Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 231 A series of follow-up events triggered by Thorne’s death

Carlin continued to mix and melt the materials into liquid and poured it into the mold. Gradually, more and more liquid filled the internal grooves.

Although the progress is slow, it is considered fast compared to the construction of Zhengerbajing. It will be completed in about a month.

In the following days, Karin worked every day and meditated for several hours as a break when he was tired.

Occasionally, he would log in to the Banyan Tree Space to chat with other members of the brigade and keep abreast of information from the outside world. During the time he was living in the cave, three major events really happened outside.

The first was what Connor told him.

On the day he left the Steam City, the headquarters of a trading company named Brother Jess was bloodbathed by the Spider of Pain.

It is said that the scene was like Pansi Cave, with spider webs everywhere.

From shareholders on the board of directors, company managers, middle-level managers to the grassroots employees who arrived at the end, more than fifty people were all alive. They were all fed spiders by the murderer. Chairman Thorne also disappeared.

This once again caused a sensation in the entire Steam City. For a time, both the official and extraordinary organizations began to vigorously search for them, and many hidden cultists were discovered at once.

However, most of them are small characters with broken minds. There are not many real heavyweights.

The subsequent information disclosed during the investigation once again shocked everyone.

It turned out that the Jace Brothers Trading Company was actually the headquarters of Feast in the Old World, and was directly destroyed by the Spiders of Pain.

Carlin was stunned when he heard this, and a doubt arose in his heart: Is the strength of Feast's headquarters in the Old Continent too weak?

Feast has recently been kidnapping young girls under the age of seventeen, and has even gone so far as to directly kidnap girls from middle-class families in the Central District.

He also thought that the reason why the other party was so arrogant and committed such a crazy crime at the risk of being exposed was that he had some crazy plan.

In this case, the power arranged by the other party in the Old Continent must be very powerful, otherwise they would not have the confidence to cause trouble in the Steam City.

But now it seems like this?

Thorne was the only one who came to the bloodline laboratory at that time, and he didn't even bring a follower. He has always been very confused about this.

Among the dead at the Jess Brothers Trading Company, not to mention the mentor level, there were only four professional levels. This kind of strength was simply not worthy of Carlin and Angela's previous assessment of the power of Feast in the Old World.

The second thing made Carlin understand even more and he understood it all in an instant.

After the Spider of Pain bloodbathed the Old Continent headquarters of Feast, it no longer kept a low profile and began to commit crimes crazily in various places in the Old Continent. The target was also girls under the age of seventeen who had not yet lost their virginity.

After learning the news, Carlin immediately thought about it all, and countless fragments of information were gradually pieced together in his mind.

‘No wonder the Feast’s power in the Steam City is much weaker than I expected. It’s not that they have any big plans that require the girl’s blood as a sacrifice or ritual material, it’s the Spider of Pain that needs the blood.

There must be some deal between Feast and the Spider of Pain. Feast needs to help the Spider of Pain collect the blood of the girl.

It's just that Thorne was killed by me, and the blood that I had worked hard to collect for more than half a year was burned clean by Angela. When the Spider of Pain came to ask for goods, the remaining feast members were unable to deliver.

So the Spiders of Pain thought that the feast was a breach of contract and bloodbathed their headquarters. Then the Spiders of Pain had to collect the girl's blood again, so they had to commit crimes everywhere.

After sorting out the general context, Karin shook his head and saw how this matter had become like this.

He only killed Thorne, but let the feast's headquarters in the Old World be directly destroyed by the Pain Spiders, and the Pain Spiders started committing crimes crazily again.

Thinking about it now, the Bloodline Laboratory is still very safe. Unfortunately, he has already left the Steam City. The two condolence ceremonies are about to be completed. It is unrealistic to return to the Bloodline Laboratory now.

In any case, compared to the deep-water Steam City, the layout of Wayne City is much simpler. Now it can be said that the Ranger Club is the only one, and staying there is much more comfortable than the Steam City.

At the same time, Carlin also learned that the matter about the Spider of Pain was not over yet, and a series of big news derived from his killing of Thorne had just begun.

As if a switch had been turned on, other cult groups that had been notorious in the Fifth Era and had been dormant came out to cause trouble in various places when the Spider of Pain was committing crimes crazily.

Within a month, one tragedy after another occurred in the Old Continent, and various extraordinary organizations also tried their best to crack down on these emerging cultists. For a time, both sides suffered losses.

The most serious case was that a small town of 30,000 people was sacrificed to their god, the White Crow Lord, by a cult of undead wizards called "Touch of the Void".

More than 30,000 people in the town survived. Three cultists received ritual feedback and broke through to the mentor level, and ten others also broke through to the professional level in one fell swoop.

The current fight between the order camp and the evil camp in the old continent is lively, but generally speaking, the order camp has the upper hand and has not let the situation deteriorate drastically.

But Carlin did not think that these evil camp sects would be destroyed easily, because if you want to completely destroy an evil sect, you must also kill the blood source god behind it.

However, this is a false proposition, because the death of the Bloodborne God is just equivalent to taking a nap for a period of time. It will take up to thirty years and as short as five years to revive again in a prosperous state, and his sect will also revive from the ashes.

And their method of replenishing new blood is also very unexplainable, which is to recruit people from the lower-class civilians who account for more than 70% of the population base.

The daily lives of these civilians are not miserable, but they are only a little better.

Workers in the factory don't even have the blessings of Carlin's hometown. Not only are they exploited by factory owners and capitalists on weekdays, but they are also exploited by gangs when they return home.

These civilians are like parts, living numbly for a living every day.

In the past two months, among the cultists in the entire Old Continent, thirteen instructor-level people have died, more than a hundred people in the professional level have been killed, and countless lower-level cultists have died.

But the cultists at the bottom are like cockroaches that cannot be killed. After killing one group, a new group will appear.

Because nowadays there are many civilians who get up early and go out late at night just to have a full stomach. It is more practical to talk to them about the dangers of cult groups than to discuss what to eat tonight.

Even the idea of ​​joining a cult and trying to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle is commonplace, because they all know that they have little to lose.

‘Sure enough, it’s not me who’s wrong, it’s the world.

I have always felt that it is normal to have a big gap with the world. How can I, a good student with nine years of compulsory education, integrate into this fucked-up world? ’

Carlin just lamented this abnormal steam era and then forgot about it, because the third thing surprised him again.

On the day of [Invisible Embrace], Sichen Crescent came directly to the Realm of Torment and fought with Andariel.

The final result was that the entire Domain of Torment was sealed, unable to communicate with the outside world for five years. In other words, in the next five years, Andariel was unable to give any support to the Spider of Pain, even if he wanted to issue an oracle None of His followers can receive it.

Because almost all the gods in the spiritual world were watching and eating the melon, the news spread all of a sudden. All the organizations with gods in the mortal world received the news, and it spread all over the streets and alleys.

Now everyone is still speculating on what happened, causing Xinyue to take action directly.

After Karin heard the news, he shrank his neck and felt flattered unconsciously. He probably guessed why Xinyue did this.

It must have been that while [Invisible Embrace] was going on, Andariel wanted to act like a monster, but was discovered by Xinyue, and then he directly knocked on the door.

Although Si Chen is on the same level as the Bloodborne God, his strength can push the Bloodborne God to the ground and hammer him. It takes several Bloodborne Gods to fight together to ensure that he does not fall behind.

Not only are they powerful, but their brain circuits are different from normal people. When they act, they will not care about their own interests at all, and will only act according to their own rules.

In Xin Yue's understanding, Andalil wanted to completely corrupt Leah into his dependents. This behavior was destroying the ceremony he presided over and directly provoking him, so he directly knocked on the door and sealed her.

It was precisely because Carlin knew this that he boldly asked Leah to participate in the ceremony, and was not worried about any negative impact Andariel would have.

But Xinyue actually directly took action to seal Andariel, which he never expected.

This time, not only did the Spider of Pain become a motherless child, but Leah would not be harassed by the other party for five years and could live a carefree life for five years.

For this amazing teammate who brought his own dry food, Kalin just wanted to give him countless likes.

In this way, Carlin worked as a construction worker day and night, occasionally going to the Banyan Tree Space to exchange news with other brigade members.

A month later, when Carlin removed the last mold plate, a simple wizard tower was finally completed.

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