Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 236 None of my business?

More than a dozen extraordinary people all found excuses to leave. The current reputation of the Shadow Brigade can only be said to be slightly better than those of the cultists due to Brent's official publicity.

Although some people knew that it was just the Brent Kingdom's slander, they couldn't stop the kingdom from frantically throwing dirty water on Carlin and the others. After the three of them became a tiger, many people really believed it.

Jason didn't have any prejudice against the brigade. After seeing the others leaving as if they were fleeing, he shook his head, pondered for a moment, and then walked deeper into the mountains.

At this time, Carlin was cleaning the battlefield and collecting the loot.

Snicki's hidden backstab was hard to guard against, and with the crazy attacks of Shuke and Beta, the three professional level wizards were unable to distract him, and he was soon defeated one by one. kidney.

Although there are wizards who are good at melee combat, it is obvious that these eight undead wizards are not good at melee combat. They were in a hurry when the two mice, Shuke and Beta, got close to them.

After the death of the three wizards, only two professional-level skeletons, a professional-level ghost mage and the mentor-level skeleton king remained in the undead army.

Then Jerry resisted Skeleton King's frontal attack, and others harassed him from the side. Everyone beat Skeleton King together, and within three minutes, Skeleton King was reduced to a pile of ashes.

Throughout the battle, Carlin fought overwhelmingly against the group of undead wizards, but it was not without damage.

Fortunately, the four marionettes, Jerry, Shuke, and Beta only had some superficial injuries, and they recovered automatically after a while.

But only six of the eighteen elite wolf rats don't have to worry about Karin.

Three of the remaining ones had to be overhauled, and four were directly scrapped. They had to spend a lot of resources to repair them again and then make them into secondary puppets.

There are five others with varying degrees of injuries. Although they don't need major repairs, they still need some conditioning from Carlin to return to full strength.

After all, this group of undead wizards are not vegetarians. With more than a thousand cannon fodder, more than 30 professional undead, and the mentor-level skeleton king, it is very unrealistic to capture them without any damage.

But overall, the result was good. After the battle, except for the eight wizards who left their bodies, all other undead including the white crow turned into a pile of fluorescent white powder after death.

This is a supernatural material, ghost dust. After Kalin put away the eight corpses, he began to pick out the ghost dust from the piles of coke and ashes.

Because Carlin made the battlefield extremely messy, it added a lot of difficulty to this work, and it would take some time to recover all the ghost dust.

After working for a while, everyone suddenly stopped what they were doing. Carlin raised his head and looked into the distance, only to see Jason, the tombkeeper in black robes, slowly walking towards them.

Kalin asked directly: "Is something wrong? Or are you here for the bounty too?"

Jason just said with an indifferent expression: "I am not interested in your bounty, I just want to trade the [Resurrection] ritual with you."

After hearing this, Karin shook his head: "Sorry, other things are easy to talk about, but the [Resurrection] ceremony is not for sale."

Although the [Resurrection] ceremony is very valuable, Carlin doesn’t want to litter the streets.

If the [Resurrection] ritual is really going to spread, not only the legendary seeds will also spread, but those old antiques that have been lingering since the fifth era will also come in full glory soon.

Karin feels that the current environment where the strongest mentor class is on the surface is quite good. After all, there are more strong people, and the levels of enemies he encounters will also skyrocket in the future.

This is just one example of trading with the Amazons. If it is not necessary in the future, he will not trade the [Resurrection] ritual as a commodity for a long time.

There was a trace of regret in Jason's eyes after hearing this, but he had already been mentally prepared. Thinking from his perspective, if he got such a good thing, he would definitely hide it.

Then he saw piles of ghost dust mixed in the ashes on the ground, and said, "How much does this ghost dust cost?"

"One gold pound per 10 grams, but you'll have to wait a while."

Next, Carlin chatted with Jason while collecting ghost dust.

Jason, like the tombkeeper he had met before, had a very cold personality and didn't like to talk much, but he wasn't surprised, all tombkeepers were like this.

Carlin learned from the other party that the mentor-level wizard was named Anderson, and he was promoted during the tragedy that killed 30,000 people in a small town.

The group of necromancers he killed were members of the cult called Touch of Nothingness, and the external image of the White Crow Lord they believed in was a crow with pure white feathers.

And those white crows are extraordinary creatures they summoned from Lord White Crow's divine domain to the mortal world, and their auxiliary abilities are very powerful.

Things like resurrecting undead cannon fodder can be completed perfectly by White Crow without them having to expend energy on their own.

Anderson, the nine wizards, had previously attacked Isaac Manor with great fanfare.

However, after seeing the movement of the [Enlightenment] ceremony, the other party immediately stopped attacking the town, and instead entered the Ormu Mountains to search for traces of Carlin, and then delivered takeaways.

After chatting for ten minutes, all the ghost dust was collected by Karin.

Including the ghost dust on the eight professional level wizards, the total amount was more than 80,000 grams. He directly wiped off the fraction for Jason and calculated the price at 8,000 gold medals.

The two parties happily handed over the money and delivered the goods. After collecting a stack of gold pounds that smelled of ink, Carlin asked curiously.

"In addition to you, Isaac Manor should have his mentor level, plus those professional levels. How could Anderson and the other nine dare to attack in such a big way?"

After learning that Anderson had previously attacked the town next door, Carlin was shocked.

Even though this group of necromancers has many undead servants, there are also many extraordinary beings in Isaac Manor. There are at least 6,000 extraordinary beings there now.

Coupled with some magic circles and barriers, he wondered if Anderson's behavior was out of his mind.

Jason also showed a puzzled look: "You are right. Including me, there are a total of five mentor-level extraordinary beings in the manor, but I also know why Anderson did this.

When he left, we were all worried that Touch of Nothingness was deliberately luring us mentors out of the manor, so we didn't pursue him. "

Carlin thought for a while and then asked: "Is there any important place near Isaac Manor? I think Anderson and the others are just trying to hold you back for a while. There must be a major force of Touch of Nothingness nearby to attack other places. !”

Jason was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and his expression immediately became serious.

“There is a large mine ten kilometers away from Isaac Manor, which contains veins of a variety of valuable resources, the most precious of which is the Void Crystal Mineral Vein.

In addition, a large amount of mined ore is also stored. The target of Touch of Nothingness must be that mine. The purpose of attracting our attention to the nine Andersons is to hold back our six mentor-level extraordinary beings! "

After saying that, Jason said goodbye to Carlin and hurriedly left here.

Karin looked at his disappearing back and shook his head.

After stuffing a group of elite wolf rats with various injuries into Snicki's backpack, he also left with the others and soon returned to the underground cave.

The two condolence ceremonies were successfully completed, but there are still many things to do next.

The [Throne Difference Machine] needs an upgrade. The marionettes are crying for food and need to update their equipment. The damaged wolf and rat puppets also need to be repaired, and the corpses of nine wizards need to be made into puppets.

This will take at least half a month of busy work. Only when Carlin is finished will he leave for Wayne City to wait for the arrival of the Princess Carmen.

During this time, he planned to take a vacation for himself and take a good rest.

After all, he spent almost half of the year either refining or digging holes at home. Counting the time spent in the historical environment, it was more than twenty years.

It's time to relax, otherwise he will become abnormal sooner or later, and this is also to adapt to the improvement of his wisdom brought by the [Enlightenment] ceremony.

Now Carlin felt that a lot of inspiration burst out in his mind, and he wanted to be addicted to learning immediately, but he was afraid of accidentally becoming obsessed with knowledge.

The brain must be given a period of leave to adapt to its suddenly upgraded state.

As for the mine that Touch of Nothing planned to attack?

"What does it have to do with me?"

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