When various wild animals underground in the old factory area were affected by the ritual, there were also intelligent creatures that encountered the evolutionary light spot.

In an abandoned pipe, a dozen men in red robes were seen walking underground.

The two men in red robes led by them took out a map and discussed what they were doing while walking. Suddenly, evolutionary light points penetrated the wall of the tube and spread towards them.

The faces of the two leading men changed. They immediately put away the map and took out a crystal talisman and crushed it. Immediately, a blood-colored shield protected them inside.

The evolutionary light spot hit the shield and was only bounced away, but other people in red robes were not so lucky.

The body quickly deformed and screamed, but before they could pupate, the two men in red robes immediately waved their hands and released two rivers of blood to sweep a group of men in.

The blood river quickly disappeared after passing by, leaving only wet blood stains on the spot.

The two men suddenly realized something at this time, and their ugly expressions disappeared, replaced by expressions of ecstasy.

"It's [Moth Sloughing], it can't be wrong. Someone must have arranged the [Moth Sloughing] ceremony nearby!"

"Yes, the influence of the power of the [Moth Slough] Ritual Chef will only last for five minutes, but it will take about half an hour for the fruit of evolution to mature. Let's go find it quickly, it must be nearby!"

After a brief discussion, the two immediately started searching.

Although the bloody shield was being consumed rapidly, they, who also knew something about [Moth Slough], were not worried at all. This shield was more than enough to resist the erosion of the chef's power for five minutes.

In another abandoned pipe filled with evolutionary light spots, a door opened on the surface of the pipe wall that seemed to have no gaps, revealing a four-meter-high hole.

First, a middle-aged man in simple clothes and a weathered face walked out with a puzzled expression, and then two tall robots over two meters tall walked out from behind?

No, it's not right to call them robots. The two of them were just enveloped in a metal armor, with no gaps on the surface, as if their bodies were sealed inside.

It looks like a round-headed robot with a tool that looks like a vacuum cleaner on its back.

What is incredible is that the three of them were standing in the abandoned pipe without any protection.

The evolutionary light spot actually hit their bodies and passed directly through them without affecting them at all.

Two round-headed metal men came to the pipe and jumped up and down excitedly, like children with innocent innocence.

"Uncle Sal, it seems that someone has arranged a [Moth Sloughing] ceremony in the old factory area. Now there will be a lot of food again."

One of them had a childish voice coming from inside the huge steam armor, which sounded like a seven or eight-year-old boy.

Another round-headed metal man also shouted excitedly, and the voice sounded like a little girl.

"Yes, yes, Brother Jack is right, Uncle Sal, let's go and inform everyone that the [Moth Sloughing] ceremony will definitely give birth to a lot of food.

Families come to the Steam City from Meteor Street every day, and they are a little nervous about the food collected during the February curfew night! "

Sal pondered for a moment and said to the two metal round heads: "You go back and inform Elder Salin. I will go check around first."

After saying that, he ignored the two figures and disappeared with a whoosh.

Among the remaining two little metal friends, the little girl felt frustrated.

"Ah, I really want to grow up quickly so I can go out outside the curfew hours."

The little boy Jack suddenly felt something in his heart and whispered to the little girl: "Ellie, why don't we sneak some food back now?"

After hearing this, Ellie's round metal head shook quickly.

"No! My father, mother, and elders all said that the outside world is very dangerous, and you must wait until you are an adult before you can go out!"

"Just wandering around in the sewers for a while, the adults won't notice."

Unexpectedly, Ellie's head was still shaking like a rattle.

"It still doesn't work. Before leaving Meteor Street, my mother specifically told me to listen to Uncle Sal!"

"Hmph, you coward, I'll go by myself!"

After speaking, Jack ran away alone. The two-meter-tall metal man stepped on the abandoned pipe and made a thump-dump sound.

Ellie panicked when she saw Jack running away without authorization, stamped her feet and quickly returned from the entrance of the cave to find other adults.

Five minutes passed quickly, and the light spots in Carlin's temporary underground stronghold also dissipated. On the pupa tree 20 meters below, six moth pupae suddenly began to shrink and gradually transformed into fruits.

After seeing this, Hannibal and Connor's expressions became serious.

The dozing giant snake suddenly jumped up, quickly crawled to the two of them, and coiled its body to form an internal space, protecting the two of them.

The giant snake eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly, guarding against any possible enemies.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the soil on the ground splashed, and a huge worm emerged. Its open mouthparts revealed densely packed fine fangs and bit into the pupa tree.

Immediately, a giant snake opened its mouth and spit out, and a cold breath hit the worm. The worm that flew into the air was directly frozen into ice.

Connor's face was filled with surprise and uncertainty, and his little heart was beating violently. It was obvious that the scene just now had frightened him greatly, even if he was surrounded by a professional-level snake guarding him at 360 degrees without blind spots. Somewhat scared.

After all, he had just become a transcendent not long ago. Although he had tried his best to adapt, he still got goosebumps when he saw the scary-looking worm.

Hannibal said solemnly: "There are countless bugs underground now that have evolved into extraordinary creatures. The aura emitted by the Chrysalis Tree is attracting them crazily. We must hold on for half an hour.

There shouldn't be many extraordinary creatures at the professional level. With the Uros Basilisk guarding them, there should be no problem in surviving for half an hour. "

Connor could only nod reluctantly. If he wanted to achieve success in one step, he had to face the risks head-on. He had long been aware of this.

Carlin, who was twenty meters above, was stunned when he heard the conversation between the two.

"Uros Basilisk? What a coincidence, I haven't collected the shed skin yet."

Feeling the slight vibrations in the surrounding soil, there is now a commotion deep underground in the old factory area. All kinds of extraordinary creatures and evil creatures that have emerged from pupae are fighting and hunting each other.

However, creatures with keen senses are attracted by the breath of the chrysalis tree. They realize that the chrysalis tree allows them to continue to transform, and instinctively dig towards the chrysalis tree quickly.

Karin saw that it was time and started to take action.

Snicki took out four dimensional crushers directly from his backpack. He, the witch, Eric, and Drake each had one, and they started digging together.

The movement produced by the Dimensional Crusher was directly obscured by the movement of other creatures deep underground.

Carlin, Angela and Charles also climbed directly back to the entrance of the abandoned pipe pit along the rope and stood guard on the side.

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