Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 219: Heartbroken

After realizing this, Hannibal had no intention of chatting with Douglas, and after a few casual words, the two separated.

After returning to his clinic, Hannibal quickly projected his soul into the banyan tree space and sent a message to Carlin.

At this time, Carlin was still building upgrade parts for the [Throne Difference Engine] in [Witch King]. Suddenly, he received news from the Data Banyan Tree in the Virtual God, and immediately quit [Witch King].

In the banyan tree space, Hannibal saw Carlin's figure appearing on the leader's seat and said directly: "Captain, the serial disappearance of girls was caused by the banquet."

Hannibal directly and briefly told Carlin the news he had just received from Douglas, and at the end he did not forget to share his speculation.

"No matter what Feast wants to do, it will require sufficient strength and manpower to prepare. Their strength may far exceed expectations!"

"Your news is very timely. It seems that the plan needs to be changed."

Hannibal reminded him and left the banyan tree space.

Three minutes later, Angela and Danetta appeared on the doll and hunter's seats one after another.

Carlin said directly to the two of them: "The situation has changed, and the ambush plan needs to make some changes, or even cancel it."

Angela looked at Carlin without any emotion and waited for the next step, while Danetta directly asked: "What's going on? Why do you want to change the plan?"

They had made a plan twenty days ago, and the ambush was not very complicated.

Carlin stayed in the experiment for the past twenty days. In addition to building some upgraded parts for the [Throne Difference Engine] and [Forbidden Gear], he also specially repaired the laboratory's warning circle.

In this way, as long as the feast cultists enter the warning range of more than 100 meters, he can immediately know that Angela and Danetta will come to the laboratory immediately.

Then Carlin observed the excavation route of the Feast cultists and estimated where they would enter the laboratory. At this time, Angela manifested the Moran Bookstore and waited at the entrance of the Feast.

As long as the Feast Cultists break into the laboratory, they will directly enter Moran's Bookstore, and then the three of them will be left to their own devices.

And when Carlin told the two of them the information he got from Hannibal, Angela's expression remained unmoved, while Danetta's expression was a little unwilling, and she asked: "What are you going to do?"

Carlin thought for a while and said, "The plan remains largely unchanged, but whether or not to take action in the end depends on the enemy strength I detected."

Danetta's face became depressed after hearing this. Although she was unwilling to accept it, she finally said: "I hope the force sent by those bastards from the feast to explore the laboratory will not be too strong. Let me know the specific results when they are available."

After saying that, the figure disappeared into the space of the banyan tree, and Angela, who had been silent all this time, said: "I just did another divination. I didn't directly divination the feast, but just divination the success rate of our ambush. There is no Any danger."

"Are you sure? The object of divination is the Order of the Blood God, don't they notice it at all?"

Angela shook her head: "You think too highly of these cultists. It is true that it is very difficult to divine them, but they are not gods after all. As long as you pay attention when fortune-telling, don't attract the attention of the gods. There will be a lot of interesting things in side divination." The value of the information is still fine.”

After hearing this, Karin relaxed a little, but still said: "No matter what, I will make a decision based on the detected enemy strength."

"Okay, just let me know when the time comes."

Karin began to think quickly in his mind.

No matter what the banquet plan was, he didn't care. Now that the chef had acquired the power and the main materials for the two condolence ceremonies had been collected, he had already given up on it.

As for the remaining promotion potion materials that have not yet been collected, it is not a problem. He and Princess Anna of the Amazon Kingdom have agreed long ago to trade the resurrection ritual.

Exactly three days later, April 9th ​​is the trading time, and the remaining main materials for the promotion potion are also among the trading items.

Even if there were twists and turns in the transaction and it was not completed, he would just spend some time collecting it from other places, no more than half a year.

In other words, Carlin can leave the Steam City now, and no matter what big news Feast wants to make in the Steam City, it will not affect him.

And he had already planned to leave the city after the two condolence ceremonies were successful.

He still remembered Angela's divination motto for him when they first met.

'The energetic moon moves steadily, the cold machine writes the script, the dangerous puppet performs strange stories, and the proud detective welcomes death.

The old brass will eventually realize that a new throne has emerged due to the death of the detective, and you will face a corrupt and powerful threat.

Even if your achievements are still unfinished, don't be anxious. Your superior status still stands. The ticket to the New World will allow you to escape unscathed and prepare to set sail in the Hidden Moon. ’

After obtaining the secret biography of "The Song of Brass", Carlin could confirm that the "old brass" was a sleeping old antique of the Bening family. As for the detective, he tended to be Charlotte.

His interpretation of the proverb is that if he continues to stay in the City of Steam, Charlotte will be killed by him in the month of vitality, which is September.

Then before Charlotte died, she did something he didn't know about, which directly alerted an old antique from the Brent royal family to wake up and come to hunt him down personally.

Even if the last part of the divination maxim said that he would escape safely and board the Princess Carmen, Carlin was not prepared to put himself at risk to test Angela's divination skills.

After all, he has no reason to stay here anymore. After leaving the Steam City, no matter what kind of danger it may be, it will not affect him.

He has accomplished most of his purpose in coming to the Steam City, and the remaining half can be accomplished even if he leaves the Steam City. There is no need for him to stay here and encounter possible threats in the future.

After thinking for a while, Karin also made a decision in his mind.

‘The specific location of the Bloodline Laboratory has been known to Feast. Even if this ambush is successful and everyone is killed, it will only kill part of their power in the Steam City. They will still come to their door in the future.

It would be very dangerous if there was a legendary powerhouse hiding in the Steam City. It is not safe to arrange a condolence ceremony in the laboratory. It is best to find another place.

I can stay in the Steam City for a week at most. No matter what happens here later, it will not affect me. ’

Thinking of this, he immediately said to Angela, who was about to leave the banyan tree space: "I will leave the Steam City in the near future, and I have two things to ask of you."

"What's up?"

It's not surprising that Carlin proposed to leave Angela. Although he didn't know the purpose of the other party's coming here, it was nothing more than collecting ritual materials for promotion to the professional level.

It is estimated that we have collected almost all of them now, and it is not surprising that we have left them. After all, the water in the Steam City is very deep. There are countless antiques from the Fifth Era sleeping in the royal family and some old noble families.

Staying in such a place where strong people gathered together, Karin also felt a lot of pressure, so he only dared to hide in the dark, for fear that his whereabouts would be exposed.

Then Carlin brought up a light screen, and Angela saw Snitch suddenly whistle in the laboratory hall.

Not long after, three agile figures suddenly jumped into the hall.


The three mice, Shuke, Beta, and Pikachu, looked at Kalin and Snitch, wondering what their master had asked them to do.


After Snitch talked to them for a while, the three mice immediately ran back into the tunnel.

Immediately afterwards, all the mutant rats, led by three mice, poured out of the tunnel, swarmed into the hole in the wall and disappeared.

At this time, Carlin said to Angela: "This nest of rats is my war beast. I originally planned to let them settle in the laboratory. Now the laboratory is not safe and the sewers are not very calm. Can I ask the vampires to help me in peacetime?" Can I take care of it?"

Shuke and Beta left with him, while Pikachu and his little brothers were left alone in the Steam City.

Angela took a deep look at Carlin. Through this period of contact, she had discovered that Carlin not only practiced the secret transmission of the engineering warlock of the Skry clan and the black-clothed killer of the Essin clan.

Now that she saw this nest of rats, she realized that even the secret transmission of the Model Clan's trapper had been obtained by Kalin. In addition, Kalin was proficient in spiritual poisons, so he must have also obtained the secret transmission of the Gray Prophet.

In addition to the Plague Clan, Kalin collected all the secrets of the four major Skaven clans.

"Okay, it just so happens that Salin and the others usually go hunting in the sewers, and your rats can also help them a lot."

Angela directly agreed to Carlin's request, which was just a trivial matter to her.

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