Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 238 Conflict in the Blood Red House

After Eric killed all the Spiders in the Red Parrot Hotel, he left quickly and secretly, carrying his vine suitcase and disappearing into the crowd on the street, and then came to Gray Street in a familiar way.

‘I didn’t expect it was still open’

Next to him, Carlin looked at the unchanged "Blood Red House" tavern sign and felt a sense of emotion.

At this time, the Blood Red House, which had changed owners twice, had undergone many changes compared to before. Carlin found that the wall outside the bar door was covered with various rewards and commissions.

There are sky-high bounties of more than one million pounds belonging to the Shadow Troupe, there are also bounties on some dangerous cultists, and there are some local wanted criminals. The levels from high to low cover almost half of the wall.

‘Tsk tsk, the bounty of the brigade has doubled again. It seems that I left a very bad memory for the Benin family in the steam capital. ’

Eric stopped and watched for a while before opening the bar door. When he entered, he found that there was no noise as expected. Although there were many people inside, it seemed unusually quiet.

And when he entered, he felt the movement coming and received the gazes of most people in the bar, but he only looked at her and looked away.

‘What’s going on? I seem to have come at the wrong time? ’

Eric looked around quickly and soon saw two people confronting each other in front of the bar. One of them he actually knew was One-Eyed Scott, the boss of the Oswell Razor Party.

At this time, Scott was powerful and his body was shining with a bright spiritual light, indicating that he had become a transcendent. Opposite him was a Secret Service agent in a black uniform.

At this moment, a short knife in Scott's hand was pressed against the opposite person's throat, but he was pressed between his eyebrows by the cold barrel of the revolver.

Everyone in the bar did not dare to speak loudly. They only whispered quietly while watching the confrontation between the two, as if they were not surprised by this scene.

"The black dog of the Secret Service, I have said it many times, I am not an informant of the Shadow Brigade!

If you dare to come to trouble me, your mother will do it when she gives birth to you."

A large number of greetings involving female relatives and certain human body organs spewed out of Scott's mouth, fully displaying his rich vocabulary.

The Secret Service agent just looked at Scott with cold eyes, showing no intention of backing down.

After Eric watched at the door for a few seconds, he quietly walked along the edge to a drinker and asked quietly and casually.

"What happened to the two of them?"

The drinker glanced at Eric and replied casually: "I don't know why that black dog went crazy. He suddenly came to the bar and caught the boss and asked him about the Shadow Troupe."

"Boss? He is the owner of this bar?"

Eric was surprised.

"Aren't you a local?"

"Well, I came to the Old World from the New World more than five months ago, and I made an appointment with my friend to meet at this bar."

Upon hearing that Eric claimed to be from the New World, the drinker's eyes became wary, but he relaxed a little after seeing the other person's decent appearance.

He explained to Eric in a low voice: "No wonder, you don't know One-Eyed Scott, this guy used to be just a gang boss.

But I don’t know what bad luck happened to get involved with the Shadow Troupe. I ran errands for them. On the night of the Ace Family Massacre, I personally went to St. Wayne College to deliver a letter to the leader Carlin and the Ranger Association. Several big shots looked familiar.

Afterwards, most of the Ace family's property was taken over by the Rangers, and this bar was no exception. Scott was supported by the Rangers and became the boss of the Blood Red House, responsible for managing the small underground market. "

After hearing this, Eric felt dumbfounded. He didn't expect that this guy would actually take advantage of him.

But now it seems that because of this, Scott is also facing harassment from Secret Service agents.

Just as the drinker was explaining in a low voice to Eric, the door of the bar was pushed open again, and a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from outside the door.

Eric saw a slender and sharp dagger, its owner flying into the bar like lightning and shooting towards the black revolver in the agent's hand.

Before he could react, he felt a huge impact in his hand. The dagger directly penetrated the revolver and broke it into two pieces. It then continued flying and was deeply inserted into the wall in an instant.

Scott reacted first and his knee hit the Secret Service agent's abdomen.

There was a muffled sound, and the agent's whole body was sore from the pain. He squatted down and groaned softly in pain, holding his stomach.

At this time, everyone noticed that a new figure appeared in front of the bar.

He wore a dark silver light armor on his upper body, a red scarf around his neck, a pair of tight gray leather pants on his lower body, and a pair of silver-white metal boots on his feet, with the heel blades flashing with cold metallic light.

The entire face was shrouded in the shadow of a gray hood, with only a pair of eyes emitting a dark red light.

The bar she arrived at was Danetta. As soon as she entered, everyone in the bar felt a chill, and even the whispers disappeared.

And the member of the Secret Service, probably because he lost face, left in embarrassment without saying a word, clutching his stomach.

Danetta ignored the other party at all and just nodded to Eric and waved to Scott.

Then she walked straight into the second floor of the bar, and Scott followed closely.

At this moment, the dagger inserted into the wall suddenly trembled, and with lightning speed, it flew back to Danetta's hand and was hung back on her waist.

Then Eric followed into the back room and came to a guest room on the second floor.

"Sister, what's the matter?"

Danetta just said casually: "This is my friend. Help him arrange a long-term residence in the lower city."

Scott quickly said: "No problem! Mr. Eric must be satisfied."

After saying that, he left, leaving space for the two of them.

Only then did Eric curiously ask: "When did he become your little brother?"

Danetta said with an indifferent expression: "I'm not the younger brother, I'm just temporarily serving as the instructor of the sorority, so he called me eldest sister."

"Tsk, are you familiar with One-Ear too?"

The Sisterhood is a gang created by Elena in the Lower City. It can be regarded as the tentacles of the Rangers in the Lower City.

This gang almost only recruits civilian female members. The main weapons are bows and crossbows. If they meet qualified members, they may become extraordinary and officially join the Ranger Association.

After arriving in Wayne City, Danetta spent the whole day in the downtown area cleaning up evil things, and her reputation gradually grew.

When Elena learned of her existence, she took the initiative to invite her to become the instructor of the sisterhood. She would usually teach the members of the sisterhood various martial arts and knowledge.

Elena also wanted to recruit Dannett into the Ranger Club more than once, but she declined. However, after the two got acquainted, they became best friends.

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