him. From a spiritual point of view, it was just an ordinary drawing paper. He didn't know what its purpose was.

After leaving the box, Weir did not leave the auction house directly, but knocked on the door of another box on the second floor.

"Sir, who are you?"

Facing the question of the waiter who opened the door, Weir said nothing. Immediately, a pleasant voice came from the box: "Let him come in, I have something to talk to him."

"According to your wishes."

After the waiter respectfully welcomed Weir into the box, he consciously waited outside the door with the bidding agent.

At this moment, there was only one extremely beautiful woman left in the box.

This woman has long black and smooth shawl hair, and a tear mole under her right eye adds a lot to her already beautiful appearance.

Wearing a black and red dress, she was leaning lazily on the soft sofa, like a red rose, but Will knew that she was a rose with thorns.

After entering the box, Weir did not sit down. Instead, he ignored the woman's beauty and said forcefully: "Chloe, this time it's you who is the one giving me orders."

After hearing what Weir said, a heartbroken expression appeared on Chloe's beautiful face, and tears kept rolling in her eyes.

If there were other men present, they would probably immediately question Weir about what unforgivable thing he had done to this young lady.

"You ruthless guy, this is your last order, and we are still partners in a gallery. We have lived together for so long, are you so ruthless and don't even give me a good look?"

As he spoke, tears fell down like broken pearls.

Keville was not moved by Chloe's sad crying, his face remained hard.

"Don't waste time, tell me the order, otherwise I wouldn't mind taking the time to personally ask the solver who interpreted this order after I kill you!"

After hearing this, Chloe's heartbroken expression disappeared instantly, her tears evaporated, and she looked at Will with a bored expression.

"Oh, he is such a ruthless but infatuated man, so boring every time.

The great spinning wheel of fate favors you so much that it makes all of us crazy with jealousy. Is it really worth giving up your life for a woman who is already dead? "

"Didn't I tell you not to talk nonsense? Believe it or not, I will kill you now!!!!"

"Okay, okay, don't scare me with that scary expression, I'm going to give you an order right now.

Herald: Chloe Harrold

Ordered by: Will Vog

Time: Any time before 0:00 a.m. on the 19th of the Diet Month.

Content of the instruction: Give an instruction to the soul possessing Holden Ace who is located next to the main altar of the rebirth ceremony in Wayne City.

Confidentiality level: None

Priority: Level 2”

Will's breathing became rapid after hearing the instruction.

At the same time, he also felt an invisible force enveloped him, and an oath was fulfilled.

But Weir ignored these changes and shouted eagerly: "Give me the instructions quickly!"

"Herald: Will Vog

Ordered by: Eric Ace

Time: Within five minutes after receiving the instruction.

Instruction content: Start the resuscitation ceremony.

Confidentiality level: None.

Priority: Level 3

Although I know it makes no sense, I still have to warn you according to the process of issuing instructions, because this is also an instruction.

Remember, instructions are everything. Instructions are the meaning of our existence. It is our life to receive instructions and complete them with all our strength. When executing instructions, do not pay attention to anything unrelated to the instructions. You only need to complete the instructions! "

Will didn't listen to what Chloe said at this time, and his expression had turned ferocious.

After listening to the content of the instructions, the layers of fog shrouding my heart were instantly swept away, and my whole person suddenly became enlightened.

"It turns out to be Eric Ace. Is this the true meaning of the revelation of the spinning wheel of destiny? Very good, Eric. You will definitely not survive next month. The benefits of the rebirth ceremony will be mine!"

Chloe looked at the crazy man in front of her speechlessly. The man completely ignored her beauty, muttered something to himself and left the box directly.

When Will passed by Mycroft's box after leaving the box.

Kalin, who was checking the drawing paper with doubts, suddenly saw a paragraph of text appearing on the drawing paper. When he saw the content clearly, his pupils shrank sharply.

"Herald: Will Vog

Ordered by: Carlin Hawkins

Time: Any time before 0:00 a.m. on the 19th of the Diet Month.

Instruction content: Before the resurrection ceremony begins, find the correct location of the main altar and draw it on the drawing paper. There must be no vague or misleading content. Carry this drawing paper and stay within 300 meters of the main altar in a straight line for more than ten minutes.

Confidentiality Level: The contents of the instructions may not be passed on to any living being in any direct or indirect manner.

Priority: Level 3”

Immediately afterwards, Karin felt an invisible force coming towards him, and a tattoo with a spinning wheel pattern suddenly appeared on the back of his hand.

In another box, Chloe seemed to notice something interesting, covering her mouth and letting out a burst of laughter like silver bells.

"Oh, insidious man, it turns out that I have been wrong about you all along. Unfortunately, I did not receive the order to kill or help you. I hope you can get what you want."

At this time, in Mycroft's box, Carlin's roar echoed in the room.

"Licking a dog will lead to a good death!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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