Extraordinary Puppet Master

Chapter 243: Putting the blame on others and slapping them in the face

When Carlin saw this scene, he was stunned for a moment, and his mood was indescribably weird.

"Am I being used as the target of blame by the murderer?"

In the banquet hall, Eric frowned as he looked at the pool of venom on the ground.

Although he did not see the specific process of Abby's death, he discovered a very strange place.

‘I actually didn’t see the process of Abby’s soul dissipating. Abby at the party was a puppet! ’

Usually after death, if other people do not deliberately influence it, the soul of the deceased will be guided by the day or evening clock or the blood god who is its source. This process is so silent that no one else can feel it.

The virtual kingdom of God gave Carlin the ability to see the dissipation process of souls after death, but he did not see Abby's soul just now.

Based on this, he immediately realized that the real Abby had probably disappeared at some point before, and the one shown to others was just a puppet.

'The interval must not be too long, otherwise others will notice something is wrong sooner or later. Now the murderer directly uses spiritual poison to destroy the corpse and eliminate traces, so there is no evidence to prove the death.

Haha, there is definitely something wrong with Glover Manor, something big. Maybe the spider of pain may have taken over the dove's nest before we know it. ’

At this time, the crime scene had been isolated by the extraordinary beings of the Ranger Association, and the guests at the banquet were politely invited to the side to wait quietly, which was considered to be under house arrest in the hall in disguise.

After observing for a while, Weisman personally led other Secret Service agents to question the guests one by one and record their confessions, while Charlotte took out a magnifying glass from her pocket and walked around the hall silently.

The whole person entered a state of concentration, observing all traces in the hall with concentration.

The shards of glass from the goblet containing the poisoned wine, the almost imperceptible shoe prints, the distance between everyone’s footsteps, the fibers scattered on the ground from the clothes

Whether they are obvious or difficult for ordinary people to observe, they are all clearly visible in his eyes.

Charlotte checked carefully for more than 20 minutes. Eric, who was waiting a little bored, casually asked Elena.

"Miss Elena, do you think this is really the work of the Shadow Troupe?"

Unexpectedly, Miss One-Ear sneered at this.

"No matter who it is, it can't be Carlin. It must be the murderer who wants to put the blame on the brigade to disrupt our view.

Even if Carlin really wanted to kill Abby, he would not choose to do so in this situation. He would only choose the right time to kill Abby when his bodyguards were weak.

He is a practical guy who values ​​the results more than the process. For Carlin, the most important thing is to kill Abby without revealing his identity. Using spiritual toxins is completely unnecessary and can easily remind people of the Brigade. "

The extraordinary beings who were in charge of isolating the scene next to them all watched with eyes, nose, nose and heart after hearing this, as if they had not heard anything.

Weisman happened to hear this and turned around to politely retort to her.

"Miss Elena, I cannot agree with your opinion. This is just your personal evaluation of Carlin and cannot be used as effective evidence to convince us.

Moreover, what he showed to you before was not all of him. You don’t know what the other hidden side of Karin is. Don’t be confused by him. "

Miss One-Ear's face turned dark when she heard this: "Do you think I will be Carlin's accomplice?!"

Weisman's expression also became serious.

"I didn't say that, I just want to remind you that if Carlin takes the initiative to contact you, it is best to inform us as soon as possible, but you will most likely be used by him."

Although Weisman did not directly accuse Miss One Ear, the implication of his words was that she had always been in contact with Carlin.

After hearing this, Elena almost exploded with anger and was about to curse, but at this moment the door of the banquet hall suddenly opened, and Kahn, wearing a priest's robe, walked into the hall, followed by a dozen rangers carrying crossbows. member.

Kahn had no expression on his face and walked straight up to Elena and Weisman. The first words he spoke made everyone's expressions change.

"Just now, the headquarters of Glover and Sons was attacked. The attacker was suspected to be the Red Mist of the Shadow Brigade!"

Carlin, who lives in Apartment No. 11 on Squirrel Street, also became amused after hearing this.

"Okay, I will say that the murderer is not so superficial. He wants to frame the Shadow Brigade with just a spiritual toxin, plus the disguised [Spirit Mist] for witnesses to see. The Brigade wants to clear away the suspicion unless I Show up and show [Spirit Mist] to others.

Gee, does this mean that I can’t appear in public, so I can’t defend myself? "

In the banquet hall, Elena asked in disbelief: "Are you sure it was made by the red mist?"

Kahn said solemnly: "Abby has hidden many things from us. He said before that the company did not have any extraordinary items, and that all extraordinary items were kept at home by him. Now it seems that it is obviously a lie. our."

"Because of this, we paid too much attention to the protective power of the manor and neglected the Glover Company headquarters."

"Except for our personnel who were knocked unconscious at the scene, none of the seven agents from the Secret Service and the 15 employees who were working overtime in the company at the time survived!"

"I received the news and immediately rushed to the scene to check it out. At that time, all our people were eroded by a burst of red mist and fainted. The only thing taken by the murderer at the scene was a safe in the chairman's office!"

In an instant, Elena's eyes widened, while Weisman began to draw conclusions.

"Now the situation is very obvious. Red Mist was concerned about the relationship between Carlin and Miss Elena, so she did not kill the members of the Ranger Association.

Mr. Abby must have placed what the Shadow Brigade wanted at the company headquarters.

President Kahn, Miss Ariana, although I don’t want to hastily identify the murderer as the Shadow Troupe, but all the clues point to them, which is really a regrettable thing. "

"No! In this case, they only need to attack the Glover Company headquarters and take away the safe. Why bother poisoning Abby in front of everyone?!"

Elena immediately raised another doubt, and Kahn began to frown in thought after hearing this.

But Weisman just smiled and said: "I can understand your mood. It must be uncomfortable to be betrayed by someone you trust, but the fact is that no one can change it.

As for why they wanted to kill Abby, in my opinion, the level of madness of the Shadow Brigade is no less than those of the cult groups. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't do anything crazy.

I feel very sorry for this. Lord Salier had predicted that Mr. Abby would be brutally killed, but he never thought that the murderer would not be the Spider of Pain, but the Shadow Brigade. "

At this time, Charlotte, who had checked the spiritual traces at the scene, also came over and said: "Cousin, don't lie to yourself anymore, I just checked the traces.

Among the fragments of Abby's wine glass, I didn't find that anyone had touched him or the wine glass in his hand, as if he had poisoned it himself.

To be able to hide this from many of us, only the killers of the Shadow Brigade can achieve this kind of concealment. "

Elena felt bitter for a while, gritted her teeth and retorted: "Why couldn't Abby have poisoned the glass before she got it?"

Charlotte shook his head: "The Skaven's spiritual poison will explode as soon as it comes into contact. There is no incubation period. If the poison is poisoned before Abby picks up the wine glass, the goblet will be immediately poisoned. It’s completely corroded.”


I don’t believe this was done by Carlin. If you want to investigate, just stay here and investigate. Eric, Danetta, let’s go! "

After saying that, he angrily wanted to leave the scene with Eric and Danetta, but Weisman stopped the three of them expressionlessly.

With a bang, a powerful aura erupted from Elena's body. A long bow with an inscription on the surface was pulled in her hand. The arrow with a cold light pointed at Weisman, and it might be unstringed at any time.

Miss One Ear said with an angry expression: "You dare to stop me?!"

When the surrounding members of the Secret Service saw Miss One-Ear actually pointing an arrow at the Minister, they all drew their guns and pointed at Elena like a conditioned reflex.

Everyone in the Ranger Association immediately changed their expressions, and the crossbows in their hands were instantly cocked and pointed at the members of the Secret Service.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became depressed, and a gunfire might occur at any time.

The other ordinary guests quickly hid aside, fearing that they would be affected.

Kahn stood quietly, his frown never loosening.

He felt that Weisman's behavior today was a bit abnormal.

Because the Rangers rejected the Bening family's vigorous search for the Shadow Brigade in Wayne City, the relationship between the two parties became somewhat cold.

The Wayne City Secret Service branch also followed the example and ended the honeymoon period with the Ranger Association, but he only made some superficial gestures.

Because Weisman knew that the Amazon Kingdom and the Brent Kingdom had always maintained a cooperative relationship in many fields, and would not turn against each other just because of the minor conflicts caused by the Shadow Brigade.

Communication between countries cannot be that simple.

Weisman certainly understood this. During this period, he only asked the Secret Service to do superficial work and did not affect the personal relationships between members.

Just like today, the rangers who have a cold relationship will still work together with the Secret Service to ambush the Spider of Pain.

But Kahn felt that Weisman's behavior tonight was a bit abnormal, and he even publicly made things difficult for his daughter in front of him.

He knew that Eric and Danetta were invited by Elena to participate in this operation.

If only Elena is really allowed to leave, and the other two are forced to stay for questioning and review, then Elena's face will be lost.

The people he personally invited could not guarantee their personal freedom. This was not an ordinary humiliation.

What does Weisman mean by this obvious slap in the face?

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