Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 189 Snakes and Moths

In front of the Chrysalis Tree, the Urus Basilisk kept spitting fire or ice breath from its mouth, killing monsters one after another.

Within twenty minutes, at least fifty evolved creatures dug holes into the underground caves to snatch the fruits of evolution, but now they were all corpses.

Hannibal and Connor were getting more and more nervous. Although these guys who were interested in the fruit of evolution were all of a professional level, they were all instantly killed by the giant snake.

But as time goes by, these creatures will evolve again and again, and sooner or later professional-level creatures will be born. They can only hope that no professional-level creatures will come here before the fruits of evolution are fully mature.

But the more I thought about something, the more it came. Just after another leech the size of a calf was burned to ashes by the giant snake's flame breath, with a bang, a hole suddenly broke in the top floor of the cavity.

A green figure swooped out of the hole, and two cold lights pointed directly at an immature fruit of evolution.

The giant snake surrounding the two people immediately roared, and its tail swung violently and hit the green figure.

The green figure was hit hard against the wall and made a big crater, but then it jumped up and stood up again as if nothing was wrong. Only then did Connor and Hannibal see the appearance of the enemy clearly.

This is a two-meter-tall mantis, exuding a cold aura, a pair of serrated forelimbs shining like sickles, looking longingly at the six fruits of evolution on the chrysalis tree.

Hannibal's face hardened, and the basilisk opened its bloody mouth and bit the mantis with a whooshing sound.

The mantis faced him without fear and slashed at the basilisk with two sickles.

With a clang sound, when the sickle struck the basilisk, the moth scales on the surface of the snake's skin flickered to form a layer of shimmer, and the sickle struck it without pain or itching.

The mantis was directly bitten off a large piece of flesh, and blood flowed for a moment, but it immediately started to fight back, and the two fought together.

The battle directly affected the surroundings, with constant rumbles and holes being made on the ground and walls.

Both sides unanimously chose to fight far away from the Chrysalis Tree to prevent their attacks from affecting the fruits of evolution.

Hannibal and Connor were weak and could not help much, so they had to stand close to the chrysalis tree to avoid the aftermath of the battle between the two.

There was a trace of worry on their faces, and they prayed in their hearts that there would not be another professional-level beast in a short time. Hannibal, the trainee-level creature, could still deal with it, but the professional-level beast was a bit out of his depth.

Unfortunately, the next moment there was a rumble on the ground, and another professional-level beetle emerged from the ground, which made both Hannibal and Connor look ugly.

They found that they had greatly underestimated the influence of the [Moth Slaughter] ritual chef's power. In just twenty minutes, two professional-level insects found the place.

Two scalpels slipped from Hannibal's cuffs, and just when he was about to delay for as long as possible to obey fate, there was another bang.

Suddenly, a hole opened again above the head, and three figures fell from above and stood firmly on the ground.

Both of their expressions became ugly, because these three figures not only exuded a powerful aura, but they were all in human form!

The situation they least expected to encounter occurred. A transcendent person broke into the place before the fruit was ripe.

At this time, a shrill scream attracted the attention of the two people. They quickly turned around and saw that the beetle that had just crawled out was cut in half.

The two halves of the body squirmed and groaned on the ground with difficulty, and a green poisonous mist lingered at the fracture, which was rapidly corroding the beetle's flesh.

Hannibal looked at the short figure fighting next to the beetle corpse, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he said word by word: "Shadow Brigade!"

Connor on the side also felt panic in his heart. The Shadow Troupe was much more ferocious than those evolved creatures.

At this moment, Eric's figure disappeared in a swish, and the red mist spread and directly wrapped the mantis and the basilisk who were still fighting together.

The basilisk felt threatened, and hurriedly escaped from the red mist and returned to Hannibal, vigilantly guarding against the witch and Drake ahead who also felt a fatal threat to it.

The mantis fighting the giant snake felt the coldness that could freeze the soul and wanted to escape from the red mist, but a large number of red beast ghosts swarmed up and started biting its flesh.

He had no choice but to scream and resist.

The mantis kept screaming like a little girl being raped. The sound gradually became smaller and smaller, and the screams disappeared in less than ten seconds.

During this period, two more novice-level monsters broke into the underground cavity to snatch the fruit of evolution, but were directly burned to dregs by the two fireballs fired by the witch.

Hannibal and Connor watched all this in silence, their hearts gradually sinking. Two professional-level insects were killed in less than ten seconds, which really frightened them.

Connor tried his best to suppress the panic in his heart and tried to keep his voice calm.

"Four of you, your goal is the Fruit of Evolution. We are willing to give up. Can you let us have a way out? The ritual is still under our control. I believe that two professional-level insects can make the power of the Fruit of Evolution even more powerful."

Hannibal's face darkened even more after hearing this, but he didn't say anything.

Snitch looked at Connor and said directly: "Needless to say so tactfully, you are the controllers of the ritual. Even if the four of us kill you, you still have the ability to destroy the chrysalis tree before that.

Three. I only want three fruits of evolution and the shed skin of the Urus Basilisk. Don’t think of us as bloodthirsty murderers. We are not interested in a useless battle. "

Hannibal and Connor breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

But Connor was still worried, fearing that the other party would only appease them temporarily and wait until the fruit matured before taking action, so he decided to add more chips.

"Actually, taking the fruit of evolution directly is the most wasteful method. The ritual of [Moth Sloughing] comes from our school."

"Connor!" Hannibal suddenly interrupted him with a loud shout, "This is the secret of the genre, how could you just say it like that!"

At this moment, Angara's emotionless voice came from Snitch.

"It turns out that you are the inheritors of the 'Snake in Chrysalis', which is an ancient school of animal trainers. No wonder you, Hannibal, are willing to cooperate with an ordinary person. You are actually a snake and a moth, both prosperous and destructive.

If members of the Chrysalis Snake want to advance to the professional level, they must go through the promotion ceremony with their partners. They represent one snake and one moth respectively. They advance to the professional level together and will grow together in the future.

Among them, moths must be ordinary people without qualifications who have transformed into extraordinary beings. The requirements are extremely demanding. This is also the philosophy of your school.

The naturally powerful snake guards the transformation of the moth as a mortal. After the moth transforms from a mortal to a supernatural being, it will give birth to the power of evolution to share with the snake.

Connor is right. Using the Fruit of Evolution directly is the most wasteful method. You can use the Fruit of Evolution as a raw material to prepare the water of evolution. Not only can you fully unleash the power of the chef, but the risk of taking it is also much smaller. "

Connor and Hannibal watched with shock on their faces as a humanoid paper figure floated out from Snitch's body and stood on the ground. They didn't expect that the other party actually knew so much about some of the secrets of their genre.

Outsiders only know that eating the Fruit of Evolution can transform and break through bottlenecks, but only members of the Chrysalis Snake sect have recorded information about the Water of Evolution. Unexpectedly, an outsider on the other side actually knows this!

Angela saw the shocked expressions of the two and added: "Don't be surprised. Although your school is very old, and all information has disappeared from history after its decline, there will be records as long as it existed, and I happen to know it."

Hannibal still had shock on his face, but Connor quickly recovered and spoke with a bachelor look on his face.

"Yes, actually what I wanted to say before is that taking six fruits of evolution directly is a very wasteful approach, and there is a risk of deformation into evil things.

If you let me configure it, I can get twenty-four copies of the water of evolution.

The effect of each serving of evolution water is no less than that of a fruit of evolution, and the chef's power is transformed very gently, no longer as violent as before, and the risk is much lower than swallowing the fruit of evolution alive.

And this is not only an extreme potion that can be used to push the limits of the human body, but the power of 10 parts of evolutionary water can also help professional level extraordinary people reach the mentor level! "

Carlin looked at Connor who was talking freely and felt that there was a reason why Hannibal chose him as his partner.

Although he was in a dangerous situation, he did not panic. Instead, he seized the opportunity to highlight his own value and strive for survival.

With this kind of mentality, as long as you pass today's hurdle, you will definitely not be unknown in the future.

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