Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 105 The Fateweaver Order

Mycroft, Charlotte, and Elena were startled by Karin's roar.

"Karin, what happened?"

Carlin crumpled the drawing paper into a ball and stuffed it into his pocket, and said with a gloomy face: "Veir is the messenger of the Fateweaver Order. He just issued an order to me, and the content is related to the person behind the death of Mrs. Wally! "

The expressions of the three people immediately changed drastically. Charlotte was about to ask who the real murderer was, but Mycroft beat him to it and asked another question: "What is the confidentiality level of your order?"

"The content of the order must not be leaked in any direct or indirect way within one month!"

The expressions of Mycroft, Charlotte, and Elena all darkened.

The Fateweaver Order is a very powerful sect whose members fanatically believe in a blood-sourced god - the Spinning Wheel of Destiny.

Others are not afraid of the senses of this sect, but they don't like it either.

There is no distinction between superiors and subordinates among all members of the sect, but there is a different division of labor, which is divided into three positions: line breakers, cleaners, and messengers.

All members of this sect will issue instructions for weaving the spinning wheel of destiny to others, and urge each other to complete the instructions, including themselves.

It seems that the meaning of their existence is to exist for instructions, and they will not stop fighting anyone who hinders them from issuing or completing instructions.

The spinning wheel of destiny weaves abstract threads of instruction.

The thread remover then unwraps the thread, interprets the instructions contained in it, and relays them to the messenger.

The messenger will then look for the recipient of the command to convey the content of the command.

Regardless of the attitude of the person receiving the order, the person giving the order will not care.

If the orderee violates the confidentiality level or fails to complete the order within the specified time, he will be hunted down by the liquidators.

However, if the recipient is strong enough to kill the first wave of incoming Cleaners, a second wave will appear soon after.

If the third wave of incoming liquidators can be completely killed, the Order of the Fateweaver will stop chasing the orderees and just pretend that nothing happened before.

The contents of these instructions are all kinds of strange.

‘When I go out at eight o’clock tomorrow morning, I put my left foot first. ’

‘The day after tomorrow in the afternoon, follow a specific route from the starting point to the end point and then raise your left hand and shake it three times. ’

'Walking naked down the street on a full moon night this month struck a very shameful pose. ’

There is no danger in such instructions, but some weird instructions can cause death.

And dangerous instructions also exist. At the end of the Fifth Era, there was an instruction to kill a certain Si Chen.

The one who received the order had no choice but to resist forcefully, and his forces directly went into full-scale war with the Fateweaver Order. The two sides fought in confusion, and in the end both sides suffered losses.

But what makes people feel chilly is that no one in the Fateweaver Order has any regrets, even those members who died in the battle were like this before they died.

Even during the life-and-death struggle, he was still urging the enemy to complete the order to kill Si Chen. The purpose of this war that shocked the entire mortal and spiritual world was just to allow the recipient to complete the order.

This organization may not be extremely evil, but no normal person would identify with this organization.

After all, no normal person is willing to eat hot pot and sing songs when a messenger suddenly pops up to convey to him the inexplicable instructions from the spinning wheel of destiny, and he must complete the instructions himself.

The Spinning Wheel of Destiny, the Bloodborne God, was born in the late fifth era.

Let's say He is an evil god, but he is not like other evil gods who always let the cultists who believe in him make big news.

He is said to be a righteous God, but what he does is not normal.

It can only be said that this is an extremely weird lunatic. No one knows what he is thinking in his heart.

In the box, the faces of the four people were very ugly.

No one expected that Weir was actually the messenger of the Fateweaver Order. This was the second time that Carlin felt that he had conflicted with a dog-licker.

Last time, the licking dog Marshall of White Tower College caught him off guard by revealing the death of three Si Chens and the birth of five Si Chens.

But this time, it was Weir, a licking dog who had never been able to defeat him since childhood, who directly sent him an order.

If he didn't want to resist the attack of the Fateweaver Order, he had to find the main altar of the resurrection ceremony within the specified time and enter within a straight line distance of three hundred meters from the altar.

Mycroft, Charlotte, and Elena were not in a good mood. They finally had information about the mastermind behind the scenes, but Carlin could not tell them because of the confidentiality level of the order.

There was no way they could force Carlin to speak out.

Although Mycroft is the director of the Security Bureau, if he were in his home city of Steam City, he might come up with suggestions to help Kalin with the three waves of attacks by the Destiny Weaver Order's liquidators.

Now that he has left his home court, Mycroft cannot mobilize much power.

The atmosphere in the room was extremely depressing, and no one took the initiative to speak.

People from all walks of life in the auction venue were fighting fiercely for an antique from the Fourth Age, but the four of them no longer had the intention to care about the auction.

After a long time, Karin took the initiative to break the silence and said: "I will go back to the castle to rest first."

After saying that, he left the box alone. When the box door closed again, Mycroft's expression also recovered.

He opened his mouth to comfort Elena and Charlotte: "Anyway, Weir told us the specific content of the resuscitation ceremony."

After hearing this, Charlotte's face looked better: "Yes, that's enough."

Elena still looked worried: "But we still don't know what instructions Carlin received."

After hearing this, Charlotte and Mycroft could only show helpless expressions. When they were about to say something, there was a knock on the door outside the box.

Mycroft knew that it was the waiter who was knocking on the door, and he would not interrupt if there was nothing important to do.

"come in."

The door was opened immediately, and the waiter walked into the box and asked him respectfully: "Sir, there is a lady who said she wants to talk to you about something, which is a deal about important clues about the people behind the scenes in Wayne City."

After hearing this, the eyes of the three Mycrofts immediately became sharp.

"Invite her in quickly!"

Not long after, the shrine maiden, wearing a black cloak that concealed her figure and appearance, walked into the box under the control of Carlin. After the door was closed, the first words she spoke made the three of them change their minds again.

"I have Drake's account books in my hand, and some of the contents are very interesting. For example, in recent years, a large number of livestock have been smuggled from the New World to Wayne City, but these contraband have not entered the market."

Sacrifice for the rebirth ceremony!

In an instant, this thought flashed through the minds of the three of them.

And Mycroft's gaze was like a knife hitting the shrine maiden's deputy, and a powerful professional-level aura erupted and shrouded it.

"You and that dwarf assassin are on the same team!"

The witch is just a side character, and Mycroft's aura cannot affect Karin even a hair.

He continued to control the witch and said with a smile: "Director, don't be impatient, we are not enemies."

"But not friends either!"

"Whatever you say, I just know that you need these ledgers very much now.

In fact, my companion occasionally works part-time as a killer. In the few part-time tasks, he is paid by middlemen to kill people. He never cares about his employer's affairs and is very abiding by the rules.

But this time the employer broke the rules and wanted to default on the debt, so he was not obligated to destroy those account books for the employer.

You said, right? "

The witch's voice was very soft and sweet, but the other three were unmoved.

Charlotte and Elena both looked at the witch coldly and said nothing. The main thing was Mycroft negotiating with the witch.

Mycroft took a deep breath, regained his usual composure, and said slowly: "Actually, I'm not impatient at all, otherwise I would have taken action after you finished your first sentence.

You don't have the ledger with you, and your companion wants to make a deal with me, right? "

"Yes, our requirements are actually not high. An intact human body of the extreme trainee level is enough."

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