Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 218 The arrival of a new era

It was 8 o'clock in the morning on Friday, April 16, 545, and the day was gradually setting.

Hannibal was taking a leisurely walk on the street near his home. Although he was very disciplined in his daily routine, he was not as irregular as Carlin, who had replaced sleep with meditation.

When I'm not doing anything, I'm either doing alchemy, drilling holes in reality, or practicing skills in historical illusions. I rarely engage in other entertainment activities. Not only is I self-disciplined to the point of perversion, but my biological clock doesn't distinguish between day and night.

And Hannibal, a decent gentleman, will not forget his job as a doctor while practicing extraordinary practice.

Although his reputation in the supernatural world is not obvious, he is considered a famous doctor in the Central District, and there is an endless stream of people who come to seek medical treatment every day.

The Lecter Clinic only opened at nine in the morning. Every day after breakfast, Hannibal would walk slowly at home for more than half an hour. It was considered an after-meal exercise, and today was no exception.

In the early morning in April, there was a touch of warmth on the streets, and the popularity was not as sparse as in the cold winter morning.

When Hannibal meets acquaintances or neighbors along the way, he will say hello politely, and occasionally stop to chat for a few words before leaving.

Unknowingly, the time hand gradually turned to eight forty, and Hannibal was about to return to his clinic.

At this moment, he saw an acquaintance wearing a police uniform and said hello from a distance.

"Good morning, Chief Douglas."

"Good morning, Doctor Hannibal."

Two greetings narrowed the distance between the two. Sheriff Douglas looked to be in his thirties, with a slightly plump body but a serious face.

But after seeing Hannibal, a smile appeared on this stern face.

"I really envy you extraordinary beings. You are already in your forties but you look like a cool young man in your twenties."

Hannibal smiled slightly after hearing this. He was not surprised why Douglas, an ordinary person, acted like he was familiar with the extraordinary.

After the [Moth Sloughing] ceremony was successfully completed a month ago, it caused almost no harm to the Steam City. It only caused countless creatures in the sewers and underground of the old factory area to evolve into extraordinary beings.

This instead triggered a hunting frenzy among the extraordinary people. Most of the extraordinary people would go hunting in the sewers from time to time.

But the commotion was so loud that ordinary people in the city saw the chef pattern in the sky at that time.

The Brent Kingdom officials simply stopped covering up the situation and directly disclosed the extraordinary information.

Anyway, they have already made plans to disclose extraordinary information next month, and now it is only less than a month in advance.

After the Kingdom of Brent took action, other extraordinary organizations and countries in the Old Continent also said they would no longer pretend and would show off directly.

At this time, not only the entire Brent Kingdom was shaken, but also the entire secular world of the Old World was boiling.

In just a few days, various parties in the Old World presented a magical and wonderful extraordinary world to countless non-extraordinary people through a series of propaganda methods such as newspaper headlines, public speeches, popular magazines and even the compilation of special popular science books.

Countless people looked in disbelief after learning about the existence of the extraordinary. In some cities, thugs even rushed to the streets, trying to take advantage of the chaos caused by this bombshell news to start a wave of smashing, looting and burning.

However, such riots were only a minority and were easily suppressed by the countries in the Old Continent.

So the extraordinary has been integrated into the lives of all ordinary people in a rough and irresistible form.

As time slowly passes, ordinary people gradually accept the existence of extraordinary people. Most people are crazy about pursuing the possibility of becoming extraordinary people, but only a small number of lucky people succeed.

Most people still get nothing, and a few people become victims of fraud gangs. These are not serious, at least people are still there.

What's worse is that some people take the initiative to pursue some mysterious-looking books, read them carefully, and follow the methods in the books to arrange rituals that they don't know whether they are true or false.

By chance, a few people actually activated these rituals of unknown origin. However, in this kind of dangerous behavior, the lucky ones are rare. There are many cases where the incorrect effects of the rituals become chaotic and random, resulting in serious consequences.

The extraordinary brings not only power, but also danger, and ordinary people who lack common sense can easily lead to tragic consequences if they pursue the extraordinary in such a mindless manner.

Either it triggers a power feedback from a powerful being, or a ritual error causes serious pollution.

Or you might rush to read some mysterious books you collected without any protective measures. Maybe there is a secret history in them.

These are common mistakes made by rookies without common sense. One wrong step and you may be dead.

In the past, countries in the Old Continent tried their best to conceal the existence of extraordinary existence from ordinary people, which was partly due to this factor.

In any case, the extraordinary age of the Old World has finally arrived.

Carlin had been active underground for the past month. He was digging holes for the first twenty days and spent the next few days refining in the Bloodline Laboratory. Only Eric, who was on the ground, felt all this firsthand.

This was evident in the increasing frequency with which his neighbors visited him.

As for Dr. Hannibal's clinic, a large number of acquaintances visit him every day, and the topics all revolve around the extraordinary. They want to learn more about the extraordinary and seek opportunities to become extraordinary.

This made Hannibal extremely annoyed, and he could only have some leisure time at night and early in the morning.

But now that he saw Douglas put on his uniform and walked onto the street so early, he became curious.

"Chief, are you working so early today? Is there any case happening nearby?"

After hearing Hannibal's question, the smile on Douglas's face disappeared, and he sighed helplessly: "Last night, Miss Laura disappeared."

Hannibal's face also became serious: "Could it be that cult group that did it again?"

Laura was the daughter of one of Hannibal's neighbors. She had just celebrated her sixteenth birthday, and he also attended her birthday party.

Douglas picked up his briar pipe and took a puff of the fragrant smoke before nodding.

"Yes, Master Cohen from the Astrology Academy has divined through some clues that the murderer is the Feast Order."

Disappearances at this point in time are probably very dangerous. Of course he knows about the serial disappearance of girls that has caused a lot of noise in the Steam City in the past two months.

Now all the extraordinary people know that a cult group did it, but they have been unable to catch their tail.

No one knows why the other party is kidnapping these underage girls, but it must not be a good thing.

Hannibal's face froze after hearing this.


When Hannibal heard that it was Feast, Hannibal's first reaction was that there was a big conspiracy.

"Those victims"

After half-listening, Douglas interrupted angrily, waving his pipe and saying, "They are all pure girls, and none of them are older than seventeen!"

In an instant, Hannibal's mind was in turmoil.

'It is impossible for the feast to collect the blood of virgins for no reason. This behavior is too arrogant and inconsistent with the low-key style of the cultists. It is most likely prepared for some evil ritual.

not good!

In this case, the feast may have secretly transferred a group of people to the Steam City, and their power will exceed the expectations of the leader and the puppets. They must be reminded to be careful immediately! ’

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