Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 230 The Bold Amazon

Facing Leah's suspicious expression, Carlin just said lightly: "Are you Amazons so big-hearted?

The focus of attention is not that my body is exposed, but sleeping on the same bed? "

After brushing, Leah's face turned extremely red, and she said angrily: "I have never met a man like you. Can't you treat a lady more gracefully?"

"I am neither a gentleman nor am I greedy for your body. Who should I show my elegance to?"


Leah took a deep breath and kept saying "I'm not angry" in her heart, finally calming down.

She didn't want to continue arguing with Karin about whether to sleep on the bed or the newspaper, so she directly turned the topic to Miss One Ear.

"What's going on between you and my sister?"

After hearing this, Karin didn't hide anything and answered her directly: "When I was an ordinary person, I slept in the same bed with her. The reason was that she felt that my bloodline was strong and she wanted an excellent offspring.

But I can't get married, and she can't marry outside, so it's just an ordinary friendship, sleeping in the same bed at most. "

"That's it?"

After hearing this, Leah thought for a moment and believed what the other party said.

As a matriarchal clan in the Amazon, couples still live apart after marriage, and life after marriage takes the form of the husband visiting his wife.

Children also follow their mothers, and lineage and property inheritance are based on the maternal line. Men are just tools for reproduction. Their purpose in choosing a spouse is just to give birth to excellent female offspring.

After hearing what Kalin said, Leah understood the relationship between the other party and her sister, and then she looked at Kalin with anxious eyes.

"What are you thinking about? Are you also greedy for my body?"

Karin felt something was wrong in Leah's eyes and asked warily.

And Leah also admitted it directly.

"Yes, there are not many outstanding men like you in the world. The offspring born after combining with you will definitely inherit some of your outstanding traits. Why, do you dislike me?"

The ritual was successful, allowing her to temporarily get rid of Andariel's entanglement.

Without this reminder, Leah can also plan for the future. She can now think carefully about things that she couldn't even think about before, such as the issue of future generations.

Karin could only shake his head helplessly: "I don't care, I won't suffer anyway, but I must remind you that before you complete the [Resuscitation] ceremony, I will not have negative distance contact with you, and I will not be able to get pregnant. It’s irresponsible.”

Leah was stunned for a moment, but she immediately reacted and then checked the changes in her body.

She also found that her strength had greatly increased after acquiring the trait of invisible fire, and the parasitic spider egg in her body had also undergone some subtle changes. She could not feel Andariel's will no matter how she sensed it, as if it was temporarily dormant.

After checking the changes in her body, Leah said to Karin.

"I understand your concerns. I am indeed not suitable to conceive a child before I am reborn. Otherwise, the influence of the Queen of Pain will also be passed on to the child. But what about being unable to get pregnant?"

Karin said with a smile: "The more powerful the blood combination is, the more difficult it is to produce offspring. Your sister and I have done it so many times, and the fact that she has not become pregnant yet shows the problem.

And now that I have become a transcendent, my bloodline has undergone a qualitative change, and it is even more difficult to have descendants. "

Leah is very open-minded about this: "It doesn't matter, there will be more time in the future, there will always be children, and I will definitely train our children to be the best female warriors!"

Karin suddenly felt strange. This girl was just as unrestrained as her sister. She started planning her child's future before she even had a chance to figure things out.

At this time, Leah watched him and the Marionettes busy around, and asked curiously: "What are you doing? Isn't that a wizard tower?"

Snicki, who was moving bricks, replied casually.

"Because of a ritual requirement, we had to build a simple wizard tower with only one floor."

Leah was choked for a moment, completely unable to understand the strange thoughts of the group of people in front of her.

The wizard tower is very important to a wizard. Whether it is training, alchemy, or fighting enemies, the wizard tower is an important tool that may accompany him throughout his life. No matter how carefully crafted it is, it is not too much.

But this guy Carlin actually did it so perfunctorily for a ceremony.

‘What kind of ritual requires a wizard tower to arrange? ’

This question appeared in Leia's mind, but she didn't ask it carelessly. Since the other party did not hesitate to cut corners to build a wizard tower but also arrange this ceremony, it must be very important.

Although they had met each other candidly, their relationship hadn't reached the point where they could talk about everything, so it was a bit awkward to ask questions rashly.

Thinking of this, Leah said to Karin: "No matter what, I want to thank you. You saved my life. If you have anything to do in the future, just ask, I will never refuse!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Karin spoke immediately.

"Have you thought about your code name?"

Leah was confused when he asked: "What's the code name?"

"The code name of the brigade, don't tell you that you refuse to join the brigade, then we will have to bear the pain and keep silent. Hey, your sister will probably be very sad if she finds out."


Leah only felt tired for a while. She had never felt so tired after living alone for so many years.

She found that she and the guy in front of her were too strange. She would become irritable and endocrine disrupted if she could not speak more than three words to Carlin. The gratitude that had just arisen in her heart disappeared in an instant.

"I'm going to follow you to the New World, how could I not join the brigade!"

"Then think of a code name quickly so I can notify others."

However, Leah thought carefully before saying her codename: "Spider."

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to leave, but Carlin asked again: "Are you usually very free?"

After hearing this, Leah turned back and said: "Fortunately, with my ability, I have no problem living alone. There is nothing that I have to do, and I do have a lot of free time."

After hearing this, Carlin nodded and said, "In that case, you can go to Wayne City to find the hunters and puppets. You can also communicate with them more and get familiar with the affairs of the brigade."

"No problem!" Leah replied without looking back.

After watching her figure disappear into the cave, Karin continued to work on his work.

The Marionettes were like industrious little bees, constantly pouring hot liquid into the mold. The magic circle inside the mold was running wildly, mixing the liquid thoroughly and guiding it everywhere.

For a moment, the only sound left in the cave was the hum of machinery.

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