Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 237 The evil shop opened by evil things

Friday, July 3, 545, at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Although it has entered the hot summer, the climate in the port city of Wayne is still very pleasant. The daily maximum temperature will not exceed 25 degrees, and the warm sea breeze will make people feel comfortable.

At this time, a steam locomotive coming from the direction of Isaac Manor arrived at a platform in the eastern part of the Lower City.

Soon, a surging crowd poured out of the carriage, and a worker in overalls was carrying the goods in the boxes.

This prosperous port city is just like the steam capital. Every day, a large number of aspiring young people come to this city with dreams to work hard, and there are also ambitious gold diggers who board ships bound for the New World and never return.

The arrival of a large number of people has continuously brought fresh blood to Wayne City.

In the vast crowd at the station, Eric was considered the most handsome boy in the crowd.

He wears a white shirt with a black gold-patterned vest, a top hat made of expensive velvet, and a monocle linked to a silver chain over his left eye.

Coupled with his young and handsome face, he looked like a noble man and attracted the attention of many ladies in the station.

Eric carried a suitcase woven from ancient rattan wood and slowly walked out of the station. It seemed that he had some mysterious aura about him. As he walked along the way, the people around him would unintentionally clear a path to avoid him. Being crowded with people.

After politely rejecting the tactful hints of several ladies, Eric successfully boarded an orbital steam bus.

After a while, the bus full of passengers headed towards Zhongcheng District.

Eric, who was sitting on the bus, took a deep breath of air. This made Carlin, who had breathed in the smog in the steam city for several months, feel that the air here was so fresh.

Although the air quality in Wayne City is not very good, at least it is not a deliberate murder compared to the Steam City.

‘I’ve only been away for more than half a year, and there are even buses here. It seems that the rangers will choose to support the emerging capitalists and overwhelm the conservative aristocrats. ’

Carlin also knows something about the changes in Wayne.

In the past, something like a steam bus would not have existed at all, because it would greatly squeeze the profit margins of horse-drawn carriage shops, and the nobles behind the horse-drawn carriage shops would definitely not be happy.

Even the Ace family, which used to belong to the copper-coin aristocracy, also occupies a large share of the carriage industry in Wayne City. One can imagine how much resistance there will be to promoting subways and steam buses.

However, after the Ace family was destroyed, what was left behind was directly divided up by all parties in Wayne City. Everyone had a mouthful of oil, and the Ranger Association ate the biggest piece.

Then with the start of the second spiritual resurgence, the pattern of Wayne City has undergone earth-shaking changes. Now Wayne City is almost dominated by the Ranger Association, and its influence directly covers all aspects of the black and white circles.

And the Rangers Association decided to promote steam buses in Wayne City, and the power behind the Wayne City Carriage Rides could not be stopped.

As Carlin pondered, the steam bus drove all the way from the old and dirty lower city to the neat and clean midtown. It also passed by St. Wayne College, which reminded him that Erica went to school here.

Carlin directly controlled Eric to get off the car near a hotel.

Red Parrot Inn.

It looked like an exquisite small hotel, and when Eric stepped into the hotel, Carlin, who was hiding next to him, had a strange look on his face.

Before he could think more, a sharp female voice sounded from the front desk.

"Welcome this guest to the Red Parrot Hotel. I wonder what service you need."

Behind the counter is a middle-aged woman with a somewhat thick face.

"One room, long stay." Eric walked to the front desk and said.

“It’s 10 pence a day, one payment per month, a deposit of 8 shillings, and no catering service.

This is your key, please keep it safe. "

After Eric paid the deposit, he took the key and went upstairs after seeing the "203" number engraved on the key.

When he came to room 203 and opened the door with the key, a bedroom of more than 30 square meters came into view.

The room is relatively clean and tidy, there is no dust on the surface of the furniture, and there are no cobwebs on the ceiling and corners.

There is a large clothes rack at the door, a double bed, a large cabinet, a sofa and a coffee table in the room.

In addition to this bedroom, the guest room has a powder room.

After placing the rattan suitcase on the sofa, Eric opened the curtains and a burst of golden light poured into the room.

At this moment, a wriggling shadow suddenly appeared on the ceiling, and a pumpkin-sized spider with a human face emerged from the shadow.

There was no mouth on the human face, only a slender and ferocious mouthpart. A pair of compound eyes looked at Eric's figure with a hint of greed, and the human-faced spider slowly approached his head while hanging upside down.

At this time, Eric seemed to have no clue and was looking at the scenery outside through the window.

The street was noisy with people coming and going, and the sharp whistle of the steam bus could be heard from time to time. Opposite was a duplex townhouse.

There happened to be an eight or nine-year-old boy looking at Eric from behind the window on the second floor.

After the little boy looked at Eric, his face turned pale. He pointed behind Eric in horror and screamed.


At this moment, the spider's sharp mouthparts stabbed Eric's head.

There was a bang, and the mouthpart broke directly into the red mist. The human-faced spider let out a scream in pain.

But immediately a layer of red mist engulfed the human-faced spider, and the screams stopped abruptly.

Karin looked at the human-faced spider that was burned directly to ashes and shook his head.

"Have evil things spread to this extent in the urban area?"

He usually doesn't go out when he's in the Steam City, and Eric, who travels around all day long to maintain a decent life, also has a very fixed schedule.

So he had no idea about the frequency of the birth of evil things, but now any hotel he chose was a dark hotel run by a group of trainee-level human-faced spiders, which made him not know whether to complain about his luck or not.

‘Could it be that there are too many evil things, the Ranger Association and the Secret Service don’t have enough manpower, and evil things have appeared in Central City? ’

Just as he was sighing with emotion, the red mist spread rapidly, and soon all the space inside the hotel was filled with red mist.

There were shrill howls from several hidden places, and then they were burned to ashes.

Pedestrians on the street stopped. Many people looked at the Red Parrot Hotel with frightened expressions on their faces, as if they had seen something scary and stayed away from the hotel.

Human-faced spiders are evil creatures that can use illusions to weave barriers. They have intelligence that is not weaker than humans. They usually hide in urban areas to disguise their lairs.

In this hotel, a human-faced spider ate the female owner and then pretended to be the female owner, waiting for the prey to come to the door one by one.

Now that the human-faced spider is dead, the illusion barrier can no longer be maintained, and the true face of the Red Parrot Hotel is directly exposed.

From the outside, dense spider webs cover the hotel, forming a camouflage barrier.

People on the street immediately realized something evil was there.

Soon, several extraordinary beings on the street rushed directly into the hotel, but they found that in addition to being decorated by human-faced spiders like a coiled hole, they only found the remains of some victims and a few clouds of ashes. , not a single human-faced spider was encountered.

At this time, Eric and Carlin had already left the hotel and walked towards the lower city.

"Forget it, let's go find Danetta to help me arrange a place to stay."

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